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Skeeti's Admiral Yularen Application


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Steam Name: Skeeti


RP Name: Fleet Vice Admiral Kilian


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107437447



212th Attack Battalion

TR3 - 1st Lieutenant

212th is where my synergy story began. I just got done with my CC training by Navvi and saw that the 212th was hosting tryouts. I came in as just a 101st TR3 named Smeal. Soon after I was recruited by a great officer named Soul, I changed my name to Skeeti. I stayed with the 212th for months upon end under the command of Billiam and BlackMamba. Throughout those times, I made a couple buddies that made the 212th a lot better for me. Some including Alan, Cloud, Shockpoint, Apex, and Maloik. Soon I became dedicated enough to reach the rank of 1st Lieutenant along with the title of Ghost Company Waxer. Soon after I had been dedicated to the ARC regiment enough to be selected as the ARC Lead of the 212th. A while after my milestone, BlackMamba had done an officer purge that I was lucky enough to avoid due to the fact he knew I was active but I was on LOA. Soon after, he did another officer purge that I was sadly not able to avoid and got booted out of my position. I then began to try out new battalions and see what the rest of the server was like. After a while of trying out other battalions, I came back and began playing with a couple new faces I had not know and got a good reputation with the new people I met. There was this Master Sergeant who had recruited me named Hazard. We began to have a friendly competition to see who can do the most work. I soon got in to the Pilots program and achieved the lore position of Oddball. Upon getting the position, I had also became the Pilot Lead of the 212th itself and soon after achieved the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. I currently hold an NCO position as a 2nd Airborne Field Medic Officer of the 212th.


327th Defense Battalion

SGM - Captain

327th had always been a quite interesting battalion to me, as I had never been in a battalion like it. I joined as a Sergeant Major under the name of Skeeti and started off as a medic in the Bacta Company under the command of Fragger and Heroix. When I met the requirements to be eligible to try out for K-Company, I went to the tryouts and became a K-Company medic. Soon after, I became a K-Company character under the name of “Galle” soon after. My first promotion to 2nd Lieutenant was by Fragger a little bit after I got K-Company. As I was going through officer ranks, I went to Null Squad Jaing tryouts, where my time in the 327th would end.



Youngling to Knight I

I had passed Youngling Trials not long after I received my VIP Rank Package. My interest was the one branch that stood out to me. The Sentinel Branch had always been my main branch and I have never transferred to another branch ever since I passed trials as a Padawan. Jedi had not been much to me until I was granted the rank of Knight 1 by passing the Knight Trials. I got the courage to pass Shadow Trials and maintained that position for about two weeks until Padawans were no longer able to become Temple Guard or Shadows.  Being a Jedi has lead me to see a different roleplay aspect of the server in many different forms.



MIDN-Vice Admiral

Oh boy. I’ve had a long ride through naval and gathered very much experience as a high ranking Naval. I, to this day, uphold my responsibilities as naval while maintaining a good reputation on the server and player base. So about a month after I got my VIP, I realized that Naval tryouts didn’t happen too often. I saw Weevil hosting tryouts, and I wanted to become Naval. I passed on my 2nd try, and it was a huge accomplishment for me. After about two weeks, I began focusing most of my activity on it and made it my main focus on the server. I was on basically all day when I was home and did not take many LOAs. Once I made it to the rank of PO3, I realized that hosting trainings was actually kind of fun. I hosted trainings all day sometimes and it made me more dedicated in to the position. I made a good reputation for myself and became known to the Naval Player Base. My first big promotion was my promotion to Ensign, where hosting tryouts was introduced to me. I thought hosting tryouts and helping with tryouts were even better than hosting trainings, but I still maintained the amount of trains required with many extra.  As I made my way through all the ranks, I gained more respect and responsibilities that I had ever had before, and sooner or later, it became a normal thing for me. I hosted many, many trainings and helped officers out with tryouts until I became an officer myself. I grinded tryouts and trainings on my naval everyday, hoping to achieve the rank of Commodore+. Ever since I joined, I have not had many bad things to say about naval, as I still help them in maintaining a good state and reputation. I currently hold the position of Vice Admiral Shoan Kilian.


