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State of the Navy


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Hey guys,
I know that most of this server has a strong opinion surrounding The Navy, formerly Base Ops. I know you've all made up your minds for various reasons, and I of course respect your opinions. That being said, I want change. I've spent the first half of my term attempting to rebuild and properly establish an internal structure, and myself and my High Command are now turning our eyes towards the responsibilities and purpose of the Navy on Synergy as a whole.

I'd like feedback from the community regarding the Navy. You have a problem with us? Well, we're more than likely already working on fixing it- but we'd still like to hear your opinions. 

How do you feel about the current state of the Navy? Why do you feel this way? Do you have any suggestions? 

- The Admiralty


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As someone who has had many issues with naval and BO in the past with things such as attitude or a Naval Recruit coming into my bunks and saying "Oh I guess we don't salute naval anymore" LMAO, that was on the old extensive tho not recent. Anyways, I fully support a reform and a bigger push for RP on your guy's end, I think a lot of people hear about your stigma and such but you should be given a chance because admirals before you really didn't seem to care about their reputation. 


Small things I have an issue with or would is if any Naval or BO told Dooms Unit for example to go on a patrol, they run the base as it functions but do not oversee military operations. Military operations should be overseen and carried out by that battalions officers, battalion commander, and regimental commander+. If a Naval recruit would like to issue orders like that I suggest joining a battalion on their clone and working their way to a high position.


Recently I have no issues with Naval and I think you're doing a pretty bang up job personally, people such a Husky can vouch that I used to completely despise Naval and my views have really changed.

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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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GM Leadership

Well I guess I should say something. Many people know I am not the biggest fan of Naval. To be honest the reason is a mixture of Communication and attitude towards others. The impression I get from most Naval I have interacted with has been either poor or disappointing. So lets get this started.

Starting with Communication. This is not specifically directed towards Naval, This plagues most of the server. But getting back on track, The Changes to the rules and updates to trainings are not brought up much to others till its done. After that there is no effort that I have seen to spread it. Again I could be purely on my side of things but that is one of the issues. You could make the effort with your PR guys to join other discords to help them get those changes out. Second Make a Public Rules Doc for everyone to see. If this is made and shown to everyone there is no warning or no excuses for them not to see it.

Second would be Attitude. Most of the PO3s and lower I have talked to either have a stick up their ass or do not understand their role. Some of your officers suffer from this but that is rare. More or less I think you should try to get someone to teach them how they should act and or what their role is. Im sure this is covered in training but someone should watch them. Again I could just be my luck to see the bad eggs.

Feel free to message me about any of these but that is the issues I have noticed as of current and when I was in high command.

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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16 minutes ago, Crimson said:

Second Make a Public Rules Doc for everyone to see. If this is made and shown to everyone there is no warning or no excuses for them not to see it.

This needs to be a thing for not just naval but all of the regiments need a centralized rule doc of what they have in place. I think this could help with disagreements on what is what in some battalions, and if this already exists I have not heard of it before.

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Mainly attitude within fleet. I cant count the amount of times ive had a base ops come to brig and demand entry to know whats happening inside not "Can i come inside and grasp the situation" its always "Let me inside i need to know whats going on" Other than that i dont really have an issue with fleet and most of you guys RP S-tier (hi matt) 

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Autism made me do it.

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Im not good at explaining stuff but, much lack of communication between Naval/BO and Others. 
When operating ATC too, people just argue over who's active and who's not, whos controlling PTE/PTL's etc. Its pretty confusing.

that and attitude, big one on this one. Deadhealla (however the fuck you say his name) Is doing a fantastic job with attitude though, extremely good. Promote this man.

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:PepoThink: Alrighty

So I am going to start with a simple list of issues that have occurred within Naval/Base Operations

1. Overall Consistency
1a. Hosting Trainings for MED, ENG, and other things they controlled
1b. Overall Activity and Appeal

2. Constant Internal Drama
2a. A large portion of Naval/Base Ops Officers would grasp for any little bit of power they could and caused a ton of drama.
2b. The Commander Reporting of a Admiral/Base Commander became an ongoing meme
2c. The Removals of several Admirals/Base Commanders in a row became a meme as well.

