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Void's Rancor BCMD Application - Waived


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This application has been waived by a Director

Steam Name: Echo

RP Name: Void | Nate

RP Rank: Second Lieutenant

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54134076

Battalion you are applying for: Rancor Battalion - Commander Blitz


Coruscant Guard - Centurion Term

Commander Thire
Tracker Lead
Diplomatic Lead
Intel Director
Commander Fox after his term

Rancor Battalion - Stix Term

Commander Havoc
Alpha Leadership - Served as "Alpha"
Support Lead

Naval - Freck Term

Sub Lieutenant Shoan Kilian


Why should you become a Battalion Commander

The reason behind this application is both that I have the time, motivation and dedication to fulfil the high standard expected of the position of Battalion Commander. A grand portion of my time I have spent inside Rancor, I understand how the battalion operates and where to integrate fresh changes and provide necessary updates to the foundations of the battalion. I will list the changes and issues that I will look at providing a remedy for throughout my potential term.


At the current moment of writing this application dupes are being drafted by the current Rancor Command in order to adapt with the recent map change to Onderon. Hopefully this will be completed in the near future to meet the standard expected by the community. However, besides that I will be discussing a potential change that I seek to conduct throughout my term.

This change being the removal of Weapons and Tactics, potentially, as the training provides some valuable insight in certain circumstances however, to maintain up to date with the current drift it can be argued that the training provides no beneficial impact anymore. This of course would reduce the amount of trainings to two and instead potentially be applied to Selections or Leadership in grading. I’ll be perfectly blunt its about common sense when it comes to Weapons and Tactics and I believe it removal will have little impact on the community. However, this will be on a suggestion basis and will require communication between Rancor Command and High Command in order to develop a sustainable, modern and interesting shift that will benefit the future prospects of those who are interested in the program. To make it clear any changes will not result in the wipe of any trainings, these will be left untouched.

Expanding on trainings, Lyonaxis and I, have been committed at delivering EU Trainings to ensure that the community is being covered in all time-zones. Please let it be noted that this has had no affect on standard trainings and will not be invasive. I will be looking at maintaining this, where on-week will be considerably busy but in exchange off-week will prohibit trainings being held, unless emergency ones are requested. This will enable the battalion to act as a battalion and have a chance of fun and rest.

Officer Team

At the moment the Officer Team inside of Rancor is not up to current standard. I would argue it to be considered unreliable and light on server presence which could be a potential reason that numbers are not as bolstered compared to other battalions.

If I am granted my potential term, I along-side Rancor Command, will be conducting a brief assessment period of the entire team. I assure that the elevation or demotion of ranks will not occur unless deemed appropriate. A high standard team is necessary in order to promote a reliable and professional outlook and with the introduction of fresh officers this could potentially shift the tide to a positive direction. My ideals in an officer is an individual who is capable of a positive, engaging and proactive attitude who is able to balance fun with professionalism.  I am also considering in the implementation of an officer evaluation on a monthly basis to ensure quality control throughout the battalion. In ex-change I will be passing power down the chain providing officers with a various amount of tasks to conduct which should keep them busy but entertained. I find it important that the officer team is engaged and furthermore have a positive and heard influence inside of the battalion.

Hopefully with a reinvigorated team these ideals will be established with both the correct mentorship and integration. With this in-mind this will benefit the enlisted and above and with an active team this should establish a strong presence on the server battalion wise.


A brief discussion on Alpha seems needed and necessary. I will be coordinating with Alpha Leadership to establish a reliable and solidified schedule when it comes to the hosting of Alpha designations. This issue seems to have been around for a while and I seek to amend this.

A potential solution is to expand the people who are able to conduct this, at the moment it would be both Alpha Leadership and the Battalion Commander however I wish to expand this to the entirety of Rancor Command. It will maintain a bi-weekly basis where it will be conducted during off-week and the requirement to conduct them is that Rancor Command has to be Alpha designated themselves and shadowed by Alpha Leadership before conducting. 


