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Nade's BCMD Blitz Application

Nade Jones

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Steam Name: [SR]Nade Jones[SA]


RP Name: TRO 212th GCS ARCO MAJ Crys


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_1:1:58484750


Battalion or squad you are applying for: RANCOR Battalion BCMD Blitz 


Experience:  My experience can be labeled under the following sections: 


The ARC Program - Every since I became an ARC Trooper I have put endless work into the ARC Program and I was rewarded with the title of ARC Officer within my battalion, for me ARC was a passion and I always sought out to help in any way I could. The state of 212th ARC was atrocious so I took it upon myself to single handily restore the 212th ARC Program, I Implemented an extra layer that the 212th candidates had to partake in order to gain the approval of an ARCO (a basic lore and combat scenario exam as seen here https://gyazo.com/afa18a6540b84f791e2ac9dad25ada0a), this idea was presented to Tofu and he mentioned his interest in the idea, Along with that I regularly hosted Private Weapon and Tactics session in order to get my ARCT's ready to pass for the official Weapon and Tactics (under my time as an ARC Officer we established a 100% pass rate of 212th ARCT in weapon and tactics) along with that I reguarly hosted Citadel Runs on the event server to my whole battallion this way a fun and engaging way to not only keep them occupied but also explain to them step 1 of becoming an ARC trooper and another way of preparing them for it, I held a document in which I noted down the times that we ran the citadel along with the names of the participants and then I would contact Tofu about the good performers and told him to keep an eye on them during Selections, I was also mid creating a document for all the current 212th ARC troopers to train the 212th non ARC this would not only give them a taste on what kind of training the ARC troopers recieve but also keep the 212th ARC troopers refreshed in the training they have been taught by rancor. These are the dedications I made to serve the ARC program within my battalions, I also try to attend every leadership, selections and Weapons and Tactics in order to help RANCOR conduct their training in any way I can such as (Spawn droids, set up props, give whitelists, enforce PTS etc) In the past I contacted Tofu about hosting a separate calendar for the EU players as 9pm est selections are at 2am GMT so the majority of EU players are never able to attend, I pledged myself to this idea stating that I could personally host these selections along with any ARCO+ from that timezone, unfortunatly Tofu did not pass this suggestion due to the task being deemed too large for me to run due to most of RANCOR being not EU timezone based. I take ARC very very seriously, despite not being in RANCOR I know the process inside out and I'm willing to dedicate most of my time to not only running the Rancor Battalion but also evolving the ARC program itself, I've helped RANCOR alongside the ARC Program the most I possibly could and if I was allowed to do more, I would.

212th Attack Battalion - Despite not being a recon battalion most of my qualities and experiences come from the 212th Attack Battalion, I would try to briefly outline what I've done to aid this battalion and how this will transition to RANCOR. Firstly my rank within the Battalion, I am a Major and have been for some time now, my rank and the swift promotions I've received are as a result of the work I've put into the Batallion. I got double promoted from CSM to 1stLT due to the amount of work I put into whilst being an NCO, I was limited by my rank and despite this, I did more the officers at the time in any way that I was possibly allowed to. After recieving CPT I remained in the CPT position for 7 days before being promoted to Major, I will always enforce loyalty and Hard work and believe in order to aid the battalion the most you must go beyond and above what your rank expects you to do, and I've done just that. Within the battalion, I hold the title of Heavy Advisor (due to being a former Heavy Trainer) ARC Officer, Pilot Trainer, Leadership Camp Instructor (a leadership aid program within the 212th in order to get CSM's prepped for Officer) Advanced Marching and Discipline Overseer ( a document which I single handily created in order to teach a very complex and advanced way of disciplining troopers using advanced marching: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vhz73CMZbNdU3NrADEQ-O7-LUXauKspBbJ9wkAYROG4/edit?usp=sharing). I've ran the 212th under a very strict but fair ethos, I believe that there is a line between goofing around and being serious, You can't expect anyone in the world to be serious 100% of the time as everyone needs a break, I respect presenting yourself in a professional and militant way when applicable, and there should be no minging when in Public in order to develop a realistic roleplay experience. I have learned a lot from the 212th as due to the size of the battalion there are certain ways that the High command of the 212th had to organize themselves internally and due to being part of the Intel team and being a constant enforcer of certain documents as well as being the author of a few I have a very good Idea how I'm going to organise RANCOR if I do get selected, As I've heard there has been a few problems in RANCOR with intel / organisation.

