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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2024 in all areas

  1. +1 Rohan has shown time and time again with strong leadership, he's wonderful to share ideas and talk to. He also is a criminal
    2 points
  2. -1 i was gonna apply. i love Rohan
    2 points
  3. Steam Name SpongeBob SquarePants | Syns.gg RP Name SPEC RCMD Rohan RP Rank Regimental Commander Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155676106 Position you are applying for Marshal Commander Why should you become a Marshal Commander? I believe that I have proven myself to be a leader- both in staff and roleplay positions. Finishing my term as Spec RCMD I believe I have done a good enough job to prove that I can handle this position. I have talked to all CMD+ in Specialized, Squad Leads in SOBDE, and almost all BCMDs, and have gotten only positives and support from everyone after either explaining my plans or addressing their questions/feedback. I hope that that shows I can do what it takes. I believe I am and have been very approachable. Being actively on the server and helping people where needed. I absolutely am overwhelmed by questions or requests at times which may lead to me skipping over it, but in the grand scheme of things, I get it done as efficiently as I can ask for. And lastly, I believe I will do well in the position. I have been with High Command for almost a year now as HA, and 3 months as RCMD. I believe it has given me the perspective of what works and what doesn’t. Asking the most recent applicable MCMD for tips and advice back in April was also a blessing. Knowing what I can utilise better during the term is basically given to me. I believe with all of that combined, I would be a good Marshal Commander to help both the playerbase and the server itself. Availability All the time except between 2 AM and 1 PM EST due to work hours. Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server DU CMD REGL Gambit HA, GMM, TRO, Server ITM 327th JTO CPT Obama DU XO Locke TCC XO Kano Trauma Null-12 SGT A’den Guild Leader 501st BCMD Rex Null-7 Mereel Navy RSBS LT Alexsandr Kallus Null-12 SGT A’den Head Admin | GMM | TRD (Since 6/25/2023) Specialized RCMD (Since 3/8/2024) Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term? I would like to push for a more structured and organised GAR. Both in and out of RP. However, in three months a lot can change. My aim is to make it so the GAR has a highly active and present High Command, supported and motivated by a good BCMD and CMD corps. One of the main focuses is to ensure there will always be a followup for each BCMD position, and if there is none at the time, prepare one or more to take over if need be. I will aim for High Command to be an in-game interactive group. I believe having them around will boost people in a way the same way a battalion gets motivated with a BCMD around. My goal is to elevate the GAR by working closely with each BCMD to help them excel, fostering a community-first mentality, and ensuring every RCMD is a top representative for their battalion. Addressing the communication gap between RCMD and BCMD is essential. I plan to set strong standards for RCMD to connect well with their battalions, avoiding pitfalls other MCMDs face and focusing on the basics. Ensuring proper representation across all sectors, with strong leaders in every position, will nurture new leadership for the future. All of the above, tied together, is what I envision the GAR should be in at the end or near the end of my term. How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army? I intend to start off my term by planning out a plethora of activities for all battalions to participate in. Talking to people, the majority has not had any Marshal Commander other than Director+ and developers having the rank. I believe having the applicable MCMD around will help boost the server in general. The way I see it, hosting these activities will be half of my term essentially. Things from like doing a galactic conquest, to contests between regiments/all battalions with things as simple as a Citadel run. I believe keeping a competitive side and a cooperative side will help the relations in the GAR/Clone side a lot in different aspects. The server has been seeing an amazing increase in population. This means a lot more people will be joining and populating resulting in more opportunities to do the above mentioned. With that, I feel a good increase and maintenance of communication between all CMD+. I feel like the office of high command was a good, steady, and informative meeting. Having this bi-weekly in my eyes will show transparency on what’s happening at the top and what we are looking to improve on or plan forward for the future while people are able to follow it from a forum and discord post. My goal with this is to bring people closer with competitive, cooperative, and communication type of events where everyone can be involved. How do you plan to improve relations within the VIP factions? I feel like there are a lot of things that the GAR and factions do together. I want to give them a proper assessment and see what I can do as Marshal Commander in order to improve relations with them. By far the easiest one is the Naval. With Naval I want to try and work towards a more authoritative type of faction on the base and in operations. With this I want to try and propose, with both Naval leadership and the commander+ team, to implement a steady and engaging Defcon 2 system where battlestations are used like they used to be on Anaxes. I believe just that and some operation level authority would go a long way with setting up relations for naval and clones, and additionally helps the server provide even more purpose towards the Navy. For Jedi, it is quite a basic measure I have. I currently feel like the battalions already have a good relation with jedi due to battalion jedi being a thing. Rather than changing, I would like to maintain and improve where needed on their systems. This is as easy as having good jedi leadership within the battalion IF the battalion itself is already functioning right. For civilians. Let’s start off with the Senate. I believe the Senate and GAR already have a great relationship. The Senators are able to provide excellent RP to the clones and I would like to keep it like that. One thing I would surely like to see is a more political view on day-to-day operations. I mentioned a galactic conquest in one of the earlier answers. With that progressive cooperative event chain I would like for the Senate to somewhat be involved regarding our actions. I.E. when we storm the village, have some sort of local repercussions or political consequences in RP. I believe the RP would be expanded, and at the same time be nice for Senate, GAR, and even the Guild if they are in that RP. Moving onto the Guild, I am a very big person on having it as a hostile faction and would like to gather the thoughts on that prior to making plans with them. A big thing I believe is hindering relations between clones, jedi, and naval with the guild as of now is some rule breaks etc. In my position as HA I have taken my focus onto server rules and merged everything in one rulebook. The next step was the faction rules and ensuring they were compliant with the server rules itself. The Guild is the only one that still needs work and I prefer doing that in my time as Marshal so I can work with Palpatine/Super, High Command, and hopefully Guild Leadership if they are around. I believe all in all we could all benefit from the VIP factions having improved relations with the GAR. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, I do Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Marshal commander rank? Yes I do
    1 point
  4. Ill be as honest as possible, the first half of your term was engaging and helpful and the second half was severely lacking. We had discussed something we as Officers would like to see from you and unfortunately it did not happen. This being said I think you could do well as Marshal Commander but I really think communication needs to be worked on in certain aspects. I really hope to see you in MCMD and the work you do in it. I will be +1ing cause I trust you and believe in the work you do.
