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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Marvel

    patch staff app

    -1 You seem like a good kid but applying at or around 75 hours is a bit premature imo. Bump up those hours and get a little more experience in before jumping the gun. Nevertheless, good luck!
  2. +1 He got a fucking PC?!? Hero is back bby! Good luck!
  3. +1 Everyone has their rough patches. You seem like a good guy though so, Good luck!
  4. +1 Just remember patience is a big thing about being a Staff member. Good luck!
  5. +1 Ron +1'd you so obviously you're a deity or something. Good luck!
  6. +1 Really active and would make a great addition to the Staff Team. Good luck!
  7. Hi. May I ask how does one acquire this power? Sleep is something I could use in my life.
  8. 8/10 Really fun deployment! There were some bumps but when are there not? Keep up the good work.
  9. o7 Mar everytime some would set you for health or armor and stuff like that it would set me instead. Best of luck with all your hardships. I know you're a good worker and you'll get through it. <3
  10. This is worse than JangoSons
  11. +1 Decent looking app. Seems like you want to do good. Good luck! (Also Happy early Birthday)
  12. +1 Warthog has it why can't the rest. Also why not add other pilots as well like Hawk, Oddball, and Locke? Might as well go that far.
  13. -1 We already switched out Kal's LD-1 for Rako Hardeen's Rifle for lore accuracy only a few months ago which was actually a nerf for Kal. Jaing kept the LD-1 but really it's perfectly fine. Snipers are borked on GMOD anyways and the LD-1 is fine as is.
  14. The only way for him to legally get away with war crimes! +1 Crimson is a great guy and I can only see him doing great things in the position (Minus the war crimes) Good luck
  15. Marvel


    Honey bun and Choccy milk yw
  16. That really isn’t up to me but I believe the best solution to that is in a Command Meeting whilst Directors are present.
  17. Again if skills are lowered weapons would also be balanced as well... and Event Jobs and NPC health would be balanced too... The suggestion is “Remove Skill Points and More” not just “Nerf the Players and laugh while they get their cheeks clapped” This would entail a large rebalancing of the server to force people to use their brains and allies in combat rather than their stupid op stats.
  18. The red text was just an idea not the actual suggestion. Like I said it would have to be discussed to find the most suitable outcome for the server.
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