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Everything posted by Comics

  1. HOLY SHIT. Bro did you just pick any number. That is fucking crazy high. -1
  2. :( I'm sad we stopped talking. And now you're gone forever
  3. +1 only for the fact I can make Gume Saam do act muscles Although some of the other ones are pretty cool
  4. YESSSS. YOU LOVE TO SEE IT Welcome my son
  5. :/ I don't think anything makes me sadder than infection events. I think Infection events may be the leading cause of depression world wide
  6. -1, dw we're all still waiting for the famed Star Wars Dark RP too
  7. +1, you're a capable guy and actually seem to have the right ambitions in mind. I think you were noble for actually doing what you needed to in 21st and not remaining to gain power in it. You're dedicated to RANCOR and I have a lot of respect for that. You're also a good leader who doesn't seem to cause too many problems for his people. I'm gonna put my trust in what others have said. Also please fucking remove the fact we need to go through RANCOR for our ARCL (if that's still a thing). And make sure to share all that responsibility.
  8. I mean, who is this guy? Good job as wolffe
  9. -1 bro what? Do you want us to seize the means of reputation? REDISTRIBUTE THE ONLINE CLOUT??? FOR THE REVOLUTION FOR LENIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE PEOPLE Just to add making everyone equal makes 0 sense. The point of rep is that it shows how much people value you on the forums. This is like not thought through at all. yeah I guess some people just get rep for being themselves (like founders used to) but usually it's just based off your contributions. This adds nothing and will just ruin the whole point of rep.
  10. Not sure it should've been recorded and posted in some weird attempt to discredit him and make him some toxic laughing stock. Also not sure about stripping your honourary staff, I mean you were staff and there's not much they can do to change that fact. You're a great guy heart, I'm sorry that you had to go out like this. You fucked up but I'll miss ya buddy. Don't let this keep ya down. Oh yeah and stop laughing at a guy clearly having a break down. It's pretty fucked up to be laughing at that. He's clearly upset & passionate; I'm sure you'd love to be pointed at and kicked when you're emotional. Grow up
  11. -1 just seems too hard to enforce. If someone is being a bigot they'll get what's coming. No need for these intricate rules which will have 10 billion loop holes. Staff aren't usually that stupid most of the time they understand when to step in. If someone does like a depiction of some religious group admins are just gonna be like "yo maybe don't do that" and if they continue they get banned. Our system is fine we don't need more rules in place to allow more stupid time wasting AOSes Oh and @Maverick is spot on with the risk to freedom of creativity. You shouldn't try to police things which are so heavily subjective at the risk of creativity.
  12. Politics & Religion are already topics which will get you told off or muted? I was under the impression this stuff was already covered under FailRP & Discrimination rules
  13. Comics

    Re: Parjai Models

    +1, kinda weirdchamp that Parjai is gonna have more than GC despite having less members but I'm still for this. No reason to not give Parjai smth good
  14. -1 scarecrow & marvel said it best
  15. +1 I genuinely don't think someone like you could fuck this up
  16. Comics

