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Battalion Commander Bacara Application [VOID]


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Steam Name: [SR] TayTay [SA]


RP Name: Commander Keller


Steam ID (SteamID Finder) STEAM_1:1:177527024


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Battalion Commander Bacara



GM TR3 Taylor-GM 4thKUO Colonel TayTay:  I first joined the Galactic Marines back in August of 2017, I had an old friend of mine in the battalion and I wanted to join to see what Star Wars RP was all about. Within about a day I fell in love with the structure of the server and my battalion. So I stuck with it, I was first under 4th Regimental Leader Zeus, Oxen as Commander Keller, and Gene as Battalion Commander Bacara. I learned a lot my first run in GM. From training's in game, to leadership skills outside of the game. Gene had setup the battalion in such a way where the officers would lead and make sure everyone had their requirements for promotions, as well as Zeus and Oxen doing private training's, Simulations, and making sure we were well equipped for any situation that was thrown our way. I met Gene about 4 days after I joined the battalion. He was quite scary to me at first if i'm going to be completely honest. Then I got to know him, talk with him, train with him, and most importantly become his friend. Me and Gene were buds till the end. Gene taught me how to lead and become a great Senior NCO. He helped me whenever I needed it and would do a great job all around with his troops. From his attitude, respect for the battalion as an entity, and respect for his family the battalion. Gene taught us all to appreciate each other and to get past our differences. If there was ever an issue between anyone, it was squashed faster than it arose.


Then Gene moved up to Attack Reg and we all cried, But none to fear our boy Oxen is here.

I served under Oxen (Bacara) and Matra (Keller) in the Galactic Marines. Oxen is one of my best friends. he is the father I always wanted. He would tell you the truth to your face and then on how he thought you should improve upon it. I learned to fight for my troops under Oxen. I learned who I was as a leader under Oxen. And I learned what I wanted to strive for under Oxen. Oxen was one of our most active Bacaras, he continued to prepare us for events, get us trained up and eventually take his position. Which is one of the most important things he taught us. "We are what they grow beyond"-Yoda Oxen showed me how to be a friend but a leader first. I first joined Keller's Unit as the Warrant Officer of the battalion. In time I earned my position next to Matra and stood with him for about 2 months. Under Matra I learned great cooperation and communication within the battalion. I also learned to grow beyond my shortcomings and become a better leader. And yes I had my moments, we all do.


After the battalion was in a good position I stepped away from Garry's Mod for a decent 3 months or so. In that time I was doing a lot of things IRL and didn't have time for Garry's Mod.


But then I returned. After Returning Another Bacara had just been removed. And the leadership was in Turmoil. So I did what many others flat out refused. I used the tools I was given from my previous mentors and whipped the Galactic Marines into shape. This meant more tryouts, Dupes, Training's, GMACT's, discipline, and mentorship. The Officers drilled into the heads of our fellow Marines that stuff was going to get done and we were going to all do it together. And everyone was fine with it and welcome to the change.Before I did come back I also helped revamp the master docs for the Galactic Marines. This is something I have a lot of experience in and love doing for the battalion.


Snadvich then saw that I was fit to become Keller and promoted me to Keller & Wynter to XO because he needed the extra help running the battalion.

As Keller I have started working on a new Keller's Unit Tryout dupe, as well as working on many more dupes and training's for the Galactic Marines.


As Keller I have started work on the Keller’s Unit Tryout dupe that is almost completed, I have remade all of the Galactic Marine Advanced Combat Training & Tactics Dupes. And helped develop other trainings and simulations. We now also have a road map on where we want to be in a certain time period. If I do get Bacara Keller’s Unit will NOT be left in the dust as it has been with the past few Keller’s. I would continue to help with anything the Keller needs and stepping in if he is not meeting the battalions standards. As well as making sure the Keller’s Unit members are active and quality.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I should become Battalion Commander Bacara for a few reasons, I have been in the battalion long enough to understand what needs to be done in order for the members of the battalion to be happy as well as maintaining a professional environment. I also understand the core values of the Galactic Marines and what we stand for. Additionally I have a very in depth plan on if I become Bacara. I would first and foremost let the battalion know how we should be perceived by the rest of the community and how we would achieve that. Secondly I would get with the officers and make sure everyone is on the same page on discipline and how we intend to hold up our core values as Galactic Marines. Then from there I would select a new Keller from which I have a wide range of amazing candidates I would choose from and then make sure they have everything they need to conduct themselves as Keller. Additionally I would make sure others are getting their promotion requirements completed and helping as needed and building training's and simulations that are not only enjoyable but also teach them something valuable that they can take that away from each training session. Finally, I will help not only my battalion's growth but also help others grow not just in game but them as people.

