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Stop the beef with 187th please.

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So It has come to my attention that even after a month of being re-added(or longer I'm not sure lol), the 187th is still getting heat from the majority of the community.


The Main issues from what I've been told over my time with 187th are this:

1. We have no "official" lore. Haha we had the 38th engineer corps and RM, don't talk to me about lore. 

2. We are a "Minge Battalion". This one comes up still, even though the minging problem is non-existent. Anyone who gets arrested for any reason is blacklisted from the battalion.

3. Our activity is bad. Well, yea when you never choose the 187th to get deployed to event server or even participate in events on the event server. The only time we get deployed is if 1. Were a replacement for another battalion, or 2. it's just an attack battalion event (which doesn't happen often btw) So I can see where people say that we are inactive.  We did get deployed yesterday I believe, but it was when everyone was either at school or work. Not bashing our gamemasters scheduling or rep, but it seems that they are a bit biased against us is all. 


But let me ask YOU the community some questions.

1. Since we have been re-added, have we done anything to damage another battalion's rep, another player's rep, or a staff members rep? I can assure you the answer is no. People are making false claims about us that make us look bad, and it's not fair to us because we just want to play on the server without getting crap.

2. Do we target specific members in other battalions and persecute them because they like the battalion they are in? No, we don't. There is no tolerance for that in 187th or any battalion. Every day I host tryouts and I get blasted by at least one guy every day calling us some type of name that doesn't help our battalion. (this will lead to the third question.)

3. When a member in another battalion hosts tryouts, do we target that battalion and ruin its rep before any new players can join it? No, we don't, we are not toxic like that. 

4. How often do you see Us get deployed to the event server? I can tell you for sure almost never. and members are leaving because it isn't fair to them that we never get deployed. 


Look, guys, I love this community, and so does the 187th. We are always respectful to every other battalion on the server, and yet we still get crap from everyone else. Were just as relevant as every other battalion on the server. All these issues I've listed are pretty real issues. And It sucks too because the 327th wants to do events with us, but they never get the chance because we never have the numbers (because we don't get deployed or even a chance to have fun on the server)  At this point, it isn't a small issue and that's why I've decided to say something about it. I don't care what your opinion is on this, good bad or indifferent. I am passionate about this community and this battalion, and I want to see us go big again. 

We may be cannon fodder in lore, and in the community's eyes, but its a video game, and I play video games to have fun not to have a mini-stroke from stressing out. 

In short: get off your high horse and stop bullying us, please.





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No one has beef with 187th tho

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It happens, mostly at the start of when it just got added.

But, none the less, people in my eyes have seemed to move on from it. They didn't want it and it got added, and of course a few people (more than a few sometimes) will have backlash. I personally was one of those people who backlashed at it, but as of now I really just don't care, it's here and if I don't like it I'll just ignore it or smth. No drama needed.

But as of now, seems very very on the down low or just not at all. Y'all are fine...for now

Edited by Jayarr
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6 minutes ago, Novalis said:

I disagree, I get crap from people still. I didnt post this for shits and giggles. I just feel like a lot of people do not like us.

Then take it up with them.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
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Posts like there generally stir up more shit then they settle, but that's none of my business. [sips tea]


Anyway, the 187th has a mildly bad rep due to there entrance into the server again, which is no fault of your own and I am not going to breath more life into that dead horse/Logic.

A few members in the 187th, not naming them as most have been dealt with. Have caused issues with others or conducted themselves is an manor befitting of a minge and not a serious or normal battalion. Most 187th i have interacted with are often pleasant and are all-round good troopers. But as the saying goes. One bad apple ruins the bunch.

With the lack of deployment, this can be attributed to the fact that you don't have number sometimes and you don't have any unique qualities as of yet for yout battalion. 104th and tanks, 91st and speeds, Rancor and Miniguns, etc. This should hopefully amend itself as we enter summer and we gain the influx of people, but until then you are just going to have to weather the storm and prove them wrong.

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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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2 minutes ago, Gadget said:

Posts like there generally stir up more shit then they settle, but that's none of my business. [sips tea]


Anyway, the 187th has a mildly bad rep due to there entrance into the server again, which is no fault of your own and I am not going to breath more life into that dead horse/Logic.

A few members in the 187th, not naming them as most have been dealt with. Have caused issues with others or conducted themselves is an manor befitting of a minge and not a serious or normal battalion. Most 187th i have interacted with are often pleasant and are all-round good troopers. But as the saying goes. One bad apple ruins the bunch.

With the lack of deployment, this can be attributed to the fact that you don't have number sometimes and you don't have any unique qualities as of yet for yout battalion. 104th and tanks, 91st and speeds, Rancor and Miniguns, etc. This should hopefully amend itself as we enter summer and we gain the influx of people, but until then you are just going to have to weather the storm and prove them wrong.

Right. Were supposed to be getting parachutes in the summer updates, and a pilot job. So then we will have our "battalion quality" 

I know the names you are refering to and Im talking with sugga right now to resolve the problems with the said players.

And your right, we had a bad rep. but that was last time, and I really wish people would stop beating a dead horse about that

Thanks for the unbiased response Gadget.

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I agree that some people are still disgruntled about it, but a majority of it is brought up by 187th's members (they know who they are). A majority of 187th's members are good people, but one bad apple tends to ruin the bunch. And the constant attention that is brought up with the 187th makes people focus on it more. Like under a magnifying class per say. Which in turn, will enable other people to focus on its faults. 

The consistent posts about it does not help with the issue, it only initiates more drama. And the biggest problem in 187th at the moment, is DRAMA. My recommendation, is to lay low, focus on yourselves and what you can do better. The constant attention only enables more people to critique you. Trust me, I did the exact same thing with 327th. When Hiki, Drayyen, and Roy all blew up, I was left to pick up all the pieces. I enacted a no drama policy (pepega)  and a strike system and it's been working well. Lay low, focus on yourselves, the less attention that you draw to yourselves the better. That is what's worked with me, and has continued to work for the last 6 months.

