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Tyzen's Chancellor reapplication


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Steam Name: Tyzen
RP Name: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine/ Jedi General Kit Fisto
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38441546


How many terms have you held the position?: 1 term


How do you feel your previous term went?: Honestly I feel like my last term went Ok I don’t think it went well or bad I think it was somewhat in the middle. I feel that if there was more things to do during the term it would have been better instead of me just kinda focusing mainly on senators the whole time.


Why do you wish to remain a Supreme Chancellor Palpatine?: I would like to stay as chancellor palpatine because as of right now I have not finished what I wanted to do as chancellor there is multiple changes that chambers and I are working on to spice up the roleplay on the base to where people are working together instead of at everyone's throats all the time about stupid shit. As well my activity is picking up and i'm getting back into the swing of things when it comes to high command.


Current availability: Everyday mostly an as well always available on discord.


What are some of your achievements during your past term?: Some achievements of the past term is that Made it more about the roleplay you do as a senator instead of it mostly being a interview process. Changed it so there is only Regimental commander now instead of having to go from reg to senior to marshal so regimentals have more things to do an don’t get as burnt as some of the past senior commanders did. As well in senators there is a more of a incentive to do roleplay as if they have more roleplay then any other senator they will get 500k to 1mil credits in game depending on how many it does It Varies.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within the Grand Army?:
At this rate with the republic military I would like to change a few things this time around where Battalions would actually be able to use there specialization to there utmost abilities when it’s just doing patrols or just training I would like for it to be specific trainings you have to get just like arc from base ops or the battalion we choose. I want to open up more remove for improvement on the side for clones to making it a more serious place and as well making sure base ops is always serious and never breaking character. I would like to as well make sure that battalions get put on direct deployments for there spec so we would force recon to work as one to give recon for the attack battalions.  As well I want to start to change the way jedi works with the battalion because the jedi’s opinion and advice should not be taken for granted an giving them more right in the battalions to give them more of a role and incentive to stay with the battalion. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

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When you actually put your mind to it, you can RP very well. Granted there's not much to do half of the time, but it's your job to make sure that changes. This is a very important position, and you should treat it that way. Improve your activity and you'll get everything you want done! I'm optimistic that you can do so. We have unfinished business, my lord.

Edited by Ratio

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I am going to have to -1 this for the following reasons:

  • You ran for Yoda then voided stating you will actively work to improve Council and as Doc mentioned if you weren't active enough for Palpatine how can you be active enough for a second term alongside being a dedicated Master to the Jedi.
  • You don't know what you want, you ran for Yoda and then voided and now that the Yoda route is closed you have gone back to the Palpatine route and that makes me feel that you just don't know what you want
  • You yourself in  your Yoda application [See below] this shows me that you have made very little progress to the point where you didn't feel you could of noted them down as things you have done and just shows that your next term will be the same in my eyes



Supreme Chancellor Palpatine: As Chancellor I tried to revamp the senators so that they weren’t bored all the time and as well and tried to make it fun for them so it wasn’t cancer for them to get on the server and that they wanted to play.

  • To my knowledge you have on multiple occassions told people that you found Palpatine incredibly boring, if it is incredibly boring why should you get another term? Surely focusing on Jedi matters and taking some time out of Palpatine first is a better solution?

Overall I can not support this application as you don't seem to want the position it is more of a "I have a few more terms and I didn't get Yoda so why not?"

Edited by [SR] Monnk [NA]
Adding the colour
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You're pretty inactive man, and from what I've seen you don't actually have a well-thought out plan as to how you're going to do the things you propose. In fact after re-reading you just say a blank statement that you'll finish what you started.



What did you start as Palpatine, and how do you plan to finish it in your second term?

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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 the many interactions I had with you and the role-play scenarios that came from them were great. Course your activity could be 100% better. But I feel that you make a good palpatine.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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+1. Playing on a job like Palpatine in game is annoying as fuck. All you do is walk around, CG follow you everywhere, and every event someones tryna kill or kidnap you. 


Tyzen did put in work outside of the server, and he was always there when I had questions or concerns. 


Just because not everyone can see what he does for the server doesn’t mean he did nothing. He could have done more, but he did a good job. 