I am going to make Keller’s Unit an elite unit as they are supposed to be. I will make sure they are quality troopers and also are all active or they get booted. The Keller’s Unit will also be hosting trainings for the Galactic Marines to help improve the quality of the troopers.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

The Galactic Marines are lead by Jedi General Ki Adi Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander Bacara CC-1138. The Galactic Marines are the 4th Sector of the 21st Nova Corps. They are trained to fight on a variety of environments including and not limited to snow/sand storms, airborne illness', boarding and capturing enemy star ships, Bacara also demanded only the best from his men if they were not worthy he was known to have beaten them senseless. To become assigned to the Galactic Marines you would have to pass an ARC style training where the only way you would become a Galactic Marine was if you survived.


There is also a specialized unit inside of the Galactic Marines known as Keller's Unit(Not Officially) They were lead by Jedi General Kai Hudorra and Clone Commander Keller. Keller's Unit was well known for getting any mission done with precision and in a timely manner.


Monday:7 AM-3:30 PM 9 PM-2 AM EST (Work)

Tuesday:7 AM-3:30 PM 9 PM-2 AM EST (Work)

Wednesday:7 AM-3:30 PM 9 PM-2 AM EST (Work)

Thursday:7 AM-3 AM EST

Friday:7 AM-3 AM EST

Saturday:7 PM - 3 AM EST (Work)

Sunday: 7 AM-3 AM EST


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have been in the community for over a year now and have about 2.5k Hours on the Clone Wars Server


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Galactic Marines to be stable, have active officers who do training's and are working to become the next Bacara/Keller. I also want the NCO's to be working for an officer rank and to overall have everyone in the battalion want to be there to help grow the battalion. Without ever losing sight of who we are, were, and will once become. I finally would like to have officers and commanders so well trained that if I went on LOA for something IRL there would be no issues and they would have the know how and tools to run the battalion without me. Not that will happen but that's where I want us to be.


I want Keller’s Unit to have at least 8 members not including Keller. And for them to all be active and of quality. I would also want them to actively doing trainings and mentoring the battalion to become higher quality troopers.


I would also like to improve where others have failed, I want our battalion to mostly be ran as a democracy. Every member of the battalion shall have a vote and majority shall rule. Even as Bacara I would have the same vote as a private. I want everyone in the battalion to have a say in big decisions. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



If you wish to speak to me about anything concerning my app poke me on TS, or message me on Discord TayTay#5841 or Steam


Edited by TayTay
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+1 has more than enough experience. Has shown to me his open mind. I think he would make a mighty fine Bacara and could upkeep the recent success the GM has been given by it's drama.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Sorry TayTay but -1. You’ve been back for barely a month and was pushed from CSM to LTC to CMD. It’s not an experience issue, it’s that you were jumped to CMD faster than I’ve seen anyone promoted. Also the fact that you have a track record of bad situations and making them 100x worse. A trait no bacara should have. For these reason I am -1’ing you. I like you as a person but just couldn’t see you being bacara.


EDIT: This what I heard from the video which you basically made hoim out to be the enemy in the battalion and it just looks and sounds like a gaint power grab to me. 


My responses to quotes from the video that I feel are important: 

“You dont run the battalion like Matra and Oxen”

“I set up the battalion for you to succeed”  (It strived because of a good BCMD not because of doc work. Doc work is constantly changing, you aren’t that special.) 

“You shouldn’t have promoted me to LTC” (you can deny promotions, why the fuck would this be a bad thing other than if you planned a powerplay because you knew you’d get called out for it on the application?) 

“You never did GMACT as bacara” (Its not his job and its a requirement for officers so why would he do them? Also he did do GMACTs you are clearly misinformed, he did all of my GMACTs in my time in GM. He did Spooky's and others because he was on in the morning doing them himself.) 

“You shouldn’t promote KU it’s Keller’s Job not yours” (Excuse me, its his battalion? Are you high. He can do whatever he wants. It’s his subunit, not keller’s. I don't pass off 90% of my promotions to my Vice because it's unnecessary. He wouldn't be Vice if he didn't trust my decision and think I would make the right call. A CMD/XO should have the same trust in their leader, AKA Bacara who runs the whole show.)

Edited by Maymays
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I haven't know you long TayTay, roughly a month to be precise, but I can tell your a dedicated and considerate person,  asking for people's opinion on your self to grow, asking what members of the batt want to achieve and helping to maintain a level of discipline, but also you have a fun sides it nice to have a leader who isn't serious all the time, but can switch it back on when need be, you have a solid game plan for Keller and is generally liked by most if not all members.

Your approachable and considerate to people's situation, opinion and feelings on subjects making sure they not only understand GMs code of ethics and our progression,  but understand no to better yourself and those around you.


You've been a positive influence on the Batt since your return and have fairly few bad traits.


