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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. I made a suggestion awhile back., Day got permission from Forseen to test this out for the entire site. Said he'd update the post as it goes, no further updates since then, so i can only assume its been pushed to the backburner as i heard a Forums overhaul is coming soon.
  2. what is this. your 3rd time? +1
  3. Hm. +1 you can spawn dupes for me during TG trials
  4. hey i can post on topics again. Ironic you set it just in time for your application huh :P +1 i guess. I saw this coming from 100 miles away. I don't know what to say. You were a BCMD before you can do it again i'm sure.
  5. Considering the video is unlisted i don't think this was a meme, He also tried to call out someone for leaking tryouts when he turned around and did the same thing, a little ironic. This was pretty damn childish and to add onto all of that it was cringey as hell lol. +1 credit to aaron. i stole it.
  6. RP Name: GM DD MED CPT Mystic l Jedi Knight Centurion III Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543219273 VIP (Y/N): Yes and Sub Age: 18 Time zone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: Admin Are you currently staff on a different server?: Not anymore. Why did you leave the staff team?: To assist a friend in server growth, I have accomplished this and would like to return to be able to host trials more effectively and take tickets/become a Game helper again. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to come back to being ablet to assist Gamemasters and do small patrols/sims for my battalion or late night droid attacks for people who have nothing to do. Last time I was staff, I had a ton of fun figuring out what I can and cannot do, with the recent changes I feel I'll have just as much fun as I did prior. At the end of the day, staff is giving back to the community I play in and that is something I am quite passionate about. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): It went well. I got staff of the week my first week as NA with 30+ tickets taken, and I never got a staff report (to my knowledge) nor was I ever spoken to. My actions were always justified and I never abused my power. I often found myself hosting things for people late nights which helped a lot with my reputation on the server, as people were enjoying themselves instead of bunny hopping around base. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  7. Bug Type (Server:): Grammatical Severity level (1-3): 0 tbh just letting you guys know Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: Trooper is lowercase and just looks funny How can we recreate it: Get on DD support and hit tab find the job name, This by no means takes priority over literally anything else. this is such a minor issue compared to anything else. just want to let someone know.
  8. Pretty! Hopefully you run into a rogue capybara
  9. Afaik DS is a very real detachment of Clones but was not a subunit. Which actually fits the synergy load out pretty well. The closest thing CG could have to a company/subunit is Shock tbh. But yeah the whole 212th RS subunit thing was dumb as they never specifically stated Red Squadron was 212th.
  10. this was everyone's logic when 44thAU/DD was added. But since server HC did it nobody could do anything ig so pls dont act like 21st asked to have SO removed and DD brought in, because we didnt
  11. i have yet to notice this. You should submit a bug report with a video of this. Also, be sure to follow the bug report format
  12. To be fair, DU in lore is a Unit of troopers, not a battalion. We just don't know what their parent battalion is though its assumed to be 442nd if any
  13. Good point, Would the current Eeth Koth at the point of implementation be willing to step down if he's in a Knight position, and would the Order be ok with taking him away as a freelance position.
  14. Can this get more -1's than Dennis's Bacara app?
  15. GM leadership again when?
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