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Drage's Rex Application


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    Steam Name : Neutron style

      Steam RP Name: TC XO Appo

RP Rank: Executive Officer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31810178

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 501st BCMD Rex



When my friend an I joined our first day was spent learning the server an its rules, then soon after we joined 501st,Seeing that 501st was in a state of balance becoming NCOs was enjoyable, teaching the new recruits and mentoring them through the base was something I still try to do as XO but it was always best for the NCOs and SNCOs to teach them, I would host active sims as my time as a NCO trying to keep our numbers up. Once I got WO I was focused on NCOs an SNCOs, their issues if they had any an I asked them how I was doing as their WO, mix replies but all helpful, I had spent all my time in Torrent company when our medical corps had a drop in members, I stepped down from dogma an went for KIX, soon after I was give the title of Regimental Lead in 501st and I honestly didn’t know what I was doing ,during my time I had learned every regiments training and hosted them if the lead or Officer wasn't on. Then I had to pull the solo medic for around 4 months before I appointed the best Medical lead since Atlex,I had appointed many to Leads but I always chose from those who showed the best work and determination and never showing favoritism or biases. Once I reached Junior Officer in 501st I had started to become more authoritive, punishment was something I did enforce if we had troopers out of line or minging but I tried to be fair an made up a basic punishment which I would join them in to show I'm willing to go through it as well. I would still interact with the SNCOs and NCOs and help them where I could, some would personal ask me questions an which I answered to the best of my ability. I did my best to be a role model an mentor to the troopers under me and I learned from those above me. Once Marvel became Rex everything started to getting the 501st into a better position. I assisted when an where I could, soon being promoted to Commander, I would be on everyday an try to assist on the dream idea of making 501st better, but I honestly focused on the way we acted on an off base, I had WO, SNCOs and NCOs  who I could trust to take the rains of discipline, I wanted to keep the way we got 501st Going. After three more months as KIX and three months of being a Commander I would start losing my stern attituded and became lax, Atlex soon got Rex an I took over as Appo becoming TCC and my first task on my agenda was to fill TC with good troopers, I succeeded but failed in my grander plan of us being like a family, I had gotten good people and with help from Abraham and Atlex I had a good structure. Ive been working on TC since, but I have used TC's lore characters to help get others to come out of their shell an bond with the battalion, but it was joint effort of Atlex and Abraham with me that got them to be the best officers in the battalion. Now as XO I have gone back to my NCO ways and have been working on leaving TC in a better spot as well as keeping sims going an maybe a little of some randomness in there.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I should become BCMD because I  have been helping with the battalion since I was just a SGT, I have been mature in situations that required it, I have been fair in my judgments never showing bias or favoritism. I have a good relations with the officers and working on my relationship with the NCO. Others have and can come to me with issues an would or can help where I can. I've Been know for being stubborn but only if I cant find an agreeable answer or idea. I fix my mistakes and will own up to them. I give chances to those who need them and try my best to learn an teach .


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:I do



I am available every day around 6 PM EST to any time after, Discord I am available all the time just be patient I'm slow with replies sometimes


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: a year and 1 month


Do you have a microphone?:YES


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

We are still a great state, but if I can improve or at least never dropping in quality during my term, I owe it to the Rex's before me to keep the good ways going.


501st Jedi: Its ok those we have currently working on Jedi are doing a alright job, it can be worked on further.
subunit jedi: Work on making other interested subunit jedi, make it more appealing

Senior Officers: Nothing much to change ,only how active we have meetings.

Junior Offices: Working on being mentors to Wo's and teaching them.

SNCO/NCOs: There is room for improvement, Getting SNCOs to take initiative to host sims or training, NCOs to learn an host their own sims and trainings or patrols, taking event lead or lead period.
332nd: hosting tryouts more during the week, getting good folks to keep it running smoothly.

Torrent Company: I have been with them an working on it for awhile, now still need to work on interacting with others an each other
Regiments: The new system our REGL made has made it so we always have a Regimental trainer on, improvements could always be made but its in good hands
Intel: Still the best and only gotten better. Note make jedi roaster automated.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I very much do.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: I do

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+1 :pepeThink:

  • Confused 1
  • Optimistic 1

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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+1 Great app and I like your ideas for the future of the rank structures/regiments and etc  

Edited by Hansen
  • Funny 1
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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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the application looks small due to 501st being your only experience but, Thats good. Means you know what's best for your battalion, Abraham made you XO for a reason. +1 i do hope to see you around more than i currently do though

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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You've been a strong and amazing leader within the 501st. You're stern when needed, but you also know when to be more relaxed and chill. Your ideas, while a little barebones and lacking detail, are alright overall. You were made TCC and XO for a reason, however, and you're a great asset to 501st.