While I consider that Jedi an essential and full-integrated presence in the battalion. For me its about maintaining and improving the standard of care that we provide for those who wish to be attached to Rancor. I will be coordinating with our current Jedi Lead about any changes or issues that a remedy can be provided for. They are the basis of promoting roleplay and I wish to establish the Clone and Jedi relationship as demonstrated in the Clone Wars TV Series itself. 

With that in mind I will be looking at pushing interactions naturally between the two parties and in exchange having the Jedi assist and host trainings to fufill this requirement. Deployments and Events naturally do this, however having that special someone is always a pleasant environment and that is something I will seek to improve and nurture. Furthermore, to integrate Jedi into the branches in the battalion to ensure they are both involved and provide them a solidified position inside of the battalion.

Closing Remarks

With all this mind, I believe that I have the correct attitude paired with the motivation and determination to succeed in the transformation of Rancor. Paired with a dedicated Command and Officer Team any barrier that is presented will be smashed through for the benefit of the battalion and the community. Furthermore, throughout this process from my application and even before that I will be talking to numerous people about their issues inside and outside of the battalion. I wish to be transparent with what I wish to accomplish. I wish to make it clear that no changes will commence until all issues inside of the battalion are fixed and I am confident that once the team is reliable and professional, then any change presented should move flawlessly. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion - Yes


To point out due to the fact I am from the United Kingdom my time zone may vary differently to those who are on the American side of the community, however numerous people in Rancor Command are centered around an American time zone and this will be maintained if I am granted this term.

Monday to Sunday - I am free all day due to a six month gap until my next year of study at university I am also contactable through discord so I will be able to sustain constant communication.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay - 1231 hours

Do you have a microphone - Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term

Firstly, by the end of my potential term I wish to have a reliable and solidified schedule which will support the community fully. To ensure that new and old community members have access to all trainings, including Alpha designations, available to them. Where a unified EU and American Officer team are able to deliver a high standard and professional outlook throughout this process and that it will feel almost second nature. 

Secondly, I hope to have achieved a strong server presence battalion wise, where we are accessible, active and continuously engaging throughout my potential term and even afterwards. I hope to have established a brilliant Command team and when the time comes to pass the reigns onto someone who is able to deliver these ideals yet are creative to establish new ideas and push the battalion further. For me by the end of my potential term a strong officer team is something that I believe will be achieved and I look forward to demonstrating the capabilities of Rancor at its fullest. 

Finally, I hope to have achieved a modernised battalion by the introduction of essential changes that will assist in the ever-growing change of the community. Where the battalion is able to accommodate with an open-arms policy with the integration of new and old community members inside the battalion itself. Personally, I believe this will assist the community and improve relations between all regiments.

While nothing is set in stone until demonstrated, I do hope that I will be a good influence on everyone inside the battalion and outside and display the fullest of what Rancor has to offer.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank: Yes

Edited by Void
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Forum Admin

+1, he's shown a lot of passion for Rancor and seems really motivated to push for these changes he set out

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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absolutely yes 100% yes.

Void and I talked although briefly he outlined what he wanted to do perfectly and he got straight to the point. Now if he stands by the plans that he has laid out he will be one of the better Blitz's that we Rancor has had in quite sometime. 

Good Luck Mate <3

  • Friendly 1

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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  • Director

+1 I want this man as my BCMD!

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1 hour ago, Void said:

Where a unified EU

Can you go into detail about this? How many EU members do you currently have that can hold a schedule? How do you intend to get more EU players into Rancor?


1 hour ago, Void said:

However, this will be on a suggestion basis and will require communication between Rancor Command and High Command in order to develop a sustainable, modern and interesting shift that will benefit the future prospects of those who are interested in the program. To make it clear any changes will not result in the wipe of any trainings, these will be left untouched.

You have any ideas currently?


1 hour ago, Void said:

At the moment the Officer Team inside of Rancor is not up to current standard. I would argue it to be considered unreliable and light on server presence which could be a potential reason that numbers are not as bolstered compared to other battalions.

Can you list some other issues the officer core has besides activity?


1 hour ago, Void said:

I will be looking at maintaining this,

Is this something that will be sustainable when you are gone? Or will this end up phasing out?


