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Cloud's Mechanized Regimental Commander App


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 *Waived By Directors*

Steam Name: justuscloud5

RP Name: 41stGC ARCO LTC Cloud

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:105097987

Regiment you are applying for: Mechanized Regimental Commander




After I first joined the server in December of 2018 I had joined the 327th as my first battalion and home, and I was there from December 2018 to September 2019. When I first joined the battalion I quickly got to the rank of SGM & progressed to an officer rank. After reaching an officer rank I had focused on recruitment and the ARC program of the battalion, but sadly my activity had steeped as I had to focus on Sith and I had not accomplished much in that time in 327th after doing so.



So Sith the “black sheep” of the synergy family of battalions and factions, had become very attractive to me as something to main, but at the time I didn’t know it would be my magnum opus on the server. I had began maining Sith after getting Juggernaut apprentice it had been in dire need of helping & stable leadership after the lead resigned, so I stepped up and became Head Officer and later Dark Council greed, & began a period of rebuilding and stabilization for the branch and while doing so balancing a lot of work for the faction as a whole and eventually had caught the approval of other Dark Council members, whom had disagreed with my promotion, for my ability in leadership, intel, and ability to actually have numbers. I soon became Wrath, & gained the title of Darth which is only attainable by those who made game changing progress for the order, under Chrome after Aust had resigned from the position & soon after that Chrome resigned and the ball was in my court. I began to build a cabinet of non Dark Council advisors to assist me & those around me to keep a steady eye & RP for the faction and brought the numbers up from dead to prospering and learned important things in leadership from those under me such as Bro, Tino, Llama and others but also taught many as well. But alas it still got removed but I walked away sad but I learned on what to work on from my mistakes and successes as well as from my predecessors.


187th Legion(PVT-Major):

After coming back after the Sith removal i was asked by Omalic to go & help 187th as they were undoubtedly the weakest battalion on the server at the time, so Me, Sugga, and Dreams all stepped up to the plate to assist the battalion. Dreams became BCMD and under him I was a major and worked on Intel as people were not logged & nobody was able to access documents, logging recruits, or regiments. SO we built it from scratch and with that I focused on Intel and ARC, which I was ARCL & ITM at the time, building both to a full roster and constant work being done. But sadly my PC fried & when I came back I believed my job was done with the battalion & I set my sights to a new battalion knowing 187th was in good hands.


41st(Elite Corps Major - Green Company LTC)

So as I departed from the 187th I had joined the 41st & with my previous showings in leadership I was allowed to be transferred in as a Major. After joining I hit the ground running & began to do PvP trainings to get the boys in green in shape for BvB, as well as ATK vs DEF sims and coordinating with GHs for encounters for my troops as we did patrols. Then as time progressed I had reached the rank of LTC & ARCO as well as joining Green Company. Currently in 41st after reaching my current position I have begun to assist Grief in the operations of Green Company and its foreseeable future and assisting Omami in ARC & the refinement in quality of our ARCs and roster. But most importantly that the attitude and ability of all troops are refined and ready for RP scenarios and their abilities to further their abilities 





Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I have taken the interest and the want to become the Mechanized Regimental because I have seen the struggles & triumphs of Regimentals of old & new & I believe I can take what they struggled with & overcome them. In my tenure on the server I have learned and failed in things but have gotten back up to amass my ability to lead & strive to new goals & leading those under me in new ways. I wish to actually be an active roll with my battalions under me instead of just being in TS all the time & not deploying or doing sims with my troops. In my entire time on synergy the regimental that inspired me most from the things I listed was Qal & his leadership as ATK Reg has inspired my leadership[ style, although modified & different compared to his, is built off of what he had done. I want to do FOBs for the Mech Reg & coordinate for deployments of 104th & 41st together focusing on each others roles. Have sub units actually do special stuff in events and not just be guys with different names and different armor and loadouts but actual RP and combat differences. There is also the issue of all regiments seeming & acting the same but I want to change that we have different regimens for a reason other than lore there is lore & RP as well & the only regiment that really does that is SOBDE and I want Mechanized to be a regiment that actually is different & is its own thing & not a carbon copy. I am also an advocate & will try my hardest to have 104th & 41st have slots reserved on the event server for trainings as that is a major part of both battalions & neither of their vehicle trainings should be hindered because of server population & will fight for their ability to get those trainings done when they need them done. I also want to be a helping hand in assisting in the difficulties & hardship these battalions have, but most importantly inspire those under me like I was by those that commanded over me when I first joined to take on leadership roles, take on challenges, and begin to reign their styles in & come down to the clones in these battalions levels & be with them & not just be high and mighty like many before have been.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:



