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Everything posted by Dadd

  1. Dadd


    its amazing how a satirical shitpost can turn into drama from people taking things too seriously in spam center.
  2. Dadd


    In what you quoted, i didnt argue that kitty was good nor bad, i was simply stating my observations, which you then assume are about kitty. also good counter-argument to the last quote, insults are always the bests debate winners. The last thing you quoted is actually the biggest problem ive witnessed in the community, and you debate it with an insult. "havent seen you in the community" whether you believe it or not, i have played in the community for 2 years. Just because you have not seen me does not mean i have ont played. I do not see your brain, therefore you must not have one. (see how that logic works?)
  3. Dadd


    "niner requires community feedback". It is not just authority that prioritize women, it is the whole community. You may argue that women do not rise in rank faster than men, but here are my observatios over the past 2 years: When the position a woman gets (compared to a man) comes down to the judgement of discrete information (such as how many tickets you took), there is no bias When the position a woman gets comes down to the opinion of another person (ie how good your rp is, how well you communicate with others) there is bias. This form of bias is impossible to prove, as you cannot disprove someone's opinion. When an authority is looking at who they need to promote, women are generally recognized more than men for the same action.
  4. Dadd


    Certainly all these ranks are because she has the best aim with weapons, has the best roleplaying, and has the best lightsaber fighting right? roleplaying maybe, others i doubt. i find it very hard to believe that women do not receive biased attention in this community
  5. Dadd


    im not blaming joah for favoritism, im simply showing that favoritism exists.
  6. Dadd


    Women in general. One time on rishi moon, there were 2 girls who just got trained (one was named Cherry, dont know the other's), and there was pretty much a gang of 10 people following them around everywhere. If this does not show the prioritization of women, then nothing will. This example combined with the fact favoritism exists (as it is human nature), supports the idea that women gain more benefits than men, due to the fact that they are women.
  7. Dadd


    women rise in ranks faster than men: both jedi and staff rank npcs completely fuck over the server, more than ive seen with other servers RC and Null always have a pending suggestion about getting better weapons and buffs last time TTT server came out, it was to play on because main server was crashing a lot ^^ those are all real, OP is exaggeration
  8. Dadd


    aye but just cause its a shitpost doesnt mean its all fake. Just exaggerated. Sorta like propaganda, but not.
  9. Dadd


    this guy gets it, only person to realize its a shitpost lmao
  10. Dadd


    this statement is perfectly summarized by the phrase "Low IQ" in the title of the subforum, so i believe it is only appropriate
  11. Dadd


  12. Dadd


    filled by people like that ^
  13. null isnt supposed to be OP, its supposed to be filled with good players who seem OP when working together.
  14. Bug Type (Server:): clone wars Severity level (1-3): 2? Evidence (if you can): none Description of the bug: throwing a bacta grenade resets jedi to the base hp despite how many health buffs they apply in the skill tree, by the skill tree i mean the one in the jedi temple, not the f2 menu. How can we recreate it: put health buff on jedi using the jedi skill tree then throw a bacta gernade....
  15. make an announcement board on your HUD, kinda like the "agenda" when you play as a cop in darkrp. Then make it be able to be toggled on and off
  16. Dadd

    force powers

    i did, and then i deleted everything that is irrelevant
  17. Dadd

    force powers

    Name: dadd Suggestion: makes force powers affect who your crosshair is on, instead of the auto targeting bullshit Implementation: code Lore: n/a and n/a for all the rest Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Job: Model: Weapons: Other:
  18. -1 "master assassin, sniper" that means that he had good aim, not that his rifle 2 shotted everyone he saw.
  19. -1 steela rifle buff -1 flamethrower Neutral on komrk's shotgun, im sure that it has a better fire rate, better spread, or a better clip capacity than the republic shotgun, which means the other buffs cancel out the lower damage. If it has none of these +1 to make it deal like 30 more damage than the republic shotgun
  20. -1 they are a sidearm, not meant to be a primary weapon, you are meant to use them when you run out of ammo or dont have time to reload
  21. Dadd


    "they arent complaining, they just want detonators"
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