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Misfit's 212th BCMD Application

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Steam Name: Misfit | Syns.gg

RP Name: Waxer

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:541632485 | 76561199043530698

Battalion you are applying for: 212th 

May 2023 - Present
212th PVT - CMD

I have never been in another battalion during my time on Synergy. I flew up the ranks in the 212th, With just a lowly CT, 212th approached me and set up a tryout before showing me around base and the rest is history. 

My time as an enlisted was short but sweet, I joined the ARF regiment and quickly became a ARFO, helping to run  the regiment, soon after I got ARFL and helped ARF become the most active regiment. 

When I became a NCO I focused highly on entertaining my brothers. I knew that this was what was needed to keep people engaged and active within the battalion. My work was noticed by the officer corps and they waived me for promotion to LT.

From LT+ i focused on investing in officers, showing and teaching how to keep people engaged in a battalion. I also learnt a lot about the background stuff in discord, roster and on the forums. This was the most beneficial for my development as governance would have definitely been my weak point and I can accurately say it is no longer. 


Ghost Company Commander

I have been Ghost Company Commander for most of my time within the 212th. I knew quite quickly that was the route that I wanted to go down and have been there ever since. When I became GCC I set out with one goal and that was to make ghost company active and full. I can quite confidently say we are the most active sub-unit within 212th and we are 2 slots away from being full. This is the healthiest I have seen GC while on the server. 


October 2023 - Present


I lost a bet to Gohn and had to join Naval. I had really struggled with this at first as it took me away from 212th and that had been my primary focus, however I wanted to broaden my knowledge with different factions within synergy, during this time I learnt to balance myself really well within Naval and the 212th. I hadn’t had a lot of experience within the roleplay of the server and going into this was extremely open minded and excited to learn how to adapt and work on my skills and improve on the role playing aspect, which I put work into and I can confidently say has improved tremendously. Gohn gave me the option to join RSB, and after he explained it, there was nowhere else I wanted to go after my experience within naval, I really enjoyed my time in RSB starting as an Agent all the way to becoming RSB Director, knowing that this will give me the time and experience needed to better myself in terms of roleplaying, and command for not only naval, but synergy as a whole.

RSB Director

I became RSB Director as I loved the roleplay of RSB and also wanted to help ‘set it up’ this involved a lot of thought process which included making documents, keeping people active, and making sure missions were fulfilled. As Director I enforced for agents to take contracts as not only does this add more roleplay for Naval and RSB but also for BH’s I felt that this was the right move to make as it involved a lot more for different factions as well as making RSB stronger. I made channels on discord to increase the roleplay for bounty hunters giving information and also brought new lore names into RSB to increase the attractiveness of Naval and RSB. The targets I had set myself were completed given what I had and continue to accomplish.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

When Kaiser leaves I expect alot to change within the 212th, this could be a multitude of things and I want to be prepared for anything. Within the officer core I have been extremely proactive in terms of setting up Ghost Company to stand by themselves as well as training my replacement for when the time comes to hand the reins over so I know it will keep going from strength to strength. Working alongside Kaiser I have got to know the battalion and the people in it extremely well and can place people to their strengths in order to make the transition as smooth as possible, whether that be moving officers around and placing them where they will be needed to do their jobs best. I currently hold the rank of CMD, so I have been making sure to get well acquainted with the documents, making sure these are up to date as getting the right information/training I feel is paramount to people within the 212th working as efficiently as possible a good moto I like to use it ‘Knowledge is power’. I have been working on things like the roster, making sure this stays up to date and the people within active, and if not speaking with the officers to see what changes need to be made in order to keep up activity.

Both the 212th and Kaiser have had a positive impact on me both on my clone life and in the staff team, I want to be able to repay that to other people on the server, which I believe I have already started to do by just being a friendly ear, which in turn has placed a lot of trust within me from other members of my battalion. I have learnt alot from Kaiser over my term in the battalion and he has been slowly preparing me to take the reins as mentioned previously.    

