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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. But it was still really fun! The horror aspects of it were SUPER cool and I loved the reality stuff.
  2. 6 / 10 The entire thing was .... Really confusing. There was never really a clear goal at the end? Most of us general troopers were just running around kind of freaking out, kind of asking where anyone or anything was. The premise, if you didn't catch on quickly to it, was super easy to get lost in. I'm not tryin' ta shit on your event, but just tryin' to let you know some of the stuff to improve on.
  3. 8/10 Interesting premise, a lot of innovative ideas (fun stuff!) like the debris falling from the sky. Made the trenches feel more useful- that shows that you thought of including the quirks of the specific environment to your event. Nice!
  4. 8/10 It didn't feel rushed, the dupe was cool, the event was very fun to play in. GM was accomodating to pilots as well, and Dono even made a landing strip for a LAAT. That kind of adaption is super good for GMs. Fun stuff!
  5. +1 Very active, and I don't doubt that you could do great staff work.
  6. +1 As Bail Organa, I haven't seen you do anything bad or out of order. Even when we're goofing off you make sure not to go too far. You've talked to us about your ideas, You've talked to us about your future. That's gonna be a yes from me, champ.
  7. 7/10 It was pretty fun! Nice to do something during the extreme downtime, but wasn't rushed.
  8. 7/10 Really enjoyed the characters.
  9. 9/10 I really enjoyed the characters you assigned us, EJ partner was super super talented and fun, premise was unique and interesting, all the mechanical aspects were smooth and there was never an issue of "what's going on!??"
  10. 9/10 I got to do a voice! Fun EJ Characters to play, lots of RP, mixing into some really fun combat. The decision to incorporate the CIS op into the event was very creative, and super well executed. Thanks for the event!
  11. 8/10 I really liked the mix of RP and combat, and the ENG/EOD rp was p cool. Please host more lmao
  12. 6/10 The droid spawning was very... questionable EOD was done a lot but GM never responded to calls in chat for stuff to be exploded EJ seemed to be playing way more intelligently than a droid would
  13. +1 You've got time and dedication, which are very important
  14. +1 I've never met you personally but from your application it seems that you'd be good to have
  15. HIGH AMBASSADOR! 8/10 The pacing was very good and the character I got to play was super fun
  16. 8/10 Well acted. Well built. Super creative. I uh.. I had 3 FPS for the entire time.... but, other than that, it was great! It felt a bit linear, but it was good. Shockpoint, good acting!
  17. Mavelle

    The moon take

    8/10 Had some fun RP to do! I really enjoyed actually being able to do our thing as our subunit, and the droids were well placed.
  18. 9/10 Really well designed! The RP was great, good voice acting, good props, you guys are beautiful. Beautiful. I am really sad that we didn't get to do the ghost company thing, but it happens. People engage. It's inevitable.
  19. 5/10 The decision to have many vehicles as well as about 5,000 droids led to an event that was very difficult to get immersed in. It was out of your control though.
  20. +1! Hope you make some interesting events. I'm sure you will.
  21. RP Name: GC SUPO SGM Threepwood / Bail Organa / Mavelle / Tadoran Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 17 Years Old Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would love to be an administrator for 2 chief reasons. The first being that I believe that I am very passionate about improving the server. I've been trying to do anything I can to improve both myself and the environment around me. As a staff member, I could work even harder and have a stronger impact on improving the environment of Synergy. The second reason being that helping out GMs with events, helping players to get teleported to areas they need teleports to during events, and just improving RP in general is a dream of mine. I would absolutely love to help increase the amount of immersion and complexity in our RP here on Anaxes base. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am an extremely passionate musician; I think I play about 30 instruments. This may sound canned, but a love of music brings you into a mindset of interpersonal connection; interaction between people is what fully drives me and inspires me. I am constantly reaching out for feedback on everything I do in order to improve, (even if that leads to an amount of self-doubt at some points), and I am always looking to learn and improve. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I don't have much staff experience except for the fact that I've served as a member of the Build Team/Admin for a 30 person Minecraft server. I do have a small amount of project management experience outside of video-gaming. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 211 hours currently.
  22. Mavelle


    8/10! Was a very fun event. Obviously, it would have been PERFECT if I wasn't on 300 ping for 45 minutes straight, but thus is the way of Synergy at the moment. The battle itself was fairly well designed- there were maybe a little more droids than necessary, but it got very cool once we got to the outpost. Once the Grevious chase began, it got a littttttle bit dragged out just because of the fact that.. none of us could've caught him, so it ended up just being an extra 20 minutes. BUT All in all, thank you for the very fun event. RPing with Kenobi was awesome. And Shoutout Pilot Gang.
  23. +1! I see you doing a bunch of stuff all over the place, and you're an active pilot! I love active pilots. So much. I really hope you get staff- good luck!
  24. Thank you for the explanation. However, that just sort of opens me up to the fact that there was so much going on, and if I wasn't paying FULL attention to the entire thing, I would be lost. Which would just leave us on the sidelines again. I would just say that it's extraordinarily difficult to create a story that complex and have it be interesting for most of the people involved.
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