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Guild Jedi Hunter Addition


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Name: Brooklyn

RP Rank: Guild Leader

Add a Guild Jedi Hunter job with a kit. Using 1 model.

Add in a Guild Jedi Hunter job to the F4 Menu. Give it 3 slots with 1 model and the IG-100 Lightsaber. 
    On the Guild side: Since this is an EXTREMELY powerful whitelist, it will be limited to 3 slots and worth 3,000 Renown. Which in credit market is 75mil. This would ALSO be a KOS job, so only used in bounties and base raids. Generally not a always used job. And yes, rules will be put into place so These Droids only attack Jedi and do not target Clones.
The reason the IG-100 Saber was selected is because it doesn't have any force powers on it that a droid can't use. Adrenaline / Charge / Leap / Saber Throw and / Channel Hatred (Which couldn't be used). Stats wise, the best would probably be around 1200 Health and 300 Armor. As that is around the health of a Maxed Guardian Branch.
    I did talk to Sixta (Current Yoda) Before requesting a job like this.

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable:
Content is listed below in the Job Addition section

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following:

Job: Guild Jedi Hunter

Slots: 3

Keep away from the Jedi. These droids are programmed to do anything but that. The Lethal CIS Droids made their way to the Guild and are now hunting for our cause.



Edited by Brooklyn
  • Dumb 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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41 minutes ago, Conrad said:

How much health and armor would this job have? I'd assume not base since they'd die instantly.

Updated the post with info. But 1200 health. 300 armor. Roughly Guardian jedi stats

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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So I understand that Jedi are really OP and annoying to fight against if you're a gun user, but this gives me CIS faction vibes (that's not a good thing). There doesn't currently exist a guild whitelist that's KOS because the faction is really meant for roleplay, or at least that's what I believe. I've said before that BH has the best roleplay you can have on the entire server if you're creative enough, and I still stand by that. However, I don't see how this will further RP at all. Not to mention the lore implications on how the Guild obtains CIS Jedi Hunter droids is very weird. Honestly I think your Guild jumper if more efficient at killing Jedi. Jedi will just crippling slam the Jedi Hunter and it's kind of all over from there. I like your other two suggestions, but this isn't needed.


  • Disagree 1
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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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I'm not going to vote either way really, but honestly I'm kinda more worried for the droid's durability? Event characters like Grievous run around with at least ten times the health and still get lit up to all hell, but these guys are supposed to do it without access to things like force absorb? And against enemies they're (presumably from reading this?) not allowed to target back against (troopers). It seems like it'd be hard to pull off for anything except maybe duels. They don't get the anonymity of regular hunters so if they try to enter the base or hop to the deployed planet, a trooper could just turn around and call them out before the whole swarm light him up. It seems like they'd have to work very well with GMs to get a deployment that wouldn't compromise them (which like Katy pointed out, it does feel very CISish).

I'm also curious if there wasn't another option. Obviously, jedi hunters seem the best to match a lone (or multiple) jedi in a straight duel. But what about hunters that specialize in killing jedi? Aside from those with brains that might try to catch them off guard with snipers and flanking, a more forward approach I feel would be looking to past lore sources for things like flamethowers (not really an option for a kit class) or explosives (which I'm not sure how easy it would be to get authorized or to maintain this kind of role you seem to want to implement). 

Overall, just throwing my opinion on it. Like I said, I think it seems a fine addition but I'm wondering about the survivability of the droids.

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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Forum Admin


I can't really find a genuine use for this job. I understand the intention, however, it doesn't seem to have any usefulness besides an oddly specific situation in which you are pursuing a bounty placed against a SINGLE Jedi, in which you get this one Jedi alone in order to kill them. Jetpack BH I believe with level out the playing field just fine.

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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I see a lot of really, really cool RP situations that would be made possible by jedi hunter droids (I might actually use this for events as an EJ)

Imagine: a hostile clan with 4 people online. They lure a jedi padawan to cave; in the cave, 


Jedi hunter droid.

They duke it out.

Bounty, done.

Cool fucking RP for the hunters and possibly even for the padawan.

  • Agree 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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I can really find a genuine use for this job. I understand the intention, and, it seems to have many useful additions besides an oddly specific situation in which you are pursuing a bounty placed against a SINGLE Jedi, in which you get this one Jedi alone in order to kill them. Jetpack BH I believe will Not level out the playing field just fine.

  • Funny 1
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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1 hour ago, Guac said:


I can't really find a genuine use for this job. I understand the intention, however, it doesn't seem to have any usefulness besides an oddly specific situation in which you are pursuing a bounty placed against a SINGLE Jedi, in which you get this one Jedi alone in order to kill them. Jetpack BH I believe with level out the playing field just fine.

