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Freck | Admiral Yularen Application | Term 3


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** This application has been approved by Operations Regimental Commander Bro, and waived by the Directors, Square and Jackson**

Steam Name: Freck
RP Name: Ensign Wilhuff Tarkin // Elder Knight Freck // 501st HWS 2nd LT Freck
RP Rank: Ensign
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:190610964
I have gained a lot of experience in many positions such as:
- Shadow Company BCMD Blackout - Synergy’s first Blackout, who built Shadow Company from the ground with the guidance from Max and the hard work from Bbstine, Ryx, and Vanhorn (Nerf Blaster).
- RC Delta Squad Scorch
- Null Squad Kom'rk 
- Jedi General Eeth Koth
- Jedi General Keelyvine Reus
- Sentinel Lead
- Jedi General Anakin Skywalker
- 501st TC REGL Commander Ridge
The experience I gained from these positions built me as an individual to help me pursue the following which I deem to be the most important:

Admiral Yularen - Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin - Quartermaster Lead
I was in Naval before I departed from the server for around 8 months. After getting into Naval for the second time, following an unjustified removal (I wasn’t logged on the docs), I ventured into what would become the main journey of my CWRP experience.Firstly, I single handedly built the Quartermaster branch from being perceived as “useless” to becoming one of the key pillars of Naval. This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for my dedication to Naval combined with my reliable activity, as well as my strong leadership and confidence in my own ability. I strode through the ranks under multiple admirals, these being Reptilia, Forseen, Baller and finally Squeaks. Squeaks granted me the opportunity to be her Vice Admiral and successor, in which I gratefully accepted. My two terms as Admiral taught me many things, such as how to adapt to the constantly changing player base and how to remain consistent with my methods of approaching situations, I feel as if these qualities are both necessary when running for a position of such high calibre. My journey in Naval did come to an unfortunate end, however since returning I have reignited my love for Naval and the journey must continue, onwards and upwards.

CWRP Director & Trainer Director
My journey through the staff team and the trainer program taught me a lot, I was faced with many challenges along the way and ultimately made decisions that would not just impact the player base at the time but future generations of players. This has taught me the importance of my actions and the effect that it can have on not just a few individuals but the community as a whole. My love for the Trainer Program came to me quite early on in my staffing days, as a New Admin I would spend hours awaiting new cadets, sometimes training upto 15+ people a day. This alone demonstrates how I am willing to dedicate myself to a cause and help others within my community no matter what it takes. 
My promotion to Director of CWRP alongside Square was by far one of my biggest achievements, being just aged 14, I was Synergy Roleplay’s youngest Director. Sadly real life came first and despite my best efforts to stay, I left when it was necessary.

Why should you become Admiral?:
I’d like to become Admiral as since I have returned to Clone Wars, I have taken an interest in helping Naval once again. I will restore Naval to its former glory. 
I believe that I am the best candidate for this position due to many reasons:

Dedication - My dedication to the republic fleet is immense, naval is the reason I returned to the server, as I was informed of its current state and many members of the community thought that I would be the best individual to fix it. I am currently dedicating my server time to naval and only naval, with the occasional switch to Jedi. I will be a committed Admiral, that is devoted to the position and the server as a whole.

Leadership - From my experiences within modern naval, I am certain that it requires consistency in it’s leadership, as the current management of the fleet can be described by many members of the community as inadequate at times and unreliable. This resulting in many players missing out on opportunities to endorse themselves in roleplay, and gain trainings that can help them, and the server, to progress.

Activity - My activity since returning has been unprecedented compared to the current standards set. I have ensured that players across all timezones have had a member of the fleet to represent them and their interests regarding roleplay. 

Confidence - I am confident in my capabilities of being a leader of a large organisation. I am able to use my confidence to inspire others to assist me in creating and maintaining the best possible naval. My confidence has allowed me to undertake many positions that have a lot of responsibility, some of these positions being: CWRP Director, Trainer Director and the privilege to serve 2 terms as Wulff Yularen.

Do you understand  the purpose of Naval on the server?:
In the server, the fleet is vital to ensuring the safety of the base and those who are on it. The fleet act as a command force to suggest how to combat and work against CIS attackers and any other forms of hositles that approach the base. The fleet also hold debriefs and trainings such as medical, engineering and ATC, which are vital to providing the players a variety of options when being tasked with different roleplay scenarios.
From a lore perspective, the Republic Navy was the naval branch of the military forces of the Galactic Republic that was created by the Military Creation Act along with the Grand Army of the Republic in 22 BBY although it already held a proud naval tradition that dated back thousands of years to the foundation of the Old Republic. Prior to the Clone Wars, the Republic did not maintain a standing navy in a thousand years, which forced member worlds to manage their own orbital defense. Galactic Republic naval assets included capital ships and sub-capital ships that were decades and sometimes centuries old. Some of these assets were Venator-class Star Destroyers, which were in service to the Republic by circa 42 BBY.

