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Poe's Attack Regimental Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Poe [HA]


RP Name:

Battalion Commander Bly


Steam ID:



Regiment you are applying for:

Attack Regimental Commander





My time in the 327th has been a battle between rise and fall. My first day in the 327th was the day following its re-addition. At the time we were quickly growing, although the numbers were fantastic, the battalion was quickly succumbing to its lack of structure. Following the resignation of our two main commanders and BCMD (Tristan at the time) shortly after, the battalion was in a crisis. This continued throughout the next Bly’s as well. Throughout this time, I was setting records in both recruitment and event leadership, allowing me to quickly rise through the ranks to a senior officer position. Becoming Heavy Lead and quickly advancing to Regimental Lead, allowed me to form and develop my management experience. Although having limited numbers at the time, under my leadership the regiments were able to flourish and quickly develop into adept members of the battalion.


Upon Drayyen receiving Bly, I was simultaneously granted the rank of commander and Intel Director, where I truly felt I had the ability to pour my heart and soul into the battalion. Developing new documents and reshaping our intel system, I felt as if I could invest into the rebuilding and restructuring of the battalion. I established a concrete Intel system as well as constantly moulding the regiments, I was finally able to truly begin the formation of my legacy. Placing competent leaders and being a true role model to those under my command, it was then that I knew I had the capability to turn this battalion around. Quickly after, history repeated itself. Our BCMD resigned, and quickly after, our XO and Commander. Leaving me alone with a total of three officers, Cannon, Regional, and Useful. And five NCOs. It was then that I knew it was I that needed to save this battalion. Swiftly after, I applied for Bly, and began my first term.


First Term

Having experienced the downfall of multiple BCMDs, adopting their positive qualities and learning from their misfortunes, I believed that I had gained the experience to save the battalion. Upon completing my interview on the 27th of december 2018, I was informed that I had until February 15th to save the battalion, or it would be removed. A total of 50 days, I had a daunting road in front of me. I quickly went to work, establishing a concrete promotion system, discipline branch, reworking officer positions and roles, completely revamping our regiment system, and more. Fighting tooth and nail to continuously progress the state of the battalion, refining both the abilities of my members and our leadership core, we surpassed the deadline. Becoming one of the model battalions on the server, I felt that the 327th had finally hit their stride. Through the continual development of my officers and providing a solid foundation for members to flourish, the 327th had nothing in its way to stop it. Increasing the daily active members of 4-5, to 10-12. With an established high command, we had revived our NCO and Officer core. Sustaining 16 active officers, and 29 NCOs, the 327th was flourishing under its new leadership.


Second Term

After a successful first term, my main goals within the 327th was to establish a legacy that could surpass me and thrive off of the foundation that I had created. I believe that I have been successful in this aspect. Developing my officers into successful commanders, and integrating them with the capabilities and opportunity to succeed. The 327th is a true powerhouse. Working heavily alongside my commanders, I have given them the tools to progress the battalion even further. Through the integration of K-Company, I had completely developed 327th specific trainings to enforce a more serious aura and develop my mere conscripts into capable leaders, people of true elite status. During my second term, I have truly reshaped the 327th into a respected battalion. Having developed the foundation of a solid high command, one that can succeed without my leadership. Through the preparation and legacy that I have left, I believe that I have invested all of my knowledge and experience to allow the battalion to flourish. Establishing K-Company as an elite sub-regiment through the leadership of myself and Cannon, my XO. I believe that my mentorship will empower the 327th to continually develop. Allowing for my Executive Officer Cannon, to take the reigns as Bly.



Through my consistent work and investment into the staff team, I have attained the role of Head Admin. Although unexpected, I believe that my dedication to the staff team has developed my respect and allowed me to gain the role through my leadership capabilities through BCMD and consistent effort within the Game Master branch. I believe that through my continual leadership and success through the development of 327th, that I can be successful within the role of Head Admin and allow me to spread my knowledge to others within the staff team. Given the ability to assist in the management of the server, I believe that my consistent effort is proven and allows me to be a role model within the backbone of the server, its staff.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I believe that my consistent dedication towards the server; whether it be through staff, or my work as a BCMD, has granted upon me the capability to strive for the role of regimental commander. My investment towards the 327th, and the staff team has truly integrated me with the leadership capabilities and experience to serve the attack regiment as an active and established leader.