Lets be honest here guys. It’s extremely unlikely we’ll ever have a Palpatine that is as active in game as Max was. 

  • Agree 4
  • Winner 2
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-1 sorry but:

Don't take this the wrong way, you're a good person, but:
A. You're not on that much. I would consider myself to be kind of active and I still don't see you on. I've seen you on twice. Timezones are an issue, but we're in the same timezone. Even that being said, I've asked other people and they also don't see you on.
B. You haven't done any of your goals. I get that you're going again so you can, but you had your one term to atleast start. If you can prove to me that you are trying to do these things, I retract this statement.
C. The interaction with people is also pretty low in my opinion. I've been senator for a long time, and I think the most we've said to each other was hi. Mas Ammeda has been doing most of the senator things while you did the other things, but, like I said, I haven't seen you been doing the other things. I retract this statement if you are able to prove that you are doing the other things.

  • Friendly 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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I dunno, tbfh. I’m reading all these comments and they mostly say the exact thing.


I get that the Palpy job is really boring but why apply for it if you’re just going to be inactive...? 


Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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I understand peoples points and stuff but if you ever need him no matter what for something he gets on the TS as soon as he can and deals with it. Sometimes life hits you like a truck you suddenly become extremely busy.

  • Winner 1

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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4 hours ago, Snadvich said:

Do you plan on becoming a lot more active on Palpy and how do you plan to improve RP on this server?

I will be becoming a lot more active in general when it comes to jedi or palpy, I want to keep improving my activity to keep people entertained in the sense of roleplay, an a couple things i would like to do to improve roleplay is to open my quarters up to more people so that people will have a more interactive experience with the senators and I, as well I plan on working with some of the staff members to start doing actual court cases when things come arise an when clones do something that is worth a court case so everyone can get involved With the roleplay.

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5 hours ago, Twelves said:


What did you start as Palpatine, and how do you plan to finish it in your second term?

There is a few things for starters i will start with the senators even though I didn't change much with it I changed it so its more revolved around making your own Roleplay with people and consistently trying to enhance it in the servers roleplay aspect and i will be putting in a system soon where you don't have to do a intreview anymore you will be able to either tryout or it will be strictly roleplay test's, With clone I didn't really change much with clone because there wasn't to many things to do with it since rider had that covered most the time and we worked together to make it more enjoyable in high command with getting rid of the senior commander rank so you only have to be reg for 4 months to become the marshal commander an as well i have a idea to get the Reg commanders to start working with the jedi more inside of the battalions to get there help in sims and in events for the whole server.  An with adding more to the reg commanders I want to help them work with the battalions more instead of being kinda that unknown figure to some of the lower rankings i want to give them more of a incentive to do that more to hear what the battalion has to say about everything as a whole in the server. 

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First off he has 70 hours over 2 weeks. That's more active than a good amount of BCMDs.  

Second he is actively trying to improve senators which he has been doing in my eyes.

Third, hes the best palpy we've had to date both in activity had actually role playing. 


  • Agree 2
  • Friendly 2
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55 minutes ago, Dragon said:


First off he has 70 hours over 2 weeks. That's more active than a good amount of BCMDs.  

Second he is actively trying to improve senators which he has been doing in my eyes.

Third, hes the best palpy we've had to date both in activity had actually role playing. 


Heresy. Max is unbeatable.

  • Agree 4
  • Friendly 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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+1 i mean

behind the scenes work is behind the scenes work


wHy dOeSnT hE coMe oN//?? hIs jOB isNT boRiNg!!!!!!!!




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-1 I have seen you on a few times here and there not that consistently Only real times I can remember seeing you on palpie was the time you were riding through the halls on the speeder the time where logic and nade were roasted for dropping the nukes on Coruscant after that you we're on here and there I have seen you pretty active on your jedi master and kit fisto recently so that's a plus

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2 hours ago, Dragon said:

First off he has 70 hours over 2 weeks. That's more active than a good amount of BCMDs.  

The steam counter is a poor way to say if someones active. We've seen time and time again those hours don't really matter because the most inactive commanders have had upwards of 100 just from afking, there is extremely active BCMDs with 35-40 compared to some inactive with 60.

