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Joyboy's Rex Application


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Steam Name: Joyboy

RP Name: Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker

RP Rank: CMD

Steam ID: 76561198799744459

Battalion you are applying for: 501st BCMD Rex


212th Attack Battalion: PVT-SGM

 I chose to join the 212th when I originally joined the server around a year ago. I had never played before, and I had a lot to learn about how the server operated. I discovered a lot about leadership as I moved closer to the Officer core. It was my first time trying out for a subunit, so when I joined the 2nd Airborne Company, it was rather intimidating. Sadly, a hurricane that occurred while I was in the battalion completely destroyed my PC, forcing me to leave the server against my will.

501st Legion: PVT-CMD

 Since I had some prior server experience, when I returned, I had a set of very specific goals in mind. After approximately a week in the battalion, I succeeded in my quest to take on the identity of Kix, my favorite clone from the program. I put a lot of effort into getting the 501st back on its feet while I was a Sergeant, and as a result, I was named Trooper of the Month for the month of June. Soon after, I joined the Torrent Company as TCO and worked to increase the number of TC members. I then partnered with Zeros to improve the TC tryout, and it was through this work that I was given the chance to become TCC Appo. My main objective with Appo was to keep TC running smoothly and to ensure that roleplayers were portraying the character accurately. Being the TCO and TCC taught me a lot, and managing a subunit was a tremendous learning experience. After receiving Commander, I made the decision to leave Appo and TC in order to make room for a new person and give them time to gain experience.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
Becoming a Battalion Commander is a big step during someone’s time on Synergy and it is important to ensure that the right person is selected for the job. My heart is in this Battalion, it’s my newfound home and I want to see us succeed. I think that currently I am the best candidate in the Battalion to take up the mantle. I have been here for both Zeros’ and Rohan’s terms and have seen what they have done, that has worked, and things that I would do differently, which I will elaborate on further in a later section of this app. I have also worked closely with Rohan during his term and plan to keep moving forward with a lot of the plans that he has been putting into motion, but of course I have my own plans that I want to put into place.


24/7 on Discord and I’m usually in game starting at 2pm EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Around 7 months and I’m at 1268 hours currently.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

I think this time around the Battalion is in a much worse position, our overall activity has significantly dropped. Some of this is due to school starting back up but some of this is just an overall lack of interest in the battalion recently. There are some decent ways to counter this that I have been talking about with the Command Team and we have started to implement. Overall, the biggest goal is to start doing trainings as a Battalion during the downtime between events, with the goal of promoting more activity. I also want to bring in requirements for getting promoted starting from SGT and going up until MAJ. At the point of MAJ, you will no longer have requirements, but you will still be expected to continue doing work within the battalion to not only remain at the rank of MAJ but to be considered for the rank of Commander. I will touch more on this point in the respective sections although not everything has been hammered out perfectly just yet.


  Torrent Company: 

Right now, Torrent Company is in a rough spot. They’ve lost a lot of members but are currently working to refill them. There have been a good number of applications coming in recently, all we need to do is host the tryouts for them. I also know the current Appo has been doing interviews to get his last TCO spot filled to help run the subunit and host tryouts when he isn’t available. I don’t see myself really changing much with the way that TC operates, the tryout is nearly perfect in my eyes. The only thing tryout wise that I am considering changing is potentially the lore questions. Outside of the tryout, the only thing I want to start promoting within TC is them working more closely as a unit, and making sure that they are the pinnacle of professionalism in the battalion. I also know that this will be an easier thing for them to achieve once they get some of their spots refilled.

332nd Company: 

Right now, we have 332nd closed while we wait for the suggestion on the forums to be approved or denied. I think my biggest goals in this area are to work with the current Vaughn on plans for what we want out of the subunit if the suggestion gets approved, since if it does get approved, we are going to have to change the tryout. It’s also important to have a backup plan if the suggestion doesn’t go through, because I don’t think that the old way, we had 332nd operating was the best that it could have been. So, I will also be working with Vaughn on a contingency plan for if the suggestion does not go through. We have recently taken the lore names away from the subunit in preparation for the potential suggestion to be approved, my plan regardless of the status of the suggestion is to bring select Lore Names back but make them optional to take up. This way if you want to keep your character name you can but if you want to take up a Lore Name then that option is also available.

