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Gears' Mas Amedda Application.


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Steam Name

RP Name 
Senior Senator Gume Saam

RP Rank
Senior Senator

Steam ID 


212th Attack Battalion - PVT to LTC

212th Battalion was my first battalion and my only battalion, In the battalion i became their Regimental Lead, I then left to focus on Jedi

In Chronological Order

Sentinel Gatekeeper
Jocasta Nu
Military Advisor Shaak Ti
Grand Master Yoda (2 Terms)
ACE Lead
Anakin Skywalker

In the Jedi Order I got promoted to Master through my work within the Sentinel Branch. My Next big position was Shaak Ti which was 3rd in Command for Jedi. I then got the position of Yoda I did for 2 terms.

Longest TRO on the server (14 Months)
Head Admin for 8 Months
Director of Clone Wars for 10 Months
Community Management for a brief moment.

Staff is where the majority of my dedication went. I had the privilege of being within the Servers High Staff for 1 and a Half years. I've seen 7 Directors above me and worked with 3 Director Partners. I've been involved in Key moments, including but not limited to, Blacklist Changes, Removal of TR and integration of GM Team, Regimental Changes and worked closely with High Command all the way while assigning 2 Palpatines.

Galactic Senate
Senator Gume Saam
Chief Military Advisor
Senior Senator

My current venture on this server. I'm currently Senator Gume Saam and have been dedicated to this position ever since coming back to the server.

Why should you become Mas Amedda?:

I personally believe I am the best choice for this position. I have been involved with every change made to the Senate and was the architect behind the majority of them. I am by far the most active Senator at this time and my presence within the community has been large. Down below I will list my plans for the Senate

Increasing The Activity of the Senate

Currently Senators are required to be on the job for 3 hours a week. For me this is too little, you don't see enough of every senator and they are almost like ghosts. I wish to work on doubling this, initially going up an hour every 1 or 2 weeks. After the 6 Hours requirement is in place, I will look further into it to see if this increases the presence of Senators. To achieve this I will be giving more reason for Senators to get on, give them tasks, if it's RP on the server or interacting within Teamspeak and working on the committee work. Senators should actively be looking for RP Scenarios and create their own.

Defining The Role of the Committees

We currently work and operate in 3 Committees, Military Oversight, Loyalist and Ethics. I want to better define these in the Senate, go more public with them and give them an impactful purpose on the server. 
The Military Oversight should be committed to getting right into the middle of battling, giving Comms RP and giving battle reports. They should be inspecting equipment and weaponry. Additionally they should use any opportunity to create sims or training if they have the ability to do so.
The Loyalist Committee should be looking into people who seem to be “traitorous”. They should be ordering questioning of clones, recruit confidants within Battalions and assess the risk factor on base. This role should be very RP Focused with questioning people's loyalty, People should be careful when around them else they may be questioned next.
The Ethics committee should have oversight over interrogations and treatment of clones. They should be able to step in on scenarios that may violate the rights of a civilian or even a clone, this includes stopping an interrogation if things go too far. They should evaluate the living conditions of the Grand Army, gathering the opinions of clones and how they are treated,+ this makes a great opportunity to RP with higher members.

Each Committee will have its tools to achieve these ideas, they should be encouraged to use them while in these committees, eventually some will become a requirement, to give more importance to a Senator.

Senate Guard and Commandos

The Senate is still committed to making the Senate Guard/Commando an important section of the Senate Faction. If I get this position, recruitment will increase, for the time being Senators will be required to host at least 1 Tryout for Guard, this will hopefully make 6-8 Tryouts a week, spanning all week and different hours. The Server pop isn't the greatest at the moment, but players should get across that this position can be part time and doesn't take up any slot.
Leadership will be evaluated to bring in new blood, Currently Leadership shows next to no presence and more needs to be done. 
Upon getting members of the Guard we will move into making Commandos a fully fledged part of the core, giving them more important duties rather than just Guarding the Senators, have them scout out areas for the senators arrival and dealing with aggressive clones and detaining with assistance of CG.
I'd like to have Senate Guards to be Medical Trained as a requirement and potentially have commandos be trained in Tech or EOD for the most extreme scenarios they encounter.

