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Everything posted by Comics

  1. You suck at Val Please stop talking to me
  2. +1, only person who actually seems to care about CIS. You seem to be the only one doing any work that actually achieves anything and I'd very very happily have you holding this position
  3. Since you didn't want to respond to my stated issues with your actions in the past as an officer & leader within the 212th I'm going to have to -1 Maybe you have become a better leader but I haven't heard anyone talk about it and I certainly have not been proved it either. Maybe you can respond and change my mind but you haven't up to now so why would you in the future. I think your past casts a shadow on damage you may do to the 501st during a time where it needs such great repair, so I cannot put any faith in you currently. Best of luck
  4. it seems you were in the wrong for the whole situation. So I'm sure it would be funny to watch you try to justify yourself but I don't think it's gonna change the facts I've heard about it. I would also like to ask how your behaviour and way about dealing with others has improved since your time under me. You were extremely disrespectful & often refused to accept people disagreeing with you (particularly me). You were actually quite the hassle to deal with and I think my HC at the time would probably agree, such as the incident in which you played a soundboard in an officer meeting when I was talking about not using soundboards (genuinely almost got you demoted). You even overstepped your boundaries under other Codys (like promoting someone through officer ranks without consulting any other SO+). You seemed to have some what of a flagrant regard for anyone else whether under or above you; there was also somewhat of an ego that you had where you would endlessly feel you were always more correct than others. Despite my fair treatment of everyone within the 212th you seemed to want to make yourself some victim of promotion discrimination (despite you getting promoted slower under mason). Now this isn't to say you didn't do a lot of work or weren't a valuable member of the 212th, it really did benefit hugely from your work (like the merit system). So, I don't doubt your ability to complete work. However, your past actions put your mindset and leadership abilities in question, at lest to me. It honestly all left a pretty sour taste in my mouth so how can I know that you've improved from your pretty childish and inconsiderate ways during your time within the 212th. How have you improved and how can you prove you've changed to become a more mature and reasonable individual. (I don't want you to justify any of what you did or apologise, I just want to know that you've got the leadership skills & can prove it) BTW this isn't out of some malice for you, I honestly like your company when it's not about battalion stuff. But I just want to know 501st is being put into good hands after it's recent neglect
  5. If you made this, I commend your bravery & talent If not, you got balls to post for someone else
  6. Comics


    #RIPbozo Have a good life away from the server
  7. I'm not acting like a victim. You're not making any good points or even adding to the discussion. None of the points you made were even original. If you want Jedi to be attached to battalion (like most people do) then you have to hand control to BCMDs, that should be the trade off. You & your jedi friends keep saying the same thing over and over again and none of it justifies the order holding control over members of a BCMD's battalion. In no way should an outsider group control anyone inside of a battalion. the BCMD was awarded their position in order to control the members of their battalion but the order seems insistent on keeping their grasp onto power for no reason. I've said this 4 times but it seems none of you are capable of reading comprehension. It's seriously concerning when the leaders and faces of the Order are incapable of seperating the lore character from the rank & position in the order. You keep iterating the same ideas and points I have already shown to be false. You keep pivoting to focus on irrelevant things to make yourself look smart. You are yet to actually address the inconsistency in Jedi's power of BCMD's positions: you just claim "oh it's the Jedi's spot so like we should run it". yet you are to provide any evidence that who Obi-Wan is actually affects the Order and especially more so than the battalion involved. You cannot keep iterating the same "it's our job" idea because I've already debunked that about 3 times. You're clearly not reading or understanding, so I do ask you to really think about what I'm saying and really think if it matters to the order who is what general. Master's can gather their opinions for their own general spots, they should have no power in the way of a BCMD clearing his lore positions. I don't care what the Order requests people to do, or their standards for lore generals. It's not your battalion so you shouldn't have the final say on who remains in that position (barring someone actually being removed from general). Battalions won't touch your rank structure, they should just be able to control their lore spots.