Officer Core: 

Currently our Officer team is in a weak spot, but we have some good candidates ready to step up and join the Officer Team. A lot of these people are stepping up into new positions within their regiments and have been starting to be able to show their mettle within the battalion, which makes me very proud. I personally like the fact that we changed to only doing one Warrant Officer at a time, it makes it much easier to track their progress as an Officer, instead of there being two and one person carrying both. This allows us to make sure that we are getting good Officers into the team. I hate quotas, but I think the Officer Team could use some requirements that they have to meet to be eligible for promotion. There’s no incentive for the Officer Team to be doing anything if you aren’t REGL, Appo, or Vaughn. I think having defined goals for the Officer Core to reach to get promoted would be beneficial since it more clearly defines the kind of work that we expect out of each of the ranks. I think that implementing this will also provide some diversity within the different Officer ranks.

NCO Core: 

The NCO Core is where I want to bring in a lot of changes. Right now, we’re really promoting based off activity which is fine but we’re quickly building up to becoming a SGM battalion again and with only one WO spot at a time progression will come to a halt at SGM which is never fun. I mentioned in the Officer Section that I hate quotas, but I also personally don’t like the merit system either. This aside, we need something in place to not only promote activity in the battalion, but also give people a reason to do work within the battalion. I want to bring in certain requirements that someone must achieve to be eligible for promotion, an example would be to go from SGT to SFC you would need to partake in 2 Events, Lead 1 Event, and train someone in EOD. That example isn’t my set in stone plan for what they would be, I would sit down with the Senior Officer Team and work together to make concrete requirements. I also know that none of the requirements will involve sub-units or even regiments, while getting people into these things would be nice, I never want to end up forcing someone to take a certain route on a RP server, if they want to remain a basic trooper then let them remain a basic trooper.


We finally have both of our Lore Jedi spots filled, which is such a blessing to see. While sadly if I receive this position I will have to step away from one of those spots, there is somebody who is ready to take up the mantle and I know that they will do great work with the role. We have already brought two new members into the battalion under our Jedi Program and I hope to see more join in the future. The only goal I have Jedi wise, is making sure that our lore Jedi spots are filled with good candidates who are active. The only thing I could see myself doing in this area is working with the next Anakin to potentially revamp the Jedi Tryout and make sure that we are using the Jedi specific tryout when bringing in new Jedi. I also just want to promote our Battalion Jedi to RP with us, Jedi are an RP heavy faction and if we aren’t providing them with situations to RP then why would they want to join us.

Player Retention: 

This is an area that the battalion is struggling heavily with right now, I think with some of the plans that I mentioned earlier the battalion can improve in this area. Not only will hosting trainings with the battalion help this improve but with people having goals to work towards to progress within the battalion it will help promote them to staying on or in some cases simply getting on more frequently.   


Recently, we have been doing extremely well with our roleplay in my eyes. I have made sure that when I am on Anakin that I am interacting with not only my battalion but working with other battalions. We do a lot of in games comms RP recently, instead of communicating everything over TS. It’s a small thing that keeps people engaged with the game, and just makes everything more entertaining. My only goals in this area are to continue promoting RP within the battalion whether that be doing small passive stuff during downtime or being the example of good RP during events and deployments.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I understand

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I understand


Edited by Joyboy
Slight positioning issue, that was bugging me.
  • Winner 1
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My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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Easy +1, But -1 on the fact he's a truck goblin in Phasmo <3

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Current: Dumbass

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL CPT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi x2, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2, Alpha-74 SGT Stec

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+1. I have full faith in you this time around.                         

19 minutes ago, Kortnul said:

Easy +1, But -1 on the fact he's a truck goblin in Phasmo <3

if you get it this time i get to pay for your guys next phasmo games.

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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1 hour ago, Bleach said:

This is Shrouds Alt Account btw

Should've known.


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Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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+1 didnt have to even read it im just trusting because hes a cool dude

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Head Admin

+1 full support from your battalion = no brainer support from anyone else 


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       Zeros          Clutch



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Fr though, this is THE MAN for the job! I LOVE working with Joyboy, he is a great Commander and the amount of work he does in 501st is crazy! More life and best of luck bro!

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Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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Veteran Admin

+1 for the back to back 2 time Rex app champion

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+1 Does great work, he will be fantastic.

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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+1 @Malore

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                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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