Through my proven leadership abilities within the 327th, and the staff team. I believe that it is my responsibility to provide the attack regiment with a cemented leader. One who is inspired to put in the work and comprehensively manage the regiment as a whole, I can develop the attack regiment into a force to be reckoned with. As presented through my unwavering dedication towards the 327th's redevelopment, I can establish the regiment as role models towards the rest of the server. Ensuring that each battalion is healthy, and has an established foundation, I will invest in the flourishing of all battalions. Having gained the support of all the attack battalions, as well as those from other regiments, I believe that I will ameliorate the attack regiment. Infusing my passion and work ethic into the leadership of each battalion, I will be able to ensure the success of the entire regiment.

Under my leadership, the attack regiment will become exemplary battalions within the server. Imbuing each battalion with the capable mentor ship to succeed. I will provide all of my reinforcement to ensure that each battalion is not only successful in the moment, but for the foreseeable future.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

I understand the lore of each attack battalion, having written a 36 page document alone on the 327th, I have developed my knowledge into all aspects of each battalion and will use this to establish the succession and development of each battalion under my leadership.



Monday - Friday: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm MT. Then 11:00 pm - 2:00 am MT

(3:00 pm  - 8:00 pm EST. Then 1:00 am - 4:00 am EST)

Saturday -Sunday: Over 6+ hours (any time)


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:



As Bly I completely redeveloped the 327th. Investing into the formation of its foundation, I have completely reshaped the 327th. Now a successful battalion, the 327th is unrecognizable in comparison to its readdition state. Having established concrete leadership systems and investing into its leaders, I have remodeled the 327th. Now a consistent battalion, with the assistance of my loyal commanders and friends, the 327th now has a solid structure. One where systems can ensure that leadership is continually developing and its members are inspired to improve the battalion. Forming a legacy of successful mentors and leaders, the 327th is now flourishing. Having accomplished my goals within the 327th, I am confident in its leadership to carry on and improve on the foundation that I have set.


Head Admin/GMO

Through my continual devotion to the staff team, I have attained the role of Head Admin. Allowing me to build upon the foundation that has been set before me, I have been given the capability to invest in the structuring of a successful staff team. Developing staff through my consistent leadership and experience, I can confidently say that my work has paid off, allowing me to give others the opportunity to improve.  


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

Under my leadership, I seek to develop and imbue the battalions with my experience in order to shape each into a successful battalion. Much like I have done with 327th, I wish to mould the foundation and establish successful systems in an effort to allow each battalion to succeed. Having learned from others mistakes, and improving on their triumphs, I seek to build upon the BCMDs. Assisting and overseeing their continual development, I seek to form the regiment into the pride of the server. Having established integral leaders and imbuing them with the leadership ability and experience that I have gained over my time as BCMD, I believe that much like 327th, I will be able to leave a legacy that can be looked up to around the server. Forming battalions into respected, integral, and successful members of the community. Allowing for their flourishment to spread server wide. Therefore improving the aspects of the server as a whole.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

In many of my experiences, the attack regiment is a close knit community filled with respected leaders. Although not consistently involving each other, each battalion is respected by one another. I seek to further connect and establish the relationships within battalions. Forming battalion specific trainings, much like I have done with 327th siege trainings, I will work with each battalion BCMDs to mould battalion specific trainings. Each focusing upon lore and battalion specialization, these trainings will be open for all within the attack regiments, and those within it will be encouraged and rewarded for providing the rest of the battalions with these trainings. Allowing for each member within the attack regiment to familiarize themselves with each other and foster long lasting bonds. Enabling battalions to connect not only in game, but also form integral bonds and friendships with each other. Encouraging teamwork and a unified regiment.

Given my capabilities as staff, and my relationships with each battalion, I believe that I will be able to establish unique trainings that the members of each battalion will be inspired to cooperate in. Integrating a concrete system of teamwork and overall regiment development.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


  • Winner 3
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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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+1 Honestly, you've been through fucking  god knows what in the shit lord happened between 327th and went through 2 terms with a lot. So you get my support, good luck buckaroo, take over qal & Perri's old spot and that good stuff, make sure all the battalions in the ATK side are doing good. Otherwise imma get @Bro to bother you about stuff. 



Edited by SR_Kangaroo
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+1 This man has helped and risen the 327th from the ashes and I know he can push the Attack regiment further! I look forward to working with him and seeing what he'll do to push the battalions. I know he'd be a great medium in conversations and is easy to explain issues with. 