3. Branches
3a. Naval has always had their main two branches, MED and ENG, but have had several smaller branches that ultimately fail and get restarted once or twice every Admiral/Base Commander

4a. Nothing major here other than overtime Naval's decreased activity made it to where any officer in a battalion could call DEFCONs then later CPT+ and then now I believe it is Naval and BCMD+

5. Air Traffic Control and PTLs/PTEs
5a. ATC has gone from being super simple to complicated to simple to complicated and now to the point where no one cares and yet everyone cries about it.
5b. Not to mention at one point it was made to where CPT+ outside of Naval/Base Ops could run ATC which made Naval useless in that field.
5c. Now when we moved to the base on Endor and "Base Ops" controlled who could leave and enter the base it was pretty bad. PTLs and PTEs were getting ignored and for a few months there were no real rules on requesting a PTL or PTE.
5d. Later it changed to where PTLs and PTEs were also taken care of by CPT+ alongside with Naval/Base Ops

6. Trainings
6a. Back when I first joined the server, Naval handled bMED, aMED, bENG, aENG, ATC, and maybe some others. There was no "Battalions can train their own" which made Naval actually feel important. (That and we were on the ship and they enjoyed running it but for some reason bases suck to run)
6b. The trainings back then were simple but basic and advanced has subtle differences that made the different variations unique. In the year and a half I have been here MED and ENG have been wiped, "remade", and the basic and advanced versions were combined. 
6c. Over time the many useless changes and remodels to these trainings added up and eventually made it to where the trainings just weren't important to Naval or the server anymore which in turn started making Naval not feel very important.

7. Negligence of Duty
7a. Overall the responsibilities and duties of Naval have been neglected time and time again.

8. Pilots
8a. I won't pin this one too much on Naval but the current state of Pilots is pretty bad.


Overall that list is everything that I could think of and explain here and now. There are more but really I don't want this to turn into a flame post on certain individuals and I know all I've done is listed a bunch of issues, new and old, with no solutions but all I can really say for the current Naval is that they're not the most active but at least they're not a lot of crybabies who are constantly trying to powerplay each other.

Y'all are doing... ok right now but I don't blame anyone running the show now and rather the one's who put it in the shitter in the past. Y'all are working with what you got and trust me it's been worse. Very worse.

Again I don't say any of this in order to flame anyone or whatever and yeah this probably wasn't said very well but yeah :Pepega:

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i am literally captain tukk

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Head Admin

This is a lot of reading 

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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2 minutes ago, Rohan said:

This is a lot of reading 



Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I have several problems with naval 1 I think they believe they have more power than they actually have. Most of the people in naval do what they want then cry when you don’t listen to them and I feel most of them think they are entitled to tell everyone what to do.

If I’m going to be honest all naval does is call Defcons and Grant and deny PTL/PTE. They have host trainings (for example med/eng)

Finally I just think Naval either needs a rework from the community and have everyone agree on what should happen to it because let’s be honest Naval has been suffering since I joined the server 8 months ago.

My personal opinion remove them and let commanding officers deal with the stuff they do. 

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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40 minutes ago, Clutch said:

remove them and let commanding officers deal with the stuff they do. 

This sounds familiar.... :monkaW:


i am literally captain tukk

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It feels as thought responsibility has shifted off of baseops/naval and made them no longer a key part of the base. Let's be honest, anyone can do what Base Ops do right now (although tbh I don't play anymore and I am unaware if in the short time it has changed)

I feel like when Naval managed QM, ATC, MED, ENG, etc they felt more present, active, and physically there. Now it feels like they are just existing. Not doing a whole lot but not doing nothing. Just there. 

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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     I think the primary issue I have with Naval is; I don’t quite understand you guys at the moment. Quite frankly I have the same issue I have with Naval when I left the community a year or so ago and that is; Naval is more of a server mechanic to “teach” players how to do medical and engineering (and whatever other training you do at the moment). Teaching someone how to roleplay ENG or MED isn’t the same as roleplaying yourself. And I don’t really see much outside of providing training. I think I would like to see a greater presence in roleplay in general. 


     Now that is a two way street as both Clones and Naval have a tendency to barge themselves into a situation and attempt to hijack, which overall isn’t healthy for roleplay and respect amongst the community (Come on we have all done it at least once). Both sides shouldn’t shut down another person roleplay but at the It is an easy balance frankly.


TL;DR - Less game mechanicy and more rp.


     I would also like to take the time to thank Foxey for bringing this forward and creating a discussion rather than being recluse and doing things on their own. I think more discussions and transparency in the community is a good thing, either on the forums, TS, Discord etc... I’ve been in discussions with people who make assumptions from the outside perspective of a Battalion/Jedi/Naval who don’t actually contact those in question and try hash things out and because this happens it creates drama and resentment between individuals. So thanks Foxey for doing something different.