There are many bounties placed on individual Jedi and most of those bounties go untouched because of how hard it is to kill them.

  • Confused 1


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This will make Jedi targeted bounties doable for skilled duelists alone. Normally to take a Jedi bounty, you got to get a small crew together to blast them. With this, you can just get one droid (if you are good) and do a bounty. It allows for more bounties to be opened up against Jedi.

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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1 hour ago, Hanz said:

There are many bounties placed on individual Jedi and most of those bounties go untouched because of how hard it is to kill them.

Imma be a buck. Getting a jedi hunter droid will not help you kill most jedi that probably get put on for bounties - especially if the bounty is for a jedi master or lore character (who almost all have force reflect or other powerful force abilities). The inability to use force powers renders the droid essentially useless in a fight against any jedi that has gotten halfway through their skill tree. The only jedi you would have a chance in beating would be consulars.... wow. I dont see how this would generate more rp for the guild. If you have a bounty against a jedi, it should be very pricey to make it worth it. After that you need to assemble a team, jedi are almost never easy to put down unless you can kill them in a way they cannot fight back. The jedi hunter droid would just be an RDM job and will not stimulate rp in and out of the guild. IF you want to stimulate rp, make the bounties more rewarding if people arent taking them due to the difficulty. If it gives more, it will attract people to actually work together (which creates rp when they work together).


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6 hours ago, Guac said:


I can't really find a genuine use for this job. I understand the intention, however, it doesn't seem to have any usefulness besides an oddly specific situation in which you are pursuing a bounty placed against a SINGLE Jedi, in which you get this one Jedi alone in order to kill them. Jetpack BH I believe with level out the playing field just fine.


On 1/20/2022 at 5:21 PM, Katy said:

So I understand that Jedi are really OP and annoying to fight against if you're a gun user, but this gives me CIS faction vibes (that's not a good thing). There doesn't currently exist a guild whitelist that's KOS because the faction is really meant for roleplay, or at least that's what I believe. I've said before that BH has the best roleplay you can have on the entire server if you're creative enough, and I still stand by that. However, I don't see how this will further RP at all. Not to mention the lore implications on how the Guild obtains CIS Jedi Hunter droids is very weird. Honestly I think your Guild jumper if more efficient at killing Jedi. Jedi will just crippling slam the Jedi Hunter and it's kind of all over from there. I like your other two suggestions, but this isn't needed.


So I will elaborate a bit further for the -1s about singular bounties. 

Base Raids. I am completely aware that BH isn't a military. But I am also aware how difficult it is for anyone besides me to get kills because of Jedi. Force Reflect, Force choke (Stix). Force Absorb. The odds are SIGNIFICANTLY stacked against BH going into a raid. I also look at this as an opportunity for Jedi to actually fight something on a regular basis. Let's be real, Sith is probably NEVER coming back, Jedi get annoyed or bored with ROE. The Lore Characters sit with force reflect on (For a decent percentage of time) and don't really get any thrill of anything, besides a sith event. If I'm wrong correct me. It's not even about the droid winning every battle against a Jedi. It's a major assistance to Hunters that is being handicapped heavily so it can work in a fashion that isn't an event job.

Jedi Hunter Droids are a way for Hunters to do bounties without essentially getting slaughtered by Jedi. Not even including the clones. Not to mention, the RP aspect. I put a lot of faith in Mavelle in these ideas because this man can actually roleplay. If he can create situations out of this, then everyone can.

Follow up question. What CIS Vibes and how does this relate? 

  • Optimistic 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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8 hours ago, Brooklyn said:


So I will elaborate a bit further for the -1s about singular bounties. 

Base Raids. I am completely aware that BH isn't a military. But I am also aware how difficult it is for anyone besides me to get kills because of Jedi. Force Reflect, Force choke (Stix). Force Absorb. The odds are SIGNIFICANTLY stacked against BH going into a raid. I also look at this as an opportunity for Jedi to actually fight something on a regular basis. Let's be real, Sith is probably NEVER coming back, Jedi get annoyed or bored with ROE. The Lore Characters sit with force reflect on (For a decent percentage of time) and don't really get any thrill of anything, besides a sith event. If I'm wrong correct me. It's not even about the droid winning every battle against a Jedi. It's a major assistance to Hunters that is being handicapped heavily so it can work in a fashion that isn't an event job.

