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Everything posted by Halo

  1. Halo

    weird cis facility

    10/10 Great event. Killed a lot of droids.
  2. lol I use google chrome. The wave is still there, and it has gone down a bit.
  3. ok man lol thanks for the advice
  4. Right. Were supposed to be getting parachutes in the summer updates, and a pilot job. So then we will have our "battalion quality" I know the names you are refering to and Im talking with sugga right now to resolve the problems with the said players. And your right, we had a bad rep. but that was last time, and I really wish people would stop beating a dead horse about that Thanks for the unbiased response Gadget.
  5. I disagree, I get crap from people still. I didnt post this for shits and giggles. I just feel like a lot of people do not like us.
  6. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT BASHING ANY STAFF MEMBER OR PLAYER OF THIS COMMUNITY, IM JUST MAKING MY OPINION KNOWN. Hello, So It has come to my attention that even after a month of being re-added(or longer I'm not sure lol), the 187th is still getting heat from the majority of the community. The Main issues from what I've been told over my time with 187th are this: 1. We have no "official" lore. Haha we had the 38th engineer corps and RM, don't talk to me about lore. 2. We are a "Minge Battalion". This one comes up still, even though the minging problem is non-existent. Anyone who gets arrested for any reason is blacklisted from the battalion. 3. Our activity is bad. Well, yea when you never choose the 187th to get deployed to event server or even participate in events on the event server. The only time we get deployed is if 1. Were a replacement for another battalion, or 2. it's just an attack battalion event (which doesn't happen often btw) So I can see where people say that we are inactive. We did get deployed yesterday I believe, but it was when everyone was either at school or work. Not bashing our gamemasters scheduling or rep, but it seems that they are a bit biased against us is all. But let me ask YOU the community some questions. 1. Since we have been re-added, have we done anything to damage another battalion's rep, another player's rep, or a staff members rep? I can assure you the answer is no. People are making false claims about us that make us look bad, and it's not fair to us because we just want to play on the server without getting crap. 2. Do we target specific members in other battalions and persecute them because they like the battalion they are in? No, we don't. There is no tolerance for that in 187th or any battalion. Every day I host tryouts and I get blasted by at least one guy every day calling us some type of name that doesn't help our battalion. (this will lead to the third question.) 3. When a member in another battalion hosts tryouts, do we target that battalion and ruin its rep before any new players can join it? No, we don't, we are not toxic like that. 4. How often do you see Us get deployed to the event server? I can tell you for sure almost never. and members are leaving because it isn't fair to them that we never get deployed. Look, guys, I love this community, and so does the 187th. We are always respectful to every other battalion on the server, and yet we still get crap from everyone else. Were just as relevant as every other battalion on the server. All these issues I've listed are pretty real issues. And It sucks too because the 327th wants to do events with us, but they never get the chance because we never have the numbers (because we don't get deployed or even a chance to have fun on the server) At this point, it isn't a small issue and that's why I've decided to say something about it. I don't care what your opinion is on this, good bad or indifferent. I am passionate about this community and this battalion, and I want to see us go big again. We may be cannon fodder in lore, and in the community's eyes, but its a video game, and I play video games to have fun not to have a mini-stroke from stressing out. In short: get off your high horse and stop bullying us, please. Sincerely, Halo
  7. If you actually read the “evidence”, a lot of those convos are “he said. She said” type of convos, and isn’t enough to have some kind of punishment. Find some real evidence and then make a claim on the situation. act your age, not your shoe size. -Halo -1.
  8. I dont have anything against you technodad, but i dont think you could best fit this position. And tbh your pretty inactiv Neyo wouldve been a better fit Much love But -1.
  9. thats a pretty good assumption. There were other factors involved, but for the most part it was just poor leadership in the battalion.
  10. +1. Ive known this man since the beginning of my swrp journey. Himself and I got trained for the 187th together. (Around 2015.) I totally would follow behind him any day, and I would come back if he made the position. Nobody is more qualified than him. He may not be in the 187th currently, but he is probably the most experienced.
  11. Halo