What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Ooooooh damn ok firstly I know for a fact that theres drama in GM I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's the last bacara left i feel as if either you or someone else as a group pushed him out of that position and bullied him out of the position cause he was doing a nice job and with you having the most experience why doesnt he want you to be the next bacara it doesn't make since to me I love yeah TayTay but I feel as if with what I've seen going on in GM its gonna be a -1

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5 minutes ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

Ooooooh damn ok firstly I know for a fact that theres drama in GM I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's the last bacara left i feel as if either you or someone else as a group pushed him out of that position and bullied him out of the position cause he was doing a nice job and with you having the most experience why doesnt he want you to be the next bacara it doesn't make since to me I love yeah TayTay but I feel as if with what I've seen going on in GM its gonna be a -1

The "drama" was over dramatized by the community. There was a structured meeting where criticism was given to snad to show how he can improve as a leader. He wasn't pushed out at all never mind anyone specifically. Nothing is really going on in GM its everyone outside misinterpreting it

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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3 hours ago, BigZach said:


So people stop downvoting I changed it to no because he simply brushed off with snadvich couldn't take criticism which would be the dumbest reason to leave a fucking bcmd position 

Give a real reason for why he left the position and the community will stop thinking that he was pushed out of the position 

Edited by [SR] Sanchez [SA]
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Damn Inferno is goin' for Battalion Commander Bacara?! More like Battalion Commander Bacara is going for Inferno cause it is an honor to be in this man's presence. He's driven, he's got motivation, he's got passion, he's got more balls than the play pit in the Playplace. You want a Commander? You got a Commander. You want someone to provide you with an escape for the little bit of time you have on Garry's Mod? This man has more escapes than Osama Bin Laden. You want a quick witted ace in the hole shot to droid face in the heat of danger? Prepare for more saves than Skyrim on Very Hard.


All things aside, actually no you can't push Inferno to the side. He's an unstoppable force that once out of the bottle can't be put back in. The only thing we can do now is get on our hands and feet looking for the cork but you'll be wet from a pile of Inferno's god given will to lead this Starship boldy into places only a Galactic Marine would venture.



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I told you my reaction was coming. 

-1 Tay you yourself have not shown me or others that you can carry on the legacy of Bacara that other men once carried. You do not show the dedication of a BCMD and sometimes you are a bit hot headed. I do wish you good luck though.

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Going to be a blunt -1. Excluding all the drama with the GMs, I have had nothing but issues when it comes to you, and this spreads all the way to when I was training you to be TTT staff.  I had multiple instances where if AOS one of your guys for a valid reason, you cause a hissy fit over it, and it'd get to a point where even Joah had to get involved AFTER he retired because of all the shit you were causing. You do not have the maturity for an officer position, and especially not for a BCMD position. 

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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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just because I serve under him  i have seen his good and his bad and as i see it out of anyone in this battalion he is the most qualified there is a few things he could work on getting to know the troopers a little better but other than that he seems to me to be the best fit


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I believe TayTay would make a excellent Bacara  one his knowledge on the galactic marines two he is right in between about being strict and also getting along with his fellow squad members HE would make an excellent bacara so I support taytay on his Choice 

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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Okay, for those of you who don't know. Ranting for ages is my new thing.


Alrighty, TayTay.



- You have a clear idea on what you want to do with the battalion. This is good because it allows you to get straight to work, if you get the position. Meaning you wont awkwardly sit there doing nothing lol.

- You have a lot of experience in GM as it's truly you're only battalion.

This is key as it means you're ""At one with GM"" and you know how they are ran. 

- You're pretty well known and you have came back to help. That's dedication straight up. And I've never seen someone as dedicate to GM (K.U especially) as you. (Apart from snadvich who is always #1)

- Leadership

I've seen you lead, its pretty good. You're firm when you need to be but also not a dick head 24/7. Your orders are clear and you're confident in your plans. 



- Attitude:

NGL dude sometimes you're the cockiest MOFO I've ever met lol. As a BCMD you need to be able to compose yourself in a respectable manner. This will give not just yourself but your battalion a better impression on the server. 

- Bending rules:

Sometimes you bend the rules to fit your favour, for example if a GM gets arrested. Now yes being passionate for your troopers is good but if they fuck up then they fuck up. Arguing them out of a brig sentence or a punishment won't help.

- Coming  Back

You went from CSM to like LTC? Then to CMD Keller.

Now yeah you probably earnt that, I don't know but ehh that's not my thing to have a say in.

I think you've rushed it a bit, because in eyes of the COMMUNITY it looks a powerplay, and that's never good. 


If you do get bacara then take my criticism into deep consideration. It'll help trust me. I may be young but I'm not that stupid.



Overall dude. I hope this advice helps you. To those not knowing what to vote, feel free to take my points into consideration.


May the best man win.