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Yeah look, the consistant issue i find with Naval is the roleplay.


And i dont just mean through your actions when playing the character, i'm talking the way you respond in comms, the way you handle yourself when no one is around, the small things that bring together a bigger picture.

One thing i would say about the PTE's/PTL's is that most of the time, no one is actually on their base ops or they are AFK, having that 1-3 people on base ops (At a singulair time) you are going to struggle trying to develop and work, and being completely honest, I dont actually see many base ops on, and when I do its Carvis AFK in the central Lobby cross armed.

I would very much like to see and feel the presence of the navy, not just sitting in the restricted areas, come down, roleplay and have fun with us all rather than trying to be your own presence, it wont work you simply do not have the numbers to do so, remember it is a clonewars server, not navalRP, so I think if we saw you guys more out and about on base, and communicated with us a fair bit more it would be good.

Another thing, which you would be able to get into contact with GM's about is how encounters are ran, Instead of a mando just pushing into base, or ridge line camping, maybe try and see if base ops can add some roleplay to the start of things "/comms *S* Our scanners are picking up an unusual amount of activity approaching the base from the ridge line down to the south east wall of base, can 91st go check that out" although 91st is gone, you get the picture it adds more roleplay for you guys during an encounter and makes the start up a little better also.

I do think naval has issues internally, but i also think if you guys outsourced help to change how certain things went you could honestly be quite good.

Edited by Dreams-
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14 minutes ago, Dreams- said:

Yeah look, the consistant issue i find with Naval is the roleplay.


And i dont just mean through your actions when playing the character, i'm talking the way you respond in comms, the way you handle yourself when no one is around, the small things that bring together a bigger picture.

One thing i would say about the PTE's/PTL's is that most of the time, no one is actually on their base ops or they are AFK, having that 1-3 people on base ops (At a singulair time) you are going to struggle trying to develop and work, and being completely honest, I dont actually see many base ops on, and when I do its Carvis AFK in the central Lobby cross armed.

I would very much like to see and feel the presence of the navy, not just sitting in the restricted areas, come down, roleplay and have fun with us all rather than trying to be your own presence, it wont work you simply do not have the numbers to do so, remember it is a clonewars server, not navalRP, so I think if we saw you guys more out and about on base, and communicated with us a fair bit more it would be good.

Another thing, which you would be able to get into contact with GM's about is how encounters are ran, Instead of a mando just pushing into base, or ridge line camping, maybe try and see if base ops can add some roleplay to the start of things "/comms *S* Our scanners are picking up an unusual amount of activity approaching the base from the ridge line down to the south east wall of base, can 91st go check that out" although 91st is gone, you get the picture it adds more roleplay for you guys during an encounter and makes the start up a little better also.

I do think naval has issues internally, but i also think if you guys outsourced help to change how certain things went you could honestly be quite good.

I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve played on the server however, base ops are an asset that a lot of Gamemasters utilize during they’re events, and 9/10 times there’s way more Than just people running in and shooting. Base ops has bailed me personally out of events just like this, and are avidly used in events/encounters when they are on and it is deemed necessary.

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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10 minutes ago, Craigary said:

I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve played on the server however, base ops are an asset that a lot of Gamemasters utilize during they’re events, and 9/10 times there’s way more Than just people running in and shooting. Base ops has bailed me personally out of events just like this, and are avidly used in events/encounters when they are on and it is deemed necessary.

Bruh i played last week... This is from my experience, As i am AUSTRALIAN these are things that happen to me and I find myself having to deal with. Just because you may not be, does not mean others aren't. This isn't a thread to start drama or anything but the things I see that could use some work, Like the build up towards events, involving more roleplay like the example above because I have experienced it maybe twice since 2017. Not the shit that happens during an event, thats fine, as my example reads above its the approach towards encounters etc.

But when I do see Base Ops on during an event its normally just one person anyways, But once again, I think you people forget, I am australian my timezone is not EST/PST or any other ST time zone there is, so actually take what i've said into account, because like i said it happens to me. Whether the community is based American it doesn't matter, if things like that drop off the later in the night it goes for you guys, the worse the gaming experience and the experience overall I get on Synergy, Normally when I am on it is later, but its literally just encounter after encounter which starts from us getting randomly shot at in courtyard, There is no base ops or a nice style of approach to the event, This isn't a base ops issue per say but trying to find a way to be incorporated and change the the start of an encounter would benefit base ops also, while also making it very more immersive.