Jedi Hunter Droids are a way for Hunters to do bounties without essentially getting slaughtered by Jedi. Not even including the clones. Not to mention, the RP aspect. I put a lot of faith in Mavelle in these ideas because this man can actually roleplay. If he can create situations out of this, then everyone can.

Follow up question. What CIS Vibes and how does this relate? 

I guess I'll answer your questions by saying it gives CIS vibes because it's using the same model as the CIS Jedi Hunter and it's KOS. That could have easily been a job from the CIS faction. Again, I don't know what kind of roleplay you would be doing with a Jedi Hunter droid other than commanding your droid to attack a Jedi and say, "GET HIS ASS!!!!!" That's not roleplay. Mavelle's example of RP is really nice. That's exactly something I was going to suggest hunters do. Y'know, be smart when dealing with Jedi and spring a trap. However I'm confident if you remove the Hunter Droid from that situation and just have the four hunters, you CAN take down a Jedi. Of course it's going to be difficult, it's a Jedi. Most Hunters I see dealing with Jedi just fight them on the wide open ground where there's plenty of room to force leap away as a Jedi. If you say, lure a Jedi into a trap, like the caves or inside Aurek base, maybe even blow the entrance so debris collapses and blocks the entrance, spring an actual ambush, you will kill a Jedi. You guys still have perma weapons that will blow through the health of someone. And if you're not properly planned or equipped, then why are you trying to kill a Jedi?

Now I know that Jedi want to fight more saber users, myself included, but attaching CIS droids that are KOS and are, y'know, droids, to the Guild doesn't make any sense lore wise. Why would Dooku give his droids out to the Guild when he can simply use them himself? He wouldn't risk the technology getting into the hands of the Republic by giving a supply of Jedi Hunters to the Guild. Like what would stop the Guild from making them Sith Hunters and get a fat paycheck from the Republic instead? There are a lot of questions I could also ask but I think I get the point across.

In me replying to this post for the past five minutes I have already thought of a what I believe to be a better idea that still has some of the issues I have with Jedi Hunter, but completely negates the three massive problems I have with your suggestion:
1. Weird lore implications
2. KOS
3. Provides very little or no roleplay
I call it the "Guild Duelist" These are members of the guild that are trained with a vibrosword (reskinned single-hilt saber, no force powers, sort like the training saber) They have been honing their ability to combat melee users and as such, are able to combat even saber users. I would absolutely love to roleplay as this character. The amount of ideas in my head are getting me excited. Imagine talking with a Jedi about your stances and how similar your training could have been and relate to them. Or Sith. Or whoever! A lot of possibilities here. I'm not going to list down what health, armor, ROE, stances, or whatever because I know some asshole will just debate it and ignore the rest of the points I made when balancing this role is not my job. I'm suggesting the idea of it.

I think this would be a very fun addition to the Guild that makes roleplay AND gameplay exciting for everyone. My points still stand and my opinions on Jedi Hunter remain unchanged, but if you use my Guild Duelist suggestion or make something akin to it that doesn't have the three problems I have with the Jedi Hunter, then I will happily support that.

  • Agree 7


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Dono makes a good point. BH having to actually plan out an attack on a Jedi, and most likely still lose, is part of the reason the bounty is so high. Realistically Jedi wouldn't be on the same level as a team of shitty bounty hunters, so only the best of the BHs should be able to take one on. Also on an OOC level this just makes harassing Jedi way easier.

  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I will +1 but I also don't see many people using this, more of a for fun thing. There is only ever so many (not a lot) of bounties against jedi, if im not wrong there is two right now, one for mace windu, one for anakin. My problem is how expensive it is to only be able to use during jedi bounties. Its weird cuz it makes sense but at the same time will take so long to get (or just really rich people can buy right away) just to use for maybe 10 minutes a day. If we could refine it a bit to be able to use it more often and not just during the 2 active bounties I would be more enthusiastic about it. But I also might be misunderstanding this idea, who knows. Regardless, like I said, reluctant +1

RIP Family of Euphoria

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At first I thought this was going to be a flame trooper meme but after realising it was a droid I think I looked too harshly on the flame trooper. Personally I'd rather see a jet pack flame thrower kit, which would fall inline with the mando theme and tactics used by hunters. But even a flame thrower hunter is a bit of a stretch however I think it would fit the BH clan better if the goal is to counter Jedj.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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  • Management
16 hours ago, Finn said:

Also on an OOC level this just makes harassing Jedi way easier.


I don’t really understand the sentiment behind “Oh Jedi are hard to kill” or “Attacking a military base is not in our favor” like that makes sense. Jedi aren’t easy to kill and attacking military bases isn’t easy either. I don’t get it

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i am literally captain tukk

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