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Void's BCMD Fox Application


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Steam Name - Echo

RP Name

  • Clone - Commander Thire | Void
  • Naval - Sub Lieutenant Kilian | Dreck
  • Jedi - Padawan S Creck

RP Rank - Commander 

Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:54134076

Battalion or squad you are applying forCoruscant Guard | Battalion Commander Fox


Experience -

Coruscant Guard - Specialist to Commander

So throughout my time in the community I've spent most of it in the shoes of the Coruscant Guard I personally would consider this my first battalion however I was in the 212th Attack Battalion to start my career off in the community. I've had my ups, I've had my downs throughout this battalion but mainly I've stuck to this battalion like glue and demonstrated both dedication and determination while moving up the chain of command. For me personally this battalion was a place which I considered home, somewhere where I both felt welcome and accepted. Overall I found my place within the community and now I've achieved a High Command position within the battalion I'm passionate about. I'll list numerous accomplishments I've gone through my time within the Coruscant Guard.

  • Current Intel Director
  • Previous Drill Director
  • Previous Tracker Lead
  • Current Specialisation Overseer
  • Current Commander Thire

These are a majority of the positions I've held within the battalion, it helped me understand how the battalion operated and overall gave me the necessary experience in order to work my way up and correctly adjust to every new position I was handed. It helped me understand the balance between being strict and being lenient with people and furthermore helped me understand how to approach a wide range of situations.

Naval - Naval Recruit to Sub Lieutenant

When I joined Naval to be honest I didn't know what to expect however this battalion allowed me to develop my RP abilities and create situations where various people throughout the community can enjoy. I've learned how to lead from and advisory perspective, navigate and balance my time between both Naval and my Clone and understanding when I need to delegate my time when each area is in need. Overall I've had fun, naval has taught me how to lead in a different perspective, actually roleplay more effectively and overall how to enjoy the server and engage with the community in a different light. These are some of the positions I've held in Naval.

  • Junior Officer
  • Intel Director

Even though it is small work, I've found the admin-side of things to be one of my strengths and I've been able to balance two Intel Director positions without any hassle. Furthermore I've had fun working as a Junior Officer and engaging with both other battalions and those within my own battalion, how to assess people and their potential within the battalion and provide one to one conversations when needed. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander -

Dedication - In any position I've been placed I will always maintain quality over quantity and I hate to back away from a challenge, I thrive under stress and overall I will give it my best shot no matter what. For me becoming a Battalion Commander is doing something I've been doing like now, however adding onto those responsibilities and overall ensuring that the battalion maintains a professional, fun and lively standard. From Intel Director to Commander any position I am in, I will always give it my all and I rarely slack off even if I'm burned out, I accepted the terms of those positions and I accept the terms of this one as well. 

Determination - I am able to motivate myself and I would say I am able to motivate others around me, I like to get the job done and in order to do that you need to be able to motivate yourself and those around you. When you are implementing ideas you need everybody to be onboard and in order for that you need to be determined in anything you plan to do. It also important that you're able to spread that determination throughout the team so as stated previously, that they're onboard and that everything can go smoothly. Once again running a battalion is running a team and if one person slacks behind you need to be able to motivate them to keep the train moving.

Directness - You need to be direct, so clear, concise and straight to the point with matters. You need to be able to get things done and in order to do this sometimes a brute-force approach works wonders. I don't mean this by being strict, but I mean by being direct with any decision you wish to make. Similar to being transparent, you need to lay your ideas on thee table, describe them and encourage those around you to get onboard with them. Furthermore being direct is always is being able to admit to mistakes and asking for help, if you're struggling you should not hesitate to ask for help as being direct is also not being afraid to reach for a hand.

Distribution - Even though you're the head of your ship, you also need to give people jobs on the ship as if you bundle everything to yourself you're going to burn out and sink. For me it is being able to establish that trust and respect between me and the rest of High Command and even the Senior Officers. Ensuring that everyone is able to jump on ship and work together in order to succeed, even though its your vision it is also their vision as well and being able to distribute work is key. Distribution is sharing, but it is also being able to notice people's potential and their flaws and assigning them pieces of work where they can thrive.

Dynamic - Finally being dynamic is essential, you need to show your personality and character. In the end of the day, you need to be active and engaged in the battalion showing that you personality so people can engage and talk to you about matters. Being dynamic is being approachable, which makes it easier for people to talk to you about problems and encourages these one on one conversations in order to benefit both yourself but most importantly them and your battalion. You're a friendly face and as the head your battalion you need to be dynamic as you're the person representing the battalion, you're the one people will be seeing everyday and you're the one who is going to be encouraging people to join and stay.

