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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2024 in all areas

  1. I think a case should be made for both maps. I think the layout of Onderon is better, and has a way more expansive map, but Corellia has a lot better areas. I'll break it down for those of you who haven't voted Pros: Onderon Way better open map Locations are away from each other, but still accessible in short time Way more room for Dupes | Sector 2 | Void More space for Quests Not linear Synergy Exclusive Corellia Base is just a LITTLE better, layout wise Has a Citadel Has multi planets Slaver Camp as Neutral outpost is actually better than a Republic outpost Jedi Temple is insane Guild Hall is better than the Village HAS WATER Synergy Exclusive Cons: Onderon No Citadel Sector 2 is essentially useless and baron Base layout is elongated for little purpose Hitboxes on landscape really kill it Thesh is too massive for what it's used for. Would be better with defensive locations, and a door droids CAN'T shoot through Cave is neat, but too linear to have fun with 30% of the Village is used. The rest unfortunately (Cause I like the Village) is useless outside of bar and spawn BCC is in a terrible position Corellia Planets are only used for dupes, and Illum is the one used for 80% of tryout dupes, so a LOT of traffic delays Dark is nice, but would've done better with a swappable sky Literally a baron wasteland on top of base No flora at ALL besides the gmod trees Guild hall too accessible from base No void 1 actual SIM Room Events don't have as much flare, as GM's are working around claimed Planets, and a very linear map. Overall, Onderon outweighs the cons it has. Corellia unfortunately was a letdown for the stuff we were shown, and while it's a good map for a few reasons, it doesn't compare to Onderon and what it can offer. Anaxes V3 though is fucking fire. And since we have high pop again, why not add that to the poll.
    11 points
  2. It's expected on the workshop, with all the Five Night at Freddies and Skibidi Toilet drooling children. But this is Synergy Roleplay. Not trying to sound like an entitled asswipe. I am open to any and all suggestions, if they are coherent and have value. I know they are working towards getting an update made, so wherever you can make good suggestions, make them. They will be compiled and given to me. It's a map, and I know it's not going to be perfect, not saying it is. It's hard to know exactly what will work and won't work when the map is being made, thus good and quality suggestions can correct any issues you have. I agree being gridlocked on a map can cause boredom with it, so I also think map rotations are good.
    6 points
  3. i want anaxes v 3 it’s still the best map for SWRP
    6 points
  4. I have bias I think
    6 points
  5. Instead of yapping and complaining, post meaningful suggestions and ideas. Not "map stinks like toots and farts", legit helps nothing. This is literally like reading the workshop comments, hence why I turn that shit off.
    5 points
  6. y'all are cringe as hell
    5 points
  7. Okay even as a member of server management if you say you want Anaxes I can no longer guarantee your safety on this server
    5 points
  8. I've been sittin here trying to think of something to say, but the sudden hatewave for onderon is just a shock to me. I've got nothing to say to it. I wish I heard this all when I was around. All I got to see were a few server suggestions, no real complaints. They're not unwarranted, criticism helps any artist learn. I just wish all of this came sooner. Regardless, I'll take note of everything said here. I'm not certain if it'll matter for onderon or not quite yet, but I'll certainly take it all to heart for future maps.
    5 points
  9. I like Onderon more, yet voted for Corellia. I think both maps do something well, and if we could capture both then that would be ideal. The planets, interior of the base, and the Jedi temple on Corellia are superior. However, Onderon has a lot more open space for activities and it makes it a lot better for GM's, especially with the void. If GM's could get more creative and have better deployments, that would solve a lot of issues imo. We deploy maybe 7-14 times a week, and making THOSE more enjoyable and unique removes a bit of pressure off of GM's on Corellia to constantly host events that are mid. A rotation would be best. Get a Synergy Venator or another map, and cycle between 3 or 4 depending on the season of the year.
    5 points
  10. Where the hell was the Onderon love before? Shit was literally getting trashed on daily and we were at our lowest points ever. If we go back please go to V1/V2. V3 brought nothing but a laggy day to the server. Events were slideshows. This map is so much better optimized and actually feels like a base map. Onderon was just 10 inches of base and honestly felt like straight shit playing in after the base remodels. It felt so off. So non uniform. Patchwork base is what comes to mind. This Jedi Temple is BEYOND the best temple we’ve ever had. If we can swap the two then that is a gigantic W. I personally hate Onderon for being a walking simulator
    4 points
  11. Name: Kurt Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 05/12/24 Reason for Leaving: To be frank, the quota is atrocious for staff and the favouritism I’ve heard and witnessed is not really a good look. I will admit I do miss the nostalgia of the staff team back on Anaxes, but with the Directors “wanting the best for the community” when they put friends in high places who abuse their power is not good. Farewells: Still on the server, but @Underpaidstaff @Hystericalfor HA.
    3 points
  12. How about hear me out, we got to a map thats not Either one of em.
    3 points
  13. Boy do I have the map for you! (we made one and then abandoned it like months later because people hated the rotation) I think the "7-14 times a week" is the core issue here. Focus on finding good GMs like we used to, run LESS deployments which means more time for quality rather than "WE NEEEEED MAX POP MAN CRANK OUT A SHOOT EM UP FOR 2 HOURS YEAHHH!!" type deployments. The map won't change deployments but Onderon definitely makes events easier with how modular it is (building dupes wise) like in Sector 2.
