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No more gprotect


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Name: Monty

RP Rank: MSG

Suggestion: GProtect is causing more problems then it solves at this point. Props no longer have gravity when spawned making exact placement a bitch and negatively effects events because droid pods are unable to drop from a ship and must be spawned on the ground, which is also a bitch to do because after you spawn a prop you have to physgun it before it actually because visible and interactable, however the biggest problem is prop and vehicle deletion because anytime your building your risking gprotect deleting part of your build and it effects the players because they can just be driving along when suddenly their ride touches something and goes poof.

TL;DR Gprotect is hurting building, event set up and flow, player experience, main has crashed even with gprotect, and most of the staff team is sick of it to some degree.

Implementation: Remove or rework gprotect

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Without fail, every game master I have ever spoken to has incessantly bitched about g-protect, and it sounds like for good reason. Lots of hard work gets ruined and leads to very quick burnout and frustration from GMs.

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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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1 minute ago, Lovestruck said:

Lots of hard work gets ruined and leads to very quick burnout and frustration from GMs.

The feeling when your dupe is using a huge prop as a base to build around and it gets deleted pretty much kills all desire to run an event or keep building it SUCKS

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+1 I’m always on the side of the game masters 

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Current: Rancor Colt
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The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1. I am not a patient builder. I'll spend 2 hours on a dupe just for half of it to disappear the moment i place something as small as a bottle for detail. It's disheartening and honestly makes me get off within the minute.

(I don't think this will pass though as both Jad and Xaze said they won't remove it)

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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As far as I know, Gprotect is kind of useful when it comes to preventing crashes related to very big props outside of the map's boundaries,

but props seem to be the cause of crashes infinitely less than NPCs. NPCs are spawnable fine. 


I do not build on main server anymore. It is impossible. I wouldn't complain, if we could build in singleplayer, but whoop-dee-doo, we can't.

So it's just a system that sucks ass.
I doubt you'll be able to get it removed, but I've never liked how absolutely fucked the settings for it on main server are. In a lot of cases, the cause of crashes are people being stupid as fuck about where they put props and other entities, not really the ability to spawn them in.

Right now, when the server is struggling as much as it is, when all people get on for is events, I think we should focus on making being a gamemaster as accessible and as easy as possible, at the very least until we get more than 1 quest that spawns in hostile NPCs.


What's really fucked is that any event that a gamemaster has built any amount of dupe for where the players have to be on top of said dupe can be 

completely ruined within a span of 1 second by someone spawning in ammo.

You don't have to be experienced in running a Gmod RP server to know that people aren't going to enjoy playing when they can't play in 50% of all events for fear of the whole damn thing falling apart in seconds. It's part of why I host on main so much less now as well- It's not like I'm just disillusioned, I've been a gamemaster for 2 years. It's literally what I do, but you can't really do what you do when what you do makes you stressed as fuck about when the next portion of the event will get deleted randomly.


I know for a fact that whatever founder sees this is going to write most of what I've written here off just because of "well, they should get better"- but I'm gonna say right here and right now that if not only the first, second, and third most experienced gamemasters on the staff team at the current moment (who have been here on Synergy running events for literal years), but the entire staff team and playerbase see as glaring of issues as these, it simply cannot be written off.

I beg you to at least consider changing the settings. Any amount. Even a tiny change will positively benefit us.

Yeah, something needs to be figured out about Gprotect. +1 for doing anything you can to make it better. 

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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i havnt been a game master in years. Never used this to have to build a dupe. But man have I heard every word you can imagine about it from @Mavelle   Something needs to change about this, it’s that simple. I get why crashes are bad for player pop, but man it feels like crashes just as much before as after this was added. 

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  • Management

Hosted a small little thing for like 4 people the other day using a big dupe I made when the new map dropped and before it even got started the entire base of the dupe poofed because someone spawned ammo. I would not want to be a GM right now honestly. Even doing a basic courtyard shootemup is tedious to do.


i am literally captain tukk

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+1 mavelle said it all. All of my mental trauma from Synergy comes from gprotect deleting my floors and walls because I got too much into a groove with building. The moment you feel safe, you forget the beast called gprotect is waiting at any moment to strike you down. Not to mention the ghosting of props is abhorrent on main server. I keep forgetting that the props spawn in invisible and I have to switch back to my physgun every time I spawn in a prop. The prop ghost makes building twice as long. The few who build are already invaluable. Trying to get new people into building is even harder then before with g protect. This system does more harm then good. People don’t crash the server with a big prop now, they crash the server because they spawn a npc or scripted entity too much or in the wrong place on the map. Gprotect is “good” for the server, but it is horrible for the community and the people who keep the server alive. 


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+1 I understand the system is to prevent crashing, and at a time like now where maintaining players is really important, but it really kills the motivation of a lot of Game Masters to do anything. Big or small. Each time I attempt to build It seems like there's a new function that makes building more tedious, like how you need to manually un-ghost stacked props now. On top of a lot of the props we've previously had, I dread building when I think about how easier and more creative I could have been months ago. Please remove G-protect

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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.



Denial reasons:
(These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

  • Not providing sufficient information.
    • Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
  • The addon's size is way too big compared to its content(s).
    • Ex: 35mb for one model.
  • Lack of feedback.
    • Ex: Post has been up for 3 weeks and only received 1-10 votes.
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  • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.


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We're going to continue using G-Protect. Although, your concerns and problems with it have been acknowledged and it is now our highest priority to fix. Our attention to the plugin was originally focused on event server as that was were we believe the majority of issues lived. Lets get this fixed and working properly for you guys!

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