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Bud's Commander Rex App


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Steam Name: synr.gg|Bud

RP Name: 332nd CT-0292 CMD “Vaughn”

RP Rank: CMD

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:76009170

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Commander Rex

104th when i joined the server i started out as a PVT and worked my way to SGT i learned the basics of being a NCO and my journey to clone

Rancor: Rancor i joined after 104th because of at the time 104th was not doing so well and i felt that i need change i started as a PVT worked up to 2ndLT and became MEDL under sixta and pranzer back then i tried getting the med branch more people but i could not really figure it out because i saw issues i had with how it was setup in the battalion and i could not fix that because it was at a battalion level my time their taught me how to be a officer and learn to be a ARC trooper and understand what is necessary to succeed

187th when i joined it i worked under sugga and dreams and had a lot of fun and worked up to captain and i worked on getting Parj at the time up to a point where people were coming in and having fun then later on when the merger happend i transfer along with all my fellow purple pride world wide brothers to the 501st

501st: the first time i joined i started it off as a CPT from getting a one to one rank transfer at the time because of the management and directors i worked to get ARC to a place where it need to be and got jesse when he was property of TC and i got up to LTC and worked on getting the officer core and enlisted engaged in recruitment and focused on trainings whenever i could i also worked to make a good relationship with the people under me so that they may come to me and not feel afraid and have their voice heard so change can happen

501st 2nd time: this time i started off as a SGT as i am legacy and worked all the way up to CMD where i became the first ever 332nd jesse and became the third ever vaughn on the server i worked alongside phaser getting 332nd to where it need to be and focused on talking to my guys and letting them know what i expect and where things stand

Jedi: i started off as a youngling just like everyone else have gotten to KA and have been a TGM and learned the ropes behind managing a branch within the order i have recently became a lore character for the first time as Iri Camas in delta squad and i'm currently working with them to help them wherever i can and get to know them and help delta and SOBDE thrive i also have just gotten INVM and i'm learning from that experience as well

Senator: Meena Tills x2 and Padme amidala once being a senator has taught me how to take my RP further and make new experiences for the players and myself it also showed me what it’s like making calls and working with other people who value RP    

                                      Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I Feel that the battalion needs someone to step up and take charge I think the battalion needs someone they can depend on and someone who their not afraid to talk to and ask questions and want to make sure everyone feels their voice matters and I want to take ideas from others and see the battalion prosper as this to me is my home and I care for everyone in it as my brothers and I feel this is my time to take this opportunity to prove to myself and my battalion that I'm ready to take the next step and lead us in a direction where each member of the battalion is proud to where their blue armor and know when their time comes to leave they can say this is my home and that they feel they always have a place to go to

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I completely understand the lore of my battalion the 501st legion is a attack battalion that worked alongside with Jedi general Anakin skywalker and commander Ahsoka tano the 501st has 2 sub units in torrent company and 332nd I could write super in depth about both but we all know we can google it but i feel that's a good base line of my knowledge and understanding of the battalion lore

Availability: my availability ok I'm in college and work so my schedule of availability is this
Monday: 1:00pm and beyond can be on
Tuesday: 7PM and beyond
Wednesday: can be on during morning and until 4PM after 6PM and beyond i can be on
Thursday-saturday i work 36 hrs so will not be on then sunday from probably like 2pm EST i forgot im east cost so all of my times are the servers time zone or whenever I get up from sleeping from my shift at work

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 2626 HRS

Do you have a microphone?: Yes i do

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: at the end of my term i hope to see that the battalion at a point where it basically runs itself and everyone works together and feels proud of what direction the battalion is heading in i hope to see that my successor feels that the groundwork that is here is something they can build on and take to the next level

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: of course

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: of course

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+1 I think he could be a great Rex

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Forum Admin

Very bare app. You do not explain future plans and provide very vague examples at best. Your competitor seems like a much better fit.



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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Known this guys since 187th and always had a passion for the 501st since the Merge. He was an amazing individual to work along side with in the officer core in 187th. I wish you good luck. 

P.S. Your Meena Tills voice sounds like Mr. Halpert from Family Guy

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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-1 I feel that you have too much on your plate already. Trust me it will only drown you more.

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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26 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 I feel that you have too much on your plate already. Trust me it will only drown you more.

If i did get this postion I plan on fully committing to it and it will be what I main

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Overall, your app is less to be desired. But I've always been one to believe that length doesn't matter as long as you have the motivation and work ethic to do what is best for your battalion. In your time with Rancor, you always had a strong work ethic. But I will ask a question before voting.

You currently hold a multitude of positions in all areas including HA. Would you consider stepping down from your positions (not all I will add) for the sake of all your effort going towards 501st?

Edited by Brooklyn
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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 I personally don't think an app should be the determining factor if you -1 or +1 seems kinda ignorant if you just pick on the smallest things ever that in the end won't matter. One thing also that seems to be that people bring up is that he has too many positions, but if im being honest, 501st is in a good place i assume and he won't be having to carry it and he has the help of officers so spliting up that work load will seem to be easy especially since he will have to hand vaughn to someone else if he gets rex and i personally think he can handle that work.

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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5 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

Overall, your app is less to be desired. But I've always been one to believe that length doesn't matter as long as you have the motivation and work ethic to do what is best for your battalion. In your time with Rancor, you always had a strong work ethic. But I will ask a question before voting.

You currently hold a multitude of positions in all areas including HA. Would you consider stepping down from your positions (not all I will add) for the sake of all your effort going towards 501st?

I would to make the 501st successful 

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Veteran Admin

+1 Good Luck. Don't stress yourself with too many positions not worth it. If you are dedicated to go for Rex prepare to drop other stuff. Don't stress yourself too much

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+1 thanks for answering

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 Let me state that Bud you are an amazing person and commander. I can 100% see you as the next Rex, but as of right now you are in so many positions that I feel like adding BCDM to that plate would only make it harder for you. It's honestly hard for me to say this but unless you are going to step down from some of your other positions I would say it's a -1 from me right now. 

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Current: Dumbass

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL CPT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi x2, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2, Alpha-74 SGT Stec

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Apparently I can't put a neutral response, so I am gonna -1 bc of all the things you already deal with and my reason of you not being on during the weekends. I would love to see you as Rex but I feel Jack got XO for a reason to become Rex and he really stepped up while Conrad was gone more than you did from my perspective. Again You would still be a great Rex and I would say you become the next XO if Jack gets it

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In the time on the server I have seen bud a good amount of times, looking at the comments I think its perfectly reasonable to have some days off the game, as long bud is able to delegate work and be a effective in the time he can be a great rex. Overall I +1

Edited by Bacta
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