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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. +1 From what I know about Marshal Commander, I think that you'd be a really good fit for it!
  2. Mavelle

    Protect Endor!

    10/10 Best main server event I've participated in. The build was fucking amazing. Great atmosphere, all of this was extremely creative!
  3. Mavelle

    Squad System

    -1 Wasn't a 'medics seeing health' suggestion just -1'd because it doesn't promote RP? I don't see how this could improve our experience. We already know who's on our team. We use Ace reports to promote RP, and organization can be improved without mechanical means.
  4. 5/10 Having a full Null Squad might sound cool on paper. On paper. It's really weird to have a squad full of EJs RPing with pretty much just eachother for an entire event where the EJs make up about half of all of the players participating. It kinda seems like one of those events in the past week where people will just go on the republic event job and RP as their own OC RC squad. Just... I wouldn't really recommend doing it in the future. It doesn't hit nearly as well for anyone that isn't an EJ.
  5. I have. It runs extremely well, for me at least. I've tried a fuck ton of NPCs (Brought FPS down to about 57) and about 5,000 props, which didn't seem to really affect frames all that much. However, I'm not a founder so I couldn't test it on multiplayer with more than 2 people. It doesn't seem bad at all!
  6. +1! Lights can be really good for GMing. I mean REALLY good.
  7. 5/10 This deployment really lacked something for me. I think the main thing was immersion. Now, I know I'm way more into the whole immersion side of event running than a lot of people, but here me out. There was no music used, at all. Music is one of your biggest tools as a GM, especially on the event server. There was little to no building to make it seem as though we were actually in a place that wasn't just a Gmod map. Stix's voice acting made him sound like he honestly was not enjoying himself at all and he just wanted to get the talking over with so he could fight. (I know that's prolly not the case, but it just didn't seem like the people doing the voices really even cared.) When you have a story, it's oftentimes better to create ways in which your story will be told on a larger scale instead of only a small amount of people receiving bits/pieces of it (That extends to RP only involving about 5 people)- this is even more important because of the amount of people deployed. Overall, I didn't feel like we were actually there for anything. It was just point and click for almost the whole thing. In the future for more things like this, I suggest using A. Better map choice- Naboo does not offer much. (Whether it be for story reasons or just the fact that it's impossible to cram 40 people through the hallways) B. Music! Music disks or mediaplayers! A big thing I do with mediaplayers is I'll use 2- one will be playing an 'ambience' video like this, and then another with music playing such as this. (Media players can be found in the entities menu) C. Better direction of event jobs- It seemed as though the event jobs were not fully explained the backstory of what was happening, what their relationships with the other characters were, etc. I suggest giving them a doc to look over or a more in depth run-through of the lore of the event. D. Varied situations- It's the event server, you have full control. That means you can map switch, bring us on to a venator, another planet, bigger map, etc. and just- for example - tell us to "Just Passive RP for 20 minutes!" or "investigate the surrounding area!" - it's not all about combat and battle. I'm being hard on you because I'm trying to bring us closer to the rating scale as intended, but also because I think you have great potential to improve in deployments! Keep 'em coming man. And if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, hit me up!
  8. Was listenin' to a song on an album I love when I realized I recognize the tune but not the rhythm. Turns out, they just took a jig and fully made it turkish medieval folk. Just a really cool adaptation.
  9. Is one of those the Globe Theatre????
  10. damn bro i gotta pull another one off the doc :( Vicodin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybXtNjnItTI Vicodin you are one of the funniest people if not the funniest person I’ve met. I don’t know man, just the way that you say stuff makes me double over. You are an absolute fucking pleasure to hang around with.
  11. Caidoon, every time I talked to you it felt like no time passed- and it would get to being 5am for the 9th time. I’m not afraid to say that I consider you an actual, true, good friend. You are one of the most approachable, fun, easygoing, and passionate people I know. Thank you for bein’ around. I can't unbold the text This is one of my favorite songs and I have it in a doc where I've kept songs that remind of people next to their name. It's a really cozy, late night, emotional song, which my interactions with you were always. Again, I can't unbold this shit i'm sorry
  12. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): SHOCKPOINT JAKE DAYTONA JOVANOVIC Event/Encounter Name: TITLE BRO Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HcBYsXkQkgzFm8xri7s74ujHB-KALxEmGhV46zNGqhA/edit?usp=sharing
  13. idk how you get wedded to your whole family but sick
  14. Hey, fellas, a friendly reminder that a GM's AAR is purely for constructive criticism and feedback on an event. We don't really need to go there, lmao. @NOTRage4KxiiI will say, it's almost impossible for a GM to take into account every single person's computer capabilities, specs, etc, because of how different everyone's setup is. It's very rare that two people will ever have the same specs.
  15. +1 and toss the old one out, as the wise one says.
  16. The Last Of us soundtrack is also REALLY fucking good.
  17. I'm chillin out! Whenever Ahsoka or Barriss tryouts happen I'll 100% be there! do not worry!
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