Monday: 3pm-11pm 

Tuesday: 3pm-11pm 

Wednesday: 3pm-11pm 

Thursday: 3pm-11pm 

Friday: 3pm-11pm 

Saturday: 9am-11pm 

Sunday: 9am-11pm 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

327th HVYO

327th ARCO

327th 1stLT

Head Officer of Sith Juggernauts

Reached the tile of Darth

1st Dark Council Greed

4th Dark Lord's Wrath

187th ARCL

187th ITM

187th Major

41st LTC

41st Green Company

Do you have a microphone?:YES

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Mechanized Regiment to be a regiment that stands out from other regiments & that actually has its own RP, combat & way of acting & not just a carbon copy all the regiments have been over the years. I want to have a stable high command in both battalions. I will have a schedule set up for trainings for both battalions on the event server and/or main for vehicles. I want both Wolfpack & Green Company to work & operate in their Lore & RP function during events more. Overall I want the battalion to be symbiotic relationships with each other in RP & events & have the sub units & main units focus on RP & Lore structure as well as a focus on trainings & more interaction in game with the battalions.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan to improve relationships with the battalions inside the Mechanized Regiment with having them do trainings & RP together. Specifically I would be doing FTX deployments for 104th & 41st to train with each other in basically mini deployments working off of each other's weaknesses and others would be working to assist in the others weakness, as well as Green Company & Wolfpack working together in their own way & begin to work in their lore & RP structures.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?

Yes i completely undertsand


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Sure, Sometimes Cloud does some questionable things, and sometimes he's a little dense. Though, He's a very good friend of mine, and over my time on the server. I've seen so many put him down, but when I joined Sith. I noticed someone who was extremely dedicated to fixing something that was staring adversity in the eyes, and doing what he could to turn it around with what little time he had left. Cloud, I completely believe that you are a good lad, and a good guy. You've grown a lot and after a lot of headaches, and watching you develop, mature and fail. I think that you are a good candidate for the job, who can bring a good face to the new added mechanised regiment. All in all, You have my support. Good luck, Spartan. 


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Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1 I believe you could do a lot for Mechanized :)


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Current: 41st MED
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood, 2ndAC Bear, Parjai-5 through 3, | First Rav Bralor


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Head Admin

Ah yes, +1

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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-1 cloud can’t be a higher rank than me 

jk love ya bud 


+1 this kid is more dedicated to fixing broken and dead things than an undertaker 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Personally, I don’t believe you’ve matured enough for this position since like Tino said you do questionable stuff, so I want to know what else you’ve done else than refining your ARCs and helping with BVB because yes it’s work but work that can be done by anyone (well not really for the ARCS but whatever) , I want to see something that stands out more such as what you did in 187th as ITM so something recent

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 hour ago, Piff said:

Personally, I don’t believe you’ve matured enough for this position since like Tino said you do questionable stuff, so I want to know what else you’ve done else than refining your ARCs and helping with BVB because yes it’s work but work that can be done by anyone (well not really for the ARCS but whatever) , I want to see something that stands out more such as what you did in 187th as ITM so something recent

Well to answer your question on what I have done most recently to assist and progress the 41st have been more RP and combat scenario furthering. With taking on my role in Green Company I actually wanted to make more use of the su units lore and ability in combat. I have made a system for both the EC and GC to function as during events/encounters/patrols, that GC will move up and attempt to canoflouge in the foliage and scout a head and set up ambush points to take on the enemy and the EC will stand back as the QRF and when the targets have been engaged by GC the EC will move up and fight as the infantry swapping off with GC and GC will move forward and attempt to either encircle the enemy or scout other enemies in the vicinity, and so far the 41st under in both GC and EC have loved it. Secondly to prove I have matured enough I have taken on disciplinary roles and communication with the 41st and Rancor situation recently I was the mediator as well as Maddox in diffusing the situation with HC and finding a solution while relaying messages to 41st and HC the story and what was happening, as you know I could not speak on behalf of rancor but did stay neutral in the situation, on top of that diffusing any drama in the 41st(their hasnt been much besides the rancor situation since) and mediating as a neutral party to my contemporaries to find equal ground and reason with eachother, if it's just over talking, playing games or other things of the sort. Third I have been enforcing RP for ARCs and GC to be strict, serious and able in situations, and non the less is expected from them. Fourth coordination whether it be GMs or members of other battalions and squads, I have taken a role in attempting to have fun events for my troops when not in game and working with some SOBDE for more outreach work, notably being harte the current SOBDE reg, and assisting other battalions in help in sims like ATK and DEF sims are a good example. Finally as a leader I have taken roles in advising sims and events as well as direct leadership and sitting down in CIT or CSR after events and such to teach and shoe the missteps of those under and above me made in the field. Thank you for your concerns and question i hope this reasonably and rationally answers your question.