    Bricks Wolffe App

    +1, fantastic leader. Really have done so much work for the 104th and you're gonna take the battalion to great places
  17. +1, a great leader and a good friend. I think you've done bits for 104th and I can see you being a fantastic advisor in the future
  18. If you run it democratically and do not force your ideas or plans on others (especially BCMDs) I am happy to see you uphold the positions +1
  19. I think you've got wide aspirations and honestly your idea of what Palpatine should be is highly respectable. I admire that you aspire to make some deep and profound changes and I cannot commend you enough for stepping up for this. However, there are a few concerns 1. You are completely disconnected from current HC, as far as I'm aware, how do you plan to take effective leadership of High Command. Since it's currently 3 people (+2 directors) how are you going to properly spread responsibilities & manage conflicts within? How are you going to ensure they trust you to lead when you haven't been in an applicable position since you were banned? 2. How are you going to make Command Meetings actually useful because before they were enormous wastes of time that achieved nothing and bored the fuck out of everyone there. 3. What will happen to BCMD who refuse to follow your advice and guidelines. Many leaders are adamant on their own way of doing things and are incredibly reluctant to do so? 4. For quite a while BCMDs have been completely excluded from discussion directly involving them and their battalions, would you be happy to allow them more control (if not total control) over how their battalions operate and changes that happen to their battalion? I think you're a top bloke. We had our disagreements & I think you've been really dumb in the past but you've clearly got real skills and have made good change for people. I trust your ability and I don't think some of the dumb mingy stuff you do will actually affect your leadership ability or desire to help others. You also seem very open to criticism & taking responsibility, quite the trait 'round these parts. Either way I once again would like to commend you for stepping up to the plate and actually offering to try something new as Palpy, offer some change rather than same old same old.
  20. 628, Shout out to indox tho
  21. I mean you didn't really add anything. You just said "I will make it good". Still no plans, how are we supposed to even begin to trust you if you can't give a single plan or idea just "I'm gonna do this good thing" I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that. a bold faced lie. If you didn't do anything than don't claim to have "got it off the ground" or out of a "rough spot" "I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops," The report was denied because their rules were incapable of prosecuting you. The fact still stands that you were reported and no on supported you. The community very very evenly supported your removal because we all had strong belief you were incapable as a leader. The ARC program is fine, it's pretty meh but it is what it is. RANCOR does suffer with numbers, like it did before your time, so it seems like you just plopped in a training system and didn't try to fix any of the issues of RANCOR leaving it to fall to where it currently is. How can we expect you to leave 21st on it's feet able to hold up to larger batts like 212th or DU when RANCOR tanked after it stopped being so easy to get ranks in. You can't really claim your commanders all worked well together when the whole battalion below that felt you were uncapable as continuing as their BCMD. That's just not how it works. Also my removal is irrelevant. I guess it makes it easier to dismiss valid criticism by making the accuser seem bad. This is exactly what you did on your report and it changed no one's mind. Cemented the idea you are incapable at taking criticism or at listening anyone below you I fundamentally don't think the CIS is a good system so I don't care what happens in it and I don't care to try and fix those systems. However you do and CIS has been here for possibly months still suffering from all the same issues it did when it was introduced. You say you spend a lot of time fixing things but I just don't see anything changing or improving, same old system with the same old issues. The excuse "why don't you fix it" doesn't cut it, I didn't sign up to fix those problems you did. Say you're doing lots of work all you want but I still hear just as many of the same complaints about something you've been running for ages. I'm not gonna send another response but there's a lot of just lying & avoiding the issue in the response. Just like in your commander report: downplaying issues and covering up criticism. I cannot understand how anyone could support you at this point. The fact anyone even gives you the chance after years of proving incapability as a BCMD, RCMD, & BCMD again. I just cannot understand anyone even considering it. You are by far one of the best examples of what a leader should never strive to be.
  22. -1, This is pretty rich since ever since leaving you've pretty much had every Doom in your pocket ensuring you can still keep control. And as soon as an independent comes along and starts making some great changes you don't seem happy, especially when he peels back your grip on the battalion. I have no idea how you can claim to have saved base ops, in fact base ops was saved by Freck it pretty much never worked after Alfa left. RANCOR is in okay shape. ARC training is pretty tragic & it's probably harder to get a CT whitelist than it is to get an Alpha ARC one. I don't think it's exactly a fantastic example of leadership especially after that horrific commander report which was one of the most unanimously supported reports ever. I don't think anyone -1'd. This was probably the peak of your ineptitude as a leader a pure display of how you fail to properly work with people & are head-strong on making things only go your way. CIS is failing. Look at the QnA, 7 people showed up. If right now you can't keep up a server leadership supported program then how are you gonna let 21st "flourish". I would address more of what you've said but you literally haven't said anything else. You missed all of these questions. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Do you have a microphone?: Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: In fact you only really answered 2: experience & where do you want your batt to be (of which you have an extremely boring and open ended answer, no plans or targets) I mean it's not even a finished application. No plans, No aims, Nothing. This is just you listing experience to sound impressive and saying genuinely nothing of value at all. I don't think anyone can or should take this seriously if you can't even be bothered to finish the app let alone address the swathes of criticism against your character & abilities.
  23. Big dub for my tard-brother You doing well for yourself, keep it up
  24. 1. I have not checked in with all of them. I only checked in with Deku, the current leader, because I believed he was the most important person to notify of it. I don't know if I have full senate support but Deku was very happy for me to apply. I have talked to different individual senators and non of them have had major objections because realistically they just want a leader. The Senate is already is going in a good direction and just needs a leader to streamline it. I think I have the leadership abilities so I personally don't see why it shouldn't be me. 2. I personally plan to keep doing check ins cause it is a public form. I keep forgetting to do it because I get off and just don't do it but I believe everyone in the senate should have to upkeep sign ins. 3. I think battalions are great things for senators to stick along with. the only issue I see is poorly matched time tables. So I may consider stretching them to regiments or multiple large batts especially since there are only 7 senators and far more other groups. 4. I don't have the ideas fully fleshed out but I think them acting as Advisors within RP would be a great way to increase influence & presence in the battalion. They wouldn't actively participate in trainings or battles because they're not soldiers. The advisor role would seem pretty fitting 5. Check-ins are the best way to check activity; just look in the Senate discord if you want to check. And I actually don't know what the current activity system is, because I'm not sure if Frank explained it to me. But from what I remember it's a 3 strike system & each strike has a specific amount of time between each. the current system seems to work & already got 1 senator removed. So it's a presence issue cause senators are relatively active, especially since it's a secondary job. TL;DR I might revise it but I think it works just fine right now.
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