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Black's Marshal Commander Application..


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Steam Name:



RP Name: 

Reconnaissance Regimental Commander Black


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


Brigade you are applying for: 

The servers Marshal Commander over attack, recon, SOBDE, and specialized



My experience dates back to ICEFUSE before the split to synergy. Ill start to list my experience via battalions ive been in.


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion

Ive been within this battalion for nearly 2 years if I can remember correctly, I started from the rank PVT and managed to reach the rank of BCMD months and months later. My first designation was being apart of the MEU branch within the 104th. This was the attack unit within the battalion since in ICEFUSE 104th was a defensive battalion.  After spending the majority of my time as a MEDICAL trooper to becoming a HEAVY than again becoming Medical once more. These were the most enjoyable times within the battalion due to the players within that being Jayarr, JBFox, Caboose, Zyner, Scorn and Winkerz. I managed to reach the position of MEUX within the branch and begin to learn on how to work / lead a branch within the 104th mechanized assault battalion which was a very fun and interesting experience. I was in this position till I reached the rank of 2ndLT 



When we switched to the new map Kachiro (Will be missed) MEU got disbanded and I decided to go into MEDICAL once more. I become a Medical Officer shortly after as well as progressing throughout my ranks from 2ndLT-CPT. Once I reached this rank and position I managed to get Wolfpack as well as Dash44 after an application process. I was very excited due to the fact that I was completely new in becoming a named Character as this was my first position. I spent around 2-3 months as MEDL when I received it from my former leader Weiss. Within this position I begin to become more experienced within my leadership capabilities and roles within the unit/battalion. After awhile in this positon I reached the rank of WPO (if I can remember correctly)


WolfpackLeader Comet

About my 3rd nearly 4th month as DASH 44 and 104ths main medic. I decided I wanted to be me again and that the experience was fun. I stepped down from my position and begin to become a standard trooper letting Square (director now) at the time take over the medical branch. Shortly aftr this I was given the position of Wolfpack Leader Comet by the WPL stepping down and this was my first stepping stones on becoming an excellent negotiator and a good officer within the battalion. When I reached this position we already had the drama with Joah and Corv so we already are on Synergy Servers. I got the position of Colonel than became Commander shortly after.


Battalion Commander Wolffe

After JBFox term was over he vouched for me to run for the position of Wolffe. As XO (head commander) at the time I decided I would apply for the position and take responsibility for the battalions control. After this I stepped down from Wolfpack lead and applied for Wolffe. I became Wolffe 2 weeks later. Whilst I was Wolffe I made **ALOT OF TERRIBLE Decisions and mistakes** within the battalion. I was very ignorant and allowed many minges to join causing my XO (Chop) to feel overwhelmed and I gave him too much stress to the point where he nearly resign. Thank God I managed to speak to him and got things turned around within the battalion after my long conversation with my XO which I was glad because he didnt leave. During this time I felt that the battalion was running smooth and my term was nearly over so I ended up resigning 2months later.


Specialized Regimental Commander Term 1 & 2

When I stepped down back to Colonel I applied for Specialized Regimental against Zyner at the time. I was surprised I managed to get into the interview phase and past to become a Regimental due to zyner taking up Chief Game Master. During my time as Reg I promised my Regiment Content and trainings nearly everyday which I have fulfilled. During my time as Reg DU BCMD Chambers ST BCMD Panzer and 104th BCMD Chop were running their battalions perfectly with slight problems in each battalion being easy to resolve.


After this my term was nearly over so I was gonna apply for a second term which I did and got accepted and past. But than I suddenly changed my mind and had another goal on becoming a Senior Commander for both SOBDE and specialized Regiment.


Senior Commander Black 1 term

I managed to pass the interview phase against Korm on becoming Senior Commander and hold my position whilst coversing and talking to SOBDE since there were issues between me and them. I assume during my time and when I spoke to them issues were resolved and questions asked and answered. I enjoyed my time working with both the SOBDE regiment and Specialized Regiment doing both trainings with other battalions all together to hopefully unite as one.


Covert Ops SGT Black

I spent a couple weeks within covert ops before they were removed and being within this branch was fun and interesting


RC Foxtrot EOD Black


I become the EOD trooper for foxtrot so I see more of the inner workings and progresses within SOBDE so I can learn more about their unit as well as the members inside. (Only spent 2 weeks in it after being burnt out)


Rancor Warrant Officer Hammer


Becoming this title was surprisingly interesting and fun for me to hold. I enjoyed talking with the Commanders and working with the Rancor battalion as a whole to get stuff done within the Recon Regiment. I was also proud to work alongside other officers within the unit and see how they ranked up alongside me. During my time as Warrant Officer I learnt rancor had something very similar to 104th and where it was when the WO is equal to a commander within the battalion. This was a system that we also had within 104th back in icefuse and early synergy times. This particularly appealed to me.