Major +1! Best of luck!

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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Aren’t you the guy that publicly made an announcement calling out 2 of your battalion members and refused to remove it until Abraham got involved? You refused to admit it was the complete wrong thing to do and believed you were in the right, not fit to be a leader.

update: it was 3 people not 2



Edited by A-a-ron
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After thinking about it and observing I came to the realization with 501sst that sometimes they need a very well-disciplined Commanding Officer. Based on what I've seen sometimes I have noticed 501st getting negligent or just going too far in terms of being out of hand.

So, with that, how do you plan on being a correctly mannered leader for the 501st? What do you plan on demonstrating to the officers and NCOs to prove you're a competent leader after you state "Junior Offices: Working on being mentors to Wo's and teaching them."? How do you plan on making the future NCOs uphold those abilities?

Will think about a vote after your response.


Edited by Slak
  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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@Slak By working with them during sims or drills that add passive RP and showing how to be a disciplined individual. I have shown that I'm serious most of the time and I deal with Issues that arise that I'm told about in calculated manner getting both sides if there are any and showing how to best handle said issues. Baring my one blunder that saw me review myself and having others do so to get their input on how I am doing. I want those under me or even above me that I will Listen and I will help if they need it and if i don't know something I'll go and try to learn it so that I can help then next time. Many times ive shown how to act when we need to pull it together, sometimes not, but I Do my best to be good leader to the boys.How would I have NCOs uphold these ability's, by showing them and working with them every step, or try to. I hope that answered your question if not then I'll try to word it better.

Edited by Drage
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3 hours ago, Drage said:

@Slak By working with them during sims or drills that add passive RP and showing how to be a disciplined individual. I have shown that I'm serious most of the time and I deal with Issues that arise that I'm told about in calculated manner getting both sides if there are any and showing how to best handle said issues. Baring my one blunder that saw me review myself and having others do so to get their input on how I am doing. I want those under me or even above me that I will Listen and I will help if they need it and if i don't know something I'll go and try to learn it so that I can help then next time. Many times ive shown how to act when we need to pull it together, sometimes not, but I Do my best to be good leader to the boys. I hope that answered your question if not then I'll try to word it better.

So, you say some of things going around doing trainings, passive Rp, and showing them a correct discipline manner. But as XO how come you haven't already attempted to do so? If you are doing your best right now what makes me think anything is going to change in the future? Especially after today and the past week roughly, I have seen a huge lack of maturity, discipline, and leadership. I think I am leaning more towards a -1 here, unless you can change my mind of course. 

  • Agree 1
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  • Informative 2
  • Dumb 2

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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This is an honest give or take on this one, but Drage here has had some ups and downs in the past but he always seems to bring out the best in people. I've worked with him for ages now, and i used to be his Fives for a time and that gave me some insight into his personality and character. 

Anytime there was an issue he would come on despite what his was doing to defuse the situation and despite if people were yelling at the top of their lungs. He always brings out the best in people. He would make time and try to talk with people one on one to sort out the situation, and have everyone calm down and get along at the end of the day. He wouldn't just pull Rank, and he actively tries to give NCOs a chance to take lead and gives them help if they are struggling during events. 

Yes he has some flaws, but who doesn't?

Currently within the 501st I say he is one of the best candidates for being Rex. 

So I give this man a +1 and my full support on his application for Rex.

Current Lore Character: N/A

Lore Characters Played: Hardcase x2 Tiplar Ridge x2 Fives Maze

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+1 , he said tech was his favourite BB.

  • Funny 1

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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16 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

Aren’t you the guy that publicly made an announcement calling out 2 of your battalion members and refused to remove it until Abraham got involved? You refused to admit it was the complete wrong thing to do and believed you were in the right, not fit to be a leader.

update: it was 3 people not 2



As one of the people called out in the announcement, it was a step in the wrong direction by all means. Sure, it was a complete callout, but Drage did realize that it was and apologized to those who were mentioned in it. After being in the battalion with Drage, defining him by this incident is wrong. He's improved since then and is pretty damn fit to be a leader.