Edited by Freck
Forgot some shiy
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I have worked with Taytay for a really long time, and he cares for the battalion so much he talks to people when he see's them having issues with anything. When I first met 101st TR3 Taylor he was young and didn't have too much experience with anything. After me taking a break for 2-3 months I left the server after being burned out for playing almost 40 hours a week. Me, Oxen, and Gene shaped this boy up and taught him so much and he took it all in like a sponge. I've seen him work now and know that he has taking all the things he has learned up until now from PREVIOUS BACARAS as well as many others that he has worked with, and applied them in the best way he knows how. He has matured a lot with the time that I was gone and I couldn't be happier with Taytay being Bacara. If we ever have conflicting opinions with each other we can work it out and either side with another opinion or meet the middle ground which is never a problem with Taytay. 

Edited by Starkiller
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3 hours ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

So people stop downvoting I changed it to no because he simply brushed off with snadvich couldn't take criticism which would be the dumbest reason to leave a fucking bcmd position 

Give a real reason for why he left the position and the community will stop thinking that he was pushed out of the position 

Go look at Snadvich's resignation there is a video you might enjoy watch the whole thing plox. 

Edited by Starkiller
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-1 HAHA no



reasons already stated by maymays and fizzik

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I am still new, i know, but taytay has taught me great amounts, from stuff like how to have fun on downtime, to leading our batallion in battle with confidence, before GM i was afraid to give orders, yes taytay has flaws and a past that may cause judgement, but i’ve talked to taytay and he understands the problem, which is the first step to improving

Yes hes got beef with a few people but he tries his hardest to fix it, i’ve witnessed him deesculate situations with people who seem to just dislike him, despite his opinion on the person, he always tries to get along


Taytay is also one of the most active players i’ve ever met as well, always reachable. Which is an important quality for a bcmd. 


As for the drama within GM, as a senior NCO i do not see any drama within the batallion to cause snadvich to leave. He even openly admitted he didnt want to even be bacara anymore


but this is my vote for taytay, who i believe can make a great bacara



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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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-1 Dude, Your extremely dedicated and you really want to make GM great and I respect you for that. You’re still rooted in the way oxen ran the battalion and when you need to adapt to stuff the server that ain’t good. You acted like you were more important then Bacara with the whole shit like “Well you can’t promote my KU” I should called you out on that one but I didn’t because I was still busy processing all the criticism. You becoming BCMD I feel would just boost your ego but hey maybe you’ve changed. Also the fact that you said you didn’t want LTC but didn’t bother denying the promo tells me you actually wanted it. I’m sorry man I still like ya for who you are. I hope we can still work together to help the battalion grow. 

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43 minutes ago, Snadvich said:

-1 Dude, Your extremely dedicated and you really want to make GM great and I respect you for that. You’re still rooted in the way oxen ran the battalion and when you need to adapt to stuff the server that ain’t good. You acted like you were more important then Bacara with the whole shit like “Well you can’t promote my KU” I should called you out on that one but I didn’t because I was still busy processing all the criticism. You becoming BCMD I feel would just boost your ego but hey maybe you’ve changed. Also the fact that you said you didn’t want LTC but didn’t bother denying the promo tells me you actually wanted it. I’m sorry man I still like ya for who you are. I hope we can still work together to help the battalion grow. 


TayTay, I like you as a person, not as a clone. You need to take things a little less serious and step off that high-horse. All I'm going to say.


Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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53 minutes ago, Snadvich said:

-1 Dude, Your extremely dedicated and you really want to make GM great and I respect you for that. You’re still rooted in the way oxen ran the battalion and when you need to adapt to stuff the server that ain’t good. You acted like you were more important then Bacara with the whole shit like “Well you can’t promote my KU” I should called you out on that one but I didn’t because I was still busy processing all the criticism. You becoming BCMD I feel would just boost your ego but hey maybe you’ve changed. Also the fact that you said you didn’t want LTC but didn’t bother denying the promo tells me you actually wanted it. I’m sorry man I still like ya for who you are. I hope we can still work together to help the battalion grow.  

It isn't that you can't promote KU its that you promoted KU and didn't communicate at with anyone that you were going to do this promotion, especially from Junior officer to Senior officer. The reason why he kept the rank is because he wanted to help the battalion out with all the changes and trainings that needed to be done.

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Just now, Starkiller said:

It isn't that you can't promote KU its that you promoted KU and didn't communicate at with anyone that you were going to do this promotion, especially from Junior officer to Senior officer. The reason why he kept the rank is because he wanted to help the battalion out with all the changes and trainings that needed to be done.

He could've still done that. I dont know why you guys thought you were restricted from doing certain trainings depending on rank but I wasent like that. Also the fact that we've got PROMO LOGS shows you guys didnt bother PMing me beforehand and telling me about the situation 

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I have waited to post on this for a little while because I was thinking of how to craft my response to cause the least amount of drama possible so bear with me please.