    1 point
  5. Fat +1, my favorite dictator
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. +1 this guy helps with so much SPEC reg wise and Staff wise does a lot for the server and is 100% deserved.
    1 point
  8. +1 did the most fun shit for us in CG and for my DS sub unit hes been cooking as our REG
    1 point
  9. +1 in my opinion he had a amazing reg term and I couldn't see why he wouldn't have a amazing marshal commander term as well!
    1 point
  10. +1 Hes been an amazing RCMD and fun guy to talk to.
    1 point
  11. Bro has generally been a nice dude and did good work in most positions he had since I joined the server. I've worked with him both while he was RCMD and in his previous positions. Only thing to say is +1
    1 point
  12. Your experience speaks for its self and you fill the requirements for MCMD by a wide margin. Not really a question but more of a little piece of advice, MCMDs back in the day were viewed rather negatively because of a lack of transparency as to what they were doing. While I can't say how the community actively feels about them now, I still think that transparency (to a reasonable extent of course) goes a long way. Anyways, +1 best of luck for your interview.
    1 point
  13. +1 big fan of how you handled issues between battalions during your SPEC REG term and I really just wanted to get some clarity on this, to which you did offer.
    1 point
  14. +1. I've worked with Rohan in HC as well as in SOBDE for a bit now and have nothing but positive things to say. I also helped him build his criminal empire.
    1 point
  15. not only does rohan have the experience needed for it, I genuinely believe he’s the best candidate out of everyone eligible for it. Seeing how active he is as a RCMD already could change how people view marshal. plus, a lot of people ( including myself ) love rohan, seeing him in the position would be genuinely awesome. +1
    1 point
  16. +1 joyboy is the staff of all time
    1 point
  17. +1 if joyboy asked me to give him the skin off my firstborn I would give it to him
    1 point
  18. +1 Rohan pretty much is a shadow marshal commander as it is See this is funny because nobody will believe it
    1 point
  19. +1 Why the actual fuck would you not give it to Rohan? I might be a little new to the server, only coming back in April, but Rohan meets all the criteria that a Marshall Commander should be Active and knows the community due to how long he has been here. Showing that he is dedicated to the server. This is shown as him as SPEC RCMD and as a HA. This is also shown from ALL the leadership experiences he has. He not only trys to promote RP, but he also wishes for the server to have fun. Mixing in a bit of seriousness and having fun on the server. From what I seen he is always approachable and will go out of his way to help someone as long as the Chain of Command is followed. Would be stupid not to give him Marshal Commander lmao
    1 point
  20. +1 knowing rohan and working with him, hes got it some people do and some people dont and he does
    1 point
  21. +1 Rohan is an amazing leader and gets things done efficiently, good guy overall since I've worked with him in 501st and High Staff. I feel like he can bring a lot of good into the GAR since we haven't had a Marshall Commander in a long time.
    1 point
  22. I have only ever worked with 1 RCMD before, Rohan, and I believe he has set an impressive standard. I have worked closely with him these past 3 months and he has done everything in his power to help CG. Both in terms of hosting amazing RP events but also by helping clarify the rules and infrastructure of Synergy so CG is better prepared for most scenarios. I hope you get it man truly. +1
    1 point
  23. +1 over qualified just skip the interview
    1 point
  24. As far as im concerned, we are already making enormous strides(I think you know what im referencing.) Massive fucking +1 and Ill always be willing to work with you in naval and even civilian.
    1 point
  25. Rohan has done exellent work in his time as SPEC REG. When I ever had concerns or complaints he took them seriously and gave me closure. He pushed SOBDE to be better and it shows. Easy +1, you'll do great work Rohan, please dont execute me good sir.
    1 point
  26. +1 I have had a lot of experience working closely with Rohan from 501st and SOBDE, to working with him as a VA, to even working with him as a fellow RCMD. All of these experiences were extremely enjoyable, and I learned a lot from. He has been a great SPEC RCMD, and I know he'll do great when he manages to get into this position. Best of luck Rohan!
    1 point
  27. +1 give the AV-7 to the 501st
    1 point
  28. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason. You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
    -1 points
  29. 2 3 3 Gameplay was repetitive with not much variation or potential for roleplay. Event had some effort put into it with the props but was about average. And server performance was about average as well.
    -1 points
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