Rancor Commander Colt


I managed to receive the title of Commander Colt after spending a near month within the battalion as a Warrant officer. I was under Dragon (RANCOR BCMD) At the time and it was very interesting and fun to learn and experience new things both being in charge of the ARC program and working within the Recon Regiment. This was a new pace for me because of how I spent 2 years within 104th a specialized Regiment but it still felt right and fun. During the time I am currently spending as Colt. I managed to work closely with both the new BCMD miller and commanders within the battalion talking and working with them on important topics within the battalion. I also managed to add rank requirements a very controversial thing within the battalion which to see how it would improve the battalions effectiveness in both work ethic and professionalism. It is still currently under trial and error to see weather its benefiting the battalion or not.

Recon Regimental Commander 

The time I spent as the Recon Regimental Commander was very interesting and also fun. I enjoyed working with the BCMDs with my regiment complete either training ideas/simulations and solving internal issues within their battalions. As the Regimental Commander for the Reconnaissance I made myself doing trainings everyday to complete daily challenges like breach and clear simulations with objectives or PVP tournys.. As a Recon Regimental commander I loved working with others within my regiment hints to why I got this position. I also explored with working with outside regiments to improve relations to make sure there was no bad corals. I would say I found it difficult due to the fact I got removed from staff near the end of my term cutting my trainings by bit.  





Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:

I should become a Marshal Commander for the server because I really enjoy working and doing trainings with other regiments and completing work exercises within battalions especially battalions under my regiment. I would always give myself a quota to complete and accomplish new training ideas alongside BCMDs and officers. I have spoken with many BCMDs before applying to this position asking them what they want me to do throughout my term as Marshal just to get a full understanding of what each BCMD would like to see and so far I have wrote down my plan and solidified it. 

Throughout my term as Marshal “If I get it” I will be using many aspects of trainings and Ideas I used as a Regimental commander for both Spec and Recon. I give my self a quota to complete throughout my term that quota being a training to do everyday or every other day. Alongside interacting with the battalions under me. With this being said this is something I will be doing as Marshal the best I can due to the fact that I was recently removed from staff.. I will try my best to attempt to do trainings of each battalion I can evaluating them either on their specialization or breach and clear tactics and even PVP. I have spoken with nearly all BCMDs that I was able to contact about this plan I have and they all agreed with it. SOBDE and other elite units will be there overseeing alongside me for both RP encouragement as well as proper criticisms that is needed to be given for a battalion to improve within a scenario or simulation -(this does not mean they are excluded from trainings as well)- 

I will be adding a Quota system to my High command as Marshal REG + (Only -excluding BO) which will be easy to obtain and easy to complete! This quota will be largely focused around training that they have to do with their regiment. That being 1 or 2 a week which is something I already expect from them since its very attainable and nearly all BCMDs want this to  happen. 

After speaking with many BCMDs a shocking factor that kept on repeating when I asked the question “What would you like to see throughout my term” is make High command/Regimentals  interact with us more I have been told by certain BCMDs which Ill choose not to mention that some people use Regimental commander as a position like a retirement home with zero interactions with their regiment. This stigma is something I want to change alongside you guys making Regimentals interact far more often with you guys and ensuring that they are doing their jobs and not using it as a retirement home. 

I will ensure that the  Report form document every week as well as making Regimentals do Bi weekly or weekly meetings to ensure that they are communicating well with their regiments. With the Report form I am able to see how BCMDs feel about their Regimental in place and how they are basically doing to get an understanding of how much work they are putting in as well as care for their regiment. This will be one of many of my goals as the Marshal Commander on the server.

I would also like to say that I as a Commander have made many mistakes in the past and from these mistakes I have learnt and I want to use the new things I have learned and spread it across all Regiments on the server to provide either entertainment or quality to ensure Synergy can continue to grow in a healthy community. 




Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

Yes, I do understand.







3-6 hours nearly everyday since I have school it may drop by a couple but on weekends it will be higher.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion 


 Specialized Regiment Commander Term 1

Specialized Regimental Commander Term 2

Recon Regimental Commander Term 1

Senior Commander Term 1

Covert Ops


Republic Commandos

Foxtrot EOD Black




Ensign - SCPO


PVT-SSG (Drill instructor)


Youngling - knight 2 (idk what the ranks are now)



(Branch Achievements)




Drill Instructor

ARC Commander

MEUX (104th read experience for full details)

Healer Manager




Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Grand Army of the Republic to be in a stable state I plan on doing many simulations and productive stuff with all Regiments on the server to ensure it does not fall.. I will also be doing joint training to ensure everyone can work together as brothers in arms in this war. I also want to make sure that the Grand Army of the Republic High Command is doing their job correctly and interacting with their troopers to boost morale both on the battlefield and in base. Something which appears to be lacking and this is something I wish to fix throughout my term as the Marshal Commander for the Grand Army of the Republic. With that being said I would like to make sure that all battalions are functioning properly and can grow to their fullest. I will attempt to accomplish this by either aiding their officer corp or help recruitment to both boost numbers of the battalion in need as well as encourage it to stay active with the simulations and drills that will be given. 