Anyways back on to the topic at hand imma have to giving you a neutral leaning towards a -1,  there has been a few good things that have came out of your term, but for the most part activity has been lackluster and along with general rp and interaction. On top of this, your application is the stereotypical high command app with basic goals like "utilize the battalions for their specialty" and promote rp. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because its obvious and most prominent issues within the server but the issue i have with it is that there isn't a good explanation of how your going to do that and why its not just an iffy promise.

So, @Tyzen how exactly do you plan to achieve you goals mentioned for your next term if granted?

Edited by Jax
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1 minute ago, Jax said:

So, @Tyzen how exactly do you plan to achieve you goals mentioned for your next term if granted?

A couple of things of how I want to achieve this is for starters start working with lighig and the bcmds on how to get the jedi to be more integrated inside the battalion which is why i put up a thing on council where if you go for a lore character/ Lore battalion jedi as a master you would need to be put on a one week trial as a unnamed master inside the battalion for about a week an if they have great feed back from the battalion they would get the character but not the jedi general rank until they do very well in the battalion to where they can get that ranking. As well I want to go around asking the BCMD's what is going on with there jedi and why they do not like to give them power in the battalion to see where that trust is decreased.

Also with the battalion specialization i want it to make it more clear that 91st can only use barc speeders and at-rts for lightning squad, an I want to make it only for them and them alone, as well 41st would get mainly use of at-rts before the 91st and so on a so fourth. As well since we moved to the base map we can make these training more of a thing with the vehicles by doing patrols and making sure things are in all stand points good with using the vehicles cause it still seems really shaky with who can use what.

  • Friendly 1
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1 hour ago, Tyzen said:

A couple of things of how I want to achieve this is for starters start working with lighig and the bcmds on how to get the jedi to be more integrated inside the battalion which is why i put up a thing on council where if you go for a lore character/ Lore battalion jedi as a master you would need to be put on a one week trial as a unnamed master inside the battalion for about a week an if they have great feed back from the battalion they would get the character but not the jedi general rank until they do very well in the battalion to where they can get that ranking. As well I want to go around asking the BCMD's what is going on with there jedi and why they do not like to give them power in the battalion to see where that trust is decreased.

Also with the battalion specialization i want it to make it more clear that 91st can only use barc speeders and at-rts for lightning squad, an I want to make it only for them and them alone, as well 41st would get mainly use of at-rts before the 91st and so on a so fourth. As well since we moved to the base map we can make these training more of a thing with the vehicles by doing patrols and making sure things are in all stand points good with using the vehicles cause it still seems really shaky with who can use what.

4 hours ago, Tyzen said:

There is a few things for starters i will start with the senators even though I didn't change much with it I changed it so its more revolved around making your own Roleplay with people and consistently trying to enhance it in the servers roleplay aspect and i will be putting in a system soon where you don't have to do a intreview anymore you will be able to either tryout or it will be strictly roleplay test's, With clone I didn't really change much with clone because there wasn't to many things to do with it since rider had that covered most the time and we worked together to make it more enjoyable in high command with getting rid of the senior commander rank so you only have to be reg for 4 months to become the marshal commander an as well i have a idea to get the Reg commanders to start working with the jedi more inside of the battalions to get there help in sims and in events for the whole server.  An with adding more to the reg commanders I want to help them work with the battalions more instead of being kinda that unknown figure to some of the lower rankings i want to give them more of a incentive to do that more to hear what the battalion has to say about everything as a whole in the server. 

Here are a few questions I have for you.

1. When making the decision to remove senior commander did you discuss the thoughts of the regimentals who will have to sit in the same position for 4 months just to achieve the rank of marshal? 

2. You seem to be mainly focusing on the Jedi in battalions and their position on the ship. I don't understand why you don't have lighig deal with this and make sure he himself is the one working on this since that is his branch.

3. Why did you not incorporate the Senator system you've told us about in your 1st term?

4. Why did you not work with the clones more? You say clones need little work but clones don't have much to do other than events, if you were to take on a 2nd term would you continue Max's PvP tests/tourneys and private events? WIll you add more opportunities like the PvP matches Max had setup in the past for the clones in your 2nd term? 

Edited by Feds
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6 minutes ago, Feds said:

1. When making the decision to remove senior commander did you discuss the thoughts of the regimentals who will have to sit in the same position for 4 months just to achieve the rank of marshal? 