  • Winner 1
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  • Dumb 4

i carried onderon events


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Drage as both a Commander and an XO has been one of the best people in the battalion by a longshot. With how TC is currently being run, there won't be an issue with a transition from hands. Plus, Abraham must've seen potential if you're the XO.

(just remove merits)

  • Winner 1

i carried onderon events


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1 hour ago, Zeros said:

As one of the people called out in the announcement, it was a step in the wrong direction by all means. Sure, it was a complete callout, but Drage did realize that it was and apologized to those who were mentioned in it. After being in the battalion with Drage, defining him by this incident is wrong. He's improved since then and is pretty damn fit to be a leader.

He only apologized after I went to Abraham personally, before that he saw nothing wrong with what he did, I don’t expect you to know that but now you do, he only did the “right” thing because he was told to. Im saying this here so other people can see it if you wish to talk further about it 

BroseidonKingOfTheBrocean#2066 Discord 

Or Aaron in 501st discord server

Edited by A-a-ron
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39 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

He only apologized after I went to Abraham personally, before that he saw nothing wrong with what he did, I don’t expect you to know that but now you do, he only did the “right” thing because he was told to. Im saying this here so other people can see it if you wish to talk further about it 

BroseidonKingOfTheBrocean#2066 Discord 

Or Aaron in 501st discord server

Didn't know that old news that has been fixed is a big issue and not even mentioning the fact he apologize to the 3 individuals.

16 hours ago, Slak said:

So, you say some of things going around doing trainings, passive Rp, and showing them a correct discipline manner. But as XO how come you haven't already attempted to do so? If you are doing your best right now what makes me think anything is going to change in the future? Especially after today and the past week roughly, I have seen a huge lack of maturity, discipline, and leadership. I think I am leaning more towards a -1 here, unless you can change my mind of course. 

Since when was 501st ever had bad leadership, No one in the battalion ever goes against orders or chain of command. 501st maturity is not going to be top of the bar because we do not want to have robots in our battalion. Lastly 501st discipline is great we make sure no one goes without punishment, But I guess from an outsider you do not really understand our disciplines.  

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17 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

Aren’t you the guy that publicly made an announcement calling out 2 of your battalion members and refused to remove it until Abraham got involved? You refused to admit it was the complete wrong thing to do and believed you were in the right, not fit to be a leader.

update: it was 3 people not 2



This is something I saw and was completely baffled by. This makes it very hard for me to trust you as Rex.

15 hours ago, Slak said:

So, you say some of things going around doing trainings, passive Rp, and showing them a correct discipline manner. But as XO how come you haven't already attempted to do so? If you are doing your best right now what makes me think anything is going to change in the future? Especially after today and the past week roughly, I have seen a huge lack of maturity, discipline, and leadership. I think I am leaning more towards a -1 here, unless you can change my mind of course. 

This also alarms me. Your response to Slak was extremely lacking.

Your plans are all 1 sentence wrong and I believe your Leadership in TC has been sub-par. I don't see any TC roleplay at all. People are just the characters to be on the job, but they don't roleplay those jobs at all.
Gonna be a -1 from me, but if you do end up getting Rex, I hope you can prove me wrong and do a great job

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23 minutes ago, Hanz said:

I believe your Leadership in TC has been sub-par. I don't see any TC roleplay at all. People are just the characters to be on the job, but they don't roleplay those jobs at all.

Personally I dont know how anyone can think this, as someone who has been in TC under drage for around the last 4 months, drage has done some amazing work in leading TC and the batallion as a whole as Appo and XO, and roleplay with TC recently has been happening nearly daily. Just my thoughts.

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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1 hour ago, Silly said:

Since when was 501st ever had bad leadership, No one in the battalion ever goes against orders or chain of command

I hope you're joking. 501st has a very little amount of leadership and it's not the best right now, I rarely see all of the Commanders actively playing and running around, talking to people, trying to start any form of RP, Some of the Commanders get on once a week and AFK for the entire day, some Commanders take up the spot and go MIA for months and never get on, and the fact that you say that nobody in 501st goes against the CoC is laughable, You don't understand that amount of times I have seen people go straight to the BCMD/XO about problems that a WO or 2ndLT can figure out. So there is your explanation.