    3 points
  14. I wish I could be mad at that statement...
    3 points
  15. This converation will be 1000x better if we actaully discuss pros and cons of the map instead of going off of vibes.
    3 points
  16. Remake endor without performance issues pls
    3 points
  17. After speaking with LilJ I have decided to void my -1 - the whole situation was just a mess of miscommunication so I don't really have any problems anymore. Thanks for speaking with me in teamspeak! Good luck :-)
    2 points
  18. Yea I'll just tell them to use the 5x5 closets behind bunks labeled "sim A" and "sim B"
    2 points
  19. If you vote for Corellia consider yourself an opp.
    2 points
  20. Onderon was way better. Sure Corellia is "prettier", but Onderon had way more functionality. Currently on base we have 1 real sim room, a citadel that barely gets touched, and 2 rooms so small that idk how they're counted as sim rooms. Sure the planets count, but when you can get kicked out at any point during a training or a tryout makes them annoying to use. Everything we have currently is just thrown on top of each other with no real care. Even when it comes to the Jedi temple, sure it looks better but with 0 sim rooms it just creates issues where Jedi have to go on Base and take those away from the Battalions. Have gotten countless complaints about Jedi holding up the on base sim room and there's just nothing I can even say. Also with Sector 2 on onderon, we had way more room to do GM stuff. That along with the void, Onderon was just 10x better fr.
    2 points
  21. imo stay on corellia unless we can get the Onderon one revamped. I.E less trees, bigger sky box. just the TLC it needs.
    2 points
  22. Also this. Endor was not a good map. Hot take. You miss the nostalgia and the shit that happened.
    2 points
  23. you woudl have went insane for synergy extensive
    2 points
  24. you people are fucking insane. Onderon had so many issues, the skybox is really low, theres no where to build except under or above the map because of how many trees there are, hunting for crystals is unbearable because of the awful spawn locations, the grass in sector 2 being so high that it blocks your view and NPCs can hide in it, no cit meaning unless you want a sim in an empty room you HAVE to get a dupe spawned, drill pod spam during events because its impossible to get any enemy forces inside base otherwise, THE FUCKING TREE HITBOXES THAT BLOCK YOUR SHOTS. PEOPLE COMPLAINED ABOUT THIS FOR A YEAR AND NOW YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO IT?! WHY?! Give it a week and people will be BEGGING to go back to corellia. Also why hell do you want to replace the base???? the base and the temple are like the only good parts of the map
    2 points
  25. Onderon. But Hire a mapper to grab the actual base of Corellia and put it on onderon. And the actual interior of the Jedi temple Why? The current base allows for role play and extremely easy to learn. The Jedi temple is small enough for Jedi but big enough so it isn’t crowded. The outside/surface of Ondrron is great. Allows for RP opportunities and coreellia does not.
    2 points
  26. Bro so many people made dupes for corellia already, what exactly prompted this? people dogging on the map? theyll start dogging on onderon if we go back daily just like they do every single map. endor crashs, anaxes is too big, titan base is too small. blah blah blah
    2 points
  27. Onderon for life <3 Though Skybox for Corellia is so good gonna miss it. If Onderon could get a small update too that would be a blessing
    2 points
  28. Name: Jake Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88765992 Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 3/4/2021 Reason for leaving: Unfortunately I'm leaving on a low I do not think I did nearly as much as my last two go arounds but life is catching up finally and I have some really good opportunities currently to make my life better and I would be a idiot not to direct my attention towards that. Farewells: Honestly I don't really have any I enjoyed my time with everyone that I got to interact with and quite a few new guys who I can say made my time on the server all the more enjoyable which probably is what kept me along for all this time. So I don't think I need to single people out here if people wanna still talk to me or play games they can always message me on discord for now though I think ill slink back to the shadows :)
    2 points
  29. The biggest issue is how split and spread suggestions can be. Say for example, some people really like night time maps, so they are fine playing on a night time maps. On the other side, the day time map people will be more outspoken because they prefer daytime maps. Critics will be more outspoken. And situations like that apply to every single nook and cranny on the map, from layout to lighting to prop choice to sounds to everything. So it's hard as any content creator (mapper, modeler, etc.) to provide something that is universally liked. So you can see how it's difficult to see which suggestions are actually worth pursuing. Obviously general QoL suggestions will always be sought as they will benefit everyone, but the other suggestions are hard to approach.
