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Sugga's Captain Rex Re-applications


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 Steam Name:

RP Name:
Captain Rex

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:
501st Legion

How many terms you've held the position?:
1 Term

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:
I want to help further grow the battalion to bigger and higher standards that have not been achieved before. I feel as if my teachings that I can give to the battalion are not quite done and there is more I could do to help refine them in all aspects of being a battalion. I also want to build the interbattalion documents and relationships more so that we can work better.

Current availability:
Weekdays 8-10EST | Weekends All day | Every day on discord

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:
What I have achieved in my last term was growing the battalion to be one of the most populated battalions as well as refine them the best I could in the amount of time given. I have also trained my men to be a formidable fighting force one the battlefield as well as, grow a very close knit brotherhood within the battalion. I furthermore remade a lot of the structural documents within the battalion and merged two feuding battalions into a new and more prosperous battalion than ever before. I also remade the battalions officer corp into a self sustainable and efficient workforce.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

I of course will always be preaching recruitment so we can grow bigger and better. I also want to refine the battalion to look more professional as well as work on how we approach different combat and non combat situations. Furthermore I want to start building relations with all other battalions so that we can work more effectively on and off the battlefield. In addition I will work more on the roleplaying side of things so that my men immerse more into the role of being a 501st Legion Trooper. One of the biggest things that i want to work on is making the battalion feel more as a botherhood and a family. We all play games for different reasons but one reason i know is to escape reality for a bit and to do so you have to be in a fun and friendly enviroment. That is what I will try to achieve in the next term. I want us to feel as if you have a second home here so people want to get on which will cause our battalions activity to boost.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I do understand

Edited by Sugga
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Sugga is an ace guy and i love him as Rex, Big +1

Edited by XGears

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1 This man has single-handedly improved and changed the 501st legion for the best. He has built up the 501st's officer corps from the ground up and he managed and maintained the peace during the merge between the 501st and the 187th. He loves every single member of the 501st as his own kid and he has served as an exquisite example of how a Battalion Commander should act towards his own men, and towards the community. Sugga has my full support to go for another term as Captain Rex, thank you so much for reapplying dude <3.

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+1 i agree with this motion

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 I was under Sugga's leadership while 187th was still a thing. Sugga Revived 187th and solidifying its way of doing things getting people to want to constantly be on Training, doing Sims, and Tryouts. I have heard many things with his run in 501st and believe he will do great for another term.

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+1 you changed 501st from being dead to the most active one of the best leaders i have ever met ~Fives

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Dude has given his all to the battalion, always holds a training for the battalion whenever he is on. He is always talking to everyone within the battalion even those who just joined. This friendliness really helps to keep members within the battalion and give a good face for the battalion. I feel Sugga is honestly a role model as a BCMD for how he should act with the members under him and how he should represent the battalion. With that all being said This man definitely has my fuckin +1

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+1 - I entrusted this man with my 187th and quite frankly, he has kept it alive in the form of blue, Thank you and continue.

But with that being said, i know you are aware of this, I always tell you this and those around you when I see it, Fix the quantity over quality issue. You have mass numbers which could be good, but I would like to see them become great, it may mean you need to knuckle down and get a little more serious yourself.

Edited by Dreams-


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9 hours ago, Sugga said:

 Steam Name:

RP Name:
Captain Rex

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:
501st Legion

How many terms you've held the position?:
1 Term

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:
I want to help further grow the battalion to bigger and higher standards that have not been achieved before. I feel as if my teachings that I can give to the battalion are not quite done and there is more I could do to help refine them in all aspects of being a battalion. I also want to build the interbattalion documents and relationships more so that we can work better.

Current availability:
Weekdays 8-10EST | Weekends All day | Every day on discord

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:
What I have achieved in my last term was growing the battalion to be one of the most populated battalions as well as refine them the best I could in the amount of time given. I have also trained my men to be a formidable fighting force one the battlefield as well as, grow a very close knit brotherhood within the battalion. I furthermore remade a lot of the structural documents within the battalion and merged two feuding battalions into a new and more prosperous battalion than ever before. I also remade the battalions officer corp into a self sustainable and efficient workforce.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

I of course will always be preaching recruitment so we can grow bigger and better. I also want to refine the battalion to look more professional as well as work on how we approach different combat and non combat situations. Furthermore I want to start building relations with all other battalions so that we can work more effectively on and off the battlefield. In addition I will work more on the roleplaying side of things so that my men immerse more into the role of being a 501st Legion Trooper. One of the biggest things that i want to work on is making the battalion feel more as a botherhood and a family. We all play games for different reasons but one reason i know is to escape reality for a bit and to do so you have to be in a fun and friendly enviroment. That is what I will try to achieve in the next term. I want us to feel as if you have a second home here so people want to get on which will cause our battalions activity to boost.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I do understand

Alright questions 

- engineer has 1 lead no officers no other engineers JT has had the same leadership since November and had 0 members untill this week what’s your plan for this? 