Now on to the application, every that you have said on this app has been said by every single Rex to ever grace this server, and guess what, Aaron did more work in his 3 Days as WO then they have at all. All of your plans for where you want to see the battalion at the end of your term you could've already done as XO, so I don't really understand as to why you have to apply for BCMD to make these changes when you have been a XO for I don't even know how long and you have done none of these changes. And the fact that you called out 2 or 3 members of your battalion and downright refused to remove it until Abraham did is a travesty, you should know you're in the wrong for posting basically a public callout in announcements, and the fact that people in the discord were literally calling you out telling you to remove the post it stayed there. And when I was in 501st for about 2-3 weeks, the amount of 332nd I saw on at a time was literally none, nobody was on, so the fact that you can say that 332nd is running smoothly with a straight face isn't good. 

12 minutes ago, Seabass said:

Personally I dont know how anyone can think this, as someone who has been in TC under drage for around the last 4 months, drage has done some amazing work in leading TC and the batallion as a whole as Appo and XO, and roleplay with TC recently has been happening nearly daily. Just my thoughts.

I would love to know some of the "Roleplay with TC" that has been going on around the server. And I swear to god if you reply with "Our signing in binds are a big factor in our roleplay" I'm going to put my head through my Monitor because that is some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen. I would also like to see some of this "Amazing Work in Leading TC" because during my time in TC and as Fives, All he did was drag us into an unnecessary meeting which could have easily just been a discord message and not mess with peoples life.

This is a very strong -1 from me dog. However I have seen people with pages and pages of -1s and them still get to the Interview and end up getting the spot so who knows, our words might mean jack shit in the end.

Edited by Bleach
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I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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14 minutes ago, Bleach said:

I would love to know some of the "Roleplay with TC" that has been going on around the server. And I swear to god if you reply with "Our signing in binds are a big factor in our roleplay" I'm going to put my head through my Monitor because that is some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen. I would also like to see some of this "Amazing Work in Leading TC" because during my time in TC and as Fives, All he did was drag us into an unnecessary meeting which could have easily just been a discord message and not mess with peoples life.

Comms roleplay aswell as just passive RP and during deployments off the top of my head, and the amazing work leading tc has been shown from many deployments, trainings, events, and communication with members of the batallion in the past few months.

14 minutes ago, Bleach said:

All he did was drag us into an unnecessary meeting which could have easily just been a discord message and not mess with peoples life.

At the time, communication with TC wasn't as good as it is now, sure a ping would've worked, but the meeting was more of to catch up with everything in TC, pretty much half of TC was chosen that week so a meeting to discuss things wouldn't hurt.

14 minutes ago, Bleach said:

I hope you're joking. 501st has a very little amount of leadership and it's not the best right now, I rarely see all of the Commanders actively playing and running around, talking to people, trying to start any form of RP, Some of the Commanders get on once a week and AFK for the entire day, some Commanders take up the spot and go MIA for months and never get on


I understand this part, but drage is one of the most active commanders and does an amazing job in leading the 501st and TC with events and deployments. I can't imagine anyone else in this position personally, no disrespect

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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I think things have been a bit heated here for little reason and I would implore all to recognize this and take a step back for a moment. I can see both sides of the argument here though. The two main complaints I notice are:

  • Public callout
  • Lack of leadership in battalion

For the public callout, I was a firsthand witness of both the situation that led to it and the message/fallout that came from it. I believe the whole scenario was over-reacted to by everyone involved, not just Drage. It was not the right thing to do to call people out in such a way, but in the time since then, Drage has apologized and has been forgiven by those called out, as we see here. I think the lesson has been learned and it won’t be an issue again. 

Regarding lack of leadership in the battalion, as a MAJ I have seen some issues with the battalion, just like with any other. I do think some of these issues could have been fixed when Drage was XO, however at the time there was a BCMD above him, so he didn’t exactly have free reign. Perhaps also not all of these issues were addressed to Drage properly, I for one did not do so. Any time there has been major issues with discipline and Drage has been made aware, he has worked swiftly to address them in a serious manner, to the point where people recognize him as one of the Commander+ in 501st that cares about discipline most. I think now might be a great time for those of you who notice such things and have mentioned them here to bring them up to him with names and with proper evidence so he can do something about it. Whether that be as XO or BCMD does not matter, but I know he is fully capable of the BCMD position if people work with him.

  • Winner 4

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Head Admin

Reading through the application, the replies under here, and from the time I wasi n 501st this time around I have some concerns. So I just want to ask you some stuff before moving to a -1 or +1.
In your "plans" for the battalion you seem to just be stating what the battalion is in now or giving what you want, but how are you gonna achieve those?

