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Core's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Core [VA]

RP Name: Marshal Commander Core

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_1:1:161163614



As the Executive officer of the Advance Reconnaissance Commandos, I was leading the best men on the ship. I would say that we were the best battalion on the ship. I always showed true leadership and letting everyone know that nothing is impossible when it comes to having good leadership capabilities. I thought my men that in the heat of battle if your commanding officer would go KIA/MIA you needed to know what to do. At ARC we taught people that they were always ready to take the place of the Commander and to be able to lead with integrity and the will to be able to accomplish anything at all. We held leadership training every week not to only ensure the leadership capabilities of the Advance Reconnaissance Commandos but to teach others how to be a true leader and be the best trooper in your battalions.


As a Regimental Commander, my responsibilities increased I no longer am in charge of the best man on the ship but know I'm in charge of 5 battalions. Which included Advance Reconnaissance Commandos, Special operations brigade, 91st recon corps, Republic Pilots, and Blaze troopers. These were the best men that the republic had to offer. With the position of Regimental Commander I was above the commander I wasn't in the position to take over every battalion under me. My job was more like an observer a person who the whole regiment can come to if anyone needs something changed or even someone removed from a position such as a commander or an officer. I lead the whole regiment with pride and never gave up until all my battalions get the satisfaction that they want within their battalions. I was in this position for 2 months.


As a Senior Commander, I got, even more, responsibilities not only was I in charge of some of the best men within the Republic I was also tasked to help the Republic Commandos another group of very independent and smart thinking men. Not only with that, I had to be the man that was able to help with these tryouts and making sure that the best men within the Republic don't fuck up. Helping with their training was key to helping other troops learn what these Republic commandos can actually do EOD, TECH, Marksmanship, and Medical. These trainings were held weekly just like the Advance Reconnaissance Commandos training I attended every single one to see what my men are capable of. I made a lot of risky decisions that those in RC didn't like but were necessary to help them used and be the best men on the ship. I was in this position for 2 and a half months.


Marshal Commander wasn't a role to fuck with you were now took to be the man that all the troops look up to you held the most responsible within the republic. With the role of Marshal commander, you were expected to work with the Naval aboard the ship. I was tasked with running two meetings so that we can make a change that was needed for the better of the battalions. I enforced a lot of maturity in the battalions any type of disrespect or no intent to RP would result in an instant removal of the battalion. I took this position very seriously. If I were to fuck up once I received an instant removal of the position I was in this position for 2 months and then interim for another month because of my resignation we lacked High command leadership for a while which lead me to get Marshal again for another 2 weeks. 3 months have the past and I left Icefuse to Synergy gaming where I was Marshal again for a month again and here I am.

Why should you become Chancellor?:

I should be appointed the rank of Chancellor is because I want to be able to help out even more. I will work harder with my men and help out then to the extent higher than my capabilities. I want to be able to do some more training with all my men combined to make sure that each member has competition but some room to improve with training amounts themselves. Continue to make sure that there is no favoritism in any way of the ranking structure in the team. Everything has to be fair if someone gets a high ranking position and they can’t do anything with it that rank then that person will be demoted and that individual will have to prove himself again making sure that all members are staying in RP. I want no minging to be tolerated in any way this is a serious RP server and it will always stay that way I want all people to enjoy themselves in the squad in the way that everyone else should RPing and not breaking it. When it comes to those who are willing to show that they come to this server for one primary reason and that is to show others what it means to be a role model to show everyone that anyone can strive and go for whatever position that they want to go for. I also always Seek responsibility and take responsibility for my actions; and exercise initiative; demonstrate resourcefully, and take advantage of opportunities on the battlefield that will lead my men to victory; accept fair criticism, and take corrective actions for my mistakes. I would also start learning about Knowing my unit's capabilities and limitations, and employ them accordingly. I want to be able to help out even more. Coming back to the server I think that my experience will uplift all battalions to do great work as I have done in the past. I will work hard with all the battalions, RC, and null to the extent higher than my capabilities. I want to be able to do some more training with all the battalions combined to make sure that each battalion has competition but some room to improve with training amounts themselves. Start making sure that there is no favoritism in any way of the ranking structure in any battalion. Everything has to be fair if someone gets a high ranking position and they can’t do anything with it that rank then that person will be demoted and that individual will have to prove himself again making sure that all members are staying in RP. When it comes to those who are willing to show that they come to this server for one primary reason and that is to show others what it means to be a role model to show everyone that anyone can strive and go for whatever position that they want to go for.

Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?:

Yes, I understand the purpose of the battalions under my command some lore of the battalions that are in the server is, ARC (Rancor in lore) is a reconnaissance battalion they are also known as commandos. The 91st recon corps battalion they specialize in riding AT-RT’s and BARC speeders, Shadow company was a special force of the Grand Army of the Republic made up of clone commandos, RC are clones that are specialized for a certain task such as E.O.D, and TECH the squads that are known in lore are Delta Squad, Omega Squad, Ion Team, and Foxtrot only 3 are on the server. All these squads consist of 4 special members always ready for whatever the CIS throw at them. Clone troopers are clones that have went through some basic training and have got their armor they will then prove themselves in the battle to then be able to get chosen to join another battalion. The 212th Attack Battalion was a military division of the Grand Army of the Republic, a clone army engineered to serve the Galactic Republic Led by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his subordinate, Clone Commander 2224 Cody, one of the 212th highly trained men were known to be in Ghost company which included Troopers such as Boil and Waxer. The 212th also had a company called the 2nd airborne, consisted of clone paratroopers. The 2nd Airborne was subordinate to the 212th Attack Battalion of the 7th Sky Corps of the Third Systems Army. The 501st Legion, also known as the 501st Battalion, they were an elite military division of the Grand Army of the Republic. Consisting of highly-trained clone troopers, one of the 501st most highly trained clone troopers were known to be in Torrent Company they were seen in several engagements against the CIS throughout the war, including the Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Teth.The 501st served under the command of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. With Clone Captain -7567 Captain Rex, after order 66 the new Commander was Appo. The Galactic Marines were a prominent military unit of clone troopers noted for their unique armor and relentlessness in combat. The Marines served in the Grand Army of the Republic under the leadership of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Commander 1138 Bacara. The Galactic Marines had a very elite squad known as Keller squad they served under Jedi General Kai Hudorra and the leader being Keller. The 41st Elite Corps, simply known as the Elite Corps, was a military division of the Grand Army of the Republic. The main division, which consisted of sub-units such as Green Company, was composed of clone soldiers under the leadership of Clone Commander 1004 Gree, who served under Jedi General Luminara Unduli. The 104th Battalion, also known as the Wolfpack Battalion, was a clone trooper military unit of the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the Clone Wars, the 104th served under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon. The clone squad Wolf-pack led by CC-3636 Wolffe and consisted of members such as Boost, Comet, Sinker, Warthog, Tracer, Dash 44, and Dash 29. They could be easily distinguished by the maroon markings on their standard clone trooper armor. After the destruction of the Malevolence, clone troopers belonging to Wolfpack bore distinct dark blue markings on their armor, and the symbol was designed to honor their fallen comrades. The 327th Star Corps was a military division of the Grand Army of the Republic, composed of clone soldiers bred to fight for the Galactic Republic. Led by Jedi General Aayla Secura and Commander, CC-5052 Bly. The 327th also had an elite company called K Company It was sorted under Hawkbat Battalion out of the 327th Star Corps, and was under the command of Captain CT-65/91-6210 Deviss during the Battle of Geonosis. In the battle, Hawkbat Battalion was almost completely wiped out Deviss, however, survived and was promoted to commander for his bravery. Commander Deviss later commanded the K Company during the Battle of Orto. Dooms Unit was the nickname of a Clone Commander named Doom they who served under Jedi Generals Tiplee and her sister Tiplar. They were an advanced unit consisting of blast shields of their own variation. A majority of the clone troopers had Z-6 rotary blaster cannons. Clone shock troopers also referred to as shock troopers or guardsmen were the clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard. Secretly bred apart from the other clones, they acted as security police for Coruscant, the capital world of the Republic, and also as bodyguards for Republic representatives. Some of them were trained specifically for riot control and served as urban peacekeepers. The Shock troopers were lead by CC-1010 Fox. Some other members included Stone, Hound, Jek, Rys, Thire, and Thorn. And Null squad Numbering only twelve, the Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos were the first clone of Jango Fett and the prototypes for the Grand Army of the Republic. They were deemed a failure by the Kaminoans and were not put into mass-production. Most Nulls were named after Mandalorian warriors They refused to follow orders, and were thus deemed unacceptable. The Kaminoans originally intended to recondition or terminate the defective units, but they were saved from destruction by Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian training sergeant hired by Jango Fett to train clone commandos. Kal volunteered to train them as "black ops" commandos, named them, and taught them their Mandalorian heritage. the Nulls' unique skills compared to the rest of their brethren was undeniable, and thus they and Kal Skirata were reluctantly tolerated in the Grand Army if only to ensure their cooperation during the war. Members include N-5 Prudii, Lieutenant N-6 Kom'rk, Lieutenant N-7 Mereel, Lieutenant N-10 Jaing, Lieutenant N-11 Ordo, Captain and N-12 A'den, Sergeant.  The Republic Navy was the naval branch of the  Grand Army of the Republic  With a fleet of warships at its disposal, the Navy supported the Republic war effort by ferrying clone troopers across the galaxy as well as engaging in ship-to-ship combat with the Separatist Navy.