I also want to make sure the SynergyRoleplay is a server where you can make friends and communicate with new people so we can continue the healthy growth of both the server numbers and stability. Something that I will be trying my best to accomplish throughout my term as Marshal Commander hopefully with the help with both my support Regimentals and the Chancellor himself. If I can create this type of environment or at least try to this will be able to continue the steady growth of the server which will cause new players to join introducing them to our community. 


How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

Well one of the ways I plan on improving relations is how I ran my Recon Regiment is by doing simulations and joint training exercises with other regiments to encourage both rp and team work across all batts. Doing this will introduce new players to new battalions and other individuals who they have not met causing them to work alongside each other adapting to each others play style and leadership. Ensuring that no issues/drama occurs this will show troopers that they can go explore and see how other battalions run either encouraging them to show off either a good impression towards other battalions or giving them a taste of something new and different allowing them to play on the server for much longer due to new content/entertainment given from these simulations/drills.

I will try to do this the best I can as well as including SOBDE and other Elite units to aid with these simulations/training exercises to encourage Roleplay and give proper criticisms to improve as a battalion something that some of the squad leaders look forward of doing. If we are able to work through our ups and downs throughout these simulations and team work exercises we can get alot done throughout the day both being standards and skill something I want to achieve throughout my term as the Marshal Commander. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I do.



Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?:

Yes, I do.


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+1. Obvious reason. Also he saw my nipples one time on accident.

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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He's fucking addicted to EFT like it's meth or some shit, inactive, minge commander, the list goes on. But the show must go on


Edited by Jayarr
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Good luck black, you've done great as a regimental. I feel you'll put a lot of work into the Marshall Commander position as well. Good luck buckaroo!

Please for the love of us all Black, CHANGE THE COLOURS ON YOUR APP. ❤️

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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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Black, from the time I started working under you, getting to know you and your goals, I have realized one thing. This man actually cares.  You were always checking up on 41st, 91st and Rancor, making sure we weren’t going to shit. Also you were always hosting trainings with us, including other battalions that weren’t recon, in hopes of strengthening relations. In my mind, you did 120% in your Recon Reg term. We have had our talks in the past, good and bad, but always managed to find a solution that benefitted the 41st instead of 1 party. You would sit and talk with your recon battalions while you were recon reg, and that means a lot to me. You got to know some people for who they were, regardless of being their boss or not. In my opinion, if I’m able to be sarcastic and crack jokes with the guy who runs our branch, that’s character. 

Make good on your goals. Make good on the promises you made to others and rock the shit out of the GAR. Don’t forget about us recon boys when you’re big papa.


Edited by Brooklyn
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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Head Admin

+1, as I helped in one of the trainings he set up you can tell he really cares about whatever he does with the batts he was commanding. In this case the Recon Batts. Hope you are gonna do epic as MCMD. Honestly one of the only regs who does stuff with his regiment. 

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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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This guy is really up front and brutal with what he says, literally a no bullshit, no sissy type attitude. He literally will tell you upfront on how to improve, his care and understanding for the battalions he works with is great. He went through the entire BCMD roster to get an understanding on whether they'd want to see him as a MCMD. He's easy to work with and has a set understanding of what he expects, his plans are thorough and he ain't no snake 👀



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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Eh mad lad +1

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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3 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

-1 You want to create a quota like that’s what most of your promises are based off, but you couldn’t even fill your staff quota so I just don’t see what would be different. I think the other candidate is more fit...

The reason I didnt complete my staff quota was because I thought I was doing it correct for the couple of weeks after my negative watch week talk.. But I was wrong and I mis interpreted the person who informed me about my quota system. But this quota system that will be adding for HC will be something to encourage High command to continue doing better than they are. But thank you for your opinion. 

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During my 2nd time as XO of the 501st I had the pleasure to work with you doing combined trainings with Recon and 501st or just RP with you being HC on base. I was saddened when I realized that our time as Regs together would be so short, however we managed to work nicely together and host an even bigger training with the Attack and Recon on base. Furthermore you're well acquainted with the current high command and we're already used to working with you already. 

I'm used to working with you and I trust your judgment, and your experience speak for it self. I'd be happy to serve in a HC with you spearheading it.


Big +1

Best of luck!

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 Papa Kal

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Thinks High Command is shit and boring. So he is perfect for the job.


In all seriousness Black did something with his senior reg position, which at the time was mainly just viewed as a stepping stone for Marshal. Black gained my respect when he rejoined the 104th and helped out as the Reg lead, teaching me how to handle the position and increasing my respect for him.

+1 good luck Mein Füh... er my friend.

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 9/25/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

This Application has been DENIED due to the other applicant getting the position.

You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days.

//moved to denied

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i am literally captain tukk

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