Lastly, I'd like the Core to be more involved with training and also joint training with the battalions. We have done this in the past with great success and I want Leadership to actively look out for it. This will give more reason for Senate Guards to stay on, overall increasing activity. 

Republic News and Media

The Republic News Channel is currently in a limited amount of discords, I'd like to get this in the majority of discords willing to link it up. I want Senators to try to submit 1 post a week each, I want to remove the current restrictions on it and just have them posting whatever they feel appropriate. They should show what's going on the server, when it comes to events and just passive RP, this could benefit the server as a whole as it could encourage people to get on.

I currently do a Republic Newspaper, I have 3 issues of them published. I will continue to do this but hopefully have Senators submit their own articles. This newspaper will show in RP when a Commander Position is filled, Events that happen in game and also what the Senate is planning on doing next. I want this to be Bi-weekly and it be a way to get the current ongoing of the server.

Encouraging Interactivity and Increasing Presence

Along with Increasing Activity and giving more roles to Senators, I want them to be jumping around Teamspeak on a regular basis. They should be looking for people to interact on the server and Teamspeak and establishing relations. Of Course permissions will be needed and rules must be followed, in no way should a Senator come in unwelcome.

Crime and Punishment

This is currently something people are not too aware about. But Senators can create Court Trials for individuals. I want this to be more known. The Document for it will be recreated and not cause a bore for all participants. This process needs to be agreed upon by both parties, they shouldn't be forced into this. 
Effectively I want there to be a consequence for blatant war crimes or suspicious actions. I want this to be a tool that brings the server together and RP. 

Being Professional and Earning Respect

I want the Senate to be regarded higher on people's totem pole. I think they could potentially be addressed better by clones. At this moment Senators are consistently disrespected, made fun of and perceived as a joke, it's often you see an enlisted clone disrespecting a Senator. I want to talk to Battalions and Factions High Command about how people address a Senator, after all they are important in terms of lore. This isn't going to be perfect, but it should at least reduce the issues Senators encounter on daily basis
This is the same with Senate Guard, Their authority isn't always noticed and sometimes they are pushed out of RP scenarios.

We cannot expect this without something in return, mingeness of Senators will slowly be pulled back, we can do a few jokes but I believe it's time we put our heads down and create better RP for all. I will have no tolerance for rule breaking and Senators causing issues.

Transparency and Communication

With me being in control of the Senate, I will advertise the Public Discord a numerous amount of times and have people know that it exists. I will be posting weekly updates on what the Senate is doing and what they are progressing with, any suggestion will be known. If something happens in the Senate, The public will know. There are obviously exceptions but overall communication will increase more than ever.

Keeping firm contact with High Command

Mas Amedda should still be able to get in contact with High Command, His importance on the server should not be hindered despite his unfortunate demotion. If a line of contact breaks down then many future changes of the Senate would be blocked, I will continue to have regular chats with High Command Members and keep my presence alive. In no way should HIgh Command brush the Senate aside and I will be at the forefront to prevent that.

Raising the morale of the Senate

It's unfortunate to say but currently the Senate's morale has been hurt by decisions out of our control. The Senate needs a leader that's going to look at this and make good of it. If it's doom and gloom at the top then it's going to be that going downwards. I'm positive the Senate can be in a good position and I want to ensure the senators are in safe hands and hopefully raise this morale. The majority of the members are passionate about the senate and it's great to see.

Cleaning Up

Small thing but it's good to mention. Docs, Spreadsheet and Discord need some love and care. There are a lot of unused resources and way too many documents, stuff just needs to be all in 1 place.

Do you understand the lore of the Galactic senate?



Availability: 2-8PM EST 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

My Experience Above explains this already

What do you feel the role of the Mas Amedda is?:

Mas Amedda leads a faction that should provide a High quality of RP. It is Mas Ameddas job to have the Senators provide Passive RP and interact with the community. He is to ensure that the right people are in the position and that activity is being met. He and the Senate provide a unique perspective on the server and should continue to do this.