Ghost Company - I am currently a Sergeant of Ghost Company and hold the lore name "Crys" joining Ghost Company was a reflection of my ability to think one step ahead of the average trooper, I pride myself as being the "Elite" of the 212th using the experiences provided to me by being part of Ghost Company will ensure that RANCOR will be on the same level of discipline, professionalism and ability to roleplay. I have helped with many Ghost Company Tryouts and am the author of the Current ITG training which is required to join Ghost Company, I'm not allowed to leak this document but its a more advanced version of ARC Weapons and Tactics along with 2 pages of how you should deal with negotiation. We run Ghost Company in a very strict way recently adopting a 1 strike system, meaning if you fuck up once you're demoted from GC your out, this enables GC members to constantly stay respectful and although a 1 strike system can be too harsh for running RANCOR, a better-suited system will be developed, similar to the 212th's current Green strike / red strike system based on the severity of the offense.

Staff / General Server work - I am currently a Senior Admin, this will allow handling RANCOR to be easier due to the abilities I possess as an SA such as spawning dups for simulations and droids/props for ARC Trainings, I am currently a TRO and a Gamemaster this proves my dedication to the server I am able to maintain both positions and help the community alongside my other positions on the server, from the experianced that I've had from being staff I have learned how to deal with people better, I would already consider myself a very social person but staffing has lead me to learn how to deal with people that are disruptive and disrespectul, during any situation I can keep a clear head and this will pass onto RANCOR as a BCMD I will able to deal with my Batallion members more effeciantly. I hope my current reputation and position within the community and the staff reflect on my true motives of being here to help people, I've served in the 212th when shit hit the fan with Mamba resigning and I've managed to work past that with my head up and I will maintain that mindset no matter the outcome of this application. Me keeping this mindset will what will get us through the tough and hardest moments if I was chosen BCMD of Rancor.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I should become BCMD of RANCOR due to work and commitment that I've put into the ARC Program, I believe I am the Ideal candidate, despite not being in RANCOR I would consider a large amount of RANCOR as my friends, I've joked around saying RANCOR is my 2nd battallion and I've always treated it as such and perhaps that could shift into reality which me becoming BCMD, I've been around longer than some of the CMDs in RANCOR  and I believe my experiance and my unique personality will be what brings RANCOR to glory and I will make not only will make sure to uphold those values during my stay as BCMD but also so they are easily transmitted to the next BCMD.

Despite not being acquited with most of RANCOR meaning it may be hard for them to work with me due to not knowing me and myself not knowing how RANCOR operates as much, I would consider myself a flexible and adaptable person meaning I am open to changes and If I do get BCMD, I understand it is crucial for me to work closely alongside the other Commanders in order to get to know how the Batt operates and how I will implement my style of leading into it, I will make sure both the battallion and the ARC program run effeciently and I have plans on how to organise it so the workload is spread out more effeciently, I would consider myself a patient person and I know starting up the Battalion will be a lengthy procress and I am looking forward to the ARF system being implemented onto the server and Will make sure the ARFL works closely alongside me to set up the system.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: Currently around 5-12 hours due to spring break, when school resumes 4-6 hours and weekends 5-10


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since December 2017


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Ideally, I would like to set up a working and organized Intel system which contributes to the current accommodation system of RANCOR, alongside with revamping certain systems such as disciplinary and general organization within discord so everything is logged and tracked maintaining a smooth and steady flow of workload which will be split among certain jobs and ranks, establishing a feedback and suggestions system which I will ideally overseer in order to get to know what the Battalion needs, I would like to adapt and evolve the ARC system as well as introduce the ARF system and make sure we have people hosting the required training for both, recruiting will be maintained at a high standard and there will be a possible written incentive to both reward and run recruting to be held at a high quality but keep the battallion flourishing with recruits


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

  • Agree 4



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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+1, What can I say? He says it himself. Nade has always been an extremely dedicated person to whatever he does. From getting to SA to getting to major and many other things. Most of all though, he has always been extremely dedicated to the 212th ARC program.

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1 minute ago, Thexan said:


You seem more than qualified to step in, but the battalion has two members in particular that outshine you. Nothing personal, but they would be the better fit.

Can you please elaborate on this ?



