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Everything posted by Finn

  1. just give me a second office channel and we'll call it even
  2. 7/10 Good event, nothing too special. Try not to spawn the droids too randomly. It really threw me to have droids spawn behind me after I had just cleared a hallway.
  3. +1 Can we make a rule banning anime profile pics?
  4. Finn

    Trench's Final Stand

    6/10 if you ended it 20 minutes earlier it would have been an 8
  5. 9/10 Well thought out, pacing was nice, interesting throughout, combat was tough. Nice job. The only thing I would say could be improved is add more more GHs. Bro and I were doing a lot of RP that you couldn't get to while doing everything.
  6. 3/10 It started off ok, but the second you took us off Endor it kinda went to shit. No one enjoys pidgeon holing into medbay to shoot npcs while 1 medic rps a vaccine. It's stale, and way overdone. Do better.
  7. Finn

    CIS Log [5/10/21]

    ironic song name. but ya song is lame.
  8. if I -1 will you come back? +1 just be more active than you were in in 212th
  9. Cya buddy, I'll save you a seat at the next 2ndAC meeting
  10. +1 I got a lotta trust in you my guy.
  11. Finn

    CIS Log [5/3/21]

    Ya song is lame.
  12. 6/10 It was fun for what it was.
  13. cya around my guy. I'll save you a 212th spot.
  14. +1 From what I've seen, I think you'd do good. (I don't know everything about the 41st shit, but I know enough to not take either side at face value. Because of that I'm not really factoring it into my decision).
  15. This man using lore as a reason to deny something in 2021.
  16. Bacta is gonna try and do a monologue before the fight then flub a line, then get laughed off stage
  17. Finn

    Mediaplayer Use Rule

    Tbh I don't think the OOC lounge should even be there. It serve no purpose other than to inflate the numbers on the server.
  18. Imagine making fun of people for spending their own money the way they want to, very cringe.
  19. Finn

    Mediaplayer Use Rule

    If you don't want to do in game stuff, why are you in game?
  20. Finn

    New Swep

    me rn. -1
  21. +1 but only if you give me priority in negotiations.
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