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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. ill look into it., sounds alot like nickelodeon brawl browser game i used to play as a kid
  2. I see little to no planning in this app, - Nobody cares about your experiences in MRP or other servers - This is the ugliest app ive EVER seen. -You've got the experience for the position if you'd fix your planning a little you'll be set man +1. Still dunno who this dude is though. (forgot forced into GM CPT in experience.)
  3. bruh. o7 snad. your Yoda inauguration will be forever remembered
  4. 3rd time posting, but i'd also really like to see more of the RP props dropped like the rayshield hacking props so that our trainings are actually useful instead of rping on a non interactive prop
  5. I've got a headache ibuprofen can't fix and i've been in bed all day
  6. For me its just -Get laser'd by NPCs i can't see -Pretty much the same events -Nothing to do on downtimes (crystal caves, hilts etc) -Creativity, The map seems to lack in the dupes section. it doesn't seem easy to dupe the map since its not in singleplayer - Wanted to main Jedi, but its practically unplayable atm. Other than things already listed, i enjoy the map. Update was cool. It just kinda lost its appeal after a week or two of nothin happening
  7. Good to see you brought it back! welcome back to the game
  8. damn i need to talk to more people. wish i coulda spoken to ya more. Best of luck in WoW
  9. forgot to rate. 5/5/5
  10. o7. I always loved the small random actions around the map when you were on. Even if we barely knew one another you and Maddoxx were the only Directors i knew and it's going to feel hella wrong not seeing you in that position. I am positive the community is beyond thankful for everything you've done. Wish i could've gotten to know you better. May you succeed and enjoy whatever you do in life next.
  11. Voting British into terms isn't something i'm used to in america, but +1. Was a great Sussy tin and caleb dumb. Your app is great too. Best of luck man.
  12. gonna miss you omac away. <3 see you around
  13. welcome to Gee Em
  14. Mystic

    Stupid games

    Anyone got stupid ass games they play in discord calls? I've got a few skribbl.io Make it Meme Cards Against Humanity Gartic Phone and occasionally, JKLM Do you guys have any suggestions for other stupid games?
  15. What's Multiversus? Curious.
  16. When i thought throwing rocks at a wasps nest would scare them away
  17. +1. Great for immersion. Find a way to make it slow to help detain and make massiffs useful
  18. Mystic


    Looks cool, but seems like its lacking the customizability that makes WiltOS so cool imo. Plus with a overhaul coming to WiltOS i think i'd like to wait and see whats in store. -1
  19. 3/5/4 Gameplay - Exciting at first. Really fun pushing through the ship with the impending doom of a nuke hitting. Towards the end when we were defending the bridge it wouldve been cool to have some of us fight droids to speed up the RP and maybe put abit of pressure on the team RPing as we kinda just sat there. That one terminal i asked you about met the criteria to identify all 3 consoles, Which means GM has final say on that terminals purpose so i had to ask, Just following TECH training. Care/Effort - Was alot of care put into this everything made sense and had a purpose. Full of RP and thought out ahead of time. Server Performance - Pooped the bed a lil but good event so its worth it.
  20. I get the points people are bringing up,. But at the end of the day at face value, its simply rearranging the people in each regiment and renaming it. If you dig deeper, sure its a lack of communication and HC yet again doing things without majority vote/feedback. I was simply taking it at face value.
  21. For a name change this thread is somethin else.
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