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TechnoDad's BCMD Gree App.


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Steam Name: TechnoDad


RP Name: TechnoDad


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:1:37081969


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st Green Company


Experience: C.E.O. of Icefuse Universe when we began / Battalion Commander Wolff (Civil Networks) / Shadow Battalion Commander (Icefuse Venator version 1) / Jedi Master Ki Adi Mundi (Icefuse Venator 2nd version) / Jedi General Master Seesea Tinn (Diplomatic Networks) / Admiral Yularen (Diplomatic Networks) / Jedi Master Healer TechnoDad (Icefuse Planet & Ship) . C.E.O. and General of the clone armies. (FSAS)  General of the clone armies (Last Bastion.) / 102nd Battalion Commander (IFN Universe) / A.R.F. Battalion Commander Trauma (Last Bastion Universe) / Jedi Master Seesea Tinn (Last Bastion Universe) /  Jedi Master Healer TechnoDad. (Last Bastion Universe) / Military Police Commander TechnoDad M.R.P. (Synergy)/ U.N.S.C. Naval general Halo RP (Kairos)/  Admiral Yularen and Chancellor Palpatine (Refined Extensive and Senator RP) / M.P. Commander Technodad (Atlas Gaming M.R.P.) / 91st Commander SOVS TechnoDad (Synergy) / Admiral Yularen (Refined Roleplay) / Sanghelli Supreme Commander TechnoDad (HALO RP Red Networks) / Russian Commander Technodad (Death row servers). 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Because I am well versed in Keeping and maintaining a Battalion. I will concentrate on the current battalion and evaluate positions and grievances of all those who are with the battalion to come up with solutions to the Battalion. My reputation will be maintained if I am the only one remaining. "Replace the ignorant and destructive with the intelligent and hopeful. 
Love all, Trust some, Neutralize harm." ` TechnoDad I believe those selected to positions within the Battalion will show their strengths and weekness, My job is to evaluate the solutions by those in charge of the Battalion divisions and to structure them to help these officials within the Battalion. I also strongly accept all suggestions by all the troops of the Battalion and to debate these suggestions as to solutions of the team. Power in numbers. All my troops that will serve under me will be encouraged to free there mind to come up with ideas and solutions to help the Battalion overall. F.Y.I. I will not change the bunks as I like them for what they are for now. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, mainly low visable RECON unit specializing in jungle terrain. During the wars of 912 BBY the changes were to introduced the 442nd for extraction and search and rescue missions as special units were needed. Due to lack of reinforcements in some of the heavy foliage planets the 41st was given dedicated teams of specialized scout and report teams to assess and coordinate plans of both attack and defense of areas currently occupied. For attack and defense style operations in jungle territories there was none other than the 41st. 


Availability: Monday through Friday 7PM EST through 12AM EST Weekends 8PM EST to 2AM EST Also will be watching closely to those who serve in command positions and to evaluate if the reputation of the Battalion is maintained. 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since synergy has started. (off and on.)


Do you have a microphone?: Absolutely


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Working together as a team and not listening to all information needed to better the Battalion as a whole.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Absolutely


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes i do understand. Will be working towards a 2 year term, 3 months at a time. 

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Uhh...little late.
I'm not against it but if you ever have the need to apply for something, do it a little earlier.

Edited by Jayarr
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-1 Look, TechnoDad; I respect you and you are definitely qualified for this position. If you made this application when Egg made his, I would definitely of +1'd you, but they are already in pending brother. I don't want you to think that I don't think you could handle it, I really think you could handle the position. But by the time you would probably get approved for an interview, there would probably be a Gree by then.


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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3 hours ago, Nightmare said:

-1 Why go for it now? I like you Techno but you shouldn't go for a commander spot if 2 people are already in pending. I think you are capable for another commander position not this one right now.


2 hours ago, Matra said:

-1 Look, TechnoDad; I respect you and you are definitely qualified for this position. If you made this application when Egg made his, I would definitely of +1'd you, but they are already in pending brother. I don't want you to think that I don't think you could handle it, I really think you could handle the position. But by the time you would probably get approved for an interview, there would probably be a Gree by then.


2 hours ago, Pythin said:


I think you could

I cant Neutral

and They already have the others in pending 

So here is the thing. I don't see these as viable reasons to -1 an applicant. We are not here to vote on the timing of an application. While yes, I agree the timing is odd, this is not the reason to evaluate an applicant negatively. We are here to see if the community believes that the person in question would be good for the position.  Its an honest evaluation of the character and leadership potential of the individual. The  'Pending' Applications are not accepted, so it in with this in mind that we should still be on the lookout for more options, even if the other applications are far along in their process.


Now onto my opinion. Techno, You've been my commander in the 91st since day 1 for me. You've inspired my to be both a better leader and a better person. You've always been a great commander, and I want to see you go far and spread your excellent capabilities to others. This is quite possibly the biggest +1 I have ever given. Good luck Techno.

