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Super's Grand Master Yoda App


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Steam Name: Super

RP Name: Arligan Zey

RP Rank: Jedi Overseer / Chief Instructor

Steam ID: 76561198823663954 STEAM_0:0:431699113

Why should you become Grand Master?:


I believe that I should become Grand Master of the Order because I believe that I have the vision required to continue moving the Jedi Order in the direction that it needs to. When I first started out, I didn't know where I wanted to eventually end up, but I knew that I just wanted to do my best and try my best to help out as much as I possibly could. As a Jedi Senator, I worked to push for Jedi Diplomatic Services. As a Knight, I pushed myself to pass Sage and SOBDE trials, some of the most notorious trials on the server. I have learned a lot through the process, not only from the work that I have done but also the people that I worked with. The current High Council has been pretty instrumental in my development on the server and they have helped me grow to the person that I am today. Together, we have worked to revamp the Jedi Order's intel, updating our docs, rules, trials, and processes. We have worked to fill the Jedi Council, pushed to fill almost every jobbed lore character, and helped push for the most active corps of Masters the server has seen in a while. I want to make sure that we continue making positive changes in the Order, ensuring that it is moving in the right direction. I want our Masters to be pushed to be the best that they can be without upsetting the status quo; improving and refining what we already have.


Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:


212th PVT - SFC

41st SFC- WO

Doom Jedi PVT -SGM

Jedi Padawan -Knight


212 SGT- CPT

Ghost Company XO

Jedi Diplomatic Services PVT-SGM


Jedi Knight - Overseer

My experience in Leadership

As XO of Ghost Company, I wrote a server recommendation (still in the works of being implemented) to help the squad (adding Ghost Company Medic back to Server). I also worked to fill the squad with dependable members.

The second main time that I was in a leadership position would be when I became a Master within the Jedi Order. As a Master, I hosted trials constantly. Youngling, Knight… I was hosting 2-3 trials per week, going beyond the required 1 trial every 2 weeks. When I saw something that I could help with, I stepped up and did what I could to help out.

As Master Par Par Binks, I helped establish Diplomatic Services Jedi and filled it before I left to Become SOBDE Jedi. 

In my time as an SOBDE Jedi, I helped with numerous tryouts for the battalion, seeing Squad after Squad fill their slots

When I became Arligan Zey, I had to then step up and lead the Jedi within SOBDE. We have two very prominent Jedi Knights, Brooklyn and Sina. We worked on increasing standards, including trials, for Jedi in SOBDE to meet SOBDE standards and better define their roles in the Battalion.

As a Council member, my time in this position was brief, but it let me finally vote on important matters within the Order and have a say in the way things are handled.

I believe that all of the above is what helped me really expand my leadership, as I then became a member of the Jedi High Council. In this current position, l have worked to push my Master team to be the best it can be. I run the weekly Master meetings, help ensure that everyone is adhering to their requirements, and have worked with the current High Council to push for changes in the way the Order works. We have worked to create a standardized disciplinary guide for our Master team, I worked to help push for more roleplay for the lore masters, rewrote the outdated Youngling and Knight trials, and helped reinforce the existing rules.

as chief instructor I’ve been in charge of the whole master team and making sure it is runs correctly not only am I responsible for them I am in charge of making sure they all trials are done correctly and fairly, I’ve had to talk to a few masters on rushing threw trials and adding bits that have no reason to be added to trials. for the past 3 months I’ve run a very prominent master core and have insured trials have been done in the correct way.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 9pm till 2 am 

Saturday and Sunday: After 6 pm 

Monday and Thursday: Any time 

(I have my phone at work so I can check messages constantly)

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

By the end of my term, I have three main areas that I wish to focus on. First, I want to focus on changing the standards of the Jedi Council. I believe what we have now is lackluster and doesn't do a good job reflecting the expectations that I have of a Council Member. Secondly, I want to ensure that the Jedi Council is full and every lore position is filled. Finally, I want to ensure that there is better communication in the Order, in that the Order as a whole is better informed on what the High Council and Council members are doing and changing in the Order.

what improvements are being made and how they are being made. Let me explain a little more in detail:

  1. For increasing the standards of the Jedi Council... I want the Jedi Council to be a position that doesn't simply vote on changes to the Order. I want the Jedi Council Member position to be one that reflects the hard work and dedication of our Master team. This position should be the shining star, an example of what the Order expects from individuals in the Master team that want to rise above and do more to contribute. Right now, the only major difference between a Council Member and a Master is the ability to vote, requirement to host more trials, and a little more hands-on with disciplinary matters. I want the Council Member to have greater meaning. A Council Member should be someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, someone who wants to make changes, not just for the sake of making changes but to make the Order a better place. That’s what brings me to my next point.

