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Hi, I'm Baxter

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So, since today marks one year since I resigned from all stuff Staff/Clone/Jedi on the server and pretty much didn't step foot on the server for any considerable amount of time until a week or so ago, I though I would give a little introduction to any of the new boyos out there who don't know who I am.


I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. I started doing all this RP shit when I discovered fiveM, which, for those who don't know, is a custom launcher for GTAV that people use to host private servers, usually for the purpose of RP and things like that. I played on a server there for a little while. Once I and few friends I made there got bored, we decided to try out Gmod, since one of us had heard that there was a decently large RP community there.

Icefuse Days

We tried a few Military Servers, some were ok and some were pretty bad. The raw Military theme wasn't really what we were looking for, so we decided to try Clone Wars, since some of us were fans of Star Wars. Again, we tried a few servers, some were bad some were decent. But the one that really stuck with us was Icefuse. So we played on there a little bit, all of us joining the 187th since that was the battalion that our trainer was in and he was pretty cool. Pretty quickly after that though, my friends didn't really wanna stick around, but something about it really clicked with me and I decided to stay around. I didn't get very high ranked in the 187th, only to about Staff Sergeant I believe, but that was ok, since I was just learning at the time. Later on, I decided to move on to what I still consider my second home to this day, the Galactic Marines. This is where I really started to come into my own, I slowly but surely worked my way up through the ranks in GM, taking on the mantle of Engineer Lead and writing my first few documents for tryouts and such. My hard work caught the eye of the current Bacara and Keller and I was deemed worthy of being in Keller's Unit. Not too soon after this, though, the big incident happened which led to Synergy's birth.

Synergy Days

Once the switch happened, the GM has a lot of work to do, since we didn't have very many people transfer over to the new server. I and a few others put in a lot of hard work to get GM back to it's former glory and we were rewarded for our hard work. I was given the role of Support Regiment Overseer, which meant that I was in charge of the Medical, Engineer, and Support branches of the Galactic Marines/Keller's Unit. Shout out to @Oxen and @Matra. Without you guys I wouldn't have gotten to where I did in GM. This is also around the time where I got TR trained, which would come in handy later. After a few more weeks of hard work, the Keller at the time had to step down due to real life issues, and I was chosen to be the new Commander Keller. Some time during my reign as Keller, I also got accepted to the staff team. I got to work right away trying to make Keller's Unit what it was really supposed to be. I will say, looking back at it that I personally don't think I did a very good job. It was my first time being in a role with real responsibility on the server, and I wasn't really sure what to do or how to do it, but not much I can do about that now. After a few weeks as Keller, not sure exactly how long I held the role, I decided to tryout for the Republic Commando role of Atin. After a few tryouts, I passed, and began a whole new chapter of my time on Synergy. Being Atin was some of the most fun I had on the server at the time, and even to this day I think about it. Serving under the current Niner(Fido) with squad mates Darman(@Rush Cat) and Fi (@Forseen), it was some of the best times on the server. I learned the ropes of how to be RC from people like @Chris and began teaching my respective discipline of Tech with Punda. Eventually, Punda got boss, and Fido had irl issues so he had to step down and I took the mantle of Niner, which was probably my personal favorite time on the server. I had a great squad, consisting of Rush as Darman, @Tyzen as Atin, and Kirara as Fi. We'd always do stuff together and we just had tons of fun. I felt like I was finally doing something right leadership wise. I guess the staff team did too since I began rising through the ranks of staff as well. My memory of this isn't super clear, but I know I got to at least the rank of Overseer while I was Niner. Overseer was a rank that used to be below HA and was considered 'High Staff'. I didn't get to spend as much time on Niner as I hoped for, though. The SOBDE Regimental spot opened up and everyone that I talked to in the RC squads wanted me to go for it so I did. In hindsight, this was a mistake, but we'll get to that later. After receiving the SOBDE Regimental position, I felt like I was personally done with the Clone side of things, I had no interest in becoming Senior Commander or higher. Somewhere along the line, I got Master in Jedi, and was later appointed Kit Fisto, as well as being promoted to Head Admin. Kit Fisto was, and still is, the only named Jedi I would ever be interested in being. Why? I'm not really sure, there's just something about him that I like a lot. As time drew on, I grew bored of my Clone job and was on it less and less. I enjoyed the staffing side of things and being Kit Fisto was a blast. But at this point I had accrued around 2500+ hours on the server. A lot of that was AFK, but that is a lot of time to have logged on a server for 7 months, and I kinda just felt like my time was over. I didn't consult anyone, as I wanted the decision to be my own. As I sat there, writing my resignation letter to the whole server, I contemplated whether I really wanted to do this. In hindsight, there are things I wish I had stayed around for, but that cannot be changed now.

But, yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm sure there's a lot of shit I missed, but it's 3 am and I didn't want to be up until 5 writing this so I kinda rushed through some sections but whatever. I'm currently playing on the server again, I'm Marauder Apprentice Shoro and RC-1140 Delta Squad Fixer, so if you see me on, don't be scared to say hi or anything.

See you all on the server!

Edit: One important thing I forgot to mention. I gotta give a shout out to all the SOBDE boys who were around during this time. @Korm@Prince@Cipher@Washington@traditional@Venom/TJ@Metro@woeny23@Llama/Yoda@Runs with Apache@Vires@Bazoo@Creator@Derv
My @ stopped working but if you see this, you know who you are. Love you guys.

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God damn you must have been bored outta your god damn mind to come right this like wtf baxter 

Pepega @Baxter

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