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Everything posted by Finn

  1. 7/10 Full server deployments are cringe but I had fun.
  2. 8/10 Nice event, good pacing. My biggest issue was how repetitive the map itself was. Having some sort of markers or icons to orient yourself would be greatly appreciated.
  3. hell yea SWTOR Ops are the best!
  4. You uh, might want to reword this.
  5. You might not be yularen, but u still mad gay.
  6. Vitiate would just soul suck everything ez win
  7. RIP my guy. I always enjoyed you as Fox, and you made RP more fun for me every time you were on.
  8. @Bacta Gotta say I had a lot of fun. Small groups just vibin is my favorite kind of RP. Nothing really felt forced, the pacing was really well done, and it was super entertaining the entire time. The only issue I had was that once you died, you were stuck with the training weapons for the rest of the event. Complain aside, 10/10
  9. Finn

    RT Camera

    +1 this would be really good for immersion
  10. Finn


    He said in the DB that because we stole from them, he made us lose.
  11. Finn


    4/10 Punishing people for not doing the event the way you wanted it to go isn't a good look. Also you caused a ton of lag on Endor which really made the event kinda bad.
  12. 10/10 this is what every event should be. You've made every event worse by comparison.
  13. That is a lotta lions. But counterpoint
  14. +1 You're clearly dedicated to your battalion, know your weaknesses, and have some good ideas on how to improve it.
  15. +1 I think you've had a good term, and you haven't done anything super big stir the pot thing that sometimes happens. It's been a smooth, boring term, and that's exactly what a term should be. Lookin forward to term 2.
  16. So, few things. You "resigned" less than a month ago because you couldn't handle the server. Then you came back less than an hour later and took a 2 week LOA instead. You were removed from GMD for not doing enough (and honestly if it weren't for Day, Shockpoint, and Bacta the GM team would be dead). You had a lackluster RCMD term, being AFK for the majority of it. Deku had a good term, and is running again. Why are you running? What could you possibly bring to the table at this point? (This is a -1 if you couldn't tell).
  17. Finn

    Real One's Only

    Only 1 monitor? Nice table though
  18. Finn

    Squad System

    +1 I think it'd be really cool to have more technological stuff to augment the current RP we do. X-ray might be a little OP, but the other stuff would be really interesting.
  19. Good luck my guy. Hope to see you back soon!
  20. 8/10 just lock your ship so its not stolen again!
  21. how long did it take you to get the full set? And which set pieces do you use?
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