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Most absurd or funny moment on Synergy

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(I totally stole the concept of this idea from the arrest post.) What's the most absurd or funniest moment you've had while playing Synergy? I'll start with an absurd one. Back when I first quit the server I had come back on to see what shock would be like just to find out that I was blacklisted for my arrests, so I asked to speak to a CMD (Forgot his name) about it and was told that I'm too low of a rank to talk to him and that he doesn't speak to people below SGT. He never spoke to me :(

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absurd for me is when i walked into 104th bunks for the first time on this server after being blacklisted on icefuse, styles was hosting tryouts and the first thing he said (typed) was "oh god"

Edited by Ccmonty
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When we got the porg models I ran around with joah and square and they were shooting people with lightsaber rifles in the port models. And an event on nat shada where I ran out of ammo and got stuck in a corner with bombs around me and zombies everywhere so I took a last stand with a knife and escaped by using my last shot from my shotgun to slow down another 327th and he got Mercedes and than escaping and locking myself in

Edited by justuscloud5
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When I accidentally called one of my captains a ni***r in the middle of DB thinking I was talking in TS. Good thing it was at 3 am, but I'm sure those 4 new CTs loved me.

  • Funny 4

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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21 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:


I got it a friday played it for like 2 hours, Had to go on vacation the next day. Then like 4 days into my vacation im told there was a vote by Rancor High Command to remove my ARC and it passed so yeah

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Probably the time when I was Appo during an event and the base was on lockdown and was going to be under attack, So I tried to get permission to leave only for @Rocksteady to open the west gate, and the full number of 501st that were on went AWOL to fight the enemy. We were later detained and executed): 

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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The funniest thing was when I was an event job with blue. The server was going slow so we wanted to do an encounter. We were both wookies and were both escorted to the medbay to be looked at after we were shot multiple times by 41st and a GM. I then died because a 41st medic was being rarted. I got on my 104th and walked to medbay to see what was going on, and after that blue hopped up from the bed he was on, walked up to me and did /me rips off arms with the loudest, most autistic wookie growl I've ever heard. We couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes after it. One of the best encounters we ever did. 

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Back when I was a CT I adverted in OOC that I was teaching people how to shoot up DB properly and was AOS’d even tho it was in OOC. I later taught the Shock Trooper that went to arrest me how to shoot up DB properly and got away lol.

  • Funny 1

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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2 hours ago, Poe said:

When I accidentally called one of my captains a ni***r in the middle of DB thinking I was talking in TS. Good thing it was at 3 am, but I'm sure those 4 new CTs loved me.

Ah 3am is the best time for everything I swear

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  • Funny 2

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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I was R2 D2 and i pulled out a dl 19 behind a dark council member as they was force choking a jedi master. It was in tunnels and was filled with sith and jedi 

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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  • Coordinator

The first time i did my quarren character in db and everyones reaction that shit was amazing

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I was participating in Dark Honor Guard trials and was waiting for my turn during the last phases of the trial, I was whispering to Sixta asking him how it went for him, while in my head I was about to whisper “fuck dude” but my inner SOBDE slipped out and I accidentally said “fuck ni**a*, however at the time I didn’t realise it but I had somehow said it in OOC because I noticed a bunch of people LOLing, RIP and stuff like that.. and then I heard Joah in the channel say, stop, And out of nowhere 15 admins teleported to me and then one mute me. Then the big man himself teleported to me and gave me the fattest warning I’ve ever had. Let’s just say it was top 10 scariest moments. And now somehow I’m an HA

  • Funny 3


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no wait i know the MOST abserd thing that happend to ANYONE on the server. its the fact i didnt get kicked or blacklisted from 104th even though i got demoted like 5 times and got banned once and even now im still the honary retard

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my inactivity




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the one time a CT PVT ran into DB and demanded to see aayla securas blue boobies

