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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. I personally have to disagree. I see many Naval absolutely clueless about the events taking place but that isn't their problem. I feel Game Masters need to reach out to them more. Compared to when we were on Endor I can easily say that the communication between a GM and whatever Naval is online at the time has significantly decreased. (I am by no means saying Endor made communication easier, in fact Anaxes has silent alarms which are perfect for this but I have seen them get pressed but no one knows about it because it's behind a closed door in the back of BCC) I personally made an effort to reach out to any Naval online whenever I hosted an event to give them a role in the event but it's definitely not common for majority of the current GMs to do so. Not bashing on GM or Naval btw it's just how events have been for a while lately.
  2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:445805193 RP Name: Delta Three-Eight "Boss" Battalion: Special Operations Brigade, Delta Squad Who is in command until you return?: SO BDE Regimental Commander Length of Absence: March 12th to March 15th. Have some friends coming home so imma spend time with them and take a small little break.
  3. This sounds familiar....
  4. Alrighty So I am going to start with a simple list of issues that have occurred within Naval/Base Operations 1. Overall Consistency 1a. Hosting Trainings for MED, ENG, and other things they controlled 1b. Overall Activity and Appeal 2. Constant Internal Drama 2a. A large portion of Naval/Base Ops Officers would grasp for any little bit of power they could and caused a ton of drama. 2b. The Commander Reporting of a Admiral/Base Commander became an ongoing meme 2c. The Removals of several Admirals/Base Commanders in a row became a meme as well. 3. Branches 3a. Naval has always had their main two branches, MED and ENG, but have had several smaller branches that ultimately fail and get restarted once or twice every Admiral/Base Commander 4. DEFCONs 4a. Nothing major here other than overtime Naval's decreased activity made it to where any officer in a battalion could call DEFCONs then later CPT+ and then now I believe it is Naval and BCMD+ 5. Air Traffic Control and PTLs/PTEs 5a. ATC has gone from being super simple to complicated to simple to complicated and now to the point where no one cares and yet everyone cries about it. 5b. Not to mention at one point it was made to where CPT+ outside of Naval/Base Ops could run ATC which made Naval useless in that field. 5c. Now when we moved to the base on Endor and "Base Ops" controlled who could leave and enter the base it was pretty bad. PTLs and PTEs were getting ignored and for a few months there were no real rules on requesting a PTL or PTE. 5d. Later it changed to where PTLs and PTEs were also taken care of by CPT+ alongside with Naval/Base Ops 6. Trainings 6a. Back when I first joined the server, Naval handled bMED, aMED, bENG, aENG, ATC, and maybe some others. There was no "Battalions can train their own" which made Naval actually feel important. (That and we were on the ship and they enjoyed running it but for some reason bases suck to run) 6b. The trainings back then were simple but basic and advanced has subtle differences that made the different variations unique. In the year and a half I have been here MED and ENG have been wiped, "remade", and the basic and advanced versions were combined. 6c. Over time the many useless changes and remodels to these trainings added up and eventually made it to where the trainings just weren't important to Naval or the server anymore which in turn started making Naval not feel very important. 7. Negligence of Duty 7a. Overall the responsibilities and duties of Naval have been neglected time and time again. 8. Pilots 8a. I won't pin this one too much on Naval but the current state of Pilots is pretty bad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall that list is everything that I could think of and explain here and now. There are more but really I don't want this to turn into a flame post on certain individuals and I know all I've done is listed a bunch of issues, new and old, with no solutions but all I can really say for the current Naval is that they're not the most active but at least they're not a lot of crybabies who are constantly trying to powerplay each other. Y'all are doing... ok right now but I don't blame anyone running the show now and rather the one's who put it in the shitter in the past. Y'all are working with what you got and trust me it's been worse. Very worse. Again I don't say any of this in order to flame anyone or whatever and yeah this probably wasn't said very well but yeah
  5. Hunter is missing his too just sayin
  6. OR add a melee class for Bounty Hunters. I think that would be sick