TayTay, we have had many disagreements and a lot of bad blood. A little bit but after you came back you said that you tried to reform and improve yourself and your image because of all the negative things that you left behind. I had a talk with Zim about some things involving my battalion and how they were acting and being treated by people in his friend circle. Your name came up and after a small amount of time you came to me to apologize for everything that you had said and done to myself and the people in my battalion. It had cleared up some things but actions speak much louder than words which is why I never asked for an apology because if you are ever truly sorry, just do better. What I have seen today smells a lot like a power play. It shows myself that nothing really changed and your ego and arrogance has gotten the best of you and are trying to do things for your own personal gain instead of for the betterment of the battalion. In my professional opinion, as soon as you said  to snadvich, "you cant promote my KU," you should have been removed from CMD and Keller on the spot and some say that you should have been straight up beaned from the battalion. I can say with confidence that you are following in Gene's footsteps and demanding respect instead of working for and earning it. You have been using your rank to push around and bully people into submission and that is not a leader. I am going to finish off this -1 with a quote to hopefully help you in your future

"Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear." -Albert Camus

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-1  Reason being I agree with what both BBstine and Maymays have said and you went up the ranks faster than jacien that says something.



For those of you who don't want to watch the 25-minute video here is the summarized part of what taytay says.

0-8:00 - Tay saying snadvich has basically done nothing and that he doesn't host training when that's is an NCO's job in the battalion. Says he shouldn't have gotten LTC but if he knew that then he would'nt have taken it. 
Says that Snadvich basically has done nothing and he didn't care exploiting snadvichs emotions and his enormous care for the battalion. Says he gave tips when he has never been a BCMD.
Says there are days he doesn't even want to get and on trying to clear his background for no reason. - All taytay.


Edited by Raids
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1 minute ago, Snadvich said:

He could've still done that. I dont know why you guys thought you were restricted from doing certain trainings depending on rank but I wasent like that. Also the fact that we've got PROMO LOGS shows you guys didnt bother PMing me beforehand and telling me about the situation  

The promotion logs is so that we can keep track of whose being promoted not to predict who you are going to promote. You created the "situation" by promoting him from 2nd to LTC its disrespectful to the Keller at that time. On top of that even if he WAS GM it still would've been better to keep some amount of communication between your officers that you were going to go through with this promotion and get their thoughts on it. 

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Oh boy..

So after watching a 2 minutes of the 25 minute profesionalised low-key witch hunt on snad. I'm pretty shocked tbh.

We basically see Snadvich being told he does nothing, being essentially backed into a corner, defenceless, vulnerable. Causing him to resign.


Yea, I'm not a fan of anything likr that.

Of all people to do It to though? Really? Snadvich of all people? The 1 guy that would hope onto his GM when no one played? The 1 guy who showed he cared? Really? Where was you when they needed you the most?

Snadvich tried, he did his best and he got his work thrown in his face by multiple individuals. For once I'm going to say this. 


-1, Sorry buddy, but I stand for justice.




"I gave you the cards to be Bacara" - no, you gave him a reason to resign. He was doing fine.

Edited by Freck
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(This Post Has Been Deleted By The Maker) 

Reason: I have made a second post writing a review to the app some lines down

Edited by Darkk

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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1 hour ago, Starkiller said:

It isn't that you can't promote KU its that you promoted KU and didn't communicate at with anyone that you were going to do this promotion, especially from Junior officer to Senior officer. The reason why he kept the rank is because he wanted to help the battalion out with all the changes and trainings that needed to be done.

It's his battalion he doesn't have to ask wtf??? LMAO. You clearly don't understand the powers of a BCMD my guy. He doesn't have to communicate anything to people because it's his battalion.

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10 hours ago, Maymays said:

Sorry TayTay but -1. You’ve been back for barely a month and was pushed from CSM to LTC to CMD. It’s not an experience issue, it’s that you were jumped to CMD faster than I’ve seen anyone promoted. Also the fact that you have a track record of bad situations and making them 100x worse. A trait no bacara should have. For these reason I am -1’ing you. I like you as a person but just couldn’t see you being bacara.


EDIT: This what I heard from the video which you basically made hoim out to be the enemy in the battalion and it just looks and sounds like a gaint power grab to me. 


My responses to quotes from the video that I feel are important: 

“You dont run the battalion like Matra and Oxen”

“I set up the battalion for you to succeed”  (It strived because of a good BCMD not because of doc work. Doc work is constantly changing, you aren’t that special.) 

“You shouldn’t have promoted me to LTC” (you can deny promotions, why the fuck would this be a bad thing other than if you planned a powerplay because you knew you’d get called out for it on the application?) 

“You never did GMACT as bacara” (Its not his job and its a requirement for officers so why would he do them?) 