    187th Model Leak

    Yall biased as hell lmao
  12. That was the best re union ive ever been in. Better than my high school reunion lol
  13. Synergy Roleplay Application Guidelines 1. Must not have any previous offenses. (If you do have PO please talk to a HA+ about being waived for staff) 2. Must be an active and well sought out community member. 3. Must be active on both the forums and server. 4. Must be respectable and mature. 5. Be at least 14 years old (if you are under 14 you must speak to an HA to be waived) If you are re-applying to the staff team you cannot have been removed from staff for violating the standards of staff (Does not include inactivity) You can only re-apply to a staff rank you held previously If you are found to be all but one of these your application may be denied and/or your current duties will be terminated. Any advertising of applications is an auto-denial. Once you become staff you are required to obtain TR training if you do not have it already. You may comment on your own application, however if you are starting drama in the comments your application will be denied. --------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to apply to the application process you must use this form when filling out your application: Title of Thread: CWRP - (Name) Staff Application RP Name: 104th PVT Halo Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:91149220 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:18 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Honestly, I've been burnt out for a long time with SWRP. I've been jumping from community to community, mostly because a lot of the people I knew from synergy were trying to run their own server. (which btw ended badly most of the time). But today is my first day back on synergy officially, and I can't remember the last time I had this much fun on a star wars server. It feels like the perfect community you could say. I mean the event tonight wasn't crazy good, but the elements in it made me want to get involved and "immerse myself" Lol. So point is, I wanted to get involved with this community again. I know running a server isn't easy (I've tried myself lol, lasted a month.) But I mean props to Joah and his team for keeping this community together as long as he has. sorry, I keep getting off track. I feel that tonight made me want to get involved with this community again, and I've always had a passion for SWRP. So yea. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well in terms of general experience, I've been RPing since January of 2015 I believe. I've been on this server since we launched (well actually before technically when we were beta testing on a dark RP server lol) I was in the 187th for a bit till it got removed, then I really just kinda faded out for a bit, because all my friends started leaving. Of course, I knew I could make new friends, it just didn't seem the same. But now I'm back, and I want to make new memories, and new Friends. Do you have any previous staff experience? On this server yes. I believe I was an Admin before I resigned. I have run my own server (which got to 64 ppl, then went to shit after lol), and I've been staff on multiple small communities. How much play time do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) Countless hours. Been here since we launched lol Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No i am not. Just a side note, thanks again to Joah and his team for keeping synergy together this long, really outdone yourselves.
  14. and im gonna keep being persistent
  15. so is this a neutral, or -1 or +1
  16. thanks for the positive feedback!
  17. thanks for the positive feedback i appreciate it!
  18. If you would like a suggestion to be implemented into the server, you MUST follow this template! Any suggestions that do not follow this template will be denied instantly. If you are submitting a suggestion that relates to a specific Battalion you must get the approval of said Battalion. Failure to do so will result in an automatic denial. A list of Battalions that require approval and the ranking that may give it is in the Rules & Regulations topic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 501st ARF SGT Halo Suggestion: idek why i botger with these long suggestions cause no one reads them. but here goes. bring back the 187th. Heres how i see it. a lot of people like Star Wars Roleplay Cause they get to play as their favorite Battalion/Jedi Character. Well Whats wrong with having the 187th? i have put a forum discussion up before, and i didnt think a lot of it through. for example, the ammount of negative feedback i would get. well heres my second post. Its going to be the first of many quite honestly because my whole reason for SWRP was the 187th. Back to our main discussion. just because 187th doesnt have any lore, that doesnt mean that it should be rejected. In my opinion almost no lore gives us (the players) more freedom to make our own stories, our own lore. And i understand a lot of people are hardheaded and like things a certain way and nothing can change them or their opinion. This is true, you cannot change someones opinion. As i said, this is my second post, and once again i will be posting a document put together by all my close 187th friends. You guys are probably wondering why i keep insisting on the 187th coming back, i mean Lets be honest, its a toybox battalion (not my opinion but ya know). As i said before the 187th was the whole reason why i really got into SWRP. I was drawn to their battalion because they werent like the other battalions, they were kind of like the odd balls. I could actually relate to this, i was going through a tough time in high school, and this battalion really felt my pain, and helped me through a lot of things. And in the end, it was all worth it. People are also probably thinking: "oh shit another nostalgic 187th? jesus just let it die!" no this isnt about nostalgia, this is me trying to give the 187th a chance. The reason we were removed last time (in my opinion) is because of a few things. 