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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. I have one question before you go: You like pancakes more than waffles?
  2. o7 I know I'm already gone and what not and I know everyone knows I'm wasn't enthusiastic about Foxtrot going to the 212th but Jagger you did a helluva job as Gregor and all my concerns and grievances didn't last long. I'm glad you were one of the first 212th Gregors we had a pleasure to work with. You went on to do just as good of a job as Cody and eventually in the staff team. GLHF with life also two of these memes I made back in my Halo days in like 2016/17 and I am so confused how they made they're way here lol
  3. +1 but someone show some love for the antlion guards smh
  4. nah -1 The space it'll take up, whether it's a lot or not, could be better utilized on other things.
  5. Personally I don't really care too much for exploiting and instead of perma banning people for it I believe they should get smacked with a 1 month and being completely reset to the ground, like chief you're getting CC trained again, but it is how it is and you fucked the goose hard this time. I can +1 a future appeal after a few months or so but not one 20 minutes after being punished. (Also banned from TS but not Forums... why? Just unban him from TS lol)
  6. Howdy I'm Marvel and I am gay (issa joke smh my head)
  7. wow did u just copy and paste my message that I put on your resignation? Kinda cute tho ngl
  8. Battalion: Delta Squad RP Name: Delta Three-Eight "Boss" Date: 3/19/2020 Reason: I can no longer uphold the activity and responsibilities of a Battalion Commander. I have very little free time on my hands now and I've been at this CWRP dealio for a year and a half now (Majority of it was in SO BDE) with no real breaks and I've done just about everything I've set out to do. Who knows I might come back one day but for now GMOD gonna be uninstalled for awhile ahaha Goodbyes: I'm honestly too lazy to @ everyone that was ever graced with my presence so yeah. Real ones know who they are Sorry for not finishing this Boss term. Shoulda stopped at Reg lol.....
  9. This isn’t true. K-Company Officer was an ARC model but wasn’t limited to ARC troopers Though I argued for it being restricted to ARC Troopers and wouldn’t prefer seeing a non ARC, ARC
  10. You think the current fatty play dough Jesse looks better than the one that he's suggesting? The one that actually matches the rest of the 501st models? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat...
  11. +1 but didn't that model for TCC get denied before? Looks familiar...
  12. Basically it got reset to its original rpm which was super low and the damage was reset as well during the map change. Happens every time
  13. It’s literally ape shit retarded. Better not happen again.
  14. I can see a lot of issues arising from this ngl but I’m not against at least trying it out but I’m also afraid this won’t engage people to permanently play on their Bounty Hunter and instead hype it up for a short time only for it to die again. +1 but low key I think the Guild could use a whole rework. I loved the idea but I was immediately turned off when I heard about BH Evaluations to get in (which is just an interview type dealio) and then the hordes upon hordes of documents and what not. You should be able to hop on and play not have to take a screenshot alt tab upload to 3 documents and log in a discord
  15. If this gets denied for the reason of “give them another chance” then I’ll see you all on the next 2-5 posts just like this. +1 We barely hit 90 players anymore. Bounty Hunters have been nonexistent in game for nearly a month or longer. (Also if they turn into event jobs like Sith did and the battalion’s we removed didn’t there’s a problem)
  16. +1 but low key all of high command should have uniforms
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