    1 point
  30. Listen. I think we need to take the best parts of all the maps we have played on and put them on one map. What did Endor have going for it? It had that nice path that circled around the entire map going past every outpost, plus the long dark tunnel. You could also walk through the base wall and view around the base as well as inside the base. It had those deep landing pads you could land on, but they also opened and went into a vertical hangar bay. It had the CQC sim room, plus the L shaped sim room. Anaxes v1 had a pretty awesome Jedi Temple with the two floor archives, detailed holocron vault with multiple laser grids, Jedi Security Room, the botanical garden room, a classroom. It had the Citadel with plenty of observation space on either side and above for it and the SIM room next door. I liked the Outposts too. BCC provided good overlook on the base, but didn't quite measure up to the sneakiness of Endor's walled base with laser gate. They also had that really cool waterfall cave system that looped around and had side rooms. Onderon has plenty of wide open area and the village, but could have benefited from a better Temple and some cool outposts. While the village was large in size, it was very underutilized and that attention could have been put elsewhere. The cave system is pretty nice, reminds me of the Anaxes caves a bit Correlia. Hate the name. But I like how it has those different planet areas to give variety to what can be done. It's got a nice height to it's skybox. The temple is really cool, but could benefit from the Anaxes 2 floor archives with attached security room as well as a holocron vault. Dojo rooms are fine, slightly bigger would be better, as well as a their own dedicated SIM room or two.
    1 point
  31. Hey! Remember that time when you made that joke about collision models? Yeah, well, I've been thinking about it, and it really bothered me. Like, I can't believe you'd say something like that, especially knowing me for so long. It's just not cool, you know? I thought you understood me better than that. I mean, we've been friends for years, and you should know by now what crosses the line for me. But that comment? It crossed every boundary. It's like you don't even care about my feelings. And yeah, I get it, maybe you didn't mean anything by it. But intent doesn't erase the impact. It hurt, plain and simple. And I can't just brush it off like it's no big deal. So, yeah, I'm calling you out on it. Maybe next time think before you speak, especially around someone you've known for so long. End of rant. Mother fricker.
    1 point
  32. Give me my Kitchen back
    1 point
  33. Where's the annaxes vote?
    1 point
  34. we should just go back to Anaxes ong jus sayin lol but ya PLS take us back to Onderon, its just better overall. I would like to have Corellia as a Deployment map tho
    1 point
  35. I give you guys my word once I get director ill make this server great again!
    1 point
  36. That's asking alot from some of these hooligans
    1 point
  37. oof yeah i thought i added it for both I don't really see teleporters as a massive pro. Just an easy out
    1 point
  38. Me Wanty Onderon
    1 point
  39. yeah not sure that would be an issue even if it was on the workshop
    1 point
  40. It isn’t bad. The map is great and the work you put in it shows. And for any other CWRP server it would be perfect! But the issue is trying to get more roleplay into the server and Onderon’s base is huge for something like that
    1 point
  41. Onderon or Corellia your going to get the same Cookie Cutter Events, The Issue isnt the Map. Different Map, Same GM Team.
    1 point
  42. @Jayarr a whole lot of the hate was happening post ban. It was when the server was falling off pre map update. I think ours was Cydii. If you’re taking about the one Jayarr made.
    1 point
  43. "also crazy that people seem to only love any map when we're not playing on it" Fixed that for you
    1 point
  44. I think we should go back to Onderon overall, I think it is a better map and just has a lot of things better than Corellia. Overall from my experience on Corellia, it has some better sim rooms than on Onderon on base. However, I will say I liked the environment and how much Onderon had over Corellia, and Onderon had a better village than the one on Corellia for the civilian factions. I would say though however, that the Jedi Temple on Corellia does look nicer however it misses a lot of things that actually make it functional, like a big training room instead of sharing it with everyone on base, and a holocron vault even though it not that big of a deal if we have a Holocron vault or not. However, almost or more than half the Jedi Temple has no-collide in places where it shouldnt be. Making it very easy and annoying to find people in it compared to the Onderon Temple which had a teleporter to base and none of it being no-collided. This last part is more on the crystal and hilt spawns being set up compared to actually how the map was made however, it is very easy to camp every spawn leaving it for one person to get all the crystal and hilt spawns compared to the Onderon map where it was almost impossible to camp every single spawn and were far spread out.
    1 point
  45. Just remake Endor ez
    1 point
  46. nothing against you Brother its just one of those little things and Dont get me wrong Onderon is great for its size but if we switch back its gonna upset a ton of pilots they love the sky box so if you can increase that as well I think you would win no contest.
    1 point
  47. Clicked Onderon so fast
    1 point
  48. -1 im fine with being the outlier but i think the void is not the best for the server health, people can have it claimed for 24/7 and constantly use it, and while you can say the same for sims there still on the server, not only did the void allow for a insane amount of ticket spamming, i just would rather add a layer to the map thats actually real instead of doing stuff in a void. When i was high staff i remember constantly asking people to despawn the void or try to remember, your to out of the server to the point its insane, in all aspects i think the cons outweight the pros, its convienet sure but i dont think its good for the server culture whatsoever. I feel alot of synergy members constantly fall into "sims 24/7 mindset" and the more we can avoid that the better, the amount of times i would see Battalions just stay in the void all day cause their BCMD/SQL was building a dupe or doing anything is just distubring, and since its not a sim it just alientes new players. The Cycle of BCMD/SQL trying to revamp their dupes every month wasting hours and time for nothing for a big ass useless dupe is insanity and should be avoided at all cost for me at least
    1 point
  49. Ahh man.. This guy.. +support (this was not dirty dan, kill myself still cool
    1 point
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