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Noodles BCMD Fox Re-Application


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Steam Name: Noodles 


RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox

RP Rank: Battalion Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:178288105

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Coruscant Guard

 How many terms you've held the position?: 1 Full Term

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:  Currently as we speak CG is in a good state and status on the Server and that is by no Mistake. My main Goal coming into my first term as Fox was to almost reform CG into a helping hand on the server. From all the Fox’s this server has seen, My leadership style is different from anyone else that has been in the Famed position as Fox and that is not an accident. I wish to keep the position as BCMD Fox is to build off the success of my first Term and Fix the issues and mistakes that came out of it. Although Mistakes were definitely made, I call my first term a success and I wish to continue the upward trend of CG, as I feel more and more people are liking CG and the way they conduct themselves. I want to be the driving Force for not only the battalion but for the community and I know by being Fox, I can help this community to be a safe and great place to have fun.

Current availability:
Monday Through Friday: 4pm EST - 11pm EST

Saturday and Sunday: Almost all day on and off
I am also easily reachable on discord all day and can get on the server if I am needed

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

Reform in members: From the first day I took the role as BCMD I have stressed to the members of CG to change their way on how they handle issues and how they present themselves on the server. (Although we are not perfect) During my term I definitely saw problems between other members of the community and CG have gone down significantly which was my main goal. I feel the members of CG nowadays are more of a helping hand than the baton happy members in which people thought when I took over the Job as BCMD. To this day we are working on how we conduct ourselves and always trying to better ourselves each and everyday

New Battalion additions: New Intel system (Thank you mercy for your hard work on helping CG), Addition of CG reserve Roster, Massif certifications have become server wide training, and reworked CG tryout and reworked SGT training with the new server standards coming out, more baton training (Hide and Seek)


Overall imagine of the Battalion: Currently as we speak CG is in their best State they have been in a very long time. Out numbers daily during primetime are at least 6-10 members which is a lot for CG if you ask me

Relations with other Battalions and the server: During this term people have gotten less afraid to come talk to CG. I feel that Currently people in command positions are confident in coming to talk to CG when a problem comes or they need a clarification on a rule or an arrest. Although us as CG are not perfect it is still nice to see other people come and talk to us first instead of causing chaos. This to me is one of the most important things I wanted to work on as I feel this was one of the problems coming into my term and I am happy to see an upward trend in CG relations

New Public Document: Even though I cannot take full credit for this Doc. I was part of the group that helped create a “Public Arrest Guideline Document” That has been given out to all Battalions that outlines all arrests and the steps on which CG takes to perform an arrest.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

Battalion training improvements: Training members on their conduct and teaching them how to handle issues (Non RP) in a professional manner.

More CG activity: our numbers during Primetime are great but after that it dies down. I wanna make it more fun during downtime like creating RP scenarios (Yes I know Bean me in the comments)

Taking away CG Posts on Base: Now before you ask “I am not taking them fully away” They are needed in times as CG calls a “Minge Con” but I want to take them away so CG has more freedom during down time. Allowing them to patrol more, interact with people and create RP scenarios such as (Drug searches, Bunk searches). This will stop all of the CG just sitting there which makes CG “Boring” to be in because other than events we stand around.

Events: Something in the middle part and towards the end of the term I have noticed events in CG kind of lack towards the downside, even with CG being part of the blame. I wanna work on this next term with the GM team on getting some amazing CG events. CG lore is very in depth and cool in some of the things we get to do in the Clone Wars series that recreating them will have the CG members really engaged. Events like “Thorn Death’” or “The Escape of Ashoka” are ones I know CG members have expressed on doing. This will be my main focus on term two.

Relationship with Naval: Now that Naval is going in a great trend I feel it's a great time to create that bond back with Naval, with Freck being Admiral and knowing how relations used to be. I wanna try and gain some of it back as this will help CG have a clear focus during Main server events and will enable us to be more useful to base command. Unfortunately the “CG to operations” Looks like something that will not be a thing in the near future. This is a great way for CG to still work with Naval more.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I understand

As always feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I am more than happy to talk to you. +1 or -1 I still love and respect each and every person that takes even a second to read my Re-app.

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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+1 Absolute worst BCMD I have been under! He has turned CG into a cesspool of baton happy, authoritarian, slimy, 1984 tyrants! And I know for a fact with proof that he is planning a coup d’état on the staff team! If we don’t stop him now he’ll make a move and try to gain control of the entire Synergy community!

But for real, Noodles has made big changes in CG that definitely improve the battalion. I’ve seen many Foxs during my time in CG but Noodles is up on my list of good BCMDs. I definitely think that the stuff that he is doing is a great thing for the battalion and helping get the stick, that has been lodged in there for way to long, out of CGs ass. I’m excited to see what he does during his second term and hope that he gets the position. 


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Professional Minge

Leader of the Sneedsters

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Every time someone's BCMD application mentions events or the GM team, the BCMD just says something like "I will talk to the GM team about x"- Please actually do that if you do get accepted to re-app! Keep in mind, we are all human and can not read battalions' thoughts. 

That being said, I used to have a lot more issues with CG than I have during your term, and I think that's a very good sign. Hopefully that trend can continue with you as BCMD.


  • Friendly 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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1 minute ago, Mavelle said:


Every time someone's BCMD application mentions events or the GM team, the BCMD just says something like "I will talk to the GM team about x"- Please actually do that if you do get accepted to re-app! Keep in mind, we are all human and can not read battalions' thoughts. 



Of course man! I’ve already have talked to a few about it but I plan on really talking a lot more with the GM team!

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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  • Management
1 hour ago, ToxicSword51 said:

Absolute worst BCMD I have been under! He has turned CG into a cesspool of baton happy, authoritarian, slimy, 1984 tyrants! And I know for a fact with proof that he is planning a coup d’état on the staff team! If we don’t stop him now he’ll make a move and try to gain control of the entire Synergy community!

Classic Synergy moment right here


  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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6 hours ago, Mavelle said:

That being said, I used to have a lot more issues with CG than I have during your term, and I think that's a very good sign. Hopefully that trend can continue with you as BCMD.


I think Mavelle's response swayed mine here. I think you've done a great job so far with everything that was listed here.

  • Friendly 2

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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  • Founder

+1 :)

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I haven't been around to see the previous holders of the position, but I don't think I could come up with anyone more fit for the position. Ever since I joined the CG I have felt welcomed there and it seem to me that most of the other battalions are easy to get along with and happy to involve the CG in a scenario if it makes sense.

I am excited to see the battalion grow even more under his care.


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Great guy, and so fun to play with. This CG is a stable and active CG who I have no problems with. The battalion is doing good under you, and I hope you keep this and keep CG thriving my guy. 

Edited by MasonA
English motherfucker do you speak it?
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Discord: Mason#2710

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+1. From what I have seen, CG is more active than it has been in a long time. The members seem kinder and more willing to interact with the rest of the server than they used to. You’ve also seemed to curb a lot of the toxicity that was present in your battalion before you got in. Huge dubs!

  • Friendly 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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+1 doing a great job from what I have seen and great to work with.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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