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-1 Not Because of the "timing" but because this application is kind of bare 

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Working together as a team and not listening to all information needed to better the Battalion as a whole.

This is not enough insight for me to give a +1 on this application 

The experience is there but the application information is really lazy application 




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Head Admin

I am just wondering lol. You said "912 bby" but the clone wars was from 21 to 19 bby. I am either stupid or confused. 


Little late on the app tho ngl. 

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Hm. I’m not really sure to make out of this application. For one part, it seems as if you disappear once in a while and as it states on your application that you plan to make out a 2 year term (of course re-applying every 3 months.) 


I like you Technodad, ever since MilitaryRP, you’ve been one of the most serious RPers we had and i’ve seen that personally. I think that you are good for this position but one thing leaves me questioning before making my vote,


”Are you certain that going for this position will make you maintain your activity?”

  • Agree 2

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1 I'm sick and tired of people +1'ing apps because of people's names and their legacy. As far as I'm aware you haven't been too active in the community (look at me being a hypocrite, but i'm not applying for a position). Overall, I think the other two candidates have more reason as to why they would be better candidates, both of them are in the 41st (i'm unaware if you currently are) and I know Egg and his legacy of being very loyal to the 41st. 

I don't know you and don't know where your loyalties lie, in my opinion a BCMD or even a Regimental should actually give a shit about the Battalion/Regiment they're applying for and care for the well-being of the battalion/regiment, and I can't say I have any reason to believe that you care for the 41st. 

I know you're a good guy Technodad, I've only had good interactions with you, but I don't think you're the right person to lead the 41st.

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5 hours ago, justuscloud5 said:

+1 weren't you the first yularen here?

No that was the top notch OG 41st beast named Reptillia and I miss him ;-; best Admiral 

-1 Tho, you're a great dude but as far as being Gree I don't see you as a great pick for the position. Your past leadership experience that I have seen has been somewhat mixed to be honest. Again you're a great dude but I don't see you as a great fit for the 41st at the moment.


Gonna freely admit tho I am biased as Egg's friend.

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Where I acknowledge your skills as a leader and a man who can certainly lead, This application seems rushed and sloppy.

The 41st as of late has always been a bad egg, Recently activity has picked up and been going on a steady pace to bettering themselves. They’ve got solid officers and the other candidates are solid for Gree. Where as I’d like to give you my support, I just don’t envision you’d be an active Gree. 

Your plans for the battalion seem rather plain and not enthusiastic. In “Why should you become a battalion commander?” You stated that 

6 hours ago, Technodad said:

All my troops that will serve under me will be encouraged to free there mind to come up with ideas and solutions to help the Battalion overall.

But yet; in “where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?” You say.


6 hours ago, Technodad said:

Working together as a team and not listening to all information needed to better the Battalion as a whole.


It seems that you’ll only listen to parts information to better the battalion and not all, which is concerning because I think all information should be took into consideration when running these.

furthermore, You’re 91st (I think) and you’re doing a great job there. If you have patience, You may even be Neyo if the current one doesn’t run for it. A good one at that, Anyway. 

You’re activity is pretty pepega currently as well, which I understand you’re a family man and I respect that. But, I’d assume people within the 41st want a solid leader who is active and available to bring all types of concerns and queries too.  

If Neutral was still thing, I would do that but I’ll have to -1 for now. But, hey. Maybe I’m wrong? What do I know, I’m a BCMD of six guys :pepelmao:


I wish you the best of luck though!

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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This entire application is vague and a majority of it is lip service using the basic idea of working as a group. Nothing in this application shows direction, and it seems more likely that the battalion is going to continue to function as if it had no leader.

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  • Management

41st Elite Corps* 


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i am literally captain tukk

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7 hours ago, Zeik said:

Fair play big move buttttttt, why now ?

Papa said it best 

-1 among other reasons already stated.


Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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-1. While I do not doubt your expertise, there are a few issues with your application that I can see.

First, I just want to address that it is the 41st Elite Corps. Green Company is the elite subgroup of the 41st, not the main group itself on this server.

Secondly, the Clone Wars were from 22 BBY to 19 BBY.  I don't know where you got 912 BBY, but that's 890 years before the Clone Wars even began!

Third, people have called into question your activity on the server.

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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+1 Send it

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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-1 it’s gonna be a no from me dog. 

Your a great guy but it’s a bit random of an application. There isn’t much there tbh and the other candidates are better for the time being.

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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So after reading, Honestly I can't tell if this is a joke or satire. there are parts that appear to be completely wrong, considering the subunit is not the only thing you're applying for. And on other parts it seems like a personal attack on other applicants, or the state of 41st. Almost blatantly disrespectful if actually read. Not to mention the fact that half of these positions are on servers I never even knew existed and after examination, don't seem to even exist anymore. 

But to be honest the biggest question i have after reading all of this honest to god Swill. Is Where Is This Mans Nurse?  Who's Man's is this?


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+1 why not who cares about timing

Current: CG MED SSGT Spoof | Navy MED MCPO Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master TGM Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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