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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2 minutes ago, Thexan said:


You seem more than qualified to step in, but the battalion has two members in particular that outshine you. Nothing personal, but they would be the better fit.

If you thinks he is qualified atleast him reach the interview process because of his qualifications. If the other 2 make it then, may the best man win......I guess?

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+1, "I've been around longer than some of the CMDs in RANCOR"

Edited by Kase
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Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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15 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

-1 You are a good canditate but I think Commander Colt is more qualified for the BCMD Of his battalion because of his time within the battalion and the relationships he has with other people in that battalion

That is something I took into consideration when applying, in my defence I am an extremely approachable person and I am willing to work very closely with the other commanders to establish that understanding. Since Miller is already I  the batallion he is a step ahead and that might be favourable over me but just understand I am extremely passionate and  willing to put the work in to work around the relationship and time boundaries, Thank you very much for the feedback though 


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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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HUGE +1 Regardless of the outcome of this app, this man deserves to be BCMD.One of the best people I've encountered on this server and has made goals for himself and has made them come to fruition from what i've seen. Very active and likable, and truly a great leader. Hope he gets a chance to prove that in the interview as he has done already in his time on the server. 


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I myself being a ARC have loved seeing how RANCOR has stepped up with their amount of troops and the effectiveness of the troops. You seem like a good candidate for the position and unlike others I don't believe that one must be in a battalion itself to become its BCMD so I will +1 to you. I wish you luck with the heavy responsibility of a BCMD.

- SO ARC BCMD Starrk, ARC-3290


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+1 you do a lot of work for 212th and i think you will do great thinks with RANCOR



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Due to recent circumstances (for now) I seem to be the only candidate. I understand what happened and the huge losses that RANCOR has received and I understand if I do get chosen for the position I will have my work cut out for me, keeping that in mind I would like to reassure people that I am an organised individual and I am already pre-planned (If I do get chosen) the rebuilding of RANCOR.

Edited by Nade Jones
  • Agree 5



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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8 minutes ago, Nade Jones said:

Due to recent circumstances (for now) I seem to be the only candidate. I understand what happened and the huge losses that RANCOR has received and I understand if I do get chosen for the position I will have my work cut out for me, keeping that in mind I would like to reassure people that I am an organised individual and I am already pre-planned (If I do get chosen) the rebuilding of RANCOR.

do we know if more will be caught and punished.

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-1 as of right now because I do not know if you even know how to run selections, leadership and weapons and tactics. Which are the corner stones of the battalions responsibilities and while you could be taught at this moment in time the best choic in my personal opinion is rider.

updated changed +1 even though even I still feel rider is a better candidate he does want to help and I now know he knows how to do the trainings

Edited by Hades3481
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One of the most hardworking and likeable people in the community. Because of his contributions to the battalion alone, he will surely and unquestionably be missed by 212th, if he, hopefully, gets the position. Not making him Blitz would be a mistake.



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Ok as BCMD of 212th and with the time I have had to watch Nade go up the ranks..... I'm gonna have to sadly.  -1.  Nade before you get all hurt that your BCMD voted against you. It's not because I wanna keep you in 212th. I feel that. Taking a BCMD position is a huge step. And I feel these steps are far to wide to jump to. I also feel with recent issues.  This position should be left inside of RANCOR as only they know the system they have.  I still have faith in you and what you could become.  But sadly I can not vote for you. I will support you thou.  Best of luck Crys. May the best trooper reign supreme 

212th Battalion Commander Cody 0

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1 hour ago, Rackarain said:

we know cody. no one wants to see nade go. but if gets it we must accept it and he would be dearly missed.

What? I didnt even vote because of that but I know what ya mean lol. I just personally and what I have seen with Nade. He is a damn good trooper.   But I feel the jump he is attempting.  He isn't ready for BCMD.  Has far to much to learn but as I said. Best of luck to him. 

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Again Great Man & Officer Destine to be a great BCMD
Both Nate and Nade have an equal chance but don't put him down cause He's not RANCOR they need as much help as they can damn get with the recent losses

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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While I've literally just heard about what has happened recently in Rancor with the destruction in high command and return of several officers. I would prefer someone within the battalion who understands us and knows us. Not wanting to beat a dead horse, you would be a great officer and I believe you would fit better as a officer position within rancor to help it back on its feet. 

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