Monday - 4PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Tuesday - 6PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Wednesday - 2PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Thursday - 6PM GMT - 10:30PM GMT
Friday - 7PM - 1AM GMT
Weekends - All Day (Unless something pops up)
These times may be extended due to the current coronavirus situation and schools being closed.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
- CWRP Director 
- Trainer Director
- Game Master Chief
- Shadow Company BCMD Blackout
- Admiral Yularen - Two Terms
(Synergy's ''best'' Naval)
- Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin
- Quartermaster Lead
- RC Delta Squad Scorch
- Null Squad Kom'rk 
- Jedi General Eeth Koth
- Jedi General Keelyvine Reus
- Sentinel Lead
- Jedi General Anakin Skywalker
- 501st TC REGL Commander Ridge

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:
I want Naval to be reformed to its former glory. I aim for it to have a solid structure that future admirals will be able to build upon. I aim to ensure documents follow a strict standard to guarantee quality roleplay, a firm structure,and internal consistency. I aim to build future leaders through cooperation, commitment and inspiration. I want to inspire the players to join Naval, and to deduct the negative attitude that many have towards the fleet. 

I will be working towards:
Weekly requirements of: 

  • At least 1 training per day for each branch.
  • At least 5-7 tryouts through the course of a week to ensure that the fleet is actively recruiting, bringing more people into the roleplay.

I also aim to bring together Coruscant Guard and Naval, so that we can work as one unit (when needed), promoting roleplay and improving players' experiences on the server. 

Another aim of mine is to implement challenging but not impossible tryouts, which will make gaining a position in naval far more prestigious, incentivising activity.

Most importantly, I aim to create an enjoyable environment which allows naval to blossom within roleplay; and rid the fear of removal that many of the current naval seem to have.

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:

  • Improving the activity of lower ranked individuals by having an active officer core, that always sets the example. One of the ways this can be done by implementing lore characters that do not require models to be added into the server, as an incentive to remain active and dedicated to the fleet. 
  • Consistent monitoring of officer activity and behaviour, to eradicate the possibility of an inactive or unworthy individual being in a position that possesses a great deal of power and responsibility. 
  • Evaluating the current officer core and whether their activity and work ethic is fitting for their positions. If an individual is not up to standard, they will be replaced with someone that is.
  • Making sure that promotions are given through work ethic and dedication, instead of time in position, to prevent people going MIA in important positions.
  • Strict guidelines for documentation (as previously mentioned), this coming hand in hand with a restructured intel team, that works quickly and efficiently. 
  • Implementing weekly requirements to ensure branch trainings and tryouts are completed regularly and can be accessed by individuals of all timezones. Additionally, making it so all members of the fleet can hold ATC trainings, giving the players more chances to gain the permissions to fly and enhance their roleplay within the server.
  • Remaining confident with the ideas that the fleet as a collective implements, so that we can build upon a solid foundation and not create a cycle of constantly throwing together uninspired and unprocessed concepts.
  • Only promoting individuals to the ranks of Rear/Vice Admiral if I view them as a strong and capable candidate for the position of Admiral Yularen once my time to depart has come. 
  • Keep current ideas that the fleet as a collective can agree benefit the server and the roleplay. (I.E combining teamspeak channels with CG when it comes to events) whilst disregarding reductive/unnecessary “changes” that hinder the development of the fleet.
  • Building Naval’s image when it comes to organisation. This will involve updating and improving the discord, the flight callsigns roster and many other outdated documents, along with protocols that we should be following in game to present ourselves as mature and respectable individuals. (I.E. marching back from Debrief, making sure ALL naval have a role during events, and upholding a high degree of behaviour in the game and teamspeak.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Admiral rank?:

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 3
  • Friendly 1


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+1 Wait...freck oh snap.

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+1, no one more capable.
been keeping up to date with him and he's genuinely more competent then anyone else in naval. He has everything down there is no question that he's prepared to take back naval


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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Freck can do it

  • Friendly 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Forum Admin

+1 but you gotta stop with the sex jokes lmao 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 Make Naval British again, but in all serious I don't think there is many other people on the server who would be more capable for the role than you, especially since this would be your third term as Yularen. I have lots of faith in you.

  • Agree 1

"The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."

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+1 this man has brought RP back to Base ops.. whoops i mean Naval

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Now a lot of people know that I have a strong disdain towards Naval and I have my many, many, many reasons. When I first joined the server and we made that switch to Extensive and I got VIP I quickly joined Naval. This was around October of 2018 and I can easily say that Naval was actually something I enjoyed to play as and to see when not on my Naval job. I loved Naval back then. I didn't get too far in Naval though as I only became a ENGO and SNCO before dropping my responsibilities to pursue SO BDE.

Naval has been on a decline since Endor. Base Ops killed Naval and that's just the truth. Naval has yet to recover and their decline hasn't halted. There's a reason why I've made two posts to turn them into Event Jobs due to their inactivity on the server, their inability to take care of their responsibilities on the server, and other smaller reasons like complete tom foolery. Naval has so much RP capability, the most on the server, yet I see them do the dumbest shit ever. For a good amount of time on Anaxes I'd watch officers break their own rules over and over again, especially when Bounty Hunters came out.

Naval is a huge part of the server. MED and ENG fall under them alongside the upkeep of the base/ship and for a long time it didn't feel like that and when I eventually left the GMOD scene I felt Naval wasn't living up to their true potential and I still feel the same way about Naval now. They've had so many chances, kicks in the ass, and eye opening moments that should have straightened em out but there was no change, no good change I mean.

+1 :Pepega: I've only heard good things about you and Naval during your time... before the dark times...

Best of luck to you. You'll need it.

- mArVeL

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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+1 hopefully you can fix the state that it is in

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Head Admin

+1, what about 501st tho :/

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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  • Retired Founder

You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview

Please contact one of the Server Directors to organise your interview before 05/01/2020 or your application will be DENIED

// Locked

// moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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