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

501st Jedi: Its ok those we have currently working on Jedi are doing a alright job, it can be worked on further.
subunit jedi: Work on making other interested subunit jedi, make it more appealing

How are you gonna make it more appealing? What steps are you gonna take? What can be worked on further in the alright Jedi branch?

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

Senior Officers: Nothing much to change ,only how active we have meetings.

I may be wrong here, but from the time in 501st for me it looked like there was absolutely no noticeable difference between a junior and senior officer before. What effect will having the meetings more often have in the long-term? If I remember currently it was a bi-weekly NCO/Officer meeting kind of deal now, even though the NCO meetings were barely hosted.

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

Junior Offices: Working on being mentors to Wo's and teaching them.

How? What are you gonna do to enforce it for the long-term?

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

SNCO/NCOs: There is room for improvement, Getting SNCOs to take initiative to host sims or training, NCOs to learn an host their own sims and trainings or patrols, taking event lead or lead period.

Improvement in what areas and how are you going to make sure that the individuals start taking the initiative? The last part of that I am pretty sure is standard for every battalion, so what new does it bring of value currently?

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

332nd: hosting tryouts more during the week, getting good folks to keep it running smoothly.

Torrent Company: I have been with them an working on it for awhile, now still need to work on interacting with others an each other

For TC, you have been Appo since November 30th, 2021. How come you haven't done the goal set here for about 6 months? It seems like a lot of time wasted, laziness, or maybe you not taking the initiative you should've taken for it. So why is it that in those 6 months, which is quite a long time, it hasn't been done for a sub-unit?

On 5/26/2022 at 4:29 AM, Drage said:

Regiments: The new system our REGL made has made it so we always have a Regimental trainer on, improvements could always be made but its in good hands

What improvements do you think could make it better?

And further for something I experienced in the battalion this time around: Battalion High Command. From what I could tell the only time I saw them was when Rex got on, and as soon as he went off, they did too. Commanders getting on 1 time a week for 10 minutes or just being AFK, a Commander taking an LOA and being over the time for a week or two which with a standard officer/trooper would probably lead to some sort of discipline. High Command accepting a suggestio nas simple as battalion weekly goals which took ~2 weeks to roll out while the suggestion had everything in it. It kind of showed me that either it was extremely unorganized or people in the wrong places. I am wondering now, how are you going to make it so High Command is as efficient as possible and the spots are filled by people who genuinely want to get on and do things for the battalion?

When you answer these things, which I am personally questioning, I'll put a +1 or -1

Edited by Rohan
Edit: Small mistake
  • Agree 2
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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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@Rohan Okay so here are my answers
 Jedi: I'm currently thinking of more ways to involve 501st jedi so that they can enjoy their time with the battalion, As i will say at first jedi was something i left to the jedi leads, I have nothing concrete yet for this and im still working on it. Already working on steps just got to talk and work with the jedi lead. 
Senior officers: The meetings are more for me on the grounds of I like knowing whats going on or if anyone is struggling since the officers are on alot more during the day then i can be do to work. Long term I hoping that it helps with us keeping a schedule and organizing.
Junior officers: making sure to remind them about the NCO meetings and making NCOs aware of the meeting. Making a Check list of things to keep track of was going to be my main idea.
SNCOs-NCOs: well since i had my app ready to go a lot of the issues have been or are being dealt with. Getting them to take lead during trainings or events has improved already.
332nd: I will be working with Vaughn like i always did to assist in 332nd tryouts and trainings.
Torrent company: I have worked on getting TC Filled in my first month as APPO . I worked on getting docs made or have been working on the current ones to give more info on their characters Spanding over my time as APPO. Ive had issues that i saw to and  ive hosting TC meetings granted im terrible at them, but i try to get my point a crossed as simply as possible. There was no lack of trying on my part. IN the past Three months i have been getting them to interact and RP in small moments which is a good start.
Regiments: Honestly finding a way is the issue since our REGL has been working none stop on the docs and doing a great job.

The Issues of the commanders not being on or going AFK for the rest of the day isnt just a 501st issue. We have already talked to them about their time and they get on more frequently and stay as long as they can, their also active since you where last with us. Like other I work and others have school or night jobs or was dealing a medical issues. I would get on with Abraham because i finished my work around the same time he did.

We are a little unorganized ,its not my strong suit personally, but we have been working on it, high command mostly talks to each other frequently over discord with high command channel or DM to one another. ALSO yes it took two weeks for the Goals to be made but our Sarge at the time or Wolf made it up for the legion, and did a good job on it.