I believe I have the right mindset of a BCMD and know the importance of communication. I believe the right mindset of a BCMD is knowing when to split that personal relationship with a ‘working’ relationship, I know that if I was to get the BCMD the buck would ultimately stop with me and that if people needed to be spoken or meetings need to be held to I am able to identify which role I need to be in those certain scenarios. When I say communication is key, I mean that it's the literal key to a fully function and working battalion, if I don't communicate what I would like to happen/what needs to happen I can't expect the battalion to be firing on all cylinders, this is why I will continue to make sure that weekly meetings are held not only for the officers but the NCOs as well, and continue the monthly report of the officer evaluations as this allows me to communicate effectively with the rest of the battalion with things that I might not be able to see all of the time. The last thing I want is drama between battalions and I'm always willing to compromise and repair in order to create trust and lasting relationships with other battalions.



I will be on the server after 6pm EST Monday - Friday 

Saturday and Sunday I will be available all day. 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 1063 Hours | 9 months

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

This is a really good question! I honestly think 212th is in a really healthy place at the moment. I have a really good set of officers and NCOs around me and I know they will support me as I will them. I want to continue the numbers of entertainments and recruits we have and continue to break records within 212th.

Battalion Relations

Another main focus of my term would be to improve battalion relations. I want to meet with other BCMD’s and talk about how we can better work alongside each other. Communication is key when it comes to relations and it will be paramount to my terms. Senior Officers will also focus on setting up joint training / entertainments to help bridge divides. 



Along with our current Jedi and Jedi, High Command I plan on revamping our Jedi tryout and process within the battalion. We have struggled with Jedi a lot recently and I plan on working with those individuals to make it more fun and a rewarding experience for them. (I can do this in my current position and i will be doing this regardless of this app)

I also plan on picking an Obi Wan, this will help bring people into the battalion and increase our roleplay ability for Jedi.

Senior Officers (Enforcing back end work and Governance)

I plan on defining what the Senior Officer roles are, at the moment I feel Senior Officers don't exactly know what they should be doing and not doing / delegating. I plan on creating responsibilities for each rank. 

I believe Senior officers should focus on more back end work in the discord and roster / document side and that's what I will aim to focus on.  

Senior Officer will also have a focus on communication and communicating with other battalions. This will help prevent any issues arising and will keep a positive attitude on the server for not only our battalion.

Junior Officer (In game Management)

The Junior Officer Corps is really healthy at the moment. I plan on enforcing Junior Officer ranks to manage in game, such as promotions, Entertainments, training and standard setting. Junior Officers are so important to the running of the battalion and shows to them that we are investing in them. 

At the moment we have a quota of 5 entertainments a month for Officers and this is not being met naturally they need to be reminded. I plan on relooking at this and becoming more robust making sure this happens. 


With NCO’s I plan on focusing on them hosting more entertainments. I don't want to go down the quota route because I think that's unfair for them but I want our Officers to be role models and help NCO’s create entertainment / training and dupes. 

Bring back commendations, Commendations are a great way for individuals to get recognised and to feel valued within the battalion. As of recently we have overlooked this and I want to ensure we are giving this out when necessary for these individuals. 


Ghost Company 

Ghost Company has always struggled with Numbers and that's due to having no gear change, only whitelists and lore names, it takes a certain type of person to play on it. Ultimately I would love for them to get new gear and continue to compete to be an "elite subunit". I would love for Ghost Company models to change to the waxer and Boil camo too, meaning everyone looks the same and is accurate to lore. But ultimately I want Ghost Company to be full and fill those last couple of slots they have open.


2ndAC, Had a recent change of leadership and are rebuilding it back up, it is the reason people join the battalion and i will make sure the 2ndAC Commander isn't holding inactive people on it. I would add boarding training to 2ndAC and give them control over it. I would like to make the tryouts harder as jetpacks are a luxury and we don't just want everyone on the whitelist. I want 2ndAC to be healthy and continue to host tryouts and boarding training.


Splinter has just taken over regimental lead and I look forward to working alongside him and Nexus as regimental advisor to best support all of our regiments. We have 1 REGA spot open and I plan on getting that filled to take pressure off Nexus and Splinter with a third person in the mix.

ARF has also had a recent change in leadership, ARF has recently become inactive and I will work with the lead on looking at joining requirements and helping to host constant entertainments / missions to bring people into ARF.

Heavy is in a really good spot with a new and passionate lead. I will work with the lead to bring HVYO into the regiment and help with entertainments / training for Heavy. 

