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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. 5/5/5 i got to murder NPCs in DB
  2. he just couldn't stay away
  3. +1 this is one of those things that if implemented, won't have any negative even if it solves the issue for 2-3 people. That's more events with droppods
  4. o7 so who's powerplaying to gregor next
  5. the application looks small due to 501st being your only experience but, Thats good. Means you know what's best for your battalion, Abraham made you XO for a reason. +1 i do hope to see you around more than i currently do though
  6. I'll miss you, My favorite Rex and favorite Vaughn. You made some of my days on Synergy the best. I loved being your Pit Droid, and in honor of your legacy he will be decommissioned. o7 man hope to see you around the server
  7. +1 still no idea who you are, hopefully you bring fresh ideas to the GM team though!
  8. +1 app is a just little lacking but your hours seem to back your statements made, and in the end everyone with a desire like yours deserves a chance at staff! Make the best of it !
  9. +1 for taking hotter backshot- i mean. Great addition
  10. not to mention, there is plenty of file compression sites to help further reduce the size of the file
  11. i was there for this, if you truly cared about spending time on the server, you wouldn't have repeatedly done things against the rules. especially to warrant a perma ban,.-1 from me,. some of those were serious offenses.
  12. with summer coming up, Upholding activity will be no issue, as it is my hours are only going up, i have spoken to said person about that position and they are aware of what is happening. as it was my activity was only dropping due to Graduation and end of year tests Didn't really wanna worry about Gmod in that time. But with that passing my activity will be no issue. <3 appreciate you asking the question,. in short i plan to dedicate 4 hours a day to each position and in between times i'll always be available via discord. giving me time for food and family, exempt the weekends as things happen that i don't quite wish to discuss on a public forum.
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