  2. Filling the Council and Lore Characters. Right now, we have every Lore Character job filled except for Ahsoka Tano. We recently gained Anakin Skywalker, so I'm sure we will have that position filled. I also want to fill the Council with reliable, dependable, opinionated individuals who are willing to speak up and form their own opinions, rather than just going with the crowd. The Council Members are the ones that help pass changes to our Order. Any Master can put up a suggestion, but only the Council Members and higher are able to truly debate these suggestions and push for those changes. The more diversity we have in the Council, the more that I know we can achieve. And the more that we change, the more we need to communicate these changes to the Order and server as a whole. That's also why I want to propose changes to the way we communicate.

  3. One of the ways in which I wish to communicate changes in the Order to the community at large is by bringing back our posting of the Weekly Council Agenda on the forums, that way everyone is in the same loop. Of course, it goes without saying that we will redact sensitive information that doesn't need to be communicated yet/hasn’t passed a vote.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:


Joseph and his two leads have brought Consulars to such a strong position that I have no worries with this branch. I expect them to continue doing what they do best: growing and expanding.



Guardian is in a rough shape. Their leadership had grown to be a little shaky, but now I believe they have proper guidance. They have a rock solid foundation for further expansion, but they need to gain more managers and increase their trial output. We've recently handed them the ability to host Lightsaber Instruction, so we hope that with that, they can gain some extra traction and continue moving in the right direction.



Sentinel is one of our strongest branches under the leadership of Raven and his two leads. This branch has grown to almost rival Consular in the amount of trials they are putting out and the constant daily growth they are experiencing. I expect this branch to continue to have strong leadership for the foreseeable future.


Temple Guard 

This last branch is honestly in shambles at the moment. It went from being one of the best branches, to one of the worst. We hope that with the recent change in leadership this branch will start to improve its standing. Already, we have seen an increase in their activity and they have gained additional members of their leadership. One of my main intentions is to give this branch a little extra focus in terms of assigning Masters to help out with and assist this branch with whatever they need to succeed.


To basically summarize the above, Temple Guard and Guardian are the two branches suffering the most. Guardian is in a slightly better shape than Temple Guard, but not by much. The other branches are rock solid and I fully expect them to move in the right direction. With the hands-on intervention of the Branch Overseer, Kirara, I expect Guardian and Temple Guard to recover. I have full faith that the Branch Overseer will help ensure they will recover and the Order will continue maintaining its healthy numbers and traction. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I understand 

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?:


Edited by Super_
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Palpatine  I High command


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Head Admin

I think you should add a bit more to this app in regards to talking about your leadership experience and improving relations between different branches. I think overall this app lacks details and is a little short. 

I do think you're the right person for this position right now. If I see those changes above I would +1, but I'm sure you'll have an insane amount of support on this regardless. 

+1 you edited your app and I like the changes, good luck in your interview! 

Edited by KaiserNeiner
OP edited OG app
  • Agree 1
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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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I do think you are the right candidate for the position, or at least you could do it well. But to be honest the app seems very cut and dry to me, not much juice in it. It just seems like you want to continue on with what the order has been doing, not much of how you are going to change it. What is going to make you stand out from past Yoda's?

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1 hour ago, Luther said:

It just seems like you want to continue on with what the order has been doing, not much of how you are going to change it. What is going to make you stand out from past Yoda's?

There is a lot that I want to do that I know I cannot achieve with in 1 term I will still be pushing for a few  of these things ( updated lightsaber system, updated temple , more lore characters for the knights ) all of these thing I would love to get done In my term but I’m realistic I know these changes will take a lot of time and I will not be able to achieve these in my first term (sorry for formatting I’m at work on my phone )

2 hours ago, KaiserNeiner said:

I think you should add a bit more to this app in regards to talking about your leadership experience and improving relations between different branches.

Your right I should of added a bit more for leadership I should mention as chief instructor I’ve been in charge of the whole master team and making sure it is runs correctly not only am I responsible for them I am in charge of making sure they all trials are done correctly and fairly, I’ve had to talk to a few masters on rushing threw trials and adding bits that have no reason to be added to trials. for the past 3 months I’ve run a very prominent master core and have insured trials have been done in the correct way. Now when it comes to the relationship between the branches, they have had zero issues for as long as I can rember (again sorry about formatting at work currently)

  • Agree 1

Palpatine  I High command


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 i do want to be harassed!