• On weekday I’m on 5PM-12AM [EST]

• On weekends I’m available all day

• If I’m not in game I will always be on TS if I’m needed

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

I was the servers first Marshal Commander, then I decided to leave to join Odysseys server to try something new. I then came back and became a CMD for RANCOR (Havoc) for a month or two.And I'm a knight in the Jedi order. Now I came back and became the Marshal Commander again and I haven't disappointed. I also got up to veteran Admin

Can you explain your permissions as Chancellor Palpatine?

May Promote any person for any reason, to the rank of Commander or Commodore for any VALID reason. - I'm only allowed to promote to the rank of Commander in the Grand Army and in the Republic Naval I'm only allowed to promote up to Commodore all of these promotions must be with a valid reason and shouldn't be because of favoritism.

May Demote any person for any reason, below and including the rank of Senior Commanders or Vice Admiral for any VALID reason. - I'm allowed to demote anyone below the rank of Senior Commander, not the Marshal or Admiral because they might be the next in line, but I must get a directors permission if I am planning on doing so. And I can demote anyone in Naval that is the Vice Admiral or below.

Can host meetings or mandatory training within for any clone or any naval whenever necessary. - I'm allowed to host any meetings or training that might be necessary for any clone or Naval.

May make the final decision on Commander Reports, however, the action may be overturned by a Director. May also overturn the decision made by the Marshal Commander if need be. - Yes, I understand that I have the final say on any commander report unless a Director tells me otherwise. And that I can overturn the decision made by the Marshal Commander if needed.

May attend all Commander interviews as a spectator and will hold one vote towards the final decision.- I understand that I will partake in all BCMD interviews and I will only have 1 vote

May attend Grand Master and Admiral interviews as a spectator and will hold one vote towards the final decision. - I understand that I will partake in all Grand Master interviews and Admirals interviews and have only 1 vote.

May host Debrief or a Mandatory or Optional Promotion Ceremony. But only in the absence of any Naval or higher ranking Clone Official. - I understand that I can host Debriefs, Mandatory or Optional Promotion Ceremonies if in the absence of any Naval or higher ranking Clone Official.

If a Commander report is filed against you, that person cannot be demoted or otherwise punished for creating the report. Taking action against individuals over reports will result in punishment. - Yes, I understand that I shouldn't be upset if someone puts a report on me on the forums.

Must hold an up to date record of the battalion standings and the roster of the battalions and Fleet underneath them. Such as statistics on Battalion numbers, recruitment numbers, trainings, etc. - Yes I understand that I must hold an up to date record of the battalion standings and the roster of the battalions and Fleet underneath me.

Can host High Command meetings whenever necessary. - Yes, I understand that I can hold High Command meetings whenever necessary.

Has full authority over naval as well as clones and their battalions. Yes I understand that I have full authority over naval as well as clones and their battalions

Has full authority of the members of the Galactic Senate and how they are chosen as well as how they act. - Yes, I understand that I have full authority of the members of the Galactic Senate and how they are chosen as well as how they act.

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?

