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Woenys Senior App


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==========[ Senior Commander ]==========

Steam Name: [SR]Woeny23[VA]


RP Name:SOBDE REG CMD Woeny/ Grey Teidowan Woeny


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):0:0:85912862


Brigade you are applying for: Specialized and SOBDE



501st Legion:This is where majority of my time was From the first day i joined till a monthish, When i first joined i was under first meerel, During my Ncos times i was our only medic so i became the 501st’s Medic lead although not gonna lie during that time basically didn't mean anything


I was quickly promoted to 2nd lt because of my actions and the amount of tryouts i held, I began commanding troops during battle and around this time i became an intel officer (For 501st docs) it was basically the same until i hit Ltc. When I became LTC Acorn was TCC Kain(Puke) was xo along with caps so there was 1 spot open for xo.

This is when we Synergy became a thing. Day 1 of synergy i was promoted to Cmd and was made intel lead for the 501st documents. We brought in a new system in which how Gm runs there regiments with different regiments have leaders and overseers for that area of regiment, Since i was medic lead for the longest time i was made the Support Regiment Overseer which oversaw Medics Engineers and Arf Troopers. During this All 3 of those regiments were alive and having quality troopers not just to fill spots. I did such a great job with that I was made Regimental Lead which oversaw all regiments and regiment overseers. All the other regiments were struggling because some didn't have a pointed leader and so it was because of the load out (Our assault troopers). I quickly appointed troopers that had earned the position.

Torrent Company Commander: After The current TCC resigned they needed someone to   fill the spot, At the time i was the only one capable to fill it so i filled the spot until another would arise to claim that spot. Within the span of a couple of weeks i had filled all name characters and Basic Tc troopers which had never been done before.(Was alot of fucking tryouts to do). For these tryouts i created Scenario sims based off what they would be like in the actual clone wars.(Will provides examples if you would like)

RC Ion Team Ras: When I was Ras and I  really enjoyed the environment of a small squad, During this that  really only been able to help with tryouts and help improves others medical rp, and pvp in general

RC Ion Team Climber: So when I got Climber we were missing a Ras and a Trace. Before I began hosting tryouts I let my eod (Vires) now from this point on any minging or breaking rules, complaints etc would no be tolerated and that would be the only warning the squad in general would get. After that I went over the tryouts to see if there was really anything I wanted to cut/add in which wasn't much. I got Ras after 8 tries (Derv) in which he received the same warning. For the longest time it was just us 3 in the squad because no one could pass Trace. The squad itself currently has the image I wanted it to have (expect having a Trace in the picture). I've made sure the squads activity remained up. Just recently after 71 ROUNDS of Trace Tryouts I got a Trace. Through the process I removed a part of the tryout because of tight space adding more intensity to the trigger discipline. Ive Gained bonds with Other RC Squads Null.

Jedi Order: In the Jedi order I worked myself into the guardian branch got weapon specialist and a saberstaff. I was later promoted to Guardian manager. I got master but i soon resigned from the position as it was not for me but I still playing squidface

RC 39 Foxtrot Lead Gregor: So Ion Became foxtrot but it came to the same thing as I was running it as we were Ion the only thing that change was i had to edit the tryouts some nothing insanely special. Got a full squad and run it strictly

SOBDE REG CMD-  For my time as SOBDE REG, I have enforced making sure the members of SOBE remain active, work hands on with the sqaud leads to help them improve their squads, Forced Seriousness that was needed during major things and in a general whole.

I have Restarted trainings with the RC  and Null to provide them to the general public


I set up tryouts for Co, The roster and much more

Worked along side the captain to assist him help the gentlemen into rc/null





Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

I feel like I should be Senior cause I understand How SOBDE works since its small units

Aswell as a huge battalion is suppose to be run since I was a head commander for the 501st during Jacksons era, With the experience I know how to help both sides of the regiments incase they need help

Aswell as I know majority of the bcmds and have good relations with the higher officer within those battalions


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?: Yes I do


Availability: Basically alot of the time im on here if im not on here im either at school or work otherwise im always avaliable


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

I became the main commander for 501st

Led Torrent Company and filled all of its spots without TC being Mingy

Became Ras and be apart of an amazing squad being best medic

Filled a squad as climber and led the squad successfully

Became a guardian manager

Got promoted to master

First Gregor of the server and Running a strict squad


Current Senior Admin and Past Vet Admin on the server



Do you have a microphone?: Yuppers


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my Term I hope to keep SOBDE active and Serious like i've been striving and doing currently in SOBDE

For Specalized

CG- I would like to enforce more trainings because currently they are seen as a lower battalion when it either comes to some rp and other things

DU- Dooms Unit already does good work in the training would like to help them keep it up

104th- I wanna work with them on there speciality helping them being actual able to do it


How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

To be straight forward honest with you Relation in SOBDE are fine but getting them to branch out to specialized is asking for man to do the impossible

Specialized -  Some have good relations already just working on improving the others


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Sure Diddly Do


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?: Sure Diddly Do








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+1, I've been talking to you for a long. You're always ready to help or lend a helpful hand. Even in things that aren't your responsibility. You have tons of knowledge and loads of experience, and are just a great guy to hangout with. Lets change the active regimentals to active seniors. Lets rock this ship homie.

Edited by conrad


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 i think squids are cute too

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-1 inactive boyo













+1 just messing with u, your a great man and are very active already so why not ;D

Edited by pransar

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi CMD KU Knight Simms

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+1 dad?

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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  • Founder

Congratulations your application has been accepted 

You have until 6/13/18 to contact a Director on teamspeak for your interview 

Good luck!

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have been accepted for the position of Senior Commander

Your term ends 8/6/18

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