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Everything posted by Finn

  1. BMS has the best OST and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
  2. +1 even 1 or 2 would be good, but I think Ratio had some sound logic about making them infinite/having a lot of them.
  3. Finn

    Lab on Cascadia

    8/10 My only complaint was spawning stuff on top of me. I liked the adaptive difficulty, but it just felt way too targeted (I know it wasn't actually, it just felt like it).
  4. Man now I have to train a new Gume to ignore all orders. GL my guy, I'll make sure you can still see the quote board
  5. Rip my EU hc. You were a joy to have in the battalion, and I always enjoyed your energy (when you weren't afk for months). Good luck in college!
  6. 2nd term gets another one. Good luck in College (what are you going for?)!
  7. 9/10 Fantastic story, loved the multiple maps, the setup time was super quick. My only complaint was the last section's NPC spawns. Kinda felt like they kept spawning behind us in places they shouldn't have.
  8. 9/10 I liked the ability to really affect the event by taking over the enemy ships. Nice touch
  9. Big +1. FYI has the drive and dedication, as well as the experience, to help Naval get better.
  10. This you? *This is just jokes, Pythin said I was allowed to post this, so please don't ban me*
  11. +1 good guy, good commander, good Jedi, Best Obi Wan <3
  12. +1 Was great as Obi Wan, and pretty much single handedly revived 212th's Jedi Program. If he brings that same attitude to SOBDE it'll be poppin in no time.
  13. Big +1 Out of everyone applying, you're the only one who's spend actual time with 212th, and worked with us for more than 1 or 2 conversations. You're dedicated to really finding out what works and doesn't in the battalions, and work with us to fix them. But pls actually do the thing with the joint trainings!
  14. Thank you for your service. Your demotion has been logged.
  15. -1 You're dedicated for sure, but you're kinda hard to work with, and I don't think you have the attitude required for Yularen.
  16. Too many GC Codys, need more 2ndAC Codys
  17. Pilot events are the best. 9.9999/10, only because the ships sometimes took a long time to spawn, and the ships kept getting stuck in the hangars.
  18. 9/10 Atmosphere was on point, acting was phenomenal, story was interesting. Zombie spawns could have been better, and the wait was long, but I appreciate you planning an event for once
  19. I'm concerned that you have no Senior Officer, Commander, or BCMD experience, and being REGL requires more than good ideas and being liked. You might want to consider getting more experience under your belt. -1
  20. +1 more ships is only a good thing
  21. I miss BvB, but only when the teams were balanced. I had matches where my battalion got curb stomped and it sucked. I also has matches where my battalion curb stomped the other team, and it wasn't really satisfying. But those matches where it could go either way by 1 shot, man those were blood pumping
  22. I need to feel represented +1
  23. I told you about that weeks ago.
  24. so, just looking through 212th Blacklists, you got in trouble in January of 2020, then in September of 2020 you came back with a group of friends and minged. You also seem to think that it's ok to minge on some accounts and be real on others. I think the worst thing is the meme. It's not even in the proper format. -1
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