  8. What sort of statement is this? I want power to control all members of a battalion in the hands of the BCMD, not matter where those battalion connections come from. You're comparing it to a lore thing. You're just trying to make out my ideas out to look stupid because you don't have anything to say back. I've made my points & I've made them very well. All I've had is the same 3 questions and statements I've answered several times. If this is the attitude Jedi are going to have towards suggestions and criticism I don't think they'll ever progress past being "Meh". How about you actually take this seriously and put some thought into what you're saying because you're setting a pretty horrific example for how to deal with outsider's criticisms. I can't see any of you actuallly bringing up anything new, especially on the forums. So I'm not gonna send anything else no matter how many "youreWrong.pngs" you have. I've made my points and you guys need to make some new ones.
  9. Yeah yeah I've heard it. You're saying the same thing as everyone else to avoid the actual point of the post. I am not arguing about their power in battalions merely their position as that lore character. So stop bringing it up lol secondly, I want that DIRECT control over the position. I want BCMDs to not have to go through anyone to get rid of these people. I don't think in any situation a BCMD should have to go to anyone else to remove someone from their battalion, it should lay completely within their powers. There is no reason Council should have that control over those positions. I think the current appointing system works fine, as long as Council is forced to get explicit permission from the battalion. I am only concerned with the removal of those positions. No one should be stand in the way of a BCMD removing someone. If they fuck up the process then there's consequences just like there are for removing anyone else on poor reasons. There is not a single reason in the world the Council should have more control over someone's position in a battalion than the actual BCMD. It doesn't matter if there is a way to get around it there should be direct control with the BCMD, not the council. No amount of forms or reports is ever going to change that fact. You either need to give power to BCMDs or this problems will continue to exist.
  10. @Mitchell I wrote it in the simplest terms possible. So I'll try again because you clearly are not choosing to understand. I'm going over the same points because you are failing to understand. Obi-Wan as a character is attached to the 212th & is only ever attached to the 212th. You cannot take Obi-Wan (as a character) from the 212th. He is forever a position within the 212th no matter his rank. The rank of Jedi General is Rank given to Jedi within the Order. It does not matter who Obi-Wan is to the order, as long as that person is a General that's all that really matters. Therefore, Obi-Wan as a character is a 212th position whereas the general rank that occupies the spot of Obi-Wan is a jedi position. The rank is Jedi, the character is battalion. Therefore, the Jedi should control the jedi rank of said person, while the battalion controls who actually is that person. Batts would prefer Order to run selection of Generals for the position (cause that's a lot of work that Jedi are better at) but Order should require express permission, form the battalion, to grant that Character to said Jedi. All these systems of demoting them through Jedi rank & reporting them to the council just goes around the fundamental issue. Battalions should be able to remove their lore jedi without consulting anyone. We can remove Jedi being permanently attached to their lore battalion, and that would technically solve the issue. But that's not what people want. I will iterate this once more Within the Jedi order: it does not matter who holds what specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as long as they are serving as a General within the Council. Within the battalion: it does matter who holds a specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as they are a fundamental unchangeable* position within said battalion. *You can remove a battalion jedi from it's attachment & that would work to solve this issue but you still need council permission to do that & I don't think anyone wants to remove lore attachments I cannot make this any simpler to understand. This is as pure as I can put it without talking like a reception teacher. If you somehow come up with the same questions I have very very very clearly answered then there is no hope for you.