1 hour ago, Void said:

interactions naturally between the two parties and in exchange having the Jedi assist and host trainings to fufill this requirement

Assuming you are talking about ARC Training. Will these jedi have to be trained prior?


1 hour ago, Void said:

I wish to expand this to the entirety of Rancor Command.

Will Rancor Command have to get their designation prior? Or are they just going to get it?


1 hour ago, Void said:

This change being the removal of Weapons and Tactics

Not really going to argue about this. Very based. But kinda curious, the points of "ACE Reports" "Callout" and other important topics that arent formations, will you keep these?

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Hi @Brooklyn I appreciate the questions and I will try my best to give you an answer to each point.

45 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Can you go into detail about this? How many EU members do you currently have that can hold a schedule? How do you intend to get more EU players into Rancor?

At the current, while relatively new, we hold Selections on the Sunday Off-week at around 6pm BST which would translate to 1pm EST for the American side of the community, these times maintain standard with Weapons and Tactics taking place on the Wednesday and Leadership taking place on the Friday. At the moment when it comes to the EU team in the battalion that would Lyonaxis and I, however on the usual basis we do have the spare NA officer available at the time, which tends to be Ollie.  I would like to say at the moment it is currently reliable and we have yet to fail to host one on the scheduled time, however this has only just begun. 

Yet circumstances do crop up for individuals from time to time, this is why if I am granted the potential position, to induct a couple of new EU officers within the the first few weeks of my term. Of course they will be required to meet the standards of what is expected of an officer. However with this in mind, my minimum would be to have four, to ensure that one EU Officer is able to host a single training throughout the week to prevent burnout and in-case circumstances do crop up the additional to fill in. 

Of course with an increased amount of EU officers who are present on the server, they will be able to assist with recruitment and create engaging scenarios for the EU player base in coordination with the Gamemaster Team and available staff, whether this be a patrol or a training. While this is speculation, if the officer team is active in both time zones, then they will be able to keep the enlisted and above entertained encouraging them to appear more often. I do also plan on expanding on the discord being used more to announce when an event is occurring or a training will be hosted to ensure communication on on-going events and entertainments to encourage both sides to come onto the server if they wish.

59 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

You have any ideas currently?

 At the moment this is all fluid and I cannot give a definitive answer on this subject. However, with the removal of Weapons and Tactics a potential idea would be to incorporate the relevant and arguably essential parts of Weapons and Tactics into Leadership.  Where they will be run through the essentials, for example battle communications, ACE reports and callouts and be expected to utilise this throughout Leadership itself, to both see if they are paying attention and are able to use this in a high-intense environment. When being taught the essentials they will be given demonstrations, to give them a full idea on when and how to use them effectively. 

However, I am also open to the idea of a complete rework on both Selections and Leadership altogether but I would prefer to work along-side those with experience, for example previous Rancor Battalion Commanders and High Command to provide their insight and suggestions. As the ARC Program is a community project which is run by Rancor. Furthermore, I have been reading through your previous suggestions on the complete change of the ARC Program and would like to discuss with you, your ideas and suggestions in the near future. For me modernisation is important and these trainings are in a more need upgrade. 

I would also like to add, if anyone has any ideas on the ARC Program and wishes to approach me with their ideas I am more than happy to discuss them with you.

1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Can you list some other issues the officer core has besides activity?

When it comes to the officer team, activity is the defined issue. However, I also find that laziness is rooted in some issues, especially when it comes to the conduct of trainings. I will not names of course, however it is evident that not all officers are maintain the standard and expectation to host trainings. I am currently playing with the idea with the implementation of that an "Officer is expected to host a training every two weeks" where the Junior team will take priority. Furthermore, the standard itself has gone down, officers do not engage as often as they should with the battalion, they do not provide entertainments or direction and seems in disarray on both communication, this is evident to the planning and announcement of trainings, and attitude. I have had discussions with numerous sources about the attitude inside of Rancor and the overall "toxic" nature that is generated. This will stop. This includes those who are Alpha designated who act idiotic and toxic and argue that it is "there character", however when this expands to OOC and genuinely causes people to upset that is the stopping point. This applies to officers as well. This needs and will stop, punishments will start being handed out because this is not the standard that Rancor should display. Finally, the "give-up" attitude on events if it is not to their liking, if an officer displays this attitude this will affect those around him or her, again this will stop and if spotted punishments will be handed out where necessary. The officer team needs to be professional, symbolic and engaging to maintain a positive environment.

