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Tyzen's Grand Master of the Order Application


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==========[ Grand Master of the Order ]==========


Steam Name: [SR]Tyzen|Nix|CinDrallig[NA]


RP Name: Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:38441546




Outside Of the Order:



I first started out in the 501st and made my way up to Warrant Officer of the battalion and I had a goal to make the battalion a better place to not have any hate between people and also try not to do much PT if it wasn’t needed. During my time in the 501st I worked close with the other Torrent Company Officers to get the Torrent to have more people in the the elite branch of the 501st. Also I helped out with making sure all Non-Commissioned Officers were set up to be better leaders of for the battalion to make 501st more of a serious place then being a minge squad. In the 501st I took over the intel team which controlled the documents of the 501st and implemented a training system for the officers where they needed to write up training and host them on a weekly basis. Also Most NCOS had a training to do for enlisted to where they had to recruit at least 3 people per 2 weeks so they had the time and if they didn’t they would get either PT or they would be put on a rank freeze, Until they recruit the people.


Delta Squad

When I first came into delta squad I didn’t expect much other than us being the elite where I lead many missions as fixer which I earned the respect of Boss at the time. I kept up with the Training and kept leading more missions so I made it up to Captain where I would help out some battalions on formations and helping then where it’s needed in like PVP and PVE sims just to get there comms running and have them actually become a lot better.


Omega Squad

Now to present day where I reside In omega squad for what I helped with was to decide how to shorten the TECH Training and the EOD training so they wouldn’t take hours upon hours at a time just to have one pass. I’ve helped a lot with Null trying to fill in there squad so they can have their full potential. Another thing I have done is try to out with making different things for RC members to do with like helping people on formations or regularly helping CT’s on faces.

Inside the Order:

Guardian Manager-

My time as a guardian manager Started off when I was a Knight II I was hosting and teaching padawans how to spar to past these trials over the time I was a guardian manager I tried to get people into the branch that were the best sparrers out there so they could continue to teach padawans or even knights to make sure that everyone was trained properly in the order.

Guardian Lead-

My Time as the branch lead with guardians was a fun one I tried to work with my managers closely to get people into the branch and update the trials as needed and just all around try and bring the guardian branch alive again as I wanted to do from the start. As the lead of the branch I wanted to also bring a more important role to the guardian branch which was teaching padawans or knights the ways of sparing and trying to make them a model guardian that everyone sees them to be. Another thing that happened was we brought Aces back into the guardian branch which we started to start up into a branch when we had leadership in it as a fill to start the trials for Ace.

91st Senior Jedi General Adi Gallia- During my time as master I progressed through the ranks as the 91st jedi general when I first started as the general the battalion was in dire need of help what I started to do was make the battalion have some numbers and some ncos in the battalion to try to have the battalion be more fun and I brought some people in that I could trust in certain places as Ncos and officers. Also as adi gallia I tried to train padawans and knights constantly and worried about the order first to make sure everything was ok in the order and made sure Docs were updated and tried to be reasonable with council members and brought ideas in that people wouldn’t think of during council meetings to try and make the order and better place for the padawans and knights.


Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig: I have went to trial for cin drallig and tried to bring a more positive attitude on the character to make the temple guard more of a thing to be picked in the order then going to a trial for the right to be a temple guard. An also i’ve been focused on order first where I still take trials and also help out with trials that aren’t mine to host.


Why should you become Grand Master?:


A couple reasons why I would like to be grand master is because I want to bring more fun to the order and make it a less strict place to a certain extent. I feel that somethings that are going on need to be enforced more with padawans not being trained properly. An also putting people in correctly places that deserve their positions. An also I want to bring a more roleplay aspect to the order and try and encourage it more than just sitting around doing nothing. I want to also feel like there voice is going to be heard for the council and so people can maybe get what they want and try and improve relations with lower ranks in the Jedi order. Also I want to Roleplay as the character by doing the yoda voice to keep RP alive in the order then it just being it mainly off sparing.


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes.


Availability: Usually all day most days depending on if i’m babysitting or with family usually I’m on from 2pm EST to like 4 am EST I try to be on as much as possible.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


WO of the 501st- “best warrant officer 501st has had”-Jackson. was trying to make the 501st a serious place when it came to PT or Ncos and officers making sure everything was set and clear if you fuck up you are demoted.


Delta Squad Fixer- passed the tryout was tried to be by the book and Rp the character.


Omega Squad Atin- Was this for 2 months tried to RP the character and be serious as my RC for being the best of the best.


Senior Jedi General – I became a senior when I was doing great with the 91st and also working with the order and making a better place


Adi Gallia – Named Character, attached to the 91st. Voted on by council.  Was active with them for the whole period of being adi gallia


Cin drallig- One of the hardest trials in my opinion to pass in the jedi order aside from Lightsaber instructor


New Admin – applied for the position


TR – Trainer Basic entry level for training program.


Guardian Branch Lead- I was guardian branch lead for close to a month and having to create a couple new trials to make the branch more enjoyable when it comes to the roleplay aspect for it and trying to make them the best sparers on the server to teach padawans and knights.



Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

The place I want the order in after my yoda term is over I want it to be a fun place where people won’t get to stuck up in trying to go for roles they shouldn’t and making sure I people that are going to be doing there job within the order and making it a all around better place.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:


What I plan to do is have once a week have a meeting that will include all the branch leads in them to try and see what’s wrong and how to improve them and make a document to where if there is a person that is in a branch that wants to go for a different branch to put it on there so we can get someone in the branch to train them for the trial so they can pass it and be apart of the branch so there is no bad relations with in the branches so everyone will work as a whole in the order to try and make it a better place.Also another thing is I want to start encouraging masters and branches to start working together on things to make it a better place so that if people want to RP consulars would host passive RP in the temple or have a random sith spirit walk in and the consular will have to battle it’s dark side or a guardian will come in and help if its a normal sith


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes, I understand.

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+1 dew it

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Alrighty I know I'm not around much so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I think you have merit and are a hard worker. You could really do a good job as Yoda later down the line. However my opinion at the moment is that the best person to work on improving the order remains CMO. He has had a hard time with some of the failings of his predecessors but he is working very hard and I can see him improving the order in the weeks to come if he continues. I am going to have to -1 simply because I believe that CMO would be a better candidate as far as what the order needs right now from a very outsider perspective.

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14 minutes ago, Llama/Yoda said:

Alrighty I know I'm not around much so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I think you have merit and are a hard worker. You could really do a good job as Yoda later down the line. However my opinion at the moment is that the best person to work on improving the order remains CMO. He has had a hard time with some of the failings of his predecessors but he is working very hard and I can see him improving the order in the weeks to come if he continues. I am going to have to -1 simply because I believe that CMO would be a better candidate as far as what the order needs right now from a very outsider perspective.

-1 due to the reason and also you have not been a Master for that long. There are other people on the Council who have more experience that deserve the position more.

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Sorry my boy but -1 I feel that despite the great work you have done thus far, you are simply not experienced enough to take on the role of running the Jedi Order. You will be a great prospect for Yoda later down the line, however I simply see it as TOO EARLY   for you to take this position.

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5 hours ago, Washington said:

Sorry my boy but -1 I feel that despite the great work you have done thus far, you are simply not experienced enough to take on the role of running the Jedi Order. You will be a great prospect for Yoda later down the line, however I simply see it as TOO EARLY   for you to take this position.

And what would you say is the right amount of time for someone to apply for Yoda?

I try to respect all opinions for the most part, but in my eyes there is no "right time" exactly. If you meet the requirements and feel you can do good or better than the person that's currently in the position than you should go for it. I was only a Master for a little less than 3 months (around the same amount as Tyzen if I am not mistake) when I applied for Yoda, still there was people who doubted me and said it's too early.


All of being Mace Windu and Yoda I was told I made rash decisions. I absolutely hate when people say that, especially from some more than others because it's so hypocritical. I honestly can only think of one time I was rash during those to times and it was when I went for Doom, left the Order, and didn't make sure I had a strong successor to take over after my term ended. It's much easier now to look back, regret what I did, and say I shouldn't have done that after the fact. I'm not saying anyone did a bad job at all or that I don't like anyone who is in a position they are in currently. There is no control over some of the things that happen or happened.

+1 During my term a few people that held the Yoda position or close to it before came back every once in a while and said how much he or she didn't like the direction of the Order. At the time I was mind boggled on why they were saying this, but now I get it. It's only once you become that former Yoda/Mace you realize why the other former people in the position were coming back in your term saying what they did. I don't think it's a secret to people with the council that I am not a full fan of the direction everything is going. I immensely believe Tyzen will do well, great things for the Order, and further the Order for the better.


*Some of you may say Dargon you're inactive and don't know whats going on in the order. Sure I haven't played, but I have been to meetings, in teamspeak, talked to the members of the council, etc. I know what happened and know whats happening.*

Edited by Dargon
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have to say man its a -1, i personally think the other people running would do a better job.. i believe u would be a good yoda in the future ( u defo have the right set of skills and mind set) but for now my vote is with the other people applying. good luck :)

Edited by Flynn
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4 hours ago, Llama/Yoda said:

Alrighty I know I'm not around much so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I think you have merit and are a hard worker. You could really do a good job as Yoda later down the line. However my opinion at the moment is that the best person to work on improving the order remains CMO. He has had a hard time with some of the failings of his predecessors but he is working very hard and I can see him improving the order in the weeks to come if he continues. I am going to have to -1 simply because I believe that CMO would be a better candidate as far as what the order needs right now from a very outsider perspective.

i agree


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+1 Nuff said he proves himself in game and ON THE SERVER

Edited by woeny23
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I think we need to just give people a chance. I want to build on something that said earlier. While someone my be New in a position, doesn’t exactly mean that they aren’t ready for the position. Saying that, people saying that you would be a good Yoda down the line is kind of odd. So if they can be a good Yoda later but not now is just kind of a backhanded. But that’s just me. 