Do you have a microphone?:


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


How do you plan to improve relations between the senators and the server?:

Senate and The Clones

As written above, with the tools given to the committees, Senators will be actively working with Clones and Senate Guard/Commandos will be looking to do joint training. I want to stay in contact with Regimental Commanders and also have a chat with most Battalion Commanders on what I'm changing and how it might affect them. This goes along with me previously talking about Senators gaining respect and having this line of contact will help the Senate.

I also want to have the Coruscant Guard more involved with the Senate, more importantly their Diplomatic Services.

Senate and The Jedi

Currently we have a Jedi Diplomat within our ranks. Additionally I want Senators to do diplomatic missions to the temple. Outside of RP I want to see if there are more opportunities for us to work with the Jedi, however it is always important to create that line of contact.

Senate and The Naval

Currently the Senate and the RSB should be able to do things. There hasn't really been much done with the Naval recently. I want to work with Navals High Command and rework what we can do together, have a better look at RSB and look for more opportunities for RP together.

Senate and The Bounty Hunter Guild

I want to explore ways for the Guild and Senate to do more RP Scenarios. Previously I've attempted a humanitarian mission and I have engaged in a contract with “Smith Security” (which is secretly the CCS). I want to look at how Senates can contract and what we can do together. I would be getting in contact with Guild LTs and the Guild Lead and see what we can do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term?


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1, cant wait for this new BCMD

Edited by ThorpyVEVO
  • Funny 1

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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Interesting app. Can’t wait to see how it will play out on the server. +1

  • Friendly 1


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+1 good ideas for Senate being more of a presence as well as a more interactive one. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Forum Admin

Regimental equivalent or not, you are an incredibly valuable asset to the senate. I hope you do well.


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Gears has been doing an astounding job as Senator. He as active, persistent, and has a true and genuine love for the position he is in. He brings Senate to a new level as just a Senior Senator, and I believe he will do FANTASTIC for the Senate as Mas Ameda.

I know his past is questionable, or has questionable moments, but since he's returned I believe entirely that he has changed. He is mature, friendly, and an icon on the server, even being a generally unknown Senator. I believe even if you had problems with him long ago, he is worthy of another shot, especially with how well he's proven himself with Senate this far.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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  • Management

+1 I’ve had some pretty rocky interactions with you in the past and I won’t lie if this was still equal to RCMD I’d be a lot more hesitant in supporting you however you do have a really well written application and you’ve been fairly active lately. I think at the least you deserve a shot so good luck. Hopefully everything you try to do doesn’t get shot down like it has been lately!

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i am literally captain tukk

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Head Admin

+1, good luck!

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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4 hours ago, Whataburger said:

I am not going to support putting this guy into any sort of high command.

There will be probably lots of paragraphs from @Comics about this guy, and I am just not going to support this in any way.

he's not going to be HC and also could you please give reasons for this? it sort of sounds as if you don't like him personally and before I vote I'd like to know what both sides think on the problem


So please could you provide reasons why he shouldn't be in in charge of 7 people? or I guess even be a member of HC (despite mas not being one)?

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 dunno why people think Mas is still RCMD equiv. Guess they don't read announcements 

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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+1 it’s gears how can a man say no 

Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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5 hours ago, Brooklyn said:


I was pretty confident on my vote already but whataburger seemed to have an extremely strong opposition to it so something really bad must be up. But he's not elaborated at all and so I'm just going to assume it's either completely false or pretty baseless


I was extending an olive branch to see what all the fuss was about. Sounds like it's pretty much nothing


+1 you've got an actual future lined up for the senate, which is a nice change for once. I was kind of tired of it being used and abused, wallowing in a vacuum of irrelevance and no shows. You have plans and really extensive ones at that. They also are plans you seem to be willing to fight for till your dying breath which is something I can get behind. In fact this sort of revolutionary rhetoric of proudly pushing ones agenda because he knows best reminds me of a certain someone


plus this means Gume Saam will open again

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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On 6/1/2022 at 8:50 AM, Whataburger said:


I am not going to support putting this guy into any sort of high command.

There will be probably lots of paragraphs from @Comics about this guy, and I am just not going to support this in any way.

This is not a high command position anymore by the way

  • Friendly 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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