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I respect your views of the Mechanized Regiment and your goals to transform it into something unique. I don't care much for achievements of the past, everyone has the potential to do great things. That being said, I can't really get a feel for what you want to do with the regiment specifically other than trainings and roleplay. Could you elaborate a little more on the specifics of what you'd do during your time as Mechanized Regimental Commander, and how you'd go about achieving your vision for the regiment?

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15 hours ago, justuscloud5 said:

I want the Mechanized Regiment to be a regiment that stands out from other regiments & that actually has its own RP, combat & way of acting & not just a carbon copy all the regiments have been over the years.

What’s your plan as to actually achieving this? Because I’ve seen a lot of people say they want their batt or regiment to be one way, but never give an explanation as to how. And when it came to actually fixing the issue or changing it, they didn’t have a plan, so I just want to get some insight into what you plan on doing to achieve what you said you want to?

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33 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

What’s your plan as to actually achieving this? Because I’ve seen a lot of people say they want their batt or regiment to be one way, but never give an explanation as to how. And when it came to actually fixing the issue or changing it, they didn’t have a plan, so I just want to get some insight into what you plan on doing to achieve what you said you want to?


4 hours ago, Foxey said:

I respect your views of the Mechanized Regiment and your goals to transform it into something unique. I don't care much for achievements of the past, everyone has the potential to do great things. That being said, I can't really get a feel for what you want to do with the regiment specifically other than trainings and roleplay. Could you elaborate a little more on the specifics of what you'd do during your time as Mechanized Regimental Commander, and how you'd go about achieving your vision for the regiment?

My plan for the mechanized regiment my goals and the way I will I achieve will be through different ways like how many have before me. My plan to actually achieve said goals besides just training and roleplay would be biweekly meetings with BCMDs and sitting in channels and listening and participating in events with both battalions to get a feel on what they both need work and to rectify in later encounters. I would also work with the regimentals around me and try and bring SOBDE outreach in more to assist both battalions through coordination and discussion with some HC and Squad Leads to further development in the pushing for a symbiotic relationship with both battalions. Specifically with Negotiations as I believe 104th already does a good job with them but now with 41st being in the same regiment with them both can work together in doing them ie 41st translates and 104th negotiates, of course this would be discussed with Sinclair and the next Gree on to decide how well it will work and the regulations on the matter. Then another focus would be vehicles as it is now the Mechanized Battalion and I would work with both battalions to have their vehicles and other such things complement each other ie 41st has speedy BARCs and AT-RTs while 104th has powerful and beefy tanks. As well as coordination with Sub-Unit leaders on having both sub-units working more closely in and outside of the game not just in trainings and in RP but in events and other such things on the server. But the way it would all be brought to life by discussion, planning and coordination with the BCMDs, CMDs, and Senior Officers, the work would not just be focused on me it would be a group effort as I have seen that many RCMDs have failed and not been able to achieve this goal because of their inability to reach out and work as closely as some believe it is just an advisory role, which it is not it is a position to maintain, oversee, and coordinate with the battalions under them to have the best possible enjoyment and outcome for both battalions. I hope this answers your question and if you need me to elaborate more do not be afraid to ask

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This is a very, very, very hesitant +1 my friend.

Cloud you are a good kid but sometimes you can manage to do some really immature things on several different areas related to the server. (TS/Forums/Game) A Regimental Commander is a role model and adviser and should be acting as such. How you present yourself while in the position is VERY important. You represent your Regiment to the rest of High Command.

I have seen you get in trouble more times than I can count for doing something you shouldn't or saying something you shouldn't and the last thing I want to see is you getting removed from Regimental for doing something dumb.

You have matured a lot since I first met you but I do think there is plenty of room for improvement in your behavior and maturity and all I ask of you if you were to get this position is that you continue to improve these things and don't let the position get to your head and take you in the opposite direction. You got a good mindset for the position and you have some solid ideas, although some more thorough plans would've been nice.

Good luck and don't fuck up.


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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 good luck dude.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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On 2/10/2020 at 8:37 PM, Agua164 said:

+1, the average cumulus cloud is 1.1 million pounds

So cum is stored in the clouds?

so if my head is in the clouds then technically cum would be stored in my head


+1 ngl he had a rough term as my ARCO but he was hella dedicated to reviving sith and improving them (even tho I wanted him to focus on ARC a bit more) but I feel like he can handle it 

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Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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+1 Not bad, kid.

Edited by kojak
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