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Bazoo's Boss app


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Steam Name: Bazoo

RP Name: RC-1262 Delta Squad Scorch

Steam ID (SteamID Finder) STEAM_0:0:58729654

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Delta Squad Boss

Experience:Back on icefuse, I have been CT XO,for like 1 months then I joined 501st and went up to Major for like 2 weeks before leaving for 187th and got the rank of XO again stayed in 187th for 2 months I believe, I joined ARC for 2 weeks before being inactive on my clone to join jedi.


Synergy experience:

-I joined CG and became a commander, my whole time in CG was about 6 months. I became Fox for a short amount of time since I resigned, the 2 main reason of the resignation was 1. I was burned out already since CG back then had to deal with a huge amount of disrespect every day 2. I went back to school and I was also part of the High staff team, so I choosed to resigned from Fox to stay as Overseer.

- I joinned CG again, became a CSM and left the battalion due to me not enjoying CG anymore.

- I joined RC   as Foxtrot medi, and I was XO in the squad for around 10 day and then I got gregor and stayed in the position for about 2 months.

-2 months into gregor I got SOBDE reg and stayed in position for about 2 weeks and resigned due to the fact that HC wasnt a fit for me it's mostly overseeing squads and doc work and I prefer leading a squad vs leading a regiment.

-I have been back in SOBDE for almost 5 months now, being Darman, Sev, Scorch and I am currently the XO of delta squad.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Due to my heavy past exeperience in mutliples battalions and officer roles. I've been part of this community for nearly 3 years (counting icefuse time) and here since launch. I have already been a squad lead before so I know how SOBDE works and what is expected from us, I know what I want from my squad and have a good teamwork with the other squads. I would like to make Delta a better squad that it already is, also help to make SOBDE a better place overall. I am active on the server and easy to contact whenever needed. I also have a couple of idea on what to do to improve the state of the squad already like making sure my squad members follow as much as possible the personnality of their character, making sure they stay active and working closer to my outreach with trainings, deployement and just hanging out. I've made mistakes in the past but I learned from them and will not repeat those mistakes again. If one of my squad member is either mingy or breaking rules I will not hesitate to kick them out. When one of delta spot is open, my main focus will be to host tryouts as much as I can and I do not care how many rounds I need to host if it needs 200 rounds I will host 200 rounds, I will never let favoritism pick one my squad member just like I never did in the past.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: I work Sunday to Thursday 7am-4pm EST I get on around 4:30pm EST and get off at 11pm EST

During my off days I am on almost the whole day. I play a minimum of 4 hours almost every day when I work.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since it's launch. Play time: RC-1262 Delta Squad Scorch has played for 1670:27:00.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I would like a full squad of active, smart, dedicated members. I would like that all of them enjoys being in the squad, work a lot with our outreach and have a good teamwork with the other squads.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


P.S. : Sorry for any bad grammar or mistakes in my app, english isnt my native language.

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Does Quebec still want to leave Canada? +1

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When are we going to play holdfast



Actually though, this weirdo is by far one of the best people on this server in many regards. Hes been bcmd, led squads, been reg, and even managed to make it to master at one point somehow. This goon is the prime example of hard work and determination and easily deserves this position. Whole hearted +1

Edited by Egg
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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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