As a final note, and I hope that this sticks with you. 

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

Edited by Poe

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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6 minutes ago, Poe said:

I agree that some people are still disgruntled about it, but a majority of it is brought up by 187th's members (they know who they are). A majority of 187th's members are good people, but one bad apple tends to ruin the bunch. And the constant attention that is brought up with the 187th makes people focus on it more. Like under a magnifying class per say. Which in turn, will enable other people to focus on its faults. 

The consistent posts about it does not help with the issue, it only initiates more drama. And the biggest problem in 187th at the moment, is DRAMA. My recommendation, is to lay low, focus on yourselves and what you can do better. The constant attention only enables more people to critique you. Trust me, I did the exact same thing with 327th. When Hiki, Drayyen, and Roy all blew up, I was left to pick up all the pieces. I enacted a no drama policy (pepega)  and a strike system and it's been working well. Lay low, focus on yourselves, the less attention that you draw to yourselves the better. That is what's worked with me, and has continued to work for the last 6 months.

As a final note, and I hope that this sticks with you. 

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

ok man lol thanks for the advice


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ignore them haters, if they giving you shit for little things that are going wrong, ignore them. just focus on 187th right now and try to fix up the problems that is going on. try and speak to a GM or a GMO about stuff the 187th can do for deployments so you guys are deployed a little more. 

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There is a thing called jokes btw and I believe you are mixing them up with hate.


i am literally captain tukk

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Image result for what gif


No one has beef with the 187th anymore. There is a difference between reporting a Commander in your battalion for her actions and having hate on the 187th. No don't get me wrong, I lobbied for them not to come back because we have too many battalions as is. But the fact of the matter is, I really don't think anyone cares anymore. Do your thing, don't look too deep into situations.....

Edited by Metro

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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I'm assuming you're referring to Hayley's report and my comment as the "hate wave". I brought up the point due to wanting for "real evidence", yet you constantly advocate for 187th which has lore. I'm surprised you actually cared that much considering it was in a light and funny  manner.

I never gonna stop talking about 187th lore, or lack of it. Its a fact, as its a fact that many other characters on the server are dead and I always bring that up too. You can ask Jayarr as Havoc and Black as Colt how much I bring up how they're dead. 

9 hours ago, Novalis said:

Our activity is bad


9 hours ago, Novalis said:

So I can see where people say that we are inactive.

You're just further proving the point that 187th shouldn't even be a thing considering yes you are "inactive", have no lore, and a MAJORITY of people didn't want it added. Yeh sure Joah added it back and that's his decision as Owner to make. But as soon as he went away to work on other projects, 187th fell apart and it stands to still be inactive. 

This is the reply you made to my post which got deleted. You quote "I don't care what your opinion is on the battalion"  
"It's synergy roleplay for gods sake, were allowed our opinions" 

So firstly why'd you make this post if you "don't care about our opinion" about the 187th?

Secondly by your logic, "were (we're) allowed our opinions" about 187th?

Edited by Chop

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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It seems that you are the only one to ever care about anything whenever anyone mentions 187th in some sort of negative way. This is why people will view it in a negative way, bcause of moronic posts like this. People are gonna keep saying things no matter how hard you try to change things (trust me, I tried). Just calm down, and grow up a bit. People dont see 187th as a bad thing, you just seem to want to continue to trying to die defending it in some sort of freakish attempt to validate yourself through some battalion on a gmod star wars rp server. I'm going to tell you this, please stop complaining and going out of your way to take every 187th related bullet whether someone is memeing or not, it is annoying for everyone and its exhausting.


And take your own advice from earlier, act your age, not your shoe size

And by this, I mean lighten up and stop trying to start drama and pick fights, of else you're just gonna get beaned on by the community (seen it happen and participated in it multiple times, so dont say it doesnt happen) and you wont be able to do anything with your beloved battalion that you seem to care so much about

If you wanna go keyboard commando on me, go ahead, but my viewpoints arent changing and I think quite a few people share them. 

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Yeah Nah, Im now a SGT in the 187th and everyone ive spoken has been hip with me. I am aware im an older member of the community and have a lot of good ties with others but I can confirm I have seen no hate. The only thing I dislike about the 187th is stuff to do WITHIN the battalion itself. Posts like these should never be made, after all you brought this up in discord and I told you the following:



And so far this is what everyone has said. We need to lay low and fix ourselves internally before we try and blame others, its not even remotely fair. Ive been in the battalion now for 4 days and even I can tell you THERE IS SO MUCH THAT NEEDS FIXING AND ADDING.


Posts like these are not going to help us, instead of a post like this you could have spent time on adding documents, refining tryouts/trainings, doing simulations etc to help us.

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Every battalion has haters. You need to learn to get used to it and move on with your life lol. No battalion can make everyone happy.

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Cal Vossen | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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If people are really saying the things they're saying around you, an Officer, then I implore you to AOS them. This is not only coming from me, but even the Founder wanted to crack down on battalion disrespect because the 187th was getting a hell of a lot of it at first. I don't care who it is,


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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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People are still mad about that? Jesus, if you’re still mad about 187th after how long ago it’s been added than you guys sure do have a hate boner for 187th, I personally don’t see a problem with them because Rancor bunks are right across from them.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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This sounds like an essay that came to be from like, 2 people saying these things.

Nobody cares. Every battalion has their flaws, not a single battalion can be perfect.

Before 187th, SpecOps took some heat for being inactive after they had 3 people show up for BvB.

If you're taking "heat" then it's all in good fun and if you're taking it seriously, then w/e.


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