Republic Commando Ion Team/Foxtrot Squad


My first Republic Commando encounter was when I passed Ion Team Ras tryouts. I was an active Ion Team Member and a good, immersive role player. I helped out with many tryouts and participated in many events. As this position, I became even better at role play than I was before. I became interested in EOD, MED, TECH, and Interrogating Roleplay as I began participating more with Null and the Republic Commandos. A while after I got Ras, I was transferred into Foxtrot Squad as a Medic. Shortly after being transferred, I had lost interest in my position as a I felt like I was getting nowhere.


Clan Skirata (Null)

Soon after I reached the rank of Captain in the 327th, I saw that Null Squad Jaing Tryouts were being hosted. I went to the tryouts think maybe I would get lucky, and I did. It is one of the biggest achievements I have to this day. In the position of Jaing, it was one of the most fun experiences I have had on this server to this day and I still miss the position. Roleplay as Jaing was one of the best things about being in the position of an Elite Squad, as it also gave me more experience. Clan Skirata had a huge impact on how I play and how I see the server today.


Why should you become Admiral?:

My skills and previous achievements lead me to believe that Naval, under my leadership as Admiral, would have a much larger impact on the server as a whole. I have been in various positions that give me a lot of responsibilities to handle, and I handle it well. Through my determination and hardwork, I managed to gain the rank of Vice Admiral Shoan Kilian, and through the various experiences I have gained, I believe I have a complete understanding of the situation and how to improve it. I will change the way the server sees Naval as a whole, and will make sure that the reputation of Naval is better than ever before. Being active is essential to becoming the Admiral. People look up to the Admiral and the Naval when things are going wrong on the ship. I am very active and have done many things to improve the aspect of Naval. I will make sure that Naval is organized in a professional and respectful way. I have achieved much in my time as vice admiral Shoan Kilian, though I can achieve much more as Admiral Yularen. Naval will become disciplined, respected, and capable if navl itself becomes an active and major portion of the server, that is willing to help it in any way possible. Roleplay will become more immersive and will have more meaning than just being Naval.


Do you understand the lore of the Republic Navy?:

Yes. I understand the Lore.

I can be on all the time when I am home. I am only not not when I have a baseball game (about two hours). (EST)


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

There is a large variety of achievements that I have gotten of my time on Synergy.

  • Became an officer of the 212th Attack Battalion.

  • Got the lore positions of Tracker, Waxer, and Oddball in the 212th.

  • Made the Staff Team

  • Achieved Pilot and ARC Lead of a battalion

  • Reached the rank of Vice Admiral in the Republic Navy

  • Moved my way up to the rank of Knight 1 on my Jedi

  • Passed Republic Commando Tryouts

  • Passed Clan Skirata Jaing Tryouts

  • Gained a good reputation with many people on the server


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a microphone


Where do you want the Republic Navy to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term, there is a variety of things I want to make sure Naval has. First, I wish for the Republic Navy to be actively participating in community events and actively hosting trainings and tryouts to improve the quality of the server. Equally as important is the navy becoming organized and professional. Being  organized and professional is a critical aspect to improve the quality of Naval. We will be professional by removing the mingey players along with the ones who do not care to improve Naval. The rules should be upheld and enforced by all people. THey should be strict and meaningful.   Hopefully when my term is up, those who were not too disciplined before should be serious and dedicated to make a change in the Republic Navy by the time my time is up. Our documents will hopefully be all up to date and our rosters will be formatted correctly. I also want all of the player base to be mature. I want them to know when to have fun, but also know when to be serious. The officers will be the backbone of Naval, helping the other Commodores and Admirals and I to decide what needs to be improved and who is putting in the work to move on the Naval. Most importantly (to me), I hope the Republic Navy is capable to support their self and improve the aspect of Naval itself. They should be able to be strong in supporting the next person that will lead them down their next path.

How do you plan to change the Republic Navy under your command?:

There is a large amount of qualities that I want to make sure change in the Republic Navy under my command.