“You shouldn’t promote KU it’s Keller’s Job not yours” (Excuse me, its his battalion? Are you high. He can do whatever he wants. It’s his subunit, not keller’s.)

Okay first off i do the Doc work within GM

Second its a respect thing for KU for keller to know about promotions expecially mass promotions. (I was keller and wasnt informed at all)

Third Its not so much the not doing GMACT's it was more the saying said person would do the said training than passing it off last moment to someone but hey what do i know i am just in this battalion for almost a year straight because of power grabs.... (this is sarcasm if you cant tell...)

Now to Tay Neut for the moment

Edited by Wynter
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8 hours ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

So people stop downvoting I changed it to no because he simply brushed off with snadvich couldn't take criticism which would be the dumbest reason to leave a fucking bcmd position 

Give a real reason for why he left the position and the community will stop thinking that he was pushed out of the position 

Snadvich was talked to a few times during his rein as Bacara due to his minginess and unbecoming behavior (Getting a GM officer to run into brig and press the buttons during prime hours *Example*). This meeting was just the first PUBLIC time that he was listed these things in front of a few other officers. Snad mumbled goodbye left the channel and than 2 min later there was a resignation. At no point during this meeting did anyone ask him to resign or even mention it, his faults were just brought up. I have the full list of the offenses that Tay listed as i was the one mediating  the meeting but i would rather not post them publicly for Snad's sake.

Sorry for the double post btw but idk how to put two comments in as one...

Edited by Wynter
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Trust me i know from experience like doc is saying, telling someone how terrible they are is not going to change them, or it will change their viewpoint on  you

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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-1 to what freck said.

I also watched the video. And im pretty pissed at all of who was involved. Snadvich did a awesome job.

"I dont know who your talking too to who terms your talking to. I dont think they have any say..." - Yup this pissed me the most

Edited by Arroyo
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Sigh. When I came into the channel I was told the conversation was very civil, and the GM officers were very civil to me, we had a discussion and they seemed as though they held no desire for him to resign from Bacara and yet when I watch this video. I see it was nothing but that, he may have not been yelled at or talked to in a malicious tone, But he was told to his face he was shit as shown in the video

I'm sorry man


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54 minutes ago, Wynter said:

Snadvich was talked to a few times during his rein as Bacara due to his minginess and unbecoming behavior (Getting a GM officer to run into brig and press the buttons during prime hours *Example*). This meeting was just the first PUBLIC time that he was listed these things in front of a few other officers. Snad mumbled goodbye left the channel and than 2 min later there was a resignation. At no point during this meeting did anyone ask him to resign or even mention it, his faults were just brought up. I have the full list of the offenses that Tay listed as i was the one mediating  the meeting but i would rather not post them publicly for Snad's sake.

Sorry for the double post btw but idk how to put two comments in as one...

Maybe because you had people that were completely against him he felt attacked. Also its his battalion I just watched it you guys treated him like a child its his battalion 

I talked with multiple senior officers guess what not one of the officers I talked to were in that meeting The only people there attacked him You could say well we were bringing up grievance well the only people there are supporting this app alright I would love to see TayTay as Bacara but watching that puts a sour taste in my mouth.

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TayTay, we've been friends for a while now. From being some of the first GMOs to serving together in GM. You're a great dude, but there's just some things you don't say and things you do say. You have a tendency of talking before thinking. Snadvich may have not been doing anything, but he wasn't necessarily required to, because his battalion was doing well. When I was BCMD of SC and SO, there were times when it was the most active battalion on the ship and I didn't have to do fuck-all. Just think about that, alright? We did talk about issues that I had with you in GM and we respectfully resolved it, though that still doesn't outweigh the issues that everyone else sees. As much as I'd love to support you, I can't. -1. Sorry bud.

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After recently watching part of the footage on Snadviches resignation I am going to -1 your application, (I'm sorry please don't bean me out of the battalion for this[its a joke geez I'm not actually going to spread false rumors about him{the joke was the thing in Parenthasies}])Here are some of my points

1. He is the BCMD he has limits but he also has control over the battalion including you (this means he can break PTS, and he does not have to run training if he does not want to because its other officer's responsibility to run them as well including yourself)

2.i personally after reading some reviews don't think your ready, people have said your immature and just came back from a 3-month break

3.you stated in the video that he does not do training. He actually was the one that did my GMACT-II training (Twice actually because he needed help for the second 1) he also has hosted other stuff in his time in GM

4. Finally, I just don't think you're ready, I mean I saw you as a CSM 1 week then the next you were an LTC. I feel you were pushed up way to fast and have not had enough responsibility/Experience as an officer in GM

  • Agree 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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-1 Reasons being you can be very harsh at times in the wrong ways. TayTay, you are more normal commander material than BCMD. Things may be taken wildly out of context with this whole drama bullshit but at the same time you need to be more mindful to every situation that comes your way. Criticisms can be given without attacking that person's personal life.
If you can be more mindful toward these things and not be so harsh then you might be a decent candidate.

