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Everything posted by Comics

  1. BCMDs need to be watched over. Sure they passed the interview but there's no guarantee they're gonna do what they said. Reg Commanders are supposed to act as independent & impartial members of each regiment who will supervise each BCMD to ensure they're actually doing their job. You can't seriously expect BCMDs to always do exactly what they're told & not make some really bad decisions. Regs are great at the nitty gritty stuff for keeping battalions on track & in line. Marshals are a lot better for wider controversy & steering the direction of the GAR. All spots are pretty weak to resignation, most players get burnt out real quick. It's not that we're seeing tonnes of reg resignations, it's more like no ones applying cause your type of mentality is the shared one. Everyone seems to think RCMD is redundant but they think MCMD has good uses. But we haven't had a Marshal in fuck knows how long and all the battalions are doing better than they have probably in the last 1-2 years. Maybe the Marshal is a redundant role, but why does no one say that? cause they realise that we need some structure above BCMDs, they can't be left to do whatever the fuck they want without any supervision. Looking at the sheer size & diversity of Clone battalions I think it makes more sense to better establish the role RCMD instead of wiping it cause MCMD seems to steal a lot of the responsibility.
  2. Flight was delayed an hour, sorry about that
  3. As much as I think a forum wipe would be hilarious I can't lose all those beautiful Logic posts -1
  4. +1, good to have stuff neat & organised
  5. +1, don't see why you can't have both
  6. My big problem is, Clone is huge & it's kinda difficult for 1 man to represent all the wishes of all the battalions at once. regimentals are pretty good at pushing their battalion's agendas but if they're removed from the equation there is 1 person directly involved in clone who gets to vote on BCMD apps. Yoda, Yularen, Mas Amedda can all outvote the marshal in something they should literally have no involement in not to mention I believe some clone responsibility has been handed off to yularen. I think HC needs reform not complete removal. The regimental role has been worn away by an ever increasing dominance of Palpatine & the Marshal. The roles of all HC members are not very well set out which means they're easy to erase. By creating a more defined role for each HC member to play we can ensure they actually have a job instead of assuming the position cannot be useful because we haven't given any use to it. Plus steps like this leads to Marshal & Palpy being combined which was a huge fucking head ache last time. We need to take nuanced stances on this stuff & think whether simple solutions are fit to deal with more complex issues. Also the fact Clone is harder to climb than anything else makes people less inclined to go for higher positions. Yoda is the god of Jedi & only has 1 public application, Marshal requires at least 2 & his power can be heavily limited. Honestly BCMDs seem to be doing extremely well with no HC at all. Recon & Specialized haven't had any HC since FYI stepped down. Directors seem to be taking up these roles more and more. There is too much confusion of branches. Honestly, clear rules & regulations of who does what fucking job seems to be a sensible first step.
  7. I wasn't complaining. I don't have a side to complain for lol, I just wanted clarification from anyone within the community This is why you're the best High Staff, you care about the little man I dunno why you all think this is me complaining. I just wanted someone in the community to get me the rule where it stated it. I don't have a side lol Isn't the whole point of this section for general discussion?
  8. 501st & 41st both get 2 sub unit subchannels ontop of their original 2 sub channels. Rancor seems to magically get another one despite not having a 2nd sub unit 212th is still stuck with only 1 subunit channel despite having 3 sub units (2ndAC, GC, Red Squadron) I would mention SOBDE but they're in a pretty special situation So is it 2 + 1 subunit or is it 2 + (amount of sub units) I thought there was an exact rule about how many sub channels you can have
  9. This was the final update to synergy ever
  10. You guys are the future Butters and Aryssa
  11. +1, they have a bit of lore to go off and would be a great addition. Would be especially great for storyline shit
  12. +1, you've been the only good doom since Jayarr and after a talk you seem to have battalion support You're a man with a plan & the skills to boot. Take DU back to the Moon
  13. You did fantastic and honestly you really should've stayed. But it's your life and no one else should tell you how to live it You definitely did all you said you would, including making it better appreciated by the player base. I can't image a single person who didn't love your RP as Dooku, it really brought the CIS into it's own life opposed to it being another GM cover up. You did great and have been a huge benefit to the CIS, good job
  14. Comics

    Weight Tool

    +1, huge agree for being able to pick up smaller props. That has always been so useless and inconvenient
  15. Comics

    AFK system

    I found this fucking awesome AFK system that is already built into the game. It's fucking crazy, and I can't believe no one is doing it /name AFK [name or joke or smth] also a /afk command is just as easy as changing your name so this seems like a bad solution for non-issue -1
  16. -1, all your jobs are COL+* and for a battalion which has suffered to keep a Officer Corps for so long you would've thought you'd have dropped the rank reqs This is an easy to solve problem that is caused by these insane requirements that should've changed a long time ago Don't think these unnessacery jobs will fix anything but give you more empty spots
  17. 6/10, I enjoyed pursuing different goals & doing some hard pushing Ending was great too Could do some work with spawns and difficulty And I'm in the healthy BMI thing <3
  18. My only problem with Passive RP is that no one ever wants to start it but everyone always wants it to happen. So you always gotta have those people who are mentally capable of being able to be creative in any way in order to spur on more people to RP. There's also those people who always wanna be special, like being a regular dude isn't enough for them they have to be some uber special clone who is awesome and different and broke their inhibitor chip. People need to start sitting back and being normal. And maybe if people weren't such snarky dicks about pushing arrests whenever they can, we'd be able to have a more lax time and enjoy having fun. I wish more people passive RP'd but not everyone enjoys a communal effort and prefer others to do the pushing while they reap the benefits of actually enjoying rp
  19. -1, I get people can get experience from positions but applicable are not positions to be learning basic leadership abilities or how to properly deal with members of your own battalion. I'm not saying your incapable but you're not Rex. Wait some more time, in that time learn from others & get more prepared for what the role of a BCMD is.
  20. +1, you care about it more than anyone else on the server and you seem to 'ave the leadership ability to back it Exactly the sort of leader the Bounty Hunters deserve
  21. -1, if your event sucks so bad people would rather watch montero on the OOC screen you need to make less shitty events
  22. My only problem is those models do not fit in at all. They look way too battlefront style. I'm all for red guard being a smaller subset of senate commandos but I think it could do with models more inline with the rest of the CGI models. Also please don't make it an independent standing group. +1
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