Support is in a really healthy position with Gator becoming SUP lead again. I have no doubt gator will keep engagement in SUP and fill the last ghost company slot available for support. Support is frustrated at the moment due to the change in pilot training and I want to help work with them and Naval and communicate better to find common ground. 

ARC is in a really healthy position, Saint is super involved and energetic. I will continue to work alongside Saint and support him in any way possible whether that be tryouts or entertainments. I will also focus on making ARC full luke it has always been. 

Medic is not so healthy at the moment. I plan on working with the Regimental lead and advisor to best support this branch. Medics are essential to roleplay and overall experience during events. I will push recruitment and transfers into medic.

Heavy Ordnance slots are limited. I plan on looking at heavy Ordnance members and gauging activity. I want Heavy Ordnance to be a sought after spot and only have reliable and experienced people in it as they will have access to a rocket launcher. I know the battalion wants to merge Heavy and Heavy ordnance and i'm open to having that conversation and working that out with my battalion.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by Misfit1
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 3

Current: RAT
Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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Head Admin

+1 he knows what needs to be done, godspeed CMD Waxer 

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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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+1 Great dude, will be a great cody

  • Friendly 2

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1, thats my ARFL

  • Friendly 2

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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Veteran Admin

+1 Hes a stinky guy 

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+1 this is a heavy plus one for me,  Misfit and I have grown in the battalion since day one being in different regiments and working along side  each other in ghost company. I can't think of anyone else to take this role he is a great leader and has done a lot as a CMD in 212th. I'm routing for you all the way misfit you got it. 

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+1 This is an automatic plus one for me. I rejoined the server in October and I have been able to grow with the battalions officer corps, as well as the XOs. Out of those eligible and willing to move for this position, Misfit is the best choice for the role as Kaiser steps down. His work as a CMD and as GCC has been fantastic and I've been able to see his work with GC personally; due to me being in the sub-unit. As one of 212ths REGA I am confident to say that Misfit will be perfect to work with moving forward with the regiments, and his plans for the sub-units and regiments line up with plans I have. It's sad to see Kaiser go, but at least he will be replaced with someone competent. Can't wait to work alongside this change in leadership. 


  • Friendly 2

Current: 212th BCMD Cody Senior Admin

Former: 212th ARF SGT | 212th Ghost Company XO REGA MAJ Waxer


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+1 HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. This is actually insane, he is really focused and will know what to do with 212th. Have full faith in him

  • Friendly 1

Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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Veteran Admin

+1 im sure you will do great with the 212th. I hope that our battalions can look forward to many a joint exercises 

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+1 Truly misfit has been an amazing hard worker through the 212th keeping it together I really hate to see Kaiser go, but I know misfit can hold his on this position. Me and Misfit have an amazing relationship and can’t wait to continue for us to grow my good friend hope to see as my next BCMD. 

Edited by Ivy
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| Current 212th CPT Barlex |
| Senior Admin | Gamemaster |

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Veteran Admin

+1 Misfit has always been a voice of reason within the battalion and knows what needs to be done and when it needs to be done! Can’t wait to see what happens when he becomes Cody! 

  • Friendly 1

Currently: CG TKL MAJ Hound / Gume Saam / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil


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+1 Good Luck 

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 best choice for bcmd

  • Friendly 1

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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+1 I am NOT being forced to put this plus one. there are NO bombs under my CAR. my life is NOT at stake. My family are SAFE. I definetly SUPPORT this Application based on my OWN will.

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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6 minutes ago, BigZach said:

+1 I am NOT being forced to put this plus one. there are NO bombs under my CAR. my life is NOT at stake. My family are SAFE. I definetly SUPPORT this Application based on my OWN will.

Wild because im Irish. But appreciate it big man


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Current: RAT
Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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+1 there's no one else in the battalion I would rather have take over the job of BCMD, he has been an excellent GCC and CMD in general while I've been in the battalion and I have 100% faith he'll keep the 212th moving in the right direction

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Veteran Admin

+1 imagine an Irish cody

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Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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+1  Good luck man I know you will do an amazing job for the 212th just like Kaiser did.

  • Friendly 1

 Former: Alpha-78 (x2) | Colt | Havoc | Alpha-77(x2) Alpha-17 (x2) Alpha-66 Alpha-98 | Boil | GCC Nova

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+1 Had only one chat with you, but you definitely have the vigor & passion for this. Good luck

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Director

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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