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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. HELL YEAH! Who's excited! (Also at 0:27 Hunter is dual wielding DC-17m blasters so make it happen!)
  2. Bug Type (Server:): Clone Wars Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): Here ya go Description of the bug: The 501st Pilot job is using the 'Hawk' model and not their default 'Pilot' model How can we recreate it: Just look at the f4 menu or hop on the job and you can check the 'Attack Battalions Pack' to see the default 501st Pilot model as well. I couldn't stop looking at it lol Other: Also it only has 1 slog tho idk if that is just a TAB/F4 menu glitch or not as I’ve seen things like that before.
  3. There are several guns that scopes do not work on.
  4. I thought the Freelancers don't even do pvp due to none of their bounty levels or whatever it is is too low anyways. I dunno still think the pistol is sufficient. Most of them can just buy a perma weapon pretty easily tbh. and different colored models is what makes people, well different. I'd rather have multiple of the same cool model with different color schemes than one. An issue when BH first came out and an issue with Sith was they all just looked the same. Jet boots is gonna stay a no for me as well.
  5. Keep in mind not all GM or even Staff are the best at building so they try to work with what they've got. Hell I didn't learn how to build up until I was a Head Admin but I at least tried to throw props here and there or use other people's dupes in my events when I was a GM. Me after building a dupe for an event that I know will get broken because of a thermal det
  6. -1 for these things E-11 on Freelancer. Imperial era blaster and I believe the blaster pistol is sufficient and shows how low tier the Freelancers are in the Guild. Adding more Event Job models to Bounty Hunter jobs and removing so many of the new ones that make people look different and unique. For every model y'all remove I feel you should have a replacement for each one. Jet Boots for Guild Cabinet Members. I'd rather not have perma DW Event Jobs that will just superman fly away from everything. (Lowkey rename 'Support Hunter' to 'Guild Doctor' sounds cooler) Mando rocket on the Guild Leader is a little meh but not that big of an issue to me. Idk I just can't support some things in this suggestion tho some of them are cool.
  7. When all the Jedi ignite their saber for the promo and all you got is this:
  8. Deployments > Main Server Events Fact.
  9. Bug Type (Server:): Clone Wars Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: The DC-17m Anti-Armor attachment only does 60 damage when all rockets were buffed to do 600... How can we recreate it: Just spawn in the DC-17m Anti-Armor attachment and all the other rocket launchers and compare them. 60 damage is a big difference when compared to 600 lol
  10. 2/4 Dupe was cool but didn't really make sense and caused a shit ton of lag. Not much story and just a shootemup
  11. Yes but the problem with that is the Guild is based around a “favoritism” and “power playing” system where the guild leader is put into his position by the cabinet. This in itself can cause stagnation as a friend group can easily power play the cabinet and guild leader and nothing will be done and none of them will remove one another. May I ask who selects cabinet members and who can remove cabinet members? The cabinet can cause just as much stagnation as the guild leader can.
  12. Omega aren't considered Shadow Troopers and used their DC-17M blasters, not the DC-19LE.
  13. This is the worst thing I have ever listened to
  14. Didn't they say no because people had already bought it but imo they shouldn't have put Republic weapons on the perma weapons store. Read more of the post. I don't think paying back to half of those people would make them happy lol
  15. Support was replaced with ENG and now they have a seperate ARF job as well
  16. This is a very, very, very hesitant +1 my friend. Cloud you are a good kid but sometimes you can manage to do some really immature things on several different areas related to the server. (TS/Forums/Game) A Regimental Commander is a role model and adviser and should be acting as such. How you present yourself while in the position is VERY important. You represent your Regiment to the rest of High Command. I have seen you get in trouble more times than I can count for doing something you shouldn't or saying something you shouldn't and the last thing I want to see is you getting removed from Regimental for doing something dumb. You have matured a lot since I first met you but I do think there is plenty of room for improvement in your behavior and maturity and all I ask of you if you were to get this position is that you continue to improve these things and don't let the position get to your head and take you in the opposite direction. You got a good mindset for the position and you have some solid ideas, although some more thorough plans would've been nice. Good luck and don't fuck up.
  17. -1 If anyone would be getting any type of buffs in hp or armor it would be people like Heavies, ARCs, or RC. Not Medics. Its real ez to survive out there with a bacta kit just be smart about your movement and such
  18. Pretty sure it’s Doom’s Unit* lmao +1
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