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-1 I might not be the most active but I still do some things every once in a while and I am mostly current in the Jedi. I do not think you would be a good fit for yoda as of right now because of the fact that you climbed through the order so fast. I will not deny the fact that you have done a lot for the order in terms of trials and such and have been quite active in terms of voting and suggesting changes. You have some good ideas but you don't need to be yoda to try and implement them. Try and keep doing what you are doing, spend some time as Cin Drallig and try and improve things from there because you are now part of the jedi "High Command" Take your time, slow down, prove that you can do a good job as cin drallig.

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15 minutes ago, Puck said:

I think we need to just give people a chance. I want to build on something that said earlier. While someone my be New in a position, doesn’t exactly mean that they aren’t ready for the position. Saying that, people saying that you would be a good Yoda down the line is kind of odd. So if they can be a good Yoda later but not now is just kind of a backhanded. But that’s just me. 



Well that is normally how it works, someone who is new to a bottom level position isn't ready to lead the organization it is apart of.

I was only a Master for a little less than 3 months (around the same amount as Tyzen if I am not mistake)

He's been a master for just over a month.

Edited by Pyle
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18 minutes ago, Pyle said:

Well that is normally how it works, someone who is new to a bottom level position isn't ready to lead the organization it is apart of.

I mean if he was at the bottom position, he would be a youngling, am I wrong? He’s been in the in the organization for a while and saw how things worked and he believes that there is changes needed that is not being answered by the previous head. And I know you mean he’s at the bottom of the Jedi order and hierarchy , but that doesn’t discount that he has changes in mind. So I just don’t think he is not prepared, just a little fresh of the higher order

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1 hour ago, Pyle said:

Well that is normally how it works, someone who is new to a bottom level position isn't ready to lead the organization it is apart of.

He's been a master for just over a month.

*I can't exactly find the date in the records, but I wouldn't say it's "just over a month." I'm 99% sure he got Master around 12/6, so he's been a Master for almost 2 months, not just under 1.*


Now I wasn't the first choice, but either way I was a Master for 3 weeks and got Mace Windu. Did I do a terrible job? In my personal opinion, no. Mace and Yoda are practically the same job. Being in High Command positions doesn't necessarily mean you would be and are ready to be a good Yoda, in fact I can argue the complete opposite and cite many cases that people who got Jedi High Command would be terrible as Yoda. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to be Yoda and manage the Order, it basically runs itself. There's a reason why the requirement is a month as Master. I knew how the Council ran and how do everything within the first few weeks. Tyzen has proven his worth by getting Guardian Lead, Senior General, and even just getting Cin Drallig. It's your opinion on whether or not you think he's ready to move up, but I 100% sure he's ready.


EDIT: I agree with what Puck said in the post above.

Edited by Dargon
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38 minutes ago, Pyle said:

2 months on 2/6/17 ;)

There was a two week period in which there is a lapse in council records. The first of the two weeks was when I got master. The second one is when he got master. If you want to get technical, after this wednesday, he'll have been master for 9 weeks, or two months and one week. I checked it myself and I suggest you look before you assume.

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3 minutes ago, Thexan said:

There was a two week period in which there is a lapse in council records. The first of the two weeks was when I got master. The second one is when he got master. If you want to get technical, after this wednesday, he'll have been master for 9 weeks, or two months and one week. I checked it myself and I suggest you look before you assume.

I did look at the council records my guy ;) It's unorganized af, also it's a 3 week gap between 11/15 and 12/6

Edited by Pyle
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11 minutes ago, Pyle said:

I did look at the council records my guy ;) It's unorganized af, also it's a 3 week gap between 11/15 and 12/6

11/15 - Accounted for.

11/22 Lapse (When I got master.)

11/29 Lapse (When Tyzen got master.)

12/06 Accounted for.

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6 minutes ago, Nix said:

Doesn't matter if you were a old master or not you shouldn't have access to that if you were a perma that's fine but you will be loosing access to it because as of date you are not a master

Isn't my fault ya'll don't keep track of that.

1 minute ago, Thexan said:

11/15 - Accounted for.

11/22 Lapse (When I got master.)

11/29 Lapse (When Tyzen got master.)

12/06 Accounted for.

I see

Edited by Pyle
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+1 I am not one to say long responses on Supporting posts, but you do a shit ton for the jedi order, and I think what most people miss is that you are a contendor, they don't decide who gets it, the director does whenever you do the interview, personally in my eyes I feel as if you have enough time to help out the order, Not stating that CMO doesn't, but his activity could be better as far as online and stuff.

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+1 Who the hell cares about his "little" amount of time(even though it's been a master for two months) and has shown more passion and activity for the order compared to other masters. I believe his actions in his two months as a master have proven his ability to lead.

Edited by Vires
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I am also going to +1 this man, amount of time as a master means nothing I was a master for more than a year and I can't even run, along with others who used to be masters, doesn't mean we should be able to, nor does a short time as a master mean this man shouldn't be able to, anybody has the ability to step into the Yoda position and make the order better, running things exactly the same isn't always a good thing therefore knowing the existing systems perfectly isn't required.  Yoda is there to run and better the order in his own way with the council to support him, that being said I think Cmo is doing a great job and I don't feel a change is NECESSARY however that shouldn't preclude this man from a shot at the interview as his application is in good order and he meets the requirements!

Edited by Tomas
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