The role of the Chancellor is to ensure that all of Clone High command and Naval are excelling in their jobs. I also think that the role of the Chancellor is about the how much RP comes with it I will be glad to promote Roleplay within all battalions naval and Jedi it’s about the responsibilities I would love to hear issues out and help. Help make docs help with server issues and will answer any questions that people might have with the server.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a working microphone

Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?:

I want to make sure that not only the battalions that are under me are doing what they're supposed to be doing at all times, I would also like to see the Marshal Commander, Senior Commanders, and Regimental Commanders and all of them doing something. If they don’t do what is expected of them when they’re not ready to be in a position such as the Regimental Commander or Senior Commander they will learn their mistakes and what they’ve done wrong improve to be better next time and strive for better. And making sure that all the battalions are doing there specific training for all other troops. For example if a Senior commander can't be active,do training's with their battalions, be able to oversee all battalions and the regimental commanders of those sectors, and to see if they are responsible and a leader with integrity then this person will not be able to be in a high rank such as a senior commander and I would deem myself to have done a good job. This also applies for regimental commanders and commanders of other battalions they need to be able to know what will benefit their battalion and what will help other battalions that they will help to do this accordingly this means doing training helping each other out and getting those into high positions that really deserve it the most. Not only should you communicate or participate with your battalions you should also know how to take charge when the time is needed. In such situations such as when the ship gets attacked or the ship goes down you should know the basic concepts of being able to adapt to situations such as when the Admiral gets taken captive you should be able to know what to do exercising initiative will really help you in situations like this. Battalions should also be able to keep in mind that you have a whole Army to lead to if you're not able to do this then you won't be able to be a good leader and I want all commanders to be successful in their battalions. For Naval I want them to be at their peak and be the Naval that can get a lot of things done and to be able to be doing the utmost amount of RP that they can possibly do.

How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?:

I want to make sure that not only the battalions that are under me are doing what they're supposed to be doing at all times, I would also like to see Regimental Commanders and all of the Senior Commanders doing something. If they don’t do what is expected of them when they’re not ready to be in a position such as the Regimental Commander or Senior Commander they will learn their mistakes and what they’ve done wrong improve to be better next time and strive for better. And making sure that all the battalions are doing there specific training for all other troops. For example if a Senior commander can't be active,do training's with their battalions, be able to oversee all battalions and the regimental commanders of those sectors, and to see if they are responsible and a leader with integrity then this person will not be able to be in a high rank such as a senior commander and I would deem myself to have done a good job. This also applies for regimental commanders and commanders of other battalions they need to be able to know what will benefit their battalion and what will help other battalions that they will help to do this accordingly this means doing training helping each other out and getting those into high positions that really deserve it the most. Not only should you communicate or participate with your battalions you should also know how to take charge when the time is needed. In such situations such as when the ship gets attacked or the ship goes down you should know the basic concepts of being able to adapt to situations such as when the Admiral gets taken captive you should be able to know what to do exercising initiative will really help you in situations like this. Battalions should also be able to keep in mind that you have a whole Army to lead to if you're not able to do this then you won't be able to be a good leader and I want all commanders to be successful in their battalions.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I understand that if I go inactive I will be removed from my position.

Do you understand that your position has a two-month term and you may only serve two terms maximum?

Yes, I understand that my position has a two-month term and I may only serve two terms maximum


  • Agree 2
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Massive +1 This man has shown amazing leadership in his time as Mashal Commander (again) and he has lived up to the expectations. I can see no other person more fit for the role that can apply than you, and you could be the best to fill Max's inactive  feet. You got this Core, make the boys proud.

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  • Coordinator


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My finger hurts from scrolling down so much..... GOD DAMMIT! This was a huge wall of text!

If this isn't accepted, @Jackson you're getting reported! :^)


I've had many good experiences with Core as someone above me in High Command while I'm a BCMD that needs High Command to help me sometimes and Core would be the perfect man for this mission of leading the High Command.

This is OBVIOUSLY a +1 go get it, dad @Core !

-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba.

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Already stated above. Core you know we (synergy) expect more out of our senior leadership and those that hold those positions. I have no doubt in my mind you will uphold these ideals as you already have been keeping.

Keep up the activity and do not let Synergy down. (Assuming you get this role).


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+1 I don't want to see anyone else besides core in the position, this man has worked harder than 97% of people on the server and still does. I have known Core since he got regimental on Icefuse, He was my regimental when I way Neyo and we bonded. I later went for REG when Core got senior. Me and Core have bonded in a way that not many will understand, I consider Core one of my closest friends and I put my full trust in him to fulfill the role of Palpatine.

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  • Retired Founder

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