- the nco corps and the enlisted run around 90% of the time because a lot of the SNCO’s and lower officers don’t have confidence in their shoes yet to step up and take charge how will you fix this? 

-  you said you were leaving the server after your term why reapp? Returning after a burn out or without having necessary time, which you have proven to not have necessary time through minuscule time spent actually taking charge of situations.

- most of the power delegated has gone without being handled, workloads pile up without changes, improvements etc.

-1 however please answer these questions.


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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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So while I was and still am your outreach, I've seen you do good stuff with your Batt when I'm on. Trainings and Patrols are being run constantly, I even helped you "Ambush" your troopers with some NPCs. So What I'm saying is, Nice job mate.  Keep up the good work. 


Omega Three-Six "Darman"| "Blood for the Blood God!"


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+1 Ever since I joined the 501st and from all my time being on Synergy with a couple exceptions  he is the most hands on BCMD I have came across on the server. Not only is he active but he does things to make his troops stay active and learn from hosting special training's to mini events so we become better. 

Edited by Code_R3d
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+1 Good leader great friend

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  • Director

+1 good luck



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Head Admin

Ngl I heard you say that you were not gonna go for it again but I mean like +1 anyways. Good rex as far as I've seen.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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+1 May the best man win

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 I was in 501st when the merge had happened and i think you did a horrible job of doing it, there were better ways and you didn't listen what people were telling you. I think there is a better candidate. You got handed 187th on a silver plate, than you got 501st handed to you on a golden plate. And still from what i've heard you made it worse. You have had your time as BCMD and i think its time for someone else to go for Rex. (and i'm not meaning Dylan)

Edited by Egert
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+1 not going to lie, I was kinda pissed when Kelso got put down to XO, but I think Suggs kinda made up for that and tried to make everyone as comfortable as they could be with someone random appearing out of nowhere to be their BCMD.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 I have been on this server since the very beginning, and before then. I have seen my share of BCMDs, a lot of bad ones, a lot of good ones. You are one of the good ones, you bring your troopers moral up just by your presence, which can be hard to achieve.


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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-1, You still haven't responded to craig and he asked some pretty damn important questions.

Plus I don't know if it's me being european or it's you but I see jagger (who has many many issues getting on the server) interacting with the us more than you do the 501st.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. And best of luck.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Head Admin
51 minutes ago, Comics said:

-1, You still haven't responded to craig and he asked some pretty damn important questions.

Plus I don't know if it's me being european or it's you but I see jagger (who has many many issues getting on the server) interacting with the us more than you do the 501st.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. And best of luck.

Imma actually jump on this. Sugga interacts with us actively when he needs to and when he can. Now and then he plays a different game which is perfectly normal. Hell, he has prepared an Operation for us for 2 weeks which we did last night for ~2.5h. He's taken his time to improve the battalion itself and it's members in many ways. I am reading through these comments saying "He ain't interacting with the 501st". Maybe if you were in the battalion you would be able to see that he does as opposed to being an outsider of the battalion and not knowing when and what we do. Now I have been in the 501st, since I transferred, for exactly 30 days and although to me also being european I have seen him a lot. Working with us, his executive command and interacting with RP characters in events.

  • Agree 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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On 3/20/2020 at 12:47 AM, Craigary said:

Alright questions 

- engineer has 1 lead no officers no other engineers JT has had the same leadership since November and had 0 members untill this week what’s your plan for this? 

- the nco corps and the enlisted run around 90% of the time because a lot of the SNCO’s and lower officers don’t have confidence in their shoes yet to step up and take charge how will you fix this? 

-  you said you were leaving the server after your term why reapp? Returning after a burn out or without having necessary time, which you have proven to not have necessary time through minuscule time spent actually taking charge of situations.

- most of the power delegated has gone without being handled, workloads pile up without changes, improvements etc.

-1 however please answer these questions.


- We have gotten about 3 new jet troopers alongside  2 new engineers. My plan was as I told you personally the day you brought it up to me as let my regimental lead take care of it (which he has been in the position for on 2 days before your post). He has been doing an amazing job with this and only with in a few days having it he has brought members into the battalion.

-I don’t understand this question as every time I join the channel or get on the game I see them being led by an officer Or NCO during an event or even training. The other 40% of time there isn’t a training it is just down time and yes they are running around just talking to people and doing RP. 
- Never have I said I was burnt out of the game along side not have necessary time for the server. I am on 3-6 hours a day working with my battalion. Those three days I was not “active” was me spending time with a friend that was going to boot camp and even then I still got on the server. As it also says in the re-application I feel as I can still give some teachings to the battalion and help it grow.

-This is another question that I quite don’t understand stand. All the work that has been delegated has been fixed. And no work has been built up. The only thing I could see is the jet trooper and engineer branches which has been fixed. Please send me some examples if you see them but I personally don’t understand.

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