Overall to me these are essential in any Battalion Commander and I am able to provide these skills and traits, this is me in the end of the day and it is something that I can bring to the role of Battalion Commander Fox. The five Ds, when saying that it doesn't sound that brilliant but I guess it will do.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad -

Well the Coruscant Guard were said to have been born and bred on Coruscant instead of Kamino , they were heavily loyal to the Senate and provided law enforcement duties throughout the capital along-side other places. Their duties could be similar to that of a Military Police Officer, from dealing with HVTs, escorting senators and providing a presence to disperse riots. They were lead by Battalion Commander Fox, along-side other notable members like Stone and Thorn. 

Availability -

Monday - Afternoon and Nights

Tuesday - Afternoon and Nights

Wednesday - Afternoon and Nights

Thursday - Afternoon and Nights

Friday - All Day

Saturday - All Day

Sunday - All Day

Please take into consideration these are based around UK Time however I'm accessible throughout the entire day and these times can vary, as some days I am around the morning however on a general basis I can contribute possibly forty hours on the server itself, possibly even eighty at a push.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay -  456:22:25

Do you have a microphone - Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

To hit this topic off, I would like to address that for me personally it is about maintaining and improving on the standard the previous Fox has made, but also making my own footprint onto the battalion where it benefits the battalion heavily and ensures that there is something fresh about it.

Officer Corp - Personally I wish to be looking into the battalion heavily, focus inside the battalion itself and ensure that those within the battalion are having fun, are professional and overall are able to enjoy their time within the Coruscant Guard. For me to this I am looking at an active, dynamic and diverse Officer Corp to ensure that every time zone is covered, that they are approachable and overall that they represent themselves and the battalion well in that position. 

Solution - I will be looking at being in regular contact with the Regimental and in order to assess officers within the battalion I will be creating a form which people are able to anonymously input their issues with the entire Officer Corp including the Battalion Commander. The edit access of this form and the responses will be given to the Regimental and I will ensure that I am unable to see it, in other words make it so only certain people can see the link. For me this adds a safe haven for the entire battalion when making both complaints and suggestions about the battalion, especially those specifically in the Officer Corp. This feedback will be collected throughout the week and then ideally I would receive a bi-weekly report on what can be changed and improved on from the Specialised Regimental.

Inner Battalion Focus - At the moment we've been focused on public relations and the job which has been done to establish a positive reputation has been staggering, now that work has been done I would look at assigning either a Commander or the Executive Officer to maintain that standard and ensure that battalion are able to provide that feedback so we're able to improve. However for me now, I wish to focus mainly on the battalion itself and ensure that we're maintaining and improving those standards, ensuring that people are able to talk to me and any of my High Command on a one to one basis regarding any matter. Furthermore I want to start engaging with the battalion on a fun level, keeping up with Game Night and ensure that when the battalion is on the server they look forward to it.

Solution - For me it will be to maintain and ensure that Game Night is regular, to allow people to let off steam and enjoy themselves, develop relations throughout the battalion because in the end of the day making friends within the battalion just makes playing on the server more fun. Ensuring that people have an outlet to have one on one meetings, by once again establishing a dynamic Officer Corp and that they're outlets for any member of the battalion to use. This could be making it so any High Command, Officer DM's are always open, ensuring that meeting request channel in discord is pushed so that this can be about any matter. Overall, developing a system and relationship within the entire battalion where people are able to state their opinions and share their frustrations about the battalion, or even the community itself.

Activity - This can always be a tricky one, especially since its summer however I want to ensure that both Enlisted and Officer are active when on the server, so that people are able to contact the necessary people regarding issues and furthermore that CG have a presence on the server. To me this is simple and I've already mentioned the issues and fixes above, however its about establishing a dynamic Officer Corp and ensuring that people are having fun inside the battalion. The server and CG shouldn't feel like a chore and creating a positive environment for people to enjoy is vital in my eyes to maintain activity.

Solution - As stated, having an active Officer Corp so that any good work they are doing can be noticed, furthermore ensuring that game nights are continuously run to establish bonds within and outside the battalion. Also finding the correct balance between strict and lenient in regards to punishments, as there is a correct way to punish someone and sometimes you have to let issues go, if a mistake happens they should not be criticised with it. For me its finding that balance and talking to the battalion in regular meetings, seeing what is wrong with the battalion and looking at ways we can improve our core systems. If you punish people to harshly they'll just leave, if you're too lenient then they'll just walk over you, I believe that I can get the balance right so it doesn't discourage any members.