1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Is this something that will be sustainable when you are gone? Or will this end up phasing out?

I plan to maintain this in the long-run and provide a solidified and reliable schedule which, while early, has been going extremely well. Hopefully with the addition with fresh and creative officers on both sides, will maintain the consideration of all sides of the community. With reference to the requirement above, this will be applied to all trainings whether EU or NA and hopefully with this in mind officers and the community will be aware of these scheduled trainings. I will be unable to verify if this will phase out after my term, but I plan on pushing to all officers that EU trainings will now and remain throughout the span of the community. With fresh officers, these will be fresh ideals and this will be nurtured into their concept of Rancor and of the trainings. 

I trust that with a continuous schedule that is followed to the letter, this should be sustainable and reliable in the distant future. 

1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Assuming you are talking about ARC Training. Will these jedi have to be trained prior?

 Yes, one of the planned requirements that will be laid out is that for a Rancor Jedi to become an Officer they will have to be ARC certified in order to host these trainings, they will under go the same process of being shadowed for their first trainings and afterwards will be permitted to host trainings like any other Rancor Officer. They will also be held to the same standard as an ARC Trooper as they already are.

1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Will Rancor Command have to get their designation prior? Or are they just going to get it?

Yes, all Rancor Command will be need to be designated in order to be considered to host the Alpha designation trainings, furthermore they must be shadowed by a member of Alpha Leadership before being allowed to conduct them. I will also be speaking to Ollie into further ideas that we can ensure that they are also reliable and consistent. 

1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Not really going to argue about this. Very based. But kinda curious, the points of "ACE Reports" "Callout" and other important topics that aren't formations, will you keep these?

I believe I commented in relation to ideas. However, I plan on introducing this into Leadership, where they will be taught these essential topics and will be provided examples and expected to perform them throughout Leadership. While people comment "It's only Garry's Mod" callouts in particular has been an asset throughout my time in the community and is vital for an ARC Trooper to understand and master.

I hope I have answered your questions, if I have been unclear please let me know and if you wish to discuss the ideas on the trainings I am open to a conversation.

  • Winner 2
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+1! Solid app

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Veteran Admin

AMEN! +1

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+1 dedicated member of the batallion, good luck 

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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15 hours ago, Void said:

I assure that the elevation or demotion of ranks will not occur unless deemed appropriate.

One of your more controversial choices in your Fox term (if I remember correctly, call me goober otherwise) was demoting all of the officers and then leaving. I'm glad you addressed this issue, but the "leaving" part concerns me a bit. I'm not going to pry as to why you resigned so quickly since life just happens, but do you genuinely feel committed this time around?

You have my +1 either way since I know you're competent and clearly have a semblance of initiative considering you all but took over EU trainings, but I think it'd ease my mind a bit since Rancor's in a bit of a bad situation.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Hi @Ratio I appreciate the question and the concern.

For me in my current stage in the community and my mindset I feel motivated and determined to perform the duties that are rewarded along-side the position. For me, while my Fox term was short and the circumstances in life were grim which led to my resignation, I believe that I am in a level mind-set paired with a six month grace period before I commence studies at university again. 

I have all the intention to follow through during my term and potentially after, however that is a distant future and I would prefer to focus on the now and the near future. But I am certain that I will be able to maintain a high standard of commitment during the three months to ensure that issues are tackled and any changes that I wish to conduct are implemented carefully and correctly. 

I hope this answers any concerns you may have.

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+1 only active Rancor i see (except Ollie and Bleach)

Edited by Mystic
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  • Confused 3

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 Void is a fantastic and active member of the community. I also really like you plans. Especially for eu trainings. I remember being extremely tired at during and especially at the end of selections and leadership, just because of the time it is hosted at. This significantly affected my performance during the ARC trainings. Therefore I think that this change gives people from eu a fair change during the trainings.

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+1 Cause 2+2 is 19


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Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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