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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. It saddens my heart to say goodbye to a long standing friend of the community, This specific friend will be missed dearly and can't ever be replaced, it was the best thing about Anaxes and is something i think we shouldn't ever forget. So here is the memorializing post. Rest in Peace, Aayla Secura NSFW photo. @Ollie_Has such a way with words... he took them right out of my mouth....
  2. You said Doom Guy so... Chief for sure. Doomslayer however, would violate Chief on so many levels. Although i feel like they both share a common goal, so they would be a badass duo rather than a badass fight. (i know theyre "technically" the same but im referring to after DoomGuy gets his super power ups)
  3. 3/5/4 was really long with alot of people just standing around. Server lagged abit but overall i could tell you cared about it and wanted it to go smoothly
  4. making a quota joke before someone else the gm quota took another one :(
  5. take yo time homie. and come back better.
  6. We all know Gru is the godly height of 14.5 feet tall and can move at a speed of 200 meters per second. Based on average dick size, Gru’s penis is around 14 inches long. Also, Gru’s dick would weigh around 2 pounds considering the average weight of a dick is .77 lbs. If he swung his dick in a circular manner, it would have the centripetal acceleration of 72.57 meters per second. That means that Gru can dickslap with the immense energy of 11,421 pounds per sq inch at a tip speed greater than 584415.58336974 MPH. In conclusion Gru’s dickslap has enough energy to smash through 6” reinforced concrete and will cause a thunderclap as his dick breaks the sound barrier.
  7. +1 just seems like common sense
  8. i share the same opinion, Maybe a rework or clarification of the rule would fit this change also.
  9. +1 Most people still respect the necro rule regardless since its etiquette, but knowing you wouldn't be punished for it and potentially resurrecting an interesting topic to spike some forums activity is always a good thing.
  10. Mystic

    dono main recon

    5/5/5 i love dono events
  11. Halo and its not close. Skyrim was good fr
  12. worst opinion ever.... of all time.
  13. Grif was only good for getting kicked in the nards. but i think that made it even better.
  14. literally never spoke to you once, and thats disappointing, i hate seeing people leave and never getting a chance to meet them, hope to see you around someday and whatever you do i wish you the best in your endeavors!
  15. It's some of the best times I've had watching a show man. I'd kill to experience it for a first time again. Don't burn yaself out on it or anything.
  16. +1 i think i can hold a conversation with you
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