One of the most important things that I will change is the activity of the player base. I plan on giving each branch a bigger variety of activities to keep them occupied and hopefully, more things for them to do during events and roleplay situations. I will also make sure that there is at least four tryouts a day so that we can keep our numbers thriving productively.


Another big thing that I will try my best to change is the incentive to roleplay. I plan to make it meaningful by making sure there is always something for each division of Naval to do during roleplay situations and also during down time. Possibly even a new branch so that the new recruits have a bigger variety of things to choose from along with the rest of Naval.


I also intend to make the rules more strict, to improve the professionality of the Republic Navy. I plan to make it so players get two warnings before being removed from the Republic Navy. In addition to making Naval more professional, tryouts will become harder so that people feel as if becoming Naval is an accomplishment, while currently it is too easy and anyone can join without dedication.  Promotion requirements will become a bit more strict so that people can not get promoted without doing any work. This will help improve activity and dedication put in to Naval. An Event training will also be added so that the members of the Republic Navy know what to do in any situation and how to operate the functions of the ship so that they can have meaningful roleplay during events.


As each branches have their flaws, I plan to wipe all Branch managers and chiefs down to the rank of Officer so that we can re-elect new Branch leaders that are dedicated and want to put in the work to improve the quality of the branch. During this event, a roll call will be held to make sure each Naval member is in what Branch they want to be in before the wipe is said and done.  


To keep all of the Republic Navy in contact, there is a Public Discord set up so that anyone on the server can contact a Naval for any reason at all just to keep us connected to the rest of the community. In the discord, players will be able to request for certain trainings or just plain tryouts along with updating ATC callsigns and name changes. This will be useful by helping us keeping all of our documents up to date and to know just when a certain training needs to take place. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I understand.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Admiral rank?:


Edited by Tracker
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+1 After some thinking and talking with skeeti a bit i got to see a the side him i didn't see so imma change my vote cause he changed what i thought of him but you are still inactive :'D. 

An also for the people that came back and witch hunted the people that went against skeeti you should be ashamed of yourself.



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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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55 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

-1 like actually no memeing you are inactive

An I'm yoda and have a order to run and i barely ever see you and when i do you are AFK


:thinking: +1 Good luck 

  • Agree 1

Former Positions: 

  • 41st XO
  • 41st Green Leader
  • 41st Faie
  • Temple Guard Manager/Cin
  • Overseer
  • Gamemaster
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+1 Skeeti I dont personally know you but I have a lot of respect for you. You are doing your best and you are improving this aspect of naval, you are cutting down on minginess in Naval and making sure we are not setting out a bad image. Even if its in TS and we are jut acting mingy or calling each other names you always tel us to stop which is what is going to improve naval in the future. I can see why you are Vice Admiral and I believe you will be a good cnadidate for the position. Not ponly do you cut down on minginess but you also stick up for Naval and make sure no one is bullying them for nay reason. Okay Bully maybe a harsh work but like no one is insulting them. You always take a step back to analyse the situation before you make a decision and you always make sure you get both seds of the sotry. Extremely active guy aswell.

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Might not seem like most active dude, but does a lot of work behind the scene.
While he doesn't do a lot to promote roleplay, that is not the role of the admiral in my opinion, the role of admiral is to lead naval, and that means doing a lot of off the scene works most won't see.


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+1, Skeeti has been working pretty hard in naval for a long time now. He is a good lad a deserves the position more than anyone as of right now in my opinion. Reach for the skies my dude! #Skeeti4Yularen #MakeNavalGreatAgain!

Edited by Striker
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  • Coordinator

To be straight forward honest i rarely saw you beforee this week which is my only worry youve been known to go inactive on positions and youve shown that to me within your time of SOBDE
But if u keep up this activity youll do a great job as admiral 

For now though Im going Netural

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1 minute ago, woeny23 said:

To be straight forward honest i rarely saw you beforee this week which is my only worry youve been known to go inactive on positions and youve shown that to me within your time of SOBDE
But if u keep up this activity youll do a great job as admiral 

For now though Im going Netural

Thanks! And just to let you know thats when I was on LOA :)

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Couldn't think of anyone better for the job.