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21 minutes ago, Shredded Cheese said:

+1 Clearly Taytay is the most dedicated to the battalion out of the people running, you are the most active and build all the dupes and run most of the GMACT Trainings. Not to mention that you're a really cool dude.


Edited by Pythin
  • Funny 2

Former: Liaison


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  • Retired Founder
3 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Hey Tay Tay

Hey Dumbo.
Might wanna fact check before trying to publicly call someone out. You're not only attempting to hurt two others rep but you now just hurt your own.

Shredded is logged in directly through Steam, and has connected multiple times prior to this site on a completely different IP.
Not the same dude, not even close.
Think before you post.

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Everyone and their mother saw this coming.


Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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take a step back and realize this is not meant to be a campaign full of hate. Snadvich openly admitted to not wanting to be Bacara anymore, i bear witness to this along with TayTay Starkill and multiple others in GM. The video showed criticism, if you can’t take criticism and turn it into positive results then you cant lead. Snadvich wasn’t running the batallion. Wynter was trying his best to run the batallion. Wynter was dealing with his full time job, and he stepped down realizing his problem, Multiple people have asked Snadvich to change but nothing changed, he continuously logged on once a day (twice if we got deployed)  and never held tryouts, or trainings, or did anything for that matter, he only appeared for events. Snads a great guy, but not a great bacara, people just don’t see that unless you work with him. Shit needed to change and TayTay decided to take action, its like Jacien all over again, the batallion needed to change but the leadership prevented it until someone brought an end to it. Nobody forced him off. He could’ve wiped his officers but instead he stepped down, being the bigger man. And just to reiterate, he said he didnt even want to be bacara on the same night. The batallion was run by TayTay, Starkill, and Wynter occassionally. Wynter did Docs, taytay did dupes and training, star recruited and taught the Nco’s. Snadvich didn’t even know i existed until i was a senior NCO, and im on literally all the time.And that is the “Drama” you all are sticking your noses into. 

  • Agree 6

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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Everyone saying "-1 YoU sTaRtEd DrAmA" 

Im stating this, i like snad i really do, but he couldn't handle criticism that was meant to help him. As i agree taytay shouldn't have said oxen and matra ran away because well one, Oxen got deployed and two Matra has a life unlike most of us retards. Taytay shouldn't have been promoted as fast as he was thats true, and taytay could have minus one it. Taytay is a great officer and dosent even play games with us anymore because hes so focused on the server. Snad, could have stood against the criticism and built himself up, but insted he stepped down meaning he in a mental state wasn't ready for any  sort of BCMD position.   I like Taytay but im remaining neutral because I know hes a good officer im not sure if hes BCMD ready.  

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15 hours ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

So people stop downvoting I changed it to no because he simply brushed off with snadvich couldn't take criticism which would be the dumbest reason to leave a fucking bcmd position 

Give a real reason for why he left the position and the community will stop thinking that he was pushed out of the position 

I'm not a mind reader, maybe talk to snad and the officers of GM. Snad doesn't have any bad blood, why should you. I've heard snads opinion. Bet most wont make the effort to do so.


*read mind of snadvich to see why he left*


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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GM Leadership

+1, Been in GM for a while and know whats going to make it better and I already told you my opinion.
Also stop the hate train. seriously. If you're going to give hate, give a good reason or at least talk to Snadvich or TayTay.

Edited by Crimson
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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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2 hours ago, Crimson said:

+1, Been in GM for a while and know whats going to make it better and I already told you my opinion.
Also stop the hate train. seriously. If you're going to give hate, give a good reason or at least talk to Snadvich or TayTay.

I mean if you use common sense the hate train has a prettttttty powerful fuel source. So idk why you talking like we are fueling it off farts or some shit.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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12 hours ago, Darkk said:

After recently watching part of the footage on Snadviches resignation I am going to -1 your application, (I'm sorry please don't bean me out of the battalion for this[its a joke geez I'm not actually going to spread false rumors about him{the joke was the thing in Parenthasies}])Here are some of my points

1. He is the BCMD he has limits but he also has control over the battalion including you (this means he can break PTS, and he does not have to run training if he does not want to because its other officer's responsibility to run them as well including yourself)

2.i personally after reading some reviews don't think your ready, people have said your immature and just came back from a 3-month break

3.you stated in the video that he does not do training. He actually was the one that did my GMACT-II training (Twice actually because he needed help for the second 1) he also has hosted other stuff in his time in GM

4. Finally, I just don't think you're ready, I mean I saw you as a CSM 1 week then the next you were an LTC. I feel you were pushed up way to fast and have not had enough responsibility/Experience as an officer in GM

This man sums it up pretty nicely. -1 


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6 hours ago, BigZach said:

I'm not a mind reader, maybe talk to snad and the officers of GM. Snad doesn't have any bad blood, why should you. I've heard snads opinion. Bet most wont make the effort to do so.


