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More maps! For variety!


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Name: Mavelle

RP Rank: WO

Suggestion: I suggest we add another map to the Event Server! (It's a REALLY GOOD fuckin' map.)

Implementation: Shouldn't be too difficult, but I don't know the exact process of adding a workshop map to the ES. There's 3 imperial-era vehicles on the map, but I tested it and you CAN remove them. Boom. Immersion.

Lore: Endor was a real moon in Star Wars!

Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568835546
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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We had this map a while ago. Curious why it was removed if anyone has a reason or if its just one of the ones that got lost along the years.

+1 unless someone drops the "its the worst map ever because x" bomb, but i remember we used this as our main map for like half a day when switching between two venators because our old one got shot down in RP, seemed pretty alright performance wise then.


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I've had issues with crashing on this guys maps.
But I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out. Just make sure you have a backup event planned until we have it fully tested

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Forum Admin

If I remember correctly this map is pretty poorly optimized and crashed quite a bit. If it was updated and optimized then sure but idk if it has been. +1 for now though

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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-1 if i remember correctly this map was 1. barely used and 2. had areas where it would crash your game for some reason and from the looks of it and it sitll does cause i looked in a certain direction in single player and it almost crashed my game, i tried to see if it was just the one time, but i reloaded the map after and it still does it so ye

  • Informative 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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2 hours ago, Wren said:

-1 Its not even Republic Era, and apparently it crashes a lot

Thank you for the feedback, and I didn't know it crashed a lot of people, that is a huge downside :(.


However, I would ask that for future maps take into account what is and what isn't Republic Era; the things that are strictly Imperial Era on the map are props that you can remove extremely easily; it isn't like Ewoks didn't exist before the Empire, and the moon had been there for millions of years.


I didn't know about the crashing thing though, but thank y'all for tellin' me. Might void the suggestion because we would not want to be crashing a lot of people

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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+1 if crashing is fixed

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

We removed this map from the selection because it was barely used due to its optimization issues, there’d be no sense in adding it back at this time.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.



Denial reasons:
(These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

  • Not providing sufficient information.
    Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
  • The addon's size is way too big compared to its content(s).
    Ex: 35MB for one model.
  • Majority negative feedback.
  • Bad optimization and/or causes bad performance on the server.
  • Having multiple suggestions within one thread.
  • Bothering leadership/development team regarding a suggestion.
  • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.




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