How am I going to make it efficient by talking it out and working with my current commanders and future ones, everything is a process and getting people period to fill these roles, but we've got some good Senior officers working their way up and they have shown dedication and heart for their roles thus far and I have high hopes.
I hope i answered all your questions, if i missed one or some i would like it to be know so i can address it, I tend to over read things or misinterpret them.

Edited by Drage
  • Informative 5
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8 hours ago, Hanz said:

This is something I saw and was completely baffled by. This makes it very hard for me to trust you as Rex.

This also alarms me. Your response to Slak was extremely lacking.

Your plans are all 1 sentence wrong and I believe your Leadership in TC has been sub-par. I don't see any TC roleplay at all. People are just the characters to be on the job, but they don't roleplay those jobs at all.
Gonna be a -1 from me, but if you do end up getting Rex, I hope you can prove me wrong and do a great job

There is TC roleplay present on the server. Examples can be comms roleplay, us going on a patrol, us interacting with eachother in events and us doing passive rp with eachother that can get others involved.

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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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+1 Really nice guy keep up the work

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-1 That's all really to it.

Ps. this may get voided and I have nothing personally against you.

1. This talk about discipline, order and leadership just needs to stop. It’s just an alright lie your literally at each other's throats to begin with in ts channels to begin with then you lot have literally made separate private discord chats to shit talk the living shit out of each other and talk about individuals privately (not even in Command or Ts channels) but to hide it from others. Its generally fucking pathetic and a pain to fucking deal with. I’m not going to call out names but you who know you lot are,
(It seems that people would rather bring up issues and shit talk others privately than growing a pair and bring up this issues in meetings etc it's a sad sight to see)

2. This talk about Drage being a good leader? I have nothing really personal against you drage your one of the Commanders that actually seems to do work for your rank and isn’t complete inactive and does fuck all. However I will say your leadership in events etc is decent however your incredibly stubborn even when you have been called out for a massive mistake you did in public announcements in our discord I had to literally blankly call you out and had to literally get you in a teamspeak channel with myself you and abraham to explain to you why you fucked up and how that behaviour just isn’t suitable especially as a XO and god forbid a BCMD its the words I used were that it was immature and quite unprofessional.

Yes however this was in the past it wasn’t ever a good look and yes you’ve stated you “I fix my mistakes and will own up to them” unfortunately you never saw the issue with what you did even when myself and countless others told you why it was unacceptable, I’m glad you did apologize to those involved however you not backing down and stating that you did the right thing wasn’t a good look for you.

In Addition in most circumstances Drage has only dealt with issues when he was forced to do so either by himself or other officers. I'm saying this as a blanket statement that the Officers and Commanders would rather postpone dealing with this issue than dealing with it and putting it on the back burner and let issues fester and not grabbing the initiative to actually deal with issues immediately instead waiting for others to deal with it. Or that the issues didn’t matter to them and they didn’t have the time for them.

3. Stating the obvious that the application is quite barebones and you never clearly said what you intend to do and improve the battalion in any sort of way you just gave out blanket statements.

^ I’d say this is enough stated before ppl get bored reading.
Drage if you think you can sway or give me reason why I should change it to a +1 please do so.

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                        Former: Longest x2 Ahsoka 276 Days (432 Combined), Blade of the Jedi (Guardian Lead), 501st: MAJ CMD XO.                      

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So, This is nothing against you in any way. But I genuinely do not think you would be a good fit for rex.
Most of the shit you've been saying that will happen has never happened. 

  For example, TC RP. 
No RP in TC ever happens unless a select few people are on at the same time.

With Jedi, You've said multiple times that we we're going to "make subunits more appealing"
which never happened. I was the only one who pushed for trials to actually be hosted, and asked if anyone was interested in a subunit.

Also the public callout thing is another reason why I'm putting a -1.


Edited by shroud
Remembered what i was gonna type
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i hunter
Hunter Bad Batch Star Wars GIF - Hunter Bad Batch Star Wars The Bad Batch -  Discover & Share GIFs
longest ahsoka (11 days)

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I think there has been a lot of valid points made throughout the application I agree with, I didn't know anything about the callout so I asked around, and it adds to it. Can't see you being a succesful BCMD, in my opinion. I could be wrong, but it's gonna be a -1 from me. Good luck either way, Drage.

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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