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Veteran Admin

+1 i think you got this in the bag

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+1, I've been absent on the server for quite some time, but since returning, I have seen Jedi occasionally doing decent work. However, one big thing for me is to start the narrative now, before you even get your interview for Yoda. I think the importance of roleplay needs to be a big point for your masters and lore characters. There have been numerous times when I've tried to roleplay with some of the lore Jedi characters but got no response or received cut-and-dry responses because I wasn't a lore character or someone of high rank. Just some food for thought: good luck with your application and the interview. :peepoLove:

Full-time Server Boomer



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My question will be simple and straight to the point
Throughout your time as a Jedi of your generation. What does being a Jedi in the server mean to you? (Will ask a follow up question depending on your response)
Also, I always knew from my term that you would be Yoda at some point, Glad to see you to reach this point now. You are close, Dont give up! 

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10 minutes ago, Patrick said:

My question will be simple and straight to the point
Throughout your time as a Jedi of your generation. What does being a Jedi in the server mean to you? 

Being a jedi on this server means alot to me as it is my true escape from reality my escape from my 40+ hour work week it was my escape from college back in the day  and when I can help others escape from their reality and just have some fun it means the world to me 

1 hour ago, Deku said:

+1, I've been absent on the server for quite some time, but since returning, I have seen Jedi occasionally doing decent work. However, one big thing for me is to start the narrative now, before you even get your interview for Yoda. I think the importance of roleplay needs to be a big point for your masters and lore characters. 

At this time high council is attempting to revamp standers on Jedi lore characters it is still in the works but the foundation is set 

Palpatine  I High command


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24 minutes ago, Super_ said:

At this time high council is attempting to revamp standers on Jedi lore characters it is still in the works but the foundation is set 

I'm interested in what foundation you're talking about? In your app, the only thing you say regarding it is that you want to have higher standards for Council... but you don't explain how you plan on doing it? You go in depth about how you WANT the standard to change, and you explain why Council members are just Masters who can vote... but you don't explain your plan on increasing said standard.

Also, from what the app says, you're focused mainly on just filling your council and lore characters... what systems do you have/plan to have in place to ensure the people you're putting into these positions are worthy of it and know how to roleplay as that character?

Full-time Server Boomer



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21 minutes ago, Deku said:

I'm interested in what foundation you're talking about? In your app, the only thing you say regarding it is that you want to have higher standards for Council... but you don't explain how you plan on doing it? You go in depth about how you WANT the standard to change, and you explain why Council members are just Masters who can vote... but you don't explain your plan on increasing said standard.

Also, from what the app says, you're focused mainly on just filling your council and lore characters... what systems do you have/plan to have in place to ensure the people you're putting into these positions are worthy of it and know how to roleplay as that character?

The foundation we are working on currently is masters have to fill out an application to become a lore character the week after the application is submitted the council watches them on how they rp as they’re current character if it dose not meet standards set in place then they will be denied the character 


now when it comes to the council members we have already gone threw 4 applicants and only 1 has passed, but  looking twards the future we are still debating how we are going to increase standered we have ideas but nothing set in stone (I wish I could give you a full explanation but I am still at work it is very busy been typing this every 5 minutes )


Edited by Super_

Palpatine  I High command


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48 minutes ago, Super_ said:

The foundation we are working on currently is masters have to fill out an application to become a lore character the week after the application is submitted the council watches them on how they rp as they’re current character if it dose not meet standards set in place then they will be denied the character 


now when it comes to the council members we have already gone threw 4 applicants and only 1 has passed, but  looking twards the future we are still debating how we are going to increase standered we have ideas but nothing set in stone (I wish I could give you a full explanation but I am still at work it is very busy been typing this every 5 minutes )


I see. I'd love to discuss it in detail in ts if you'd like, whenever is convenient for you. But my +1 will still stand, thank you for going into more detail! Good luck!

Edited by Deku
  • Pay Respect 1

Full-time Server Boomer



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+1 you look dedicated. There are some problems with your app like others brought up, but not enough to stop my vote. Please listen to others and their advice, especially about lore characters. A bad lore character makes the server dull and boring but a good lore character can make the immersion incredible.

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+1 I joined the master team shortly after you and with you getting Arligan during my BCMD term I have had nothing but good interactions. You are very hard working, a great leader and the right guy for this job. I wish you the best of luck Jedi will prosper under you.

  • Friendly 1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 My man Active in the Jedi Order and Help us with the documents and Rules he help me a lot until now!. He ready to be in this Position good luck !

  • Friendly 1

Current: CG ARC SGM Beater |

Former: 41st ARC CPT Musicboy| 21st SGM Musicboy |Doom Unit CPL EJ| Improcco WO Nye| Plo Koon | Senior Senator Lux Bonteri | Guardian Lead | Vice Chairman | Master Kit FistoSenator Gume

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+1, best of luck

  • Friendly 1

Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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