  11. No they very much hold a rank. Jedi literally went around trying to get us to institute jedi into our rank structure. That is very very much a thing & they work far differently to Outreach. Outreach had a rank they were equivalent to but that was just for basic permission, they did not get promoted, & did not work as a fully fledged member of that battalion. Outreach meerly helped out sometimes or tagged along for an event. Jedi are full members of that battalion & have a rank which they will get promoted through. The point is not Battalions controlling who is the rank of general or who is in the council. I want battalions to have direct control over who holds their lore position. Once again, who is Anakin or Obi Wan does not matter to the Order, as long as they are a general it doesn't matter. But Obi Wan is a 212th character, he cannot be removed from 212th by anyone except the order. He is permanently attached to 212th like Boil, Waxer, or any other 212th lore. So why should anyone else control that. Obi Wan is a 212th job with a Jedi Order Rank. This isn't about the Jedi rank in the battalion it's about them BEING IN THE BATTALION. 212th cannot kick obi wan out the 212th, 41st cannot kick Barriss or Luminara, 501st cannot kick Anakin: Jedi council control who is in the battalion, who holds those key lore positions. These two should've completely divorced giving battalions control of who their lore general is while having the order retain power over who is in their council. TL;DR Battalion controls who is their General (obi-wan, Anakin, ect). Jedi order controls who is the RANK of general.
  12. This all just goes around the issue. I shouldn't have to get permission to remove someone from my only lore general spot. Yoda should have control over who gets to be a general. Whoever Obi wan or Anakin is doesn't matter to you as long as they're a general (Shaak Ti is an exception due to their specific responisbilities). But the battalions involved do care who their Obi Wan is. There is only 1 Obi Wan in the 212th but there are technically infinite General spots in the order. Battalion Generals are the Battalion's lore spot. The General rank is the Order's. Battalion should have final say over who holds the positions because it affects them far far more than it does the order. You can keep those guys as generals, there's no rule against it, they just should not remain within the battalion. These roundabout solutions don't fix the fundamental issue of Jedi without Battalion's ability to actually remove one of their key lore jobs. I would see some compromise in the section of them being removed from general in the order, since you need a certain rank to be a lore general. Jedi have a rank in the battalion Outreach don't. That's the key difference. Out reach help, Jedi currently acted like fully fledged members.
  13. It's our lore position. It doesn't matter who is Obi Wan or Anakin to the council, just who is a general. In battalions it really does matter who is taking one of our Lore positions. Battalions should have direct control over who holds the name. None of this round-about shite to avoid the issue. Why would this even matter? It's his opinion not his BCMDs. But I'm sure BCMDs would be happy with more security and control over who holds their General spot
  14. We all have different opinion on RP at least you're not scared to voice yourself. Good luck in future endeavours & I hope your health improves You definitely made the server more interesting o7
  15. Unless you can get it moving in a day/night cycle I'm out -1
  16. -1, Slak was a damn good BCMD. I'm trusting his words on this Also the app is missing some meat
  17. -1, I got a mortgage for some of these current ones. Ain't no one getting a dumbass OP ass 10 billion credit gun. It just doesn't add anything
  18. The "RP" between Sith and Republic does not work. 1 side will always be hyper aggressive to the other. Rp will not be created it will become a KOS system just like last time. We can all hope for some utopian system where everyone gets along but I promise you people are gonna automatically be aggressive to Sith no matter what the rules say. It took BH ages to not be harrassed 24/7 and their RP is currently pretty limited. I can't see sith getting along with RP let alone creating much actual RP.
  19. -1, adding new factions has not been shown to work. This will flop, we all know it will, but you people just want a new faction to "shake it up". I appreciate the love that people have for Sith but it just hasn't worked and will be another faction that'll fall over and die 3 weeks after release This will end in the removal of a current faction and is just gonna die like all the others. We need to fix what we've got before we start throwing more shit at the stained wall we've created.
  20. +1, you seem like a capable leader & that's what DU always needs the most. Best of luck to you
  21. I really think this should be an exception. Get well soon
  22. Comics

    Bro's Palpy App

    Everything is a matter of time. I never know if you hate me or not but I have big respects for you. +1, make sure to listen to the people and don't force other's into your own ideals
  23. +1, you're the best thing to happen to DU for a whole while. You are a fantastic BCMD and you need to keep going. You do good, remind me of Jayarr's Doom term.
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