DU PVT Jeffy Jeff - stands up in db "You never showed me your blue boobies and I hate you for that!" proceeds to light Aayla the fuck up

Edited by Eclipse
  • Funny 2

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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32 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

the one time a CT PVT ran into DB and demanded to see aayla securas blue boobies

DU PVT Jeffy Jeff - stands up in db "You never showed me your blue boobies and I hate you for that!" proceeds to light Aayla the fuck up

That's what bly thought during order 66 @Poe

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On 5/28/2019 at 2:51 AM, traditional said:

I was participating in Dark Honor Guard trials and was waiting for my turn during the last phases of the trial, I was whispering to Sixta asking him how it went for him, while in my head I was about to whisper “fuck dude” but my inner SOBDE slipped out and I accidentally said “fuck ni**a*, however at the time I didn’t realise it but I had somehow said it in OOC because I noticed a bunch of people LOLing, RIP and stuff like that.. and then I heard Joah in the channel say, stop, And out of nowhere 15 admins teleported to me and then one mute me. Then the big man himself teleported to me and gave me the fattest warning I’ve ever had. Let’s just say it was top 10 scariest moments. And now somehow I’m an HA

Bro I was standing right below you and sixta and I just went ur fucked, then you seemed like you were about to freak out

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When Gume went around cutting budgets when I was in Rancor we interrogated him and stripped him but I said to leave his socks on so it isn't gay before we tar and feather him. Everyone in the room, and in Medbay were dying for like 10 minutes straight and the Prudii at the time choked on his vape pen and couldn't continue with the interrogation because he was laughing so hard.

How the times have changed since then...

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Someone commander+ invited General Ginyu and 2 other High command to Attack Battalion hanger for a dinner party hosted by 212th. He made us line up and present our best dishes( Spoiler Alert they were all trash). The entire 212th was about to get massive PT for failing to provide appropriate dishes for the dinner party when I remembered I still had the citizen whitelist from a previous event. I switched to civilian around the corner, put on the Bith body grouper and renamed myself Chef Boyardee in order to save the dinner party.

This resulted in 2 failed attempts at making macaroni and cheese, 2 burnt lasagnas, 1 under cooked pizza, and 1 giant serving of Baby raviolis. A game master then proceeded to murder me in game and spawned a ship wide event of hunting down Chef Boyardee's killer.


I miss venator extensive.

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Mace Windu's salary being 1 credit with the reason being and I quote: "He's black". That went on for some time.

A certain someone adverting a very bad thing instead of adverting for Null Tryouts. @Scribbles But we don't talk about that anymore! (Lucario).

Turning the SOBDE hangar on the Extensive map into an always active sim zone, so anyone who dared to use our bacta machine would be ambushed by the entirety of SOBDE with detonators, shotguns, rockets and the likes.

Also the Kamikaze SOBDE with 10+ detonators on their chests.


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So, where do I start?

Sometime during when the Tamewater SLG was on the server and I was still 501st, I recruited 2 CTs. Hevy, who was an SSG at the time, I believe, had trained these two before me, and their cool down was not over. So they couldn't take the tryout again(which I learned about halfway through the tryout). But, then Hevy said that he told the clones to do some formation I can't remember that Omalic had taught him previously, that these CTs obviously didn't know. So, I said, "Ok, that's not fair to these guys. I'll do their tryouts again". So, I did. They made it through and I was about to log the training on Discord. But, we had to go DB for an event. This is were things went down hill. We marched into DB, and those two I trained didn't remove their helmets like the rest of us, but they sat down. A few minutes later, they stood up and opened fire on the debrief. CG arrested them, and I'm sure they were banned. But, it doesn't end their. 


Stance was arrested, too, as CG thought he opened fire on the CTs, trying to kill them(which he didn't do). So then Omalic had to go have a word with CG about it, eventually bailing Stance out. 


This pretty much gave me PTSD, and I have a hard time trusting CTs now, as I think the next one I recruit could end up being like those two.

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