Honestly for me its about improving the battalion and myself, being able to take feedback and using that to build on the foundation which has been left. If we're not able to take feedback and improve on it, what's the point. For me I am open to feedback and will always ensure that my door is open and that any Officer's door is open.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position - Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank - Yes

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Forum Admin

honestly a huge +1. Void is a very hard working person and is also very initiative, he's spoke to me about his plans if he was to get BCMD and I do believe he'd be a great person for Fox

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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1 minute ago, Scarecrow said:

Ok so unless youve become extremely active while I was away your activity has been spoty at best in the 501st recently.


I also understand that you are Fox on another servervor at least very recently stopped being what is the situation with that.

Have you communicated with CG at all lately and not being part of the battalion recently how do you feel that will help or hurt you


As a member in CG, I would say he's been very active lately and hes been communicating with us through TS putting in idea's for CG that will for the better help CG


Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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9 minutes ago, Marshh said:

As a member in CG, I would say he's been very active lately and hes been communicating with us through TS putting in idea's for CG that will for the better help CG


I am sorry about that I am on mobile and hit back by accident then started typing 

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+1 This is the best plus one I can give to a member, as their previous regimental I have seen his development from a good to a great leader. He has the heart and the brain to get his objective out and a good person to follow up centurion. 

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Head Admin

+1, good luck lol

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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You approach me prior to this app going up  clearly outlining what you want to change and what you want to do and why it needs to happen.

You have w good head on your shoulders and are someone who is always fun and approachable.

As your current SPEC REG, you have my approval.... just stop saluting me everytime you lose eye shot of me 😂 jk I'm still waiting for the day I am surrounded by 10 CG all saluting me.



What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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From what I’ve seen lurking in discord you are a cool dude, and I believe you can do it.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1, this guy does a lot of behind the scenes shite and still manages to be insanely active. He got Commander so quickly for a reason. 

This guy is a legend, and up tha UK

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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-1 all I’ve seen and heard about you is a bad attitude 

  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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4 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 all I’ve seen and heard about you is a bad attitude 

Never heard of this sort of behaviour. I've always had a great time around him and he never seems to do anything wrong. 

Whoever you've heard this from is flat out wrong

  • Agree 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Void is very nice and approachable. While the other applicants are also nice people I think void is the only officer in the battalion that is active enough and has the biggest amount of support from his troops.

CG seems to have a problem with active officers in the battalion and I believe Void can fix the problem as well as lead by example.


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+1 good guy


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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+1 oi Idc I'm not in the server anymore void here was one of the CG I talked to the most during my time in DU hes got a great head on his soldiers. He can be a bit goofy and make a lot of jokes, but he does it the right way. He dedicated to what he does.


Also on a serious note since I got that connection to you NOW CAN I COME INTO CG DISCORD?????:FeelsWowMan:

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On 7/17/2020 at 11:09 PM, 40Ninjaman said:



Also on a serious note since I got that connection to you NOW CAN I COME INTO CG DISCORD?????:FeelsWowMan:

Keep dreaming Steve @40Ninjaman

On 7/17/2020 at 12:25 PM, Comics said:

Never heard of this sort of behaviour. I've always had a great time around him and he never seems to do anything wrong. 

Whoever you've heard this from is flat out wrong

Dennis is free to have his own opinion, especially on a diverse server with 200+ people on daily throughout the day. I also disagree with Dennis here but I dont go mass-dumbing him.


For @Dreck:

During Centurion's term as Fox, you were on of the CG that I saw on a lot, so activity and dedication are set.

Ever since CG came into the Specialized, all that I've gotten from you and the rest of CG is respect and friendliness as a Commander over in DU. Even though we've still only had a couple days of interaction in Discord, my ideas in CG/DS feel welcome and everyone in CG, as well as you, have been understanding and willing to look at new ideas and cooperate together. DU & CG tensions were pretty high, and I'm glad that we could break down those walls and get in each other's Discords, as well as talk in PMs a lot.


Overall, all I've seen from Void is dedication and a model CG member, willing to be friendly to other battalions and look at new ideas. However, the hours part is the biggest thing that concerns me. In terms of recent and past BCMDs, they usually clock 800+ hours, whereas you fall just under 500. Hopefully having a little less time on Synergy won't negatively affect you.


My opinion: +1

PS, does cool roster/doc stuff. Respect.

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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  You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview  Please contact one of the Server Directors to organize your interview before 07/28/2020 or your application will be DENIED 

// Locked

 // moved to Commander Applications - Pending

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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