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+1 Very smart, Very mature, Extremely talented at leadership, And a very strict fair personality. 

His battalion is one of the most non-toxic well-behaved battalions have come across in a long time (alphastillbettertho) 

I am 100% out of 100% sure that he'll do the same with Attack battalions! 

He once yelled at me for grabbing a space burrito



please get him out of 327th fast plz


Edited by Mist
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+1 Great commander and friend he's pulled the 327th from the gutter and has brought it back to the light even without new models. The guy is no nonsense and tells people how it is. And I know he will take care of the other attack battalions like 212th, 501st and 187th with as much care and no nonsense like he has with the 327th. I'll miss you as my Commander Bly but I cant wait to see you as a attack reg and see what you do. o7

Also haha poe homo

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+1 Buckaroo Buckaroo applies for Regimentuckaroo


Blackuroo Blackuroo supports buckaroo. 


I fucked this part up ^

Anyways Poe you are a great example of what BCMD Should be like, with that being said so i feel like u deserve the position. Good Luck Buckaroo once again. 



  • Winner 1
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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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i am literally captain tukk

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But theoretically, yes.


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A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

You're perfect for the job, my dude. You put a lot of effort into everything you do and deserve a position like this. Just don't let it kill you on the inside like excessive amounts of deodorant would.


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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I am being big nerd and not putting memes here, because I am on my phone, but when I get back home


Memes are coming for you Poe






anyways, Poe is a cool dude, and I think this server needs a funny make like him to help it out

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Former: Liaison


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I'm sorry Poe...

My mind is telling me no....but my BODYYY is telling me YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSS.


Lmao Jk

But You've done great things and deserve a chance at Regimental, hope you get the chance to wear the coolest armor in the server. (rather than that edgy black and gold marshal commander skin)



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Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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"In the waning years of the
Attack regiment of Synergy,
a Commander born on a certain day
to an uncertain Battalion and was sent
under guard, without explanation, to the Regimental,
ignorant of the role he was
to play in that Regiment's history… "

When I first met Poe, he was a simple enlisted ranked 327th, however, over the years, he proved himself to be one of the best and brightest that this battalion has had to offer. His dedication, conviction, and perseverance that he showed to make this battalion the #1 Pound-For-Pound Battalion on the server is a simple demonstration of that. He is a man of quick thinking and action, tackling any problem that erupted below his command with a sort of chaotic efficiency and precision. His methods of leadership may be somewhat unorthodox for more hard-liners, however no one can deny the success that this man has had this far into his  quite young career.

However, Poe's dedication does not simply end with the 327th Commander Bly, he took this same energy and channeled it into the Staff Team, to become an HA, and a successful one at that. Poe takes the time to help those below him, train people, and serve as a bastion of dedication. I have the upmost faith that he can take this hard work, this veracity, and put it to work to become a successful Attack Regimental.

I have, with ever-growing confidence, that Poe will be the best choice for Attack Regimental out of the field of likely and prospective candidates that may appear, and that he will fix the Attack Regiment's issues. I have the confidence to say that he is a man who the Attack battalions will look to as a model of leadership, and a man who can fix any problem that he puts his heart and mind into to solve.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this man will be the next Attack Regimental, and I know that he will be one of the best.


  • Winner 2
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Thanks for taking all the credit for saving the battalion +1 gay boy

  • Funny 2

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 Poe puts loads of work in and I would like to see him as Attack Regimental Commander

  • Friendly 1

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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+1 next will be a 187th to be it 

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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-1 his inactive for me. 





Jk +1 Poe is one of the best BCMD that does a great job he deserves to get attack 

  • Friendly 1

Current:  Retried

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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Why did you do this at 4 am lol nerd +1 


Call me back bb 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
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  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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Okay so I get emotional here. I know gay. But when I couldn’t bring my self to get cause of shit going on my life. Poe was there. He listened and he helped me through some shit. When I was constantly playing Poe was my #1 supporter and helped me push towards my goals on SWRP. And the shit he did with the battalion after being on the block for so long. Poe did the impossible and kept 327th alive when most everyone lost faith. I repeat he kept 327th functional. Yes his leadership style wasn’t the same as everyone else but he did one hell of a job as Bly and you can’t deny that. So if he was able to pull a dead battalion from the grave, think about what he can do to better every other battalion as the attack reg. Goodluck brother +1

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