Unfortunately, they didnt seem to get the memo of the approach to an event* Start of the event*  not during an event


  • CT Private Reggin
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13 minutes ago, Craigary said:

I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve played on the server however, base ops are an asset that a lot of Gamemasters utilize during they’re events, and 9/10 times there’s way more Than just people running in and shooting. Base ops has bailed me personally out of events just like this, and are avidly used in events/encounters when they are on and it is deemed necessary.

I personally have to disagree. I see many Naval absolutely clueless about the events taking place but that isn't their problem. I feel Game Masters need to reach out to them more

Compared to when we were on Endor I can easily say that the communication between a GM and whatever Naval is online at the time has significantly decreased. (I am by no means saying Endor made communication easier, in fact Anaxes has silent alarms which are perfect for this but I have seen them get pressed but no one knows about it because it's behind a closed door in the back of BCC) I personally made an effort to reach out to any Naval online whenever I hosted an event to give them a role in the event but it's definitely not common for majority of the current GMs to do so.

Not bashing on GM or Naval btw it's just how events have been for a while lately.

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i am literally captain tukk

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Just now, Bbstine said:

the last time naval was good was when skeeti fucking wiped it and was gone did'd.

we should  tenor.gif?itemid=11928855





i am literally captain tukk

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When it comes to naval the main issues I have since I started playing the server would be attitude and the amount of power some believe they have. It’s been many times where I would go into a battalion teamspeak  and hear them complain about how naval/bo have wiped trainings for the 13th time in a month. Then it comes to where it will be on and off where BO/Naval would allow regiment officers to do there own trainings either killing or helping a regiment. Currently I hear that engineer is BO/naval control engineer training. 
Honestly a document where it says what power naval have would be great to show people what they can and can not do.

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My main issue with naval is their attitude just because they can grant and deny PTL AND PTE doesn’t mean that they can deny you for no reason I’ve had multiple time before I was scorch where I had all the requirements to go out of base on patrol with my teammates and they denied me for some made up bullshit reason. Such as “there aren’t enough troopers on base we need you here” or they will simply say “because is said so” for no reason what so ever. I’ve talked to higher ups before about this and all they did was get a talking to them they go right back at it they need consequences. And for you people who think that it isn’t true pay more attention to the chat in game then you will realize what’s going on. I hope you people can see my perspective on this. They need better training and consequences rather than a talking to and then nothing happens after and they go back to their old ways. Sorry if this is harsh but it needed to be said.

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Oh boy. Oh. Boy. I've been waiting for this one. I rarely see the Naval/Base Ops actually doing anything you'd expect, or at least I do. The Command Center is almost always deserted, and the only time I actually even see them is when they're in communications. I've got no idea where they go, but it's not where they should be most of the time I'd believe.

To keep this from turning into a full out rant, I'm gonna highlight some things I personally think they should be doing.

- Monitoring Republic Communications: This one is a simple thing. Keep in contact with Republic Forces and help keep communications clear. It shouldn't be hard, but somehow it never seems to get done. I'll try and contact someone and get no response after 15 minutes with numerous repeats. I'm not the only one, and it's frustrating when there's an active situation and the guy who should be coordinating it is off chasing after a random guy in the field (more on that in a moment).

- Issuing and Coordinating Patrols and Outpost Occupation: When was the last time someone actually took up positions at Granite NOT for training or AFTER it had been attacked? It's been a long time. I feel part of standard Base Operations is making sure we have units deployed where we need them. Recon Units should be out in the field patrolling, other units that don't need to remain on base 24/7 should be out manning the Outposts to prevent attack. This should all be coordinated by the Command Center, AKA Naval and Base Ops Personnel. I'm perfectly open to a rotation schedule like we had on Endor, at least back then we made sure we were doing something other than running around waiting for the next event.

- Standard Assignment: So where do the Naval and Base Operations Personnel go if they're not in the Command Center? Maybe they're in the HMC? Nope, not there. Maybe they're dealing with something in CIC? Empty. Most of the time they're running around as aimless as everyone else. It's not just a problem with Naval/BO, but they can do so much more to help fix it than many others think. As stated above, they're the ones who should be coordinating the base. If they're not in the Command Center, or one of the other key areas of the base (HMC, Brig, CIC, Medbay, etc...) they're likely in the wrong place unless for good reason.

- Attitude: As already stated by others above, it's like they know they have power but instead of using it for the right things it just seems they... don't know how to really use it. They should be trained to judge the current situation and determine the best way to handle situations. Will everyone like the decision they come to? No. Will it likely end up being the right decision? If properly taught, likely yes.