  7. Controversy time Name: Marvel | Boss RP Rank: BCMD | Squad Lead | Sergeant Suggestion: Removing Supreme Chancellor from the in game hierarchy and making him a big boy Event Job that requires like GMC perms to use. (AFTER Korm's term which ends in 4 days) Implementation: Change the Chancellor Palpatine job to a Event Job, removing him from Server High Command and the rank hierarchy, putting Marshal Commander at the top and in charge of High Command. Lore: Yes the Supreme Commander was the tippity top of the iceberg when it came to the Grand Army of the Republic, but Chancellor Palpatine was not a frequent face on military compounds and ships. He stayed on Coruscant while under the guise of Sheev Palpatine unless going on diplomatic missions (which was very, very, rare). If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Slots: 1 Description: Sheev Palpatine was the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars Model: models/jazzmcfly/jka/palpatine/palpatine.mdl Weapons: cross_arms_swep, surrender_animation_swep Other: In a military sense High Command is setup a little... weird. We have the 4 or 5 Regimental Commanders who serve as advisers to their specific Regiment and that's about it then we have the Marshal Commander who's job is to watch over and take care of High Command and then Palpatine who takes that job leaving the Marshal with the sole job of baby sitting baby sitters. Not to mention Directors are also there serving as bosses to a boss to a boss to bosses. Honorary Reg can be earned from serving a term or several terms of Marshal Commander Marshal would be top dog in RP. Marshal would then hold more power in High Command. The Senate could stay as VIP jobs and maybe bringing back the application system like it was a long time ago. Personally Mas Amedda would need to go too but that's another conversation. Their fate would be up to Founders/Directors/Intel/Whoever. Directors < MCMD < RCMDs < BCMDs < XOs This can also quicken up CMD applications and interviews with one less person needed to listen and vote. ALSO: Palpatine has proven to be a burnout position several times due to the lack of fun people find in the position whilst playing the server. Plus who would want to look like a shriveled nutsack. and many other points that I could use but I'm too tired to think of.
  8. Or just give them the old sith temple so we don’t got 100 something perma props down for an outpost
  9. Supposedly Joah has our old version’s files
  10. Not Jania if that’s what you’re asking. The one with Outposts Alpha, Bravo, and later Chalie but I hope we don’t bring Charlie back for the sake of perma props. We’d obviously use a older file without the sith temple unless we wanna keep that for events idk
  11. Ah it’s been a good while since we’ve had a newbie apply for a Squad Lead position. What I gather from your application is that your main focus would be your squad’s activity and image which is a simple but reliable and reasonable goal. +1 Keep Omega goin strong
  12. Pretty sure the map isn’t on the workshop anymore Also we’ll be adding Coruscant Underworld to the rotation soon enough
  13. If this doesn’t sum up being a Director than idk what does
  14. Did this go through Council and also his current model is to blend in with the Clone Wars show look we got going on compared to his comic look.
  15. Marvel


    I had some champagne minus the cham...
  16. +1 Out of all the Null I believe you are the best choice. You're active, dedicated, and want to do good and I know you will. Good luck ner vod.
  17. @Sanchez Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye This do be how it feel doe
  18. I will have to -1 after reading Dreams' response and from recent experiences with the 104th I do not know what exactly is going on with the 104th Battalion but I have seen huge promo after huge promo. It seems like people are getting rushed into high ranks for the sake of having people in those positions. I've seen the battle comms / communication issues first hand within the Battalion just the other day with several Officers in the Battalion doing little to nothing to settle everyone down and I even witnessed a NCO try to do it himself only to get shot down by a Officer and he expressed his concerns to me later. With what I have personally seen and with what I have been told I do not believe I can support you. From my point of view it seems like you were rushed into XO in order to be able to apply and I truly don't see many candidates for the position, though I'd rather wait than allow a rushed candidate. Sorry and best of luck anyhow.
  19. 3/4 Overall Pretty fun and thanks for letting SO BDE tag along
  20. o7 to a real one. You’re a funny dude Eclipse and it’ll suck not having you around but all good things just come to an end. Don't be a stranger when you eventually come back!
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