1. We were set up for failure. joah wanted to get rid of us for a while to make room for the server. he said " it was a waste of time and energy, and nobody even likes the 187th anymore." And after reaper (our last BCMD) resigned, everything went to shit. there was a HUGE lack of cooperation from everyone, people were constantly fighting over the BCMD position. 2. Reaper. Im not saying reaper is a bad person, or anything like that. He just was a bad leader. Dont get me wrong he kept it afloat as long as he could, but he wanted to do everything his way, and he never listened to his subordinates. Which was why we were losing Popularity, and why other high officers left. 3. Activity. After the icefuse purge and everyone from the origional 187th crew transferred, we started to die out. People were getting older, and they had other responsibilities. Even myself as well was fading out, i will admit. 4. MINGING: OMG This was a HUGE problem. People were mass recruiting without checking to see if they were minges or not. This also contributed to our Demise. Now i can see why everyone hates the 187th. No one likes it anymore, no lore, its known for minging. While all of that is true, that was the old 187th. the old 187th was flawed, and the system transfered to synergy. But if we do bring back the 187th, let me assure you, i will use every fiber in my being to make sure those mistakes NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. i was A 187th XO from this community back on icefuse, i was BCMD for a short while as well. And i have experience with other battalions (41st, GM, 501st, 327th, 104th, 91st) every one of them i have officer experience, so i know how different battalions work and certain battalions like things different from other battalions. Like I said, this isnt about Nostalgia, or anything like that. I just Have the fire to RP again, and the whole reason i started RP was the 187th. And if you dont think im committed, there is a document attatched that has opinions from other 187th members. Although most have moved on, i havent just yet. heres why i think the 187th should come back. 1. It would be a Big win for Synergy. If you take a look at the other CWRP servers (at least the bigger ones) After Synergy removed 187th, so did Icefuse and Superior (although they brought it back and they are crap over there) we would have a one up on other servers in a little variety. 2. um VARIETY?? DUH? What i mean by this, is all the big Servers OF swrp follow the same boring format: The generic attack and defense battalions, some specialized, RC and jedi. Some put RC with Specialized, some keep it seperate. Some even have Null. but its all the same. I think if synergy wants to get bigger, it needs to get out of that comfort zone and explore more unique battalions, not just the 187th (although this is what we are talking about) 3. People like servers with unique things that arent like the other servers. What i mean is that although most SWRP servers are very Similar, they have very different features. For example. Superior is the only Standing Phase one SWRP server left that is popular. all the others are trying to compete with each other for popularity in Phase II servers. Anyways, i could go on and on for how i think the 187th should come back, but ultimatly its not up to me, its up to the devs. So heres the document i mentioned earlier. Thank you all and God bless. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17U-LTk3ZYPRvjGv2jqPXipE7YFyVW0IIILQFngenL48/edit Halo 187th Boi/grape dood Former BCMD Plasma Implementation: As a attack battalion Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/187th_Legion Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Job: Model: Weapons: Other: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. theres always need for a little purple
  20. sometimes thats all someone needs to start something.
  21. im not about to start a fight in comments. just say your peice and leave it. +1 or -1 it, i dont care. Im just glad i tried my best to get a word out that 187th isnt done yet. some people just want it to die though i guess...
  22. you guys can hate on this all you want , say that its dead. but that doesnt change the fact how a lot of us feel. I know there are players up in synergy deep down would love to see 187th come back but are afraid to show it. You guys are haters AF
  23. he left because he knew he fucked everything up and left. That couldnt have been helped. Our officers left after because reaper left first. They didnt get much choice like i said either way. They were overwelmed cause they didnt know what to do at that point, and because there was a lot of drama going on as it was at the time.
  24. the community? or just a few? i see a pattern now. some people dont want it back becuase its been suggested before. well you werent part of this community when 187th was in its glory days obviously And some people dont want it back cause there isnt any lore. well with no lore, it gives us just that much room to work with. who says we cant make our own lore? and then people just hatin. well i say this. GIVE IT A CHANCE
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