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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I won't lie, before this week i didn't know who you where, but now \this week you've been great I've talked to you a surprising amount, but i feel like its kinda you coming out of the wood work to get a higher position now that its open. With that said if you keep up how you're doing easy +1, if this is just a fad then i hope you don't expect to hold the position long. Don't disappoint i'm sure you have what it takes.

Overall: Hesitant +1.

  • Agree 1


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      Now I love naval more than anything, and seeing that you were the vice I do have concerns ever since synergy started up naval has never been the same well naval's downslide began with technodad. I say its been through ups and downs but it has never reached being a ok branch. I really want to see naval or future base ops have no more drama or little issues and it breaks my heart that it has been nonstop since day 1. My only concern is that you were vice and started to really fix the battalion like 1 week ago. But when you started to fix it I see so many naval on now and that's great. You have been taking charge and naval seems to back you up. I really see you taking this battalion to a great place and if you ever need help from some og naval you can ask @Egg or @Qal and even me, they were one of my best naval back in the day. But the past is the past and I think naval won't ever be like mine and that's not a bad thing there are so many ways to run naval. I think both candidates are very experienced but I want to see a new face and a new way. Most of us have been very disappointed we think with every new admiral they will fix naval up but it never gets to that point. So I will +1 this and do me a favor and don't ruin this you have started something great 1 week ago keep going down that path ;). Just a fast summary I see you as a great leader you are very professional all I need is to see more. 


Retired - Admiral Max 












Edited by Max
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Don't agree with the officer branch wipe, but I know you are someone who is capable of taking constructive criticism and will work with naval as a whole to figure out how to change things rather than leaving it up to just yourself.



-Commodore Alfa

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Me: "What? skeeti applying for admiral  no -1  inactive" 
Skeeti: "I have no -1s" 
Me: "Bet" 

-1    As much as I want to support you,  you have challenged me   so  no  

















jk +1

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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If im going to be honest, I have never heard you before this application then again im not the most active in the world. 

I will also mention that due to how Erm. Well behaved your second in command acts on other applications it reflects poorly on you, and makes others think if you can keep certain hostile people in line. The more in more I see others constantly dragging out arguments on the forums and 2 of them needing to be slapped by the owner once again looks poorly on you. If you cant keep drama, and the members of naval from not being hostile cunts. Makes me feel as if you're not fit to lead naval.

Due to a short (extremely short) Talk with Skeeti makes me feel more confident in his ability's. So for right now


Edited by WaterMelonWolf
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-1 mainly on activity and activity alone A inactive leader is worthless. Otherwise it would have been a +1.

  • Agree 3

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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+1 (yes i know I'm supporting Both but no where does it say I'm not allowed)


-Nice personality

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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19 hours ago, Max said:

      Now I love naval more than anything, and seeing that you were the vice I do have concerns ever since synergy started up naval has never been the same well naval's downslide began with technodad. I say its been through ups and downs but it has never reached being a ok branch. I really want to see naval or future base ops have no more drama or little issues and it breaks my heart that it has been nonstop since day 1. My only concern is that you were vice and started to really fix the battalion like 1 week ago. But when you started to fix it I see so many naval on now and that's great. You have been taking charge and naval seems to back you up. I really see you taking this battalion to a great place and if you ever need help from some og naval you can ask @Egg or @Qal and even me, they were one of my best naval back in the day. But the past is the past and I think naval won't ever be like mine and that's not a bad thing there are so many ways to run naval. I think both candidates are very experienced but I want to see a new face and a new way. Most of us have been very disappointed we think with every new admiral they will fix naval up but it never gets to that point. So I will +1 this and do me a favor and don't ruin this you have started something great 1 week ago keep going down that path ;). Just a fast summary I see you as a great leader you are very professional all I need is to see more. 

Retired - Admiral Max

Or @Robby/Ri

But +1

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  • Founder

Congratulations your application has been accepted for interview 

Please contact a Director on teamspeak by July 7th

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  • Founder

Accepted for the position of Admiral Yularen 

Your term ends 9/3/18

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