14 hours ago, Marvel said:

I personally have to disagree. I see many Naval absolutely clueless about the events taking place but that isn't their problem. I feel Game Masters need to reach out to them more

Compared to when we were on Endor I can easily say that the communication between a GM and whatever Naval is online at the time has significantly decreased. (I am by no means saying Endor made communication easier, in fact Anaxes has silent alarms which are perfect for this but I have seen them get pressed but no one knows about it because it's behind a closed door in the back of BCC) I personally made an effort to reach out to any Naval online whenever I hosted an event to give them a role in the event but it's definitely not common for majority of the current GMs to do so.

Not bashing on GM or Naval btw it's just how events have been for a while lately.

I 100% Agree. There are so many ways GMs can and should coordinate with Naval/BO. It would make jobs a lot easier and likely make events more immersive and fun for players. Though I believe dealing with GMs is a topic for another post.

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idk if it's changed but my main issue were that all the officers were just so lazy. There were enlisted dragging the weight alot of the time. Idk if that's changed, it might've. I still think naval have always been given a bad rep tho.

Edited by IKE
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I used to be a Rear Admiral in Naval in 2017 with Robby as one of our high rankings. I rejoined the 'Navy' a month or two again and was shocked at the way Naval had gone since the time when Max and I were doing things. 

I know the role of the 'Navy' has changed throughout the years, but I feel it has been completely diminished recently. I learned what Naval could do now and was shocked at how it changed. I know that the role of the Navy has changed due to the base being on Anaxes, but at the moment I feel there is honestly no need for Naval and that is something that has upset me. 

Back in the day, Naval were the top dogs. We had very hard tryouts with a one strike system, and when someone got into Naval they needed the best leadership skills possible. Naval was all about leading troopers on our ship and being a natural leader.

Now, the Navy has changed due to it being a base, but I would love to see it be on top again. 

Naval was about being a leader, and taking control but now all it's about is pressing buttons and changing defcons every so often.


Also, what the fuck are these ranks about? 

Admiral - Battalion Commander
Vice Admiral - Executive Officer
Rear Admiral - Commander
Commodore - Colonel
Commander - Lietenant Colonel
Lieutenant Commander - Major
Lieutenant - Captain
Lieutenant Junior Grade - 1stLT
Ensign - 2ndLT
Warrant Officer - Warrant Officer

I really do feel upset at how different this all is now.

And here's what we had in 2017:

Supreme Chancellor

High Jedi General

Senior Jedi General

Jedi General

Marshal Commander = Admiral = Yoda

Senior Commander = Vice Admiral = Windu

Regimental Commander = Rear Admiral = Shaak Ti

Commander = Commodore = Jedi Master

XO = Captain Of The Line

Colonel = Naval Captain

Lieutenant Colonel = Naval Commander

Major = Naval Lieutenant

Captain = Lieutenant Junior Grade = Jedi Knight

First Lieutenant = Warrant Officer

Second Lieutenant = Master Chief Petty Officer

Sergant Major of the Battalion = SCPO

Command Sergeant Major = CPO

Sergeant Major = PO1

First Sergeant = PO2

Master Sergeant = PO3

Sergeant First Class = Crewman

Edited by Enzyme
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So there are a couple of issues i have with Naval at the moment

1. This is probably my timezone and not Navals fault but ive been trying for the last 2 weeks to get a tryout and havent been able to get one

2. I see alot of Naval running to the big fights and then getting salty when i tell them to stay back, obviously i would understand fighting back on the occasion of a BCC attack, but running from BCC to a battle at brig just to fight is a no no.

3. Like Holo said i seem to see alot of Naval just in general trying to do whatever they want on base, i dont know what the naval rank equivalents actually are but when im as a CG trying to get them to do something or go somewhere for their own safety and they dont listen to me its just frustrating

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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I think it's just a bit weird that people have all these complaints but they haven't decided to bring it up to the admirals. Or atleast I've never seen anyone go talk to the admirals about all this shit.

I don't think the leader of something should have to ask about issues in their group for them to be told about them. 

But it's whatever I think naval just doesn't have enough power anymore and basically have no influence because no one respects them.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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  • 4 weeks later...

My main concerns with naval is the attitude issue. Naval are notorious for their superiority complex's. My second concern is that there isn't much role play in naval and theirs a lack of effort to RP besides the Higher ranking naval of course. The most roleplay I've seen from naval is MedRP and Bunk inspections. I've only seen those a handful of times, now thats pretty sad.

Null-5 "Prudii"

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