2. You seem to be mainly focusing on the Jedi in battalions and their position on the ship. I don't understand why you don't have lighig deal with this and make sure he himself is the one working on this since that is his branch.

3. Why did you not incorporate the Senator system you've told us about in your 1st term?

4. Why did you not work with the clones more? You say clones need little work but clones don't have much to do other than events, if you were to take on a 2nd term would you continue Max's PvP tests/tourneys and private events? WIll you add more opportunities like the PvP matches Max had setup in the past for the clones in your 2nd term? 

1. yes we did discuss that it was a major factor and Rider, Me, chambers, And square made this decision together and we went to each reg and we asked what they though and they liked the idea of not having senior as a role and making it 3 to 4 months to make it to marshal which is a reasonable amount of time

2. The reason why I am helping the jedi with this is because I think that at the time they needed the help with it and no one put there hand out to help them because i see jedi as a major factor for people to actually have fun with there role and make it a more immersive experience for people. An as well I still am a master why would i not help him.

3. I did incorporate it you guys just don't pay attention to anything i have done with senators cause you guys are to caught up with activity bullshit and the reason why i'm changing it even more is because of the new map and new things i can add to it.

4. At the time i didn't have to focus on clone because the MARSHAL commander we had there had it handled i didn't see the need to stick my hand into it when it was handled very well by Rider. An clones don't really need that much work unless something goes really wrong with it. And as well Max told me that the reason he did that is because none of the bcmds and as well the regs at the time weren't doing it so he felt the need to do it personally its not what i think i need to do at this point i need focus on base ops which i have plans for those and as well jedi a little bit more because they are still in a rocky shape. An if i have time to do the pvp test/ toruneys maybe i will do it. I hope this answers your questions that you have asked

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22 hours ago, Dragon said:


First off he has 70 hours over 2 weeks. That's more active than a good amount of BCMDs.  

Second he is actively trying to improve senators which he has been doing in my eyes.

Third, hes the best palpy we've had to date both in activity had actually role playing. 



21 hours ago, Fizzik said:

Heresy. Max is unbeatable.

Deus Vult infadels also +1 if you can keep your activity

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6 minutes ago, Doc said:

I’d much rather support someone who consistently is active and helpful the entire term rather than suddenly becoming active and helpful, coincidentally with the new map drop. 

I can understand this entirely, but im sure people prefer having a palpy rather than having none. 


6 minutes ago, Doc said:

A bit of a counter to this, any BCMD+ can get active and good at the end of their turn in order to save it. It doesn’t show dedication it shows a need for the position

As of this. If he does go inactive and is just showing activity to save a term, make a commander report. Peoples activity can change. 

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After some consideration and reading some of the other +1's and -1's:
I will be changing my-1 to a +1
I realize now that he is actually doing his job, but isn't on the server that often. It would be great if he could improve activity, but he is actually trying to do what he said.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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Still keeping a -1. Nothing against Tyzen. He is a great guy, but he has a more bigger passion for jedi than Palpy,and He cares more there, and I think that if he got Pally again. He'll leave half way if Yoda opens up. I want a dedicated Palpatine, and not someone who is just there.

  • Agree 2

Former: Liaison


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I am going to have to remain -1 for now however I have altered my points due to some of the points other people have made.

  • You applied for Yoda then realised that, that wasn't going to work so ultimately voided the application and then went back to Palpatine stating that you will be active on it alongside other things. This makes Palpatine your second choice and ultimately I can not support it if this was a choice you made because "Yoda wasn't working out"
  • Your activity may be high in terms of "Hours played in the past 2 weeks" but to me that means nothing, yes your activity has picked up since you made this application but ultimately that just drives home the fact that you spent a while inactive and that it can most likely happen again. I can't support an application where activity is pretty much only being brought up in game because it was said on your application.
  • You have found Palpatine really boring as you have stated to myself back when I was in the 501st "There isn't a lot that I can do and it is boring" now I don't believe that your stance on this has changed, alongside the fact that as Palpatine I haven't really seen Senators integrating more prior to when you put this application up with the day to day movements of clones, recently this has picked up with I believe 3 of the Senators but overall bar one it is a locked away job even though they are stated to be essential to Roleplay.
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