*read mind of snadvich to see why he left*

I have lol and let me get this straight I have no bad blood towards taytay I still view him as a friend but what I saw in that video is not how you treat a battalion commander 

Edited by [SR] Sanchez [SA]
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Taytay, you were never an active part of the Galactic Marines until Jacien was removed and you had your TTT admin transferred to Clone Wars. Effectively, that is when you started playing - and in less than a month, if I remember correctly, you were promoted from MSG/CSM to LTC+ and then upwards to even Keller. That is absolutely insane in my opinion, and you should be the last person applying for this position.

With all of this drama going around, it seems like you're powerplaying for the Bacara position - a mentality that may taint your application. I also feel you have not served within GM for long enough time within the current and recent timeframe (i.e., past three months) for you to be a good addition to the Battalion Commander roster. 

A much better candidate would be Wynter, who has been within the Galactic Marines for a very long period of time. I rarely -1, but this stuff was a complete joke when it happened - and if I had my way, I wouldn't honor your rank as the next BCMD Bacara, for whoever recieves it.

Edited by Vaal
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44 minutes ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

I have lol and let me get this straight I have no bad blood towards taytay I still view him as a friend but what I saw in that video is not how you treat a battalion commander 

This meeting was out of RP


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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13 minutes ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

What does that have to do with how you treated him.... hello

Just because he is BCMD doesn't mean he is excused from criticism and improvement. I'm not gonna suck the dick if every BCMD I see. He has authority over the battalion, not opinion and speech.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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8 minutes ago, Post Scralone said:



Ok you say this and bully panda are you fucking kidding me and like 4 other people go the fuck away. Do you even know why people are minus 1ing go to snadvichs resignation and watch the video if you're not going to do it fine by me but dont attack people for minus 1ing or plus 1ing 


That means everyone

Including me lol

Edited by [SR] Sanchez [SA]
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4 minutes ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

Ok you say this and bully panda are you fucking kidding me and like 4 other people go the fuck away 

lol irrelevant. 

So he can literally try and roast someone but no one can roast him aha lol next joke. 


6 minutes ago, Ryx said:

You shouldn’t be calling out people on an application. 

Do I care? you guys are calling taytay out. #IRONIC

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4 minutes ago, Post Scralone said:

lol irrelevant. 

So he can literally try and roast someone but no one can roast him aha lol next joke. 


Do I care? you guys are calling taytay out. #IRONIC

Wait when did panda fucking roast he said he saw this app coming hello 

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1 minute ago, Doc said:

@Post Scralone You have no place to talk on this application, as you are calling out people on a public application. I mention his leadership in the sole way that when I bring up his name this is what I am responded with. If you carefully read what I said you would understand that. However, I do agree with these statements. His complete underhandedness as shown in the video released proved that. A real leader would seek to help those with problems grow, give ways to solve problems they have, and want to make someone just better. He did not do these things. Taytay berated Snadvich with insult after insult, making him feel worthless and useless, and then just said I'm done. That is the worst leadership could ever get. It's sad. Along with my leadership, I would say it doesn't matter in this situation but most people in this community know of my various leadership positions and abilities. Hell, I would have never been able to reach BCMD if I act like several people on this thread have. Any leadership I have had is listed in my signature, feel free to ask me about them. 

More relevant than you. 

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@Post Scralone

Are you so immature that you cannot remain civil when making a forum post? You need to realise that the constant rising up in ranks makes the Bacara application seem like a powerplay, regardless of what it truly is. Thus, people mentioning that he rose through the ranks too fast to truly serve the Galactic Marines makes a good amount of sense.  You have absolutely no right to go through and tag the majority of people that left negative ones. Just because you feel Taytay deserves the position does NOT give you the right for you to attempt to degrade other peoples' opinions.

Like what @Ryx was saying. You should not be calling people out on an application. This is Taytay's application. He deserves fair and warranted criticism from all sides, whether it be positive or negative, regardless of how critical it is or what is addressed. The final sayso exists not for the community, but instead the higher-ups interpreting the community's opinions. By commenting such erroneous and asinine ideas, you're tarnishing Taytay's application, the very thing you sought to "protect".

What @Doc and @Sanchez said seem completely warranted. You shouldn't be quoting anyone here.

Grow up.



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18 minutes ago, Doc said:

You have the ability to respond to only one of my criticisms it seems....I responded to all of yours so why don't you do the same? If you have the balls to call out the people that negatively respond to a BCMD app that IS NOT your own, and answering for someone else's criticisms, why can't you finish responding to your own?

HAHAHA are you even a joke? like